
Chapter 994

I reached with my free hand and grabbed her, pulling her up to me. Her wings shimmered as I brought her up to me.

“Is there not enough breasts in here for you?” I asked, kissing her neck softly.

“Ahh… Master… not there, I’m weak.” She fluttered. “It’s just, Hah… I want Master.”

“Then, you can have me.” I sucked her neck until she was a quivering mess.

“Just because you’ve got a new body that’s bigger doesn’t mean you can bully us!” Shao whined.

“How could I ever bully the lot of you? You’re my beautiful women.” I chuckled, reaching out and grabbing Shao and pulled her up to my chest.

She grew shy as soon as I grabbed her. Although she could be a bit overbearing in the love department, when it came to contact, she was extremely docile.

“I for one, deeply enjoy the new Deek.” Elaya purred, grabbing my cock.

She was between my legs, and she had been sucking on my member up until now. If the former King Aberis saw his wife acting in such a manner, he would surely be driven into a rage.

“Master! This old lady is getting her slobber all over your special parts. Can I get rid of her?” Miki asked.

“Old lady!” she growled. “Of the two of us, you stink of death even more than me, and I’m already dead!’

“Terra, she said your breasts are flat! Join me in removing her!” Miki responded with a toothy grin.

“What? I didn’t say that? I mean… they clearly are… but why would I state the obvious?” Elaya said thoughtfully.

“Agreed. We’ll destroy her!”

“Ah… stop pulling me! Astria! Protect me.”

“Huh?” my ball suddenly pushed up, and a head popped out from under my chart. “Why don’t you protect yourself!”

The other girls stopped when they saw where Astria had been, looking at her with odd looks.

“What are you doing down there?” Miki asked.

Astria put on a dark grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know!”

“Hehe… Master sure has become a pervert since he’s been put back together.” Salicia giggled.

“What? It’s not me!” I cried out, I honestly thought that was Elaya’s hand. “I swear I didn’t know she was down there.”

“Ahhh… mom always finds the best places!”

Astria looked over at her daughter, her arms wrapped over my ball sack. “Hey daughter, come join me.”


“There are two balls, aren’t there?”

“Yay!” Celeste suddenly shrank, a weight on my shoulder disappearing like the wind as she fluttered down.

I shifted Shao to where she had been and then lunged down. “Oh no, you two don’t!”

With two hands I managed to grab both girls. With a fairy in each hand, I dragged them up to eye level.

“H-hey! Unhand me! I’m a fairy queen!”

“M-master! I just want to make you happy!”

“You two damn fairies have given me enough trouble!” I glared at the pair of them. “It’s time for punishment.

“P-punishment?” Astria’s eyes widened. “Hmph, I’ll take anything you… Ahhhh! Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing!”

I grabbed her and then licked her, using the top of my tongue from the bottom of her body to the top. I then did the same to her daughter.

“Ahh… Master… y-you’re tongue!”

“I’m all sticky.”

“I’m covered in Master’s fluids!”

“I love it!”


“Master… stick out your tongue.”

“What? Lwick dwis?” I stuck out as I let go of the two wet girls.

That both fluttered to my face. Each one landed on a cheek. They then pushed their nethers together, wrapping their legs around my tongue, one on each side. Essentially, they started to scissor each other, but with my tongue in the middle.

“Ahh! Master… ahh! It’s so wet. It’s amazing!”

“Master’s tongue is the best!”

“Dwis is swill nwot the weirdess thang I’ve done with thwese fawies.” I let out a sigh.

“I can’t stand it anymore!” Shao cried out, “I want Master inside me!”

I grabbed the fairies and pulled them off me as Shao tried to grab my junk. She was blocked by both Elaya and Lydia, who were also trying to go first.

“Hey… Master… I was almost there!” Celeste whined.

“Fufu… I already came.” Astria chuckled.

“I just recently unlocked a Harem Master job. I guess testing our relationship by pitting you against my two halves and each other was really good experience. My level in Harem Master job is now at 50.”

