
Chapter 263: Character introduction――Christand Military (Includes spoilers)

Chapter 263: Character introduction――Christand Military (Includes spoilers)

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit and are martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one\'s own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it\'s very long as it includes all of the areas under one\'s management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel, Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of no. 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

When a person without a surname receives the title quasi-knighthood of Nea, they often name their place of birth. (Example) Gallen Nea Kalka.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women is around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10 cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author\'s)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half – 159

Kreschenta - 140, first half - (I-I’m still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 158

Elvena- 160, latter half - 161~162

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

Lira - 150, latter half - 157

**Midyliarize- 150, latter half – 156**

**Calshe - 160, first half – 163**

**□ Those who Remain

■ Those who are Departed**

- ------Christand Military

■ Nozan Elsren Vezrinea Verreich --- Order Neutral

A dangerous fanatic and the former commander of Christand Army First Corps. The Kingdom’s current East General.

He is the youngest son of a baron and has been a subordinate of the Hero Bogan Christand since the very beginning.

He was fascinated by the character, bravery, and intelligence of Bogan, who was born into the same baron family as his superior, and he has supported the Hero Christand in his long battles.

Bogan felt that his talent surpassed his own, and after he became a general, he tried to persuade Nozan to become a general whenever he had the chance. However, Nozan was concerned that the strength of the Christand army would decline, so he decided not to do so. He refused and waited for the Christand army to show up with a talent worthy of his own recognition. Selene and Krische were the talents he finally recognized.

He cursed his own fate when the tragedy in the Dragon\'s Maw occurred just as he was relieved to step aside.

He has a similar temperament to Selene and is a serious and hard worker.

When it comes to Krische, he pays more attention to her than to anyone else, and there are many things that he’s worried about, things that usually he doesn\'t need to be worried about.

He has mastered the Lorka-style swordsmanship that Bogan taught him and is unrivaled when it comes to fighting with a large shield and longsword.

His sword skill is about half that of Gildanstein, and he is also a versatile fighter with excellent wits and dexterity.

Overall, he is the most outstanding general in the Kingdom’s Army, with the exception of Krische.

**Although Krische nicknamed him Chirp Chirp, it didn’t feel bad to hear Krische cheerfully call him Chirp Chirp, and he surprisingly likes it.

After the civil war and the Five Great Nations War, during which he struggled to fully control his own army, he finally settled down and began to focus on his army.

What he aimed for was the mighty army of Bogan Christand, and to surpass even that.

Although he has a passion for Bogan that could be called fanaticism, he remains calm enough to objectively see the differences between Bogan and himself, and so, the ideal form of the army is also different.

He reviewed everything from training to strategies from scratch, testing each idea he had been nurturing and making improvements accordingly.

Skilled in swordsmanship, possessing excellent intellect, adept at controlling people\'s hearts, and possessing charisma and vigor.

What Nozan, a rare talent, created was literally an unparalleled army.

In the war to dismantle Elsren, he took the lead with the Alberinea army, cutting the enemy army into pieces like tearing linen cloth, and attacking a walled city that was impregnable as if it was a castle made of sand.

As a result of his accomplishments, he was appointed as the supreme commander of the Kingdom\'s eastern army, and in the blink of an eye he took control of the military forces of Elsren and laid the groundwork for the planned war of unification.

Nozan considered it as too much of an honor, however Selene told him that his military exploits are worthy of inheriting her father\'s legacy the Thunder. With Kreschenta’s consent, he gained the title of Vezerinea instead of Wolferinea, and his subordinate, Grunmeld, inherits Wolferinea.

After the unification, he was entrusted with the management of the former Elsren Central.

His talent in domestic affairs was also remarkable, meeting Kreschenta’s expectations and contributing to the stability of Elsren.

He made the foundation of the kingdom rock solid.

His death was deeply mourned by the people of Elsren, and it was said to have felt as if the warm fire had been extinguished.

Before his death, he left behind a will instructing that if there were signs of the kingdom\'s collapse, to open it and choose not based on belief, but on the path that would cause the least suffering to the people.

While alive, he also sent two people from the Verreich House to the magic research institute, and due to the connection and will, the Verreich faction, which was the largest force in the Kleinmeer founding turmoil, sided with Kleinmeer, leading to an early end to the civil war.**

△ **Historically

He is considered one of the great heroes of Alberan\'s late period, second only to Alberinea.

He is said to have been an outstanding man who was endowed with all sorts of talents, and his name would probably be the first to be mentioned apart from Alberinea.

It is said that his absence was a major reason for the defeat of the Christand army at Dragon\'s Maw, and it was thought that Gildanstein feared him and confined him to the east.

Although Alberinea\'s magical weapons existed, his army, like the Alberinea direct army, won every battle after the Elsren War, and his abilities as a simple army and as a commander were praised to rival even Alberinea\'s.

Selene Christand also referred to his brilliant strategies and tactics, saying that in terms of simple army operations, he was a genius comparable to her sister.

He left behind numerous notes, some of which still exist, and are used heavily in historical research to learn about his contemporaries. He himself referred to Alberinea as someone who easily broke his conceitedness and made him examine himself again.

In the turmoil of the Kleinmeer founding, the Verreich House, who were his subjects, sided with Kleinmeer, and it was said that this was due to his will, but the contents of it were not known.

However, many scholars believe that such strange behavior was not unique to him, and that those who were close friends with Alberinea and others knew in advance that the queen and Alberinea would relinquish Alberan go.**

♦ Battle Command

A commander without any gap that possesses both rigidity and flexibility, he is capable of flexible tactical responses under any circumstances.

Like Krische, he prefers "headhunting tactics" that emphasize the elimination of enemy commanders, and in some cases, he may even lead his troops into enemy lines himself.

He is skilled in psychological warfare and has mastered the art of attracting and manipulating the enemy\'s attention.

Appearance: Reddish-bronze hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Handsome. Eyebrows are well defined.

Armor: Full plate with silver winged visor.

→ Krische: Possessor of talent far exceeding his own. Good but twisted. Beloved daughter of his deceased lord.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Command operation. Tactics.

Likes: Self-discipline. Wine. **Chirp Chirp.**

**Dislikes: Anything that mocked Bogan.**

**Concern: Selene.**

■ **Nogan Elsren Rinea Verreich --- Neutral Neutral

A boy who is the son of a great hero. Former commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front Army. Marshal of Alberan Kingdom. Piyorun.

He received Nozan education from an early age and was an elite member of the military school, graduating at the top of his class.

Although he was a man of great talent, much like his father, he only served in the War of Dismantling Elsren and the War of Unification, and his actual combat career ended as a corps commander under Grunmeld.

Although he inherited the rank of Marshal from Selene due to his ability, he has many worries about sitting in the place of Selene, who spent a little over 70 years as a Marshal, the longest in history.

