
Chapter 261 - The Fall Of The Churches

Levin Cloud recalled what happened before the chaos. He and his master were called to attend the meeting regarding the marching undead. The two of them were in the great hall and one of the elders started talking about some things that need to change and whatnot.

The meeting suddenly started becoming weird as it became a bad mouthing fest. The elder started telling how some elders were not doing their jobs correctly while he eyed Elder Willow. Levin Cloud noticed that the comments are mainly targeting his master but Elder Willow did not look bothered.

"We are here today to put one of our elders, Elder Willow, to be put in trial. He shall be put in the Trial of Truth. All elders who agree raise your hands." An elder elf of the Church of Life stated which caused a ruckus.

The other elders were not informed that a trial will happen because if an elder especially someone like Eleder Willow is subjected to a trial then it would need a unanimous decision. Some elders started spouting injustice as they were not informed. Some are also shouting abuse of power as some elders outrank others.

Every elder in room started arguing about not following protocol but they did not see that the elven guards surrounded the exits of the entire room. Only after some of the elders calmed down did they realize that the elven guards are armed and are in battle stance.

The strange atmosphere that is apparent in the room is felt by all the individuals inside the room. The others started scanning the surroundings to see if there is a need to increase security. Elder Willow saw this and was the first one to voice it out.

"Elder Oaken, what is the meaning of the increase in the guards inside the council hall?!" Elder Willow stated just loud enough for everyone to here.

"You dare raise your voice on me when we found proof that you are colluding with the other churches to bring us down. You conspire against us because you think our church no longer holds value!" Elder Oaken stated loudly for all to hear but some were pre-occupied with the growing presence of security.

"That is beside the point, Elder Oaken. Why are the elven guards ready to do battle!? There is no immediate danger in the vicinity. Is there?" Elder Koa shouted which pressured Elder Oaken because they are of the same rank.

"Elder Elowen, why are the guards increasing?" Elder Oaken stated as he looked towards his right.

"We both know that Elder Willow is the most powerful of all of us so it does not hurt to get some extra precaution." Elder Elowen stated.

Elder Elowen then turned back towards Elder Willow but the crowd all gasp in shock. A weird looking spike suddenly protruded from Elder Oaken\'s chest. Elder Okaen suddenly spurted blood from his mouth and when he turned around it was Elder Elowen\'s arm that is piercing Elder Oaken\'s chest.

Not long after someone shouted and chaos ensued as the other elders suddenly began to panic. The elven guards that was supposed to protect them killed those who wanted to exit the council room. It became total chaos in the room but it was not just the council hall that spiraled down to chaos.

Screams erupted not only in the council room but also from the outside as the people are attacked by living sludges. The situation is more chaotic in the council room as the elven guards are slaughtering left and right like madmen but the others started to retaliate.

The retaliation is to be expected but what the other elders did not expect is that another elder beside them would attack them. Chaos ensued even further and through all that chaos, an attack is suddenly launched at Levin Cloud but Elder Willow blocked the attack with magic.

Elder Willow then hid Levin Cloud behind him as they retreated to the exit. Of course a lot of attacks could not be defended, Levin Cloud saw blood coming from Elder Willow\'s side as the old man clutched it with his left hand to stop the bleeding. Seeing that no path is appearing Elder Willow made a path and then they jumped out of the tree building.

Levin Cloud also saw the ensuing chaos outside but he then noticed that Elder Willow\'s wound is not easily closing even though it was getting poured with healing magic. Levin Cloud immediately thought of the strange restaurant and headed there while carrying Elder Willow who passed out.

"I arrived here and the dryad Makiling is already seriously injured. I guess this is the end for Neo Alfheim and the church of life." Levin Cloud stated in a sad tone.

"The Church of Life is not the only one that is attacked. The Church of Music, The Church of Love, and many others. Even the super strict Church of Light is attacked and the holy capital Sanctus is in full lockdown. I guess you are too distressed to check the forums right now." Adrian stated and the forums are buzzing.

"Then this is not an attack to just out church but a coordinated attack against all the holy churches." Levin Cloud replied.

"Tell me. Anything that you can recall. Did the elders who committed treason transform their bodies in some way?" Adrian asked and then Levin Cloud remembered clearly.

"If I remember correctly, Elder Elowen\'s hand became a mix of human flesh and tree roots. He used that to kill Elder Oaken. Even though I did not like that old man, it still bothers me that he died unjustly. He was just a stickler for rules but he is really not that bad." Levin Cloud stated.

"It is quite possible that the Faceless Ones are the one responsible for the attacks. It seems that the attacks were all coordinated all at the same time in order to generate as much confusion as possible. But it is quite different with how Creepysoo described." Adrian muttered.

"Champion Equinox! Ku..ah..ek" The dryad Makiling called out to Adrian while she still coughed up blood.

Adrian immediately went to Makiling and grabbed her by the hands. It seems that she is using all her energy to tell Adrian what happened to her. Instead of telling Adrian, Makiling used her touch to send Adrian what she suffered.

Adrian\'s vision became different as he is now looking at the scene that Makiling sent him like a movie theatre. Adrian saw it clearly as the perpetrator that poured the poison on the tree of life returned and Makiling confronted it.

The perpetrator is like a much more powerful version of the living sludge and it could even turn into a perfect humanoid form. That was not all as Makiling could have easily handle the perpetrator but then a surprise attack came from behind her.

It was another elf but it shed its skil and revealed its true form. It was actually a faceless one that is much more advanced than the ones Adrian fought. The stalemate between Makiling and the one who poisoned the tree of life turned to the latter\'s side.

The rest of the fight became one sided and Makiling became poisoned as a result. She had no other way but to retreat. She bitterly retreated but when she suddenly fell down on the restaurant. She fell because the tree of life suffered suddenly and she was bonded to it.

"Huah!" Adrian shouted as he snapped out from the scenery he was shown.

Adrian could tell that the Makiling used what strength she can muster in order to send Adrian that scenery. Makiling\'s color started to fade and her vitals started to plummet but she was still alive.

"It seems that her bond with the tree of life is what\'s keeping her alive. But if the tree of life dies then she will also die in the process. Levin Cloud, is there anything of value that the faceless ones want that is hidden inside the church of life?" Adrian asked.

Adrian is sure that the faceless ones did not enter the churches in order to take over them because if they did then they will not plan an attack. The only logical reason left is that there is something they want to gain hidden in the church.

"I can only think of one thing that is held secret even from some of the elders. It should be something like a puzzle piece of a medallion. I read about it once because it is mentioned in the history of the founding of the churches that each holy church must safeguard a fragment." Levin Cloud answered.

"What king of fragment is it? You said it is a medallion so what is the name of the medallion?" Adrian asked but Levin Cloud could only shake his head as he does not know the answer to that question.

"The meda…h.." Elder Willow forced himself to speak.

"The medallion of Byagoona!" Elder Willow spoke forcefullt but he ended up coughing up blood in the process.

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