“Really?” The girls all perked up at that.

Most of my jobs, if I talked to them, they’d be generally disinterested, but they seemed to be really interested in my Harem Master ability. It was a lot of odd abilities. Most of them seemed to be centered around strengthening the girls, increasing their loyalty, and making it easier for new girls to join. Well, I wasn’t trying to make the number expand, but a recent skill fascinated me.

“It’s called Perfect Union. It links all of you together, so you feel everything.”

“Isn’t that a bit dangerous?” Terra asked hesitantly.

“I thought so too, but I tested it out in the dungeon while blocking my connection to all of you, and it seems to work by connecting you all to a proxy.”

“A… proxy?” Celeste blinked, but when she looked at her mom, the other woman shrugged.

“Ah… if it works out I think, then basically, one of you becomes the proxy, and then the rest of you can experience what she’s feeling.”

Elaya gasped. “Are you saying…”

I nodded. “I can have sex with one of you, and all of you can experience what she experiences, so in a way, you all get it at the same time.”

“I volunteer!” Shao raised her hand.

“Wait… we should talk about this first,” Elaya spoke up. “Naturally, I am the best choice.”

“Why an old woman like you?” Miki snapped.

“Silly girl. Isn’t it because I have the best libido?”

“Actually, that might make Elaya the worst choice,” Terra spoke up. “Some girls have more stamina than others. We wouldn’t want to break the most fragile of us because the proxy is too rambunctious.”

“I was thinking similar thoughts,” I admitted. “Although I was thinking more in line with sensitivity.”

“S-sensitivity?” Lydia asked.

“Well, you’re feeling what another girl experiences. Just because one of you can last longer, that might just mean you experience a weaker sexual experience. So, if we’re being technical, it should be the girl who would have the most enjoyable experience.”

“She should be flexible.” Astria declared.

“She should have tits that aren’t too big.” Miki declared.

“Or too small!” Celeste shot back.

“She should be light, that rules out Terra.” Elaya stuck out her tongue.

“That cuts out you and your whale tits too!”

“Hmmm… someone who would have the most enjoyable experience.” Lydia scrunched her brain. “Ah! You mean someone who hasn’t had a lot of experiences with Master!”


“Well, who would have the best experience with Master? It’d be someone who hasn’t had a lot of opportunities to sleep with him!”

“Okay… okay… okay… I’ll do it,” Salicia said, raising her hands with a grin on her face.

This was only the second time I slept with Salicia. Even her sister Carmine I had slept with more often than that.

“Aren’t you a masochist, sister?” Carmine said.

“It’s fine… he only has to choke me a little bit to get off, you’ll all like it!”

All the girls let out noises of displeasure. That was when Lydia cleared her throat.

“Actually, I was thinking of someone else.” She turned her head, looking over at the corner of the room.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the corner, where a small girl was quietly kneeling. She hadn’t said anything to the point where one would have forgotten she was there. As soon as she noticed everyone looking at her, she looked up, her ears perking and her tail starting to wag.


“She… she’s only been with him twice now.”

“She’s pregnant, so he’ll definitely be gentle.”

“She’s light, with average breasts.”

“She’s very easy to please.”

She looked confused, but it seemed like people were complimenting her so her tail started beating faster.

“Raissa… it’s decided again. Any objections?”

Even though some of the girls looked unhappy, that was just their own desire to monopolize me. In the end, everyone nodded. It seemed like they had decided on her. If it was the girl I had been with the least, it’d be Salicia, but Raissa wasn’t too far behind. We had only been together twice now.

“Raissa.” I sat up. “Do you want to have sex?”

“Master… wants to have sex?” Her tail suddenly went three times faster. “Yes… Master! Please!”

With a look of pure desire, she leaped on the bed like she had been waiting her whole life for this moment.

“Th-then, I guess we’ll try it out.” I blushed as she excitedly jumped on me.

For the first time, I was going to sleep with everyone at once.

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