He was wondering why he was chosen even though there was Krische’s existence whose ability was in a different dimension, but after hearing Aleha\'s words, he understood and together with him, they began to work to prepare for the world when the Queen and Alberinea had disappeared.

☆ After Krische Moved

In order to end the collapse of Alberan in a good manner, which would eventually come, he is taking the time to formulate a plan on behalf of Aleha, who travels around each region and connects pipes.

After that he entrusted it to his descendants and departed from this world.

The Verreich house and its faction in the East have been unified for 100 years, and with the disclosure of the Queen\'s absence, they opened Northern\'s letter, read Norgan\'s plan, and then decided to join the Elgainst uprising.

No matter how much disgrace they may be labeled with, this was for Christand and for the Queen and Alberinea, what they must do.

△ Historically

Son of Nozan Verreich and Marshal of the Kingdom of Alberan.

It is said that he cooperated with Aleha Remin in the Magic Research Institute and planned a coup d\'état from the position of Marshal, but there are no decisive documents left to indicate that.

It is thought that the reason why he appointed Valtsa Remin, the grandson of Aleha Remin, as marshal was because of this plan, and there is evidence that the queen and Alberinea\'s abandonment of Alberan was in accordance with a prior plan.

Even after unification, the status of the Verlaich family remained unchanged, and they even declined special rewards, and their motives for committing major crimes at the time, and cooperating with them, are still not understood.

♦ Battle Command

Like his father, he is a strong and flexible commander.

Although he possesses extraordinary military talent and was trained as the Corp commander of Grunmeld Varkas, he is one step inferior to the Northerns in terms of experience.

Appearance: Reddish-bronze hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Handsome. Beautiful eyebrows.

→ Krische: A genius who twists history. A true genius. Despite being older, she is childish. A gentle girl who loves peace.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Command operation. Tactics.

Likes: Board Game. Wine.

Dislikes: Being called a genius.

Concern: The future of the kingdom that was entrusted to him by his father and Selene without him knowing it.**

■ Grunnmeld Kreinarl Wulfrinea Varkas --- Neutral Neutral

A combat maniac with a scary laugh. Commander of the Verreich Army First Corps, leader of the ‘Wolf Pack’. Woof Woof.

Formerly a bandit, he built a large group of thieves with just one iron club and rampaged through the Great Sea of Trees in the northeastern part of the kingdom.

During a fight with Gallen\'s corps, sent to subdue them, he had a one-on-one battle with Nozan and was defeated. However, he accepted Northern\'s invitation to join him as a subordinate due to his strength.

Initially, he planned to escape at the earliest opportunity, but he came to realize that the battlefield was where he wanted to be. Through his military exploits, he became Northern\'s confidant.

The Wolf Pack has several subordinates from that time who play a central role.

Although he has a lively and refreshing personality, he won\'t tolerate being mocked.

**Even during the War to Dismantle Elsren, he continued to achieve great results as Nozan’s blade, and with his promotion, he became a general. Even after he became a general, he remained the same, and as a general under Nozan’s direct control, he continued to contribute to Non-military achievements.

However, in domestic affairs, there was hardly any opportunity for him to demonstrate his physical strength, and Nozan, who could not bear to see it, sent a commoner wise man as an advisor.

Grunmeld was very fond of him and treated him well, and they soon became friends both professionally and privately――but before long, Grunmeld fell in love with his daughter and took her as his wife, and they became the father of two children.

Instead of getting angry at Grunmeld’s womanizing habit, even though she was younger than him, she scolded him calmly like a mother would, and she also gradually fell in love with him, and Grunmeld calmed down in his later years and spent his days in peace.**

△ **Historically

A warrior known as Nozan Verreich\'s right-hand man.

He was said to have been a warrior known by the nickname Great Wolf, and Nozan Verreich referred to him not as a subordinate, but as an indispensable companion.

It seems that he was famous since Nozan Verreich was in the Christand army, and the soldiers at that time left records that everyone feared Christand’s "Wolf Pack".

It was said in the records at the time that he was originally a bandit, but the truth of this is unknown.**

♦ Battle Command

Adept at offensive tactics, he is the commander of the ‘Wolves Pack’, a light infantry group that can be said to be the strongest in the Kingdom, especially when it comes to frontal breakthroughs.

He believes that "strength that cannot be demonstrated in actual combat is meaningless," and he trains his troops by repeating grueling group combat training in the form of competitive matches, with almost no marching training.

This also has the aspect of selection and sifting out those who do not meet his standards, thereby raising the quality of his soldiers to the highest level possible, and he always maintains his troops at near peak fighting ability.

He is a commander who shows unparalleled strength in attack, but his character is averse to defensive positions, he is not good at long battles.

Appearance: Black hair brushed back. Brown eyes. Large and muscular. Fearless, masculine fierce face. Deep scar on his cheek.

Armor: Dark gray wolf plate mail.

→Krische: A beautiful and lovely looking girl, and sometimes makes him dumbfounded. A genius with absolute combat skills. It feels good to fight side by side with her.

Strong points: Self-styled iron club fighting technique. fighting. Killing each other.

Likes: trampling. The feeling of crushing humans. woman.

Dislikes: Being Looked down on.

**Concern: Because of Krische’s Woof Woof, even his wife sometimes teased him.**

■ Sardin Karrent Rinea Garcalon --- Order Good.

A serious and strait-laced man. Former commander of the Verreich Army Second Corps. General of the Eastern Front Army. Bald glasses.

A military man who loves peace soldiers who loves peace and values order.

He is second only to Grunmeld in the Verreich army and is responsible for maintaining discipline within the army.

He feels compelled to speak out against those who break the rules, even if they are his superiors, which has delayed his advancement in rank. However, he was bought by Nozan and joined its ranks.

He often admonishes Grunmeld for his arbitrary actions. Although he may appear scary and strict, he is kind and loves children.

**Before he could exercise his right to choose, he was forced to choose Bald Glasses.

He was laughed at a lot by his wife at home.

He fought through the War of Demolition of Elsren and the War of Unification, and after the war he was entrusted with the management of the former Karrent territory――an area that included the Fang of Vesalius, a key point that separated the east and west of the continent.

It was an important base in the continent\'s economy, but he also demonstrated his calmness and brilliant mind in domestic affairs, contributing to the development of the kingdom.

His descendants were also talented like him, and during the uproar of Kleinmeer Founding, they sided with the Verreich house on the Kleinmeer side. He stopped the rebel forces in the eastern part of the continent who were looking for this opportunity and prevented the continent from being engulfed in war.**

△ **Historically

His name remains as one of Nozan Verreich\'s right-hand men along with Grunmeld Varkas.

He was entrusted with the Fang of Vesalius, a strategic point in the east and west of the continent, and is believed to have been a loyal and capable general based on various records, but in the battlefield records that remain today, there are no great military accomplishments listed like Grunmeld Varcas.

Nozan Verreich spoke of him in his own notes as Grunmeld’s counterpart and his shield.**

♦ Battle Command

He is an intelligent general with a good balance of offense and defense.

Although his combat skills themselves are not high, he has a brilliant mind and is particularly good at tactics where he readied his troops to stop the enemy to break through or detour.

Appearance: Bald head. Brown eyes. Tall and slender. Muscular face. Glasses.

Armor: Full plate of magic eye visor.

→Krische: Possesses a demonic talent. Although she is different from other people, she is an obedient and cute girl who matches her appearance.

Strong points: Organizational management. Control (Regulation). Paperwork. Handling children.

Likes: Taking care of children at the orphanage. Home garden.

Dislikes: People who selfishly disrupt discipline.

**Concern: The western end of the Fang of Vasarius was almost named Bald Glasses Station.**

■ Kolkis Kilzaria Rozrinea Argand --- Order Neutral

A watchdog-type guy with a loud voice. Commander of the 2nd Corps under the direct control of Alberinea, the Kingdom\'s Central Army, and Alberinea’s adjutant. Alberinea\'s great spear. Meow Meow.

After a losing battle with massive losses, he was trying to escape as a defeated soldier when he was picked up by Gallen\'s century who were planning a counterattack. He was charmed with Gallen’s and Bogan\'s way of life and pledged his loyalty.

Although he prefers basic tactics and is not fond of quirky strategies, he has demonstrated overwhelming power by standing at the forefront in commanding assaults and defenses.

He is well-liked for his inherent bravery and personality, and many brave men gather around him. Due to his emphasis on military training, his army has never been defeated in a simple head-to-head confrontation.

Due to his son\'s betrayal, he has once again pledged allegiance to Selene, and has decided to fight under her umbrella for the rest of his life.

He views Nozan as a rival but has never won in maneuver practice.

**By spending time with Krische, he begins to feel that she was even more precarious, and after Gallen\'s death, he also serves as Krische’s adjutant, and vows to spend the rest of his life as her assistant.

Along with this, he was allowed to take the name Roz, which means beast.

Although he remained in the position of commander of the army under the direct control of Alberinea, he was effectively treated as a general of the army under direct control of Alberinea.

Along with Krische, he achieved countless military victories in the War of Dismantling Elsren and the War of Unification, and was highly respected by soldiers and the people as the Great Spear of Alberinea.

After the war, he was entrusted with the Alberinea army and toured around the country, inspecting each army, training and .

Whenever he visited the eastern part of the country, he competed with Nozan and was overjoyed when he won, but he still lost in the exercise, he was very vexed that his daughter had married Nozan’s son.

The Argand house adopted one of their sons.

Selene, who come to visit him, was still showing signs of hesitating and worrying, so he laughed at that,

――Even at that age, you love her so much that you are still jealous of Bery, so what room is there for doubt in your heart?

Leaving those words.**

△ **Historically

His life is said to have been told as a loyal warrior who served Christand.

His individual military accomplishments with his own hands were outstanding and could not be compared to that of any average general, and yet he spent his entire life under Christand.

The reason for this is said to be his son, Gran Argand\'s betrayal that led to the death of his beloved Bogan Christand.

Selene Christand called him a monster who overwhelms tactics through drills, and said that if Nozan Verreich were to seriously lead an army into battle against him, rather than just practice or sparring, it would be a 50-50 battle with both parties risking their lives.

He wrote in his memoirs that Kolkis, who had departed before him, was a lifelong rival and regretted his death, saying that if Bogan Christand was the best general, then Kolkis Argand was the best warrior.

From the records and memoirs of the time, it is noted that despite the size of the army, the Second Corp led by him was known to both allies and enemies alike. Those who knew of its strength even avoided confronting him head-on, even when leading a whole army.

His exploits in the Battle of Gulshan in the War of the Five Great Powers are famous, and even with the presence of the Black Flag Special Forces Company and Jareia Gashea, he destroyed the thick Gulshan battle line with a single blow. His strength was said to be overwhelming.

Unlike the Verreich House, the Argand House sided with Alberan during Kleinmeer Founding and became its symbol, but after earnest persuasion by the Verreich House, they surrendered.

The first Emperor of Kleinmeer, Elgainst-Ramil, seeing their martial prowess, reputation, and consistent role as protectors of Alberan and its people, honored their loyalty and valor, opting for lenient punishment.

At that time, the head of the family was still a young and beautiful young man, and after that he was given the position of general of Kleinmeer, and he selflessly dedicated his life to the stability of the nation and the Argand House.**

♦ Battle Command

He values drills above all else and believes that the quality of his men will bring victory.

He emphasizes individual combat ability and coordination, and he believes in maximizing the power of his soldiers by simplifying his orders.

He crushes the opponent with an assault that was originally impossible, and if he defends, he can easily repel the charge of a large army.

In terms of the quality of the army as a whole, it can be said to be the best in the kingdom, but its movements are easy to read.

Appearance: Short-cropped black hair. Dark brown eyes. A rare large stature and muscular. Even his face is muscular.

Armor: Full plate of silver tiger visor.

→ Krische: Genius. She is a taciturn but beautiful girl. The strongest warrior in the kingdom. **She is not suited for the battlefield.**

Strong points: Combat. Inspiring troops. Loud voice.

Likes: Simple and straightforward strategy. One to one combat. Warrior.

Dislikes: Complicated tactics.

Concern: **None.**

■ Gran Nea Argand --- Neutral Neutral

A boy with beautiful eyebrows and a thin presence. Son of Colchis. Formerly General\'s messenger in the Christand army.

Although he was not as physically gifted as Kolkis, he inherited his military prowess, and is an excellent young man who is not conceited about it but is serious and puts in a lot of effort. Unlike the heroic Kolkis, however, he is a sensitive young man and his mother\'s blood is strong in him. He is a worrier and indecisive in his decisions, and although he is intelligent and resourceful, he is vulnerable to sudden events.

Because of his strong respect and dependence on his father, and the belief that his father had abandoned him, his heart suffered resulting in his betrayal and Bogan’s death.

He has been training tirelessly since childhood, and his fighting ability is very high due in part to his original military prowess, but it is not at the level of Kolkis or Nozan.

△ **Historically

The eldest son of Kolkis-Argand and a traitor.

He did not get along with his father, and as a result, betrayed and lured Bogan Christand into a trap with false information.

His final moments were slain at the hands of his father, Kolkis Argand, after which a small, unnamed tomb was said to have been built in his mansion.**

♦ Battle Command

Because of his sensitive nature, he is the type of person who prepares carefully for battle.

However, he is not a man who is afraid of adventure and keeps to himself, and when he sees the odds are in his favor, he will choose bold tactics, as a commander he is an excellent leader with a wide range of tactics.

On the other hand, when things do not go as he expects, he is slow to make quick decisions, which often leads to a situation where it is too late due to his weak decision-making ability.

He is more suited to be an adjutant, an assistant, or a general staff member rather than a leader.

Appearance: Short black hair. Dark brown eyes. Relatively tall. Beautiful eyebrows.

Armor: Silver scale mail.

→ Krische: Dazzling presence. Jealous and envious of her.

Strong points: Spearmanship. tactics. Horsemanship.

Likes: Father. spear. Horse. Effort.

Dislikes: Unforeseen situations.

Concern: When he got through the ranks of troops, he saw Kolkis. The spear swung. He was killed.

■ Terrius Saza Rinea Melchikos --- Neutral Neutral

Seems to be a man with a thin presence. The Commander of the Christand Army Third Corps.

He is a corps commander who became a subordinate to Bogan after he became a general.

Since he became a corps commander at the same time as Bogan, he regarded Bogan as a one-sided rival at the time.

However, Bogan rushed to the rescue of Terrius\' corps when it was in dire straits and was deeply grateful to him for saving it, and he later pledged his loyalty to him.

He specializes in field castle construction, even in battlefield, he builds his own unique placements and coordination, and Bogan highly regards his defensive abilities.

He was defeated by Gildanstein, who was dressed as Salva\'s adjutant.

His hobby is building shelves.

△ **Historically

A Corp commander under Bogan Christand.

He is said to have been a military commander who was skilled at building fortresses in open fields, and was excellent at defense and delaying battles, but during the civil war, he was defeated by Gildanstein\'s desperate offensive.

Serene Christand lamented that his death was the biggest failure of the civil war\'s final battle.

She mentioned that if she had sent the Black Century Squad early on, he could have easily countered Gildanstein\'s offensive, as he was a capable legion commander, reflecting on many problems at the time in her writings.**

♦ Battle Command

A master of field fortress-building, he is a commander who excels in defensive battles.

Even in field battles on the plains, he devises the layout of the battlefield to create a line of soldiers that resembles a fortress. He is good at maneuvering and defending to lure the enemy into a position where he can turn the tables on them.

His offensive tactics aren\'t all that great, but they\'re above the norm.

Appearance: Short-cropped dark brown hair. Blue eyes. Muscular. Eagle nose. Somewhat resembles Dagra.

Armor: Silver castle carved plate mail.

→Krische: A girl of marvelous talent, but dangerous (precarious).

Strong points: Field battle fortification. Defensive command. Do-it-yourself carpentry.

Likes: one-sided shooting. Fortress. Architecture. Woodworking (Do It Yourself; DIY).

Dislikes: Unprepared sudden event.

Concern: His adjutant defected to the enemy

■ Salva Rinea Caldera --- Neutral Neutral

An old-fashioned noble who respects tradition. Former adjutant commander of the Third Corps of the Christand Army.

Born into a middle-class noble family with a long history and has long served as an adjutant under the Third Corps Commander, Terrius.

His ability can be called excellent, and although he is capable enough to fight as a general, he has been buried in the Christand Army, which attracts excellent human resources.

He is not on good terms with Krische, and is very concerned about her young age and ruthlessness, and while he strongly admires her talent, he believes that she should not be allowed to have (political) power.

A man who would have pledged loyalty to Christand for the rest of his life if it weren\'t for Krische, as it is fair to say that his apprehension (anxiety, worry, insecurity) towards her caused him to betray Christand.

He understood his defeat after Gildanstein\'s death, and voluntarily gave his head to Gallen.

△ **Historically

One of the people who betrayed the Christand army.

Although Selene Christand considers him an enemy of her father, she evaluates his abilities and wrote that he was a commander who was more than capable in every way.

It was written that when she was young, he was one of her mentors who was devoted to her as a child and taught her tactics, and Selene wrote that she was saddened that he had chosen the wrong flag and used such dirty methods.**

His final moments were slain at the hands of his father, Kolkis Argand, after which a small, unnamed tomb was said to have been built in his mansion.**

♦ Battle Command

His ability itself is comparable to Terrius\', and he is very good. He has enough ability to be a general.

However, he lacks a certain kind of madness to rise to the top in Christand, and although he is not indecisive, he lacks boldness and is small in some respects. This is especially true when he is cornered, and while he is an excellent assistant, he lacks a great deal as a general.

Appearance: Dull brown hair mixed with gray. Blue eyes. Thin build. Thin beard. Sharp eyes.

Armor: Silver plate mail.

→ Krische: Beloved daughter of his master, Bogan. A genius, but a deviant with no sense of logic (reason).

Strong points: Zain-style swordsmanship. organizational operation.

Likes: Fighting for a good cause. Honor. Battlefield.

Dislikes: Those who neglect troops and people.

Concern: The family he left behind

■ Eluga Giglite Corsrinea Faren --- Order Good

He is the guy who takes first place in the championship for the face you don\'t want to see when you wake up from sleep. The Commander of the Christand Army Fourth Corps. Skeleton.

A veteran general who possesses unparalleled ingenuity and has achieved great results in battle but has been shunned due to his personality.

Bogan was once his subordinate, and he was also his mentor in tactics.

He possesses a brain that could be called a genius and can be said to be first-class in all kinds of techniques on the battlefield.

However, because of his excellence, he demands the same of others as a matter of course, and those who do not meet his standards are discarded without mercy as unnecessary on the battlefield, which results in him losing popularity.

Even those of royal blood were no exception, and because of his thoroughgoing meritocracy, the path to becoming a general was politically closed.

He changed his mind after Bogan, his subordinate at the time, suggested it to him at the risk of being punished, but there was no longer any way for him to rise in the ranks, and when Bogan became general, he offered himself to become a subordinate of his former subordinate.

Despite his evil appearance, he is a man of manners and usually prefers to speak in a gentle and polite tone of voice.

He is a rare, good man who believes that his status as a noble is to support the weak people.

His thorough meritocracy was not meant to be malicious, considering the role required of an army that should not be defeated, but his appearance also had a negative effect.

He considers his former subordinates, Bogan, to be his students, teachers, and comrades-in-arms who are all working toward the same goal.

He loves (dotes on) Krische very much, and she is his joy in life these days.

When he smiles wickedly without any reason, he is usually thinking of Krische.

**He usually teaches various things to young nobles as the principal of the military school, but after Gallen\'s death, he has reconsidered his own lifespan.

He was not afraid even when his own lifespan finally came to an end, and was most proud of the fact that Krische would desperately try to keep him alive, and he met a peaceful end.

He said with satisfaction that ‘It’s hard to think that this is the end of someone like me who is feared by everyone’.

△ **Historically

Assistant to the marshal of Alberan Kingdom. The first principal of Albeneria Military Academy.

A military genius hailed for his intellect, he achieved numerous victories even before joining the Christand army. However, due to political pressure, he was denied the path to advancement as a corps commander.

Selene-Christand speaks of him as a great teacher, and praises his intellect as one of the rare people who can even argue with her sister, who is an outstanding genius.

Nozan Verreich also said that he was the brains behind the Christand army, and that he was the master who taught the generals and themselves about tactics and strategies.

It is said that he was especially close to Alberinea, and many of his memoirs say that he doted on her as if he was another grandfather to her along with Gallen.

He was the person who created the military school and staff department together with Selene Christand, and like her, he left many strategic and tactical manuals for posterity.

To this day, many instructional books based on his work still exist, and there is no one who has received military education that does not know his name.

Due to Alberinea\'s great weapons, he foresaw that skirmish tactics will become more active in the future of the battlefield, and as it had a great influence on the tactics of the Allied forces in the late Kleinmeer war, he is still respected as a wise man who could see a thousand years into the future.**

♦Battle Command

Attacks, defenses, and engagement. He has extremely high tactical ability in all of them, especially in the command and management of soldiers, which is outstanding compared to others.

Although he is a genius who can easily execute risky and deceptive measures, he believes that the simple movement of soldiers is the essence of tactics, and in training, he is most thorough in marching training, including assembly and dispersal.

He is the type of fighter who overwhelms his opponents by accumulating small victories and gaining the upper hand, emphasizing the basics of parrying the enemy\'s strong points and targeting only the weak. When it comes to tactics he is compatible with Krische, and as a result it is easy for them to augment each other.

Appearance: Skinhead. Dark blue eyes. Very thin. Face with prominent bony features.

Armor: Dark grey half-plate.

→Krische: A resourceful girl who could be the star of this era. Cute. The apple of his eyes.

Strong points: Tactics. Zain-style swordsmanship. Command operation. Organizational operations.

Likes: Tactics. Tending the garden. Flowers. Children. Tranquilness (Peacefulness).

Dislikes: Incompetence on the battlefield.

**Concern: The future of the loved ones he left behind.**

■ Quinez Riea Kaza --- Order Neutral

A man of the type who would like to be reassigned. Directly under the assistant marshal of Alberan Kingdom, adjutant of the Independent Corps. Principal of Albeneria Military Academy.

He is a small, fat adjutant who handles everything flawlessly, his lack of flaw is his only flaw. Although he respects his superior, Eluga, he wishes to be reassigned because of his strict demands and scary face, but because of his excellence, Eluga will not let him go and he is unable to escape.

He is the adjutant of the Central Independent Corps led by the assistant marshal, and although he has made a big step up from a mere adjutant corps commander, he is unable to escape from Eluga and feels indescribable.

**He is an adjutant of the Central Independent Corps led by the assistant marshal, and has risen through the ranks from being just an adjutant to the corps commander, but he is unable to escape from Eluga, there’s no word to describe it.

After Eluga\'s death, he succeeded Eluga as the principal of the military school.

Even though he hated having to deal with such trouble, he was most proud of being entrusted by Eluga, and after that he worked tirelessly to develop it.

He later named one of his children Eluga.**

△ **Historically

He leaves his name as the successor to Eluga Faren.

He has been with him on the battlefield as his adjutant for many years, and was involved in the establishment of the General Staff Department and Military Academy from the beginning, and is the second principal.

Although he has a gentle appearance, which is the complete opposite of Eluga-Faren\'s ferocious appearance, he is known to be a person with a clear mind just like Eluga Faren, and it was said that he often directly provided guidance regarding staff training.

He is said to be the person who made the seeds sown by Faren sprout, and after his death he established military schools in various places and spread systematic military education.

In his own book, he refers to Eluga Faren and said, ‘He was a mysterious person, whom I sometimes even hated, but who I found myself respecting from the bottom of my heart’**.

♦Battle Command

Having studied under Eluga for many years, he has excellent tactical skills and can adapt to any battle situation.

He is a man of character who hates to take on too much and always puts his own safety first, but he is often asked to do reckless things by Eluga, who sees through his character, his tactics become sharper the more dangerous the situation is.

Appearance: Dark brown hair. Dark blue eyes. Overweight. Kind face.

Armor: Dark grey flower-carved plate mail.

→Krische: A girl who is a genius but crazy. A beautiful girl. His superior is crazy about her.

Strong points: Command and operation. Organizational operation. Reading the minds of his superiors.

Likes: Eating. Sleep. March training.

Dislikes: Battlefields. Scary superior.

**Concern: Did I live up to Eluga\'s expectations?**

■ Keith Salesvia Rinea Kirtins --- Order Neutral

A taciturn man. Commander of the First Corps under the direct control of Alberinea, the Kingdom\'s Central Army. General of the Central Army. General of the Kingdom\'s Far East Army.

He is from the 4th corps led by Eluga Faren.

He considers discipline and control to be the strength of the army, and is a steady battalion commander who places an emphasis on marching and formation change training.

Although he has no particular outstanding abilities, he has a broad perspective and is an excellent soldier who never loses his cool in any situation and has a solid decision-making ability.

He was resentful that his own battalion was used as a decoy and many of his best soldiers were abandoned, but when he was given a role equivalent to that of an adjutant, he recovered and was unable to figure out what kind of person Krische was.

Regardless of his feelings, Keith himself is the type of soldier that Krische likes.

During the civil war, he was given the corps with the equivalent authority of an adjutant and is now recognized as the first corps commander, and his attitude toward Krische has softened compared to before, when he felt that Krische disliked him.

He has begun to understand her philosophy of action and feels that although she is ruthless, she is not inhumane, and that only a mad goodness lies at the root of her actions.

**As if to prove this, the Krische that followed after the war was overlooked exactly matched her appearance of an adorable child, he cursed the tragedy that forced her to go to war.

He was promoted to general in recognition of his efforts in the war to dismantle Elsren.

After the War of Unification, he served as a general in charge of the eastern part of the continent.

For the sake of the people and for her, as a loyal soldier of the kingdom, he continues to keep an eye on the continent to ensure that it does not fall into the throes of war again.

When she visited him, he would smile and give her a warm welcome.**

△ **Historically

A general and subordinate of Alberinea.

He was trusted by her as an honest person, and was often entrusted with command of the army, and after the war he spent the rest of his life as a general in the Far East.

Regarding Alberinea, he wrote in his memoir, ‘He was a calculating and ruthless commander, but also a kind-hearted girl who loved peace more than anyone else’.**

♦Battle Command

A commander who has a broad vision and loses his composure.

He believes in accumulating small victories to win big victories, never taking on too much.

He does not excel in anything in particular, but on the other hand, he has no weaknesses and can respond flexibly to any situation.

He is often asked to take charge because of his sense of safety and stability, which is favored by Krische.

Appearance: Black hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Thin build. Face with deep wrinkles.

Armor: Silver half plate.

→ Krische: Distorted genius. **No matter how cold and ruthless she may be on the battlefield, she is actually just a child as she appears to suggest.**

Strong points: Command operation. Training. Paperwork.

Likes: Fishing. Mountain climbing.

Dislikes: Alcohol.

**Concern: How many years of peace did contribute after his death?**

■ Varga Mistler Rinea Kurtos --- Order Good

A hot-blooded man with a strong sense of justice. The First Battalion Commander, who is equivalent to the First Corps Commander’s adjutant under the direct control of Alberinea, the Kingdom\'s Central Army. General of the Kingdom\'s Far East Army.

He hails from the same corps as Nozan Verreich.

He comes from a lower-class noble family and admires the Hero Bogan Christand, as well as Bogan\'s daughter Selene.

Although his abilities are excellent, his sense of justice is so strong that he cannot tolerate injustice and dislikes those who view soldiers as mere numbers.

As a result, he pledges strong loyalty to Selene but does not get along well with Krische. A deep rift formed between him and Krische when Krische used the 3rd Battalion as a decoy while he offered to join the rear in the Dragon\'s Maw.

Even now, not all of the fear and animosity he felt toward her at that time has disappeared, but after seeing her make Keith, the commander of the Third battalion, her adjutant and then promoting him to the position of commander of the First Corps, he is trying to rethink that that may not have been the result she wanted.

Due to the shortage of commanders, he is also the adjutant commander of the First Corps while commanding the First Battalion of the First Corps.

**Although he still cannot sympathize with her clichéd cruelty, he looks back on the outcome of the War of the Five Great Powers and shows an understanding of the one righteousness she had.

With Keith\'s promotion to general, he was also promoted as his adjutant.

After unification, he became a general in the Far East Army with him, and worked to maintain public order in the turbulent Far East.

As he observes Krische’s achievements and the great feat of unifying the continent and bringing peace, he sees his own pettiness in clinging to one choice she made in the past, and ultimately decides to cast aside his anger and hatred.

To hold the grudge forever against her, she was much too selfish and pure.**

△ **Historically

A general and subordinate of Alberinea.

It was said that he wrote about Alberinea in his own memoirs, but none of them remained, and only research papers based on those notes remain.**

♦ Battle Command

A well-liked commander.

Whenever he orders his soldiers to do something reckless, he makes no exception for himself and he spills blood along with them to inspire them.

He has high individual combat ability and physical strength, and many soldiers are drawn in to him, so even if the soldiers are a new recruit, he raises their abilities and makes them achieve results through morale.

He has a problem with Krische, their personality is like oil and water.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Large build. Hairy, square face.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

**→Krische: A child who is more excellent than anyone else but should not be sent to the battlefield.**

Strong points: Inspiring (raising morale) troops. Lorca-style swordsmanship. Rear command.

Likes: Training. Heroic tales. Military history.

Dislikes: People who don\'t see soldiers as human beings.

**Concern: What a soldier should be like.**

■ Bagil Aronia Rinea Sandika --- Chaos Neutral

A slightly lascivious battalion leader type of man. Commander of the Third Corps under the direct control of Alberinea, the Kingdom\'s Central Army.

He worked his way up from a single soldier. He was once the adjutant of the "Wolf Pack" led by Grunmeld Varkas.

He is a free man who remained in the Christand Army half out of ulterior motive and half out of loyalty, wanting to work for the incomparably beautiful Selene and Krische.

His ability is extremely excellent, and after joining the "Wolf Pack", he has fought tough battles on the front lines for many years without any major injuries and is a fierce fighter who has survived the battlefields of Hell, and is a powerful person who is just one step short of monsters such as Granmeld.

He enjoys beautiful girls and watching them, but he is afraid to touch them because he is afraid of his wife.

He was originally competent enough to be appointed as a commander of a corps, and was promoted to commander of the Third Corp in due course after the capture of Aurugorn Hilkintos.

**After the War of the Five Great Powers, he casually suggested that his wife buy a garter belt, but when she questioned the reason, he was forced to sit up straight for an entire day.

Although he had sufficient ability as a general, he accompanied Cliché in the War of Dismantling Elsren and the War of Unification as a Corp commander.

Although he achieved great military results, he refused the honor of being promoted to supreme commander of the Far East Army as being unsuitable for him.

After the fed up Selene questioned, she finally gave up hearing his transparent answer about wanting to spend his lifetime as Alberinea\'s sword, and he was appointed as General of the Central Army.

Elzard Gokhals was promoted to supreme commander of the Far East Army in his place.

Even after the war, he worked tirelessly and wanted to receive some kind of reward from Krische. So she was given the nickname ‘Fluff-Fluff’ because he looked like a dog, wagging their tail in joy when they received food (according to Krische). He was very pleased.**

△ Historically

Along with Kolkis Argand, he was a model warrior who was loyal to Alberinea.

Although he is a prominent commander with many military exploits, he has wielded a sword under Alberinea for a long time, and it is thought that this is due to personal loyalty.

It is said that Keith Kirtins, who belonged to the same army, was worried about rising to the rank of general ahead of him due to his excellent talent and experience. and he wrote in his memoirs that he wanted to spend his lifetime as Alberinea\'s sword, and was praised as the ‘Noble Sword of Alberinea’.

His loyal appearance, which swore absolute loyalty to Alberinea, earned him the respect of many soldiers, and there are several records of him spending time with Alberinea.

However, although Selene Christand praised him as a soldier, she used the preface ‘leaving aside his usual nature as a person’, and opinions are divided on the intention in writing so. **

♦Battle Command

Originally from the wolf pack and Granmeld’s adjutant, he has a hedonistic nature and is a combat maniac.

He is a maniac who slays his enemies with a laugh, is skilled at cutting through gaps in his enemies, and is outstanding in his ability to command melee battles.

He prefers to fight using his mobility and is not motivated by defending his position.

Appearance: Black hair mixed with gray. Dark brown eyes. Slim and muscular. Beard mixed with gray hair.

Armor: Silver goddess half plate.

→Krische: A beautiful girl who can cleanse your heart just by looking at her. He likes her legs that he can see from her skirt. Defenseless. **The criminally seductive difference between her socks and thighs is (**

Strong points: Zain-style swordsmanship. Front line command. Inspiring troops. Controlling people\'s hearts and minds. Peeping.

Likes: Beauty appreciation (wholesome). Gentle wife. **Garter belt.**

Dislikes: Touching. Scary wife.

Concern**: Wanted to see more of Begil\'s exclusive maid Krische in an apron dress who would nurse him.**

■ Fagran Rinea Alhajid --- Chaos Neutral

A guy with a bit of a loud voice. The First battalion commander, who is equivalent to the adjutant commander of the Third Corps under the direct control of Alberinea, the Kingdom\'s Central Army. Adjutant of the Kingdom\'s Central Army General.

A member of the "Wolf Pack" led by Grunmeld Varkas, he has been a subordinate since their days as bandits.

Like Grunmeld, he is a combat fanatic and enjoys risking his life on the front lines more than anything else.

He had fought against Krische during training in the past, and after suffering a crushing defeat, he fell in love with her skills and decided to join the Christand Army with her.

Instead of fighting to the death, he prefers to compare skills and often challenges talented individuals to a match.

Considering his past achievements, he could have been promoted to commander of the Fourth Corps, but he feels that he is not capable of such a promotion, and he wishes to work under his former superior, Bagil.

**With Bagil\'s promotion, he was also promoted.

He spent the rest of his life following his superiors as usual, going through various hardships, such as making many pretensions and trying to persuade Bagil, who did not want to leave Krische, with his many false pretenses.

Begil, who had finished his battlefield duties, was nothing more than a perverted old man, but he seemed to enjoy his peaceful daily life of being taken care of, albeit reluctantly.**

△ **Historically

Bagir Sandika\'s deputy.

There are no notable anecdotes left other than that he was a former member of the wolf pack and was his trusted adjutant.**

♦Battle Command

He prefers head-to-head battles above all else, and he likes pushing each other to the utmost of his strength.

He likes the word "adversity," and the more he is backed into a corner, the more power he exerts, but he is not dodging (fending off) attacks.

He is also good at disrupting the rear because of his background as a bandit.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular. Bear-like face.

Armor: Dark grey wolf plate mail.

→Krische: A beautiful genius with a sword. Combined with her tactical prowess, he has a lot of respect for her tactical skill.

Strengths: Lorca style swordsmanship. Sparring. Front line command. Inspiration (raising morale).

Likes: Contest of skill (sparring). Weightlifting.

Dislikes: Cowards.

**Concern: His superior remained the same until his death.**

■ Gaines Rinea Tosca --- Neutral Neutral

A mischievous-looking old man who appears old. Commander of the Royal Archery Battalion under the direct control of the Alberinea Central Army.

He hails from the 4th Corps led by Eluga Faren.

As a hunter who commands mainly archers, he is the only battalion commander in the First Corps who cannot use magic.

However, his talent more than makes up for it, rising from a private soldier to battalion commander with his intelligence and commanding ability.

He is always calm, cautious, and bold.

He is a masterful archer who utilizes his experience as a hunter and is respected by the other battalion commanders of the First Corps.

Even on the battlefield, he never forgets his sense of humor and cracks jokes about anything, although sometimes they fall flat.

**When conducting the mobile defense that Krische preferred, he wanted an archery unit that could be used at hand without being tied to a corps, so he was promoted to archer battalion commander, which was under Krische’s direct control, separate from the chain of command from each corps.

Now that Gallen is gone, he is also working hard to train the next generation, as his retirement is not far away.

It\'s sad that Krische, who has learned to be considerate of others, started seriously asking him to explain his jokes.

Before the war to dismantle Elsren, his health deteriorated and fell asleep.

Before he died, he tried to make Krische laugh with his own jokes, but it didn\'t work. However as he continued his mysterious efforts even on his hospital bed to somehow make Krische laugh, Krische let out a laugh in a troubled manner.**

△ **Historically

The archer battalion commander under the direct control of Alberinea.

It is said that he was a rare non-magical power holder for a battalion commander.**

♦Battle Command

Does not overreach, but doesn\'t miss opportunities.

He is a similar type of commander to Gallen, preferring ambush and surprise attacks and disliking head-on confrontations.

He understands the tactical thinking of Krische, who is of hunter origin, and is an easy-to-use battalion commander for Krische.

Appearance: Black hair mixed with gray, tied back. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Wrinkled, aged face. Narrow eyes.

Armor: Leather armor.

→Krische: A sweet girl with no sense of humor. An excellent commander who always entrusts discretion.

Strong points: Archery. Short sword (dagger) technique. Command of archers. Rear command.

Likes: Hunting. Fishing. Tree climbing.

Dislikes: Being in a town.

**Concern: Realized on his deathbed that he simply wanted to see her smile.**

□ Aleha Gashearinea Remin -- Order Good

A hero chasing a young man. Former general of the Holy Elsren Empire. Former Duke of Sarchenka. Adjutant of the Black Flag Special Forces Company.

Born the third son of a noble family, he was sent to the military, chased away by his older brother.

After being entrusted to the military, he showed his talent at a young age and achieved countless successes from the time he was a centurion, earning the title of "Holy Knight" and the rank of general at a young age.

He participated in two battles against Bogan Christand, the hero of the kingdom, once when he was a battalion commander and second when he was a corps commander, and always performed remarkably well, but he was defeated in all of these battles because his main camp was unable to withstand the gradual retreat of Christand army and its fierce attacks.

Despite his strong hostility toward Bogan, he has a proportionately strong admiration for him, and has brought up records of the battlefields in which he has been involved, sometimes actually going to the battlefields to study their tactics.

During the recent invasion, he was misled by Krische and suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of the Christand army.

The Holy Empire was forced to retreat, and those who had been holding him in contempt held him responsible. Although he was spared execution, his fiefdom was confiscated, and he was stripped of his titles of general and holy knight.

He was disowned by his birth family, the Sarchenka.

He was an extremely talented man, except for his youth, but he was shunned because of his abilities.

He is a good man who refrains from extravagance and uses his money to set up an orphanage, and is regarded as a hero by the people, but his popularity has made him many enemies.

Later, during his travels, he met Cliché and was invited by her to join the kingdom\'s army.

After Bogan\'s death, he had lost sight of his purpose, but through meeting her, he found a new purpose and a reason to fight, and he once again embarked on the path of a warrior.

His natural ambition leads him to request mock combat whenever he meets Krische, and Krische basically avoids him.

As a result, he uses his wit, and all kinds of tricks to create situations in which Krische cannot escape, and whenever he has a chance, he tries to drag her into her endless training. &

In recognition of his great military exploits and abilities, and deemed to have completed his purification, he was promoted to commander of the fourth corps and given the surname Rivera.

He currently has a good relationship with the Central General, Tekrea Remin, and begins to feel affection for her clumsiness and seriousness, which she cannot hide.

Although he is concerned about his status, he is secretly talking to Selene and thinking about when to propose to her.

After the war in Vezrea, his wife became pregnant with their second child, and due to Tekrea;s desire to focus on childcare, he took over as Central Army General.

In the Elsren Dismantling War and the Unification War, he skillfully utilized the Jarea Gashea, achieving military success and receiving the title of the Honorary Marquis. It was during this time that Krische came up with the title ‘Jaragasha Rinea’, leading to him being granted the title of Honorary Marquis Gashearinea. H

He then spent his later years in harmony with Tekrea, and took care of her in her final moments due to her old age.

Although his son inherited the Remin family, he himself lived longer than his son, and after running around the country in a hurry, he watched over his grandson\'s succession to the title before falling asleep.

He had known from an early time of the existence of a young genius magician named Elgainst Ramil, the grandson of Tyr Ramil, the first director of the Academy of Magical Research, and had heard from Krische that he was ‘fairly talented’.

Since he is diligently researching and imitating the magic crystals left behind by Alberinea, he believe that the era of magicians will definitely come in the future, so he talked to him, He assesses his personality and decides to provide financial support to the Magic Research Institute and the Ramil family.

There is no doubt that Alberan will collapse someday.

He tells his grandson and great-grandson that they won\'t be coming back and that Alberan won\'t last long, telling them to stop worrying about Alberan and start moving for a new era.

After his death, the head of the family at the time, Waltza, who was his grandson, learned that Elgainst had taken control of the magic weapon and that he was thinking of overthrowing the country. He cooperated with the uprising of his friend Elgainst, and took control of the royal capital. By assisting him, he achieved a bloodless occupation of the council and proceeded to take control of the country.**

☆**After Krische Move

Nearly thirty years have passed since they left on their journey, and he has been busy with the aftermath.

So that when she departs, she wouldn\'t regret her choice, so that she could leave the new era to people with peace of mind, and love that peace from her heart.

He knew that in order to do so, change must occur with great force and in a very short period of time.**

△ **Historically

General Alberan, former general of the Elsren Holy Empire.

His military talent is said to be on par with that of the Nozan Verreich, and he is a famous general in the final stages of Alberan, and a person trusted by the Queen and Alberinea.

He has been praised by the people as a fair and honest man since his time in Elsen, but opinions are divided as to whether he was a true loyal subject.

From Elsren, he traveled to the enemy country of Alberan, where he became acquainted with Alberinea and Duke Remin, and in his later years sponsored Elgainst Ramil, so there are many views that he was a maniac full of ambition.

At Kleinmeer Founding, Elgainst swift seizure of power was largely due to the support of its allies, the Remin house, which held tremendous power at the center of the kingdom.

It is speculated that his travels to various places during his lifetime were also part of his preparations.

In fact, a surprisingly large number of nobles sided with Kleinmeer, and as if it had been planned, the national system transition took place so quickly that it was hard to believe that it was a coup d\'état.

However, it is certain that it was successful without any major obstacles, which ultimately led to the end of the chaos and the subsequent stability of nearly a thousand years.

Some scholars believe that he knew that the two would not return, and that he acted in order to stabilize the future, causing divided opinions among them.

Whether to regard him as a true loyalist or a cunning fox of chaotic times.

Opinions are sharply divided, but at least in the diaries and records of the time, there is no doubt that he was one of those who sincerely respected Alberinea from the bottom of his heart and was one of those in whom she placed deep trust.**

♦ Battle Command

He respected Bogan as an enemy and read and absorbed his battle records.

Due to his natural ingenuity, he possesses excellent abilities that are not lacking as a general of an army, but due to his youth, a naïve side of him still remains.

His overall ability is close to that of Nozan, and he is an all-around type.

He has no weakness in any situation and delivers above-average results, but he is more suited to attacks where he can easily take the initiative.

Appearance: Brown-gold hair. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Beautiful young man.

Armor: Black leather armor.

→Krische: An eccentric girl and quick to find things troublesome. She is pure and beautiful. **One that will continue to illuminate him forever at the end of the sky.**

Strong points: Elcafalest spearmanship, swordsmanship. Retreat warfare. Tactics.

Likes: glory. Good deeds. Pure faith. Bogan Christand tactics. Mock combat with Krische. **Tekrea’s Hundred Faces (from changing emotion and her reaction).**

Dislikes: scoundrels who wear the mantle of authority.

**Concern: Are they happy there?**

□ Waltza (Del Grizzlandi) -- Order Good

He is a man who thinks his life is for the young master. He is a former assistant general of the Holy Empire of Elsren. Former military leader of the Sarchenka family. Training instructor of the Black Flag Special Forces Company.

He is the head of the Grizzlandi family, a branch of the Sarchenka family, and an excellent commander. He is capable of commanding an entire army as a general, but he lacked political ability and failed to rise in the ranks, and after retiring he worked as a military advisor in the Sarchenka family.

He has known Aleha since he was a child, and has become his personal subordinate, fascinated by his ingenuity and the pure side of his pursuit of ideals.

He has been by Aleha\'s side for most of his life and understands him well.

He is more outraged than anyone else at the way the Holy Empire and the Sarchenka family have treated him, and when he returned to the Holy Empire from the Kingdom, he gave up his lands and went to work for Aleha himself.

His left arm was severed by Krische.

He was invited to join the Royal Army along with Aleha, and served as an instructor in the Black Flag Special Forces Company where he watched training in swordsmanship and spearmanship, but after the war he was promoted to the position of adjutant of the Fourth Corps.

He has been thinking about the benefits of his prosthetic arm in battle, and has been repeatedly making improvements and discussing it with Daz and Nagal.

Lately, he has been literally watching over the relationship between Aleha and Tekrea, vowing to live a long life to see them get married and be able to hold their child in his arms.

**After Aleha and Remin\'s child, Alsang, was born, he took care of him as the apple of his eyes, and after the war with Vezrea, Aleha asked him to babysit him, and he retired from the military.

He competed with Tekrea’s adjutant, Milcarz, over who would be more liked.

After Milcarz departed first, he realized that he too would soon die, and devoted himself to the education of Alsang for his part too.

He told stories of his master, Aleha\'s exploits on the battlefield and about Krische, and taught him the basics of swords and spears. And several years after Milcarz departed, he too fell asleep. From this memory, Alsang named his firstborn son, Waltza.

Waltza Remin then cooperated with Elgainst Ramil and created the Thousand Year Empire Kleinmeer.**

△ **Historically

The person from whom the name Walta Remin was derived.

He is said to have been a brave warrior who followed Aleha Remin from the time of Elsren, but there were not many records left regarding him.

He fought against the Christand army at the Battle of Arzuren River, and had his left arm cut off by Alberinea who was 14 at the time, but on the other hand, he was famous as the fierce warrior that Alberinea failed to kill.

After being welcomed by Alberan, he was given a magical prosthetic arm by Alberinea, and he is developing an armed prosthetic arm called the Waltza style, which has built-in blades and iron stakes that are ejected by springs.

This advanced version is still in use today, and is especially well-known among prosthetic limb craftsmen, along with Nagal, the Albeneria Arsenal manager.**

♦ Battle Command

He is a military instructor, and his tactical knowledge is broad and deep.

His primary purpose is to assist Aleha, so he does not appear in public (surface), but he has the ability to be an excellent general.

Appearance: Short hair dyed gray. Dark brown eyes. Muscular build. High nose. Narrow eyes. Beard.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

→Krische: Contrary to her ability she is a young and unfortunate girl. Benefactor. Young Master’s favorite.

Strong points: Elcafalest spearmanship, swordsmanship. Teaching. Training command. Leadership.

Likes: Loyalty. Honor. Teaching in general.

Dislikes: The Curia. Sarchenka family.

**Concern: None.**

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