
Chapter 231: Promise

Chapter 231: Promise

A hoarse voice.

Eluga said this as he laid in his bed in his estate.

In the room were Krische, Bery, and his adjutant Quinez.

"...Skeleton can\'t turn into skeletons yet."

Krische, who had dark circles under her eyes, said in a quiet voice while holding Eluga\'s hand.

It had been a week since he suddenly collapsed while working at military school.

Eluga had been in bed ever since he woke up about three days ago.

Expansion of the body――building imaginary muscles.

He could not even do that properly, and Eluga, who had been relying on it, could not even move his own body freely.

The doctor dismissed the cause as unknown.

However, it seems to be a common disease among elderly magic possessors.

Thei ability to manipulate magical power deteriorates drastically, and the aging that was suppressed by magical power progressed rapidly, destroying their internal organs and leading them to death.

Krische stayed over most of the night to take care of him.

Magic energy works even when they are unconscious.

It preserved deteriorating organs, broke down toxins, and transformed into blood and flesh.

She transformed the magic crystal into magical power, sent it into Eluga\'s body, and manipulated it to turn his body into normal――hoping that this will stop him from aging, but somewhere, she realized that his body was slowly dying.

“To hear that from Krische-sama and to receive such attentive care...I don\'t think there are many people in the world who are as happy as me.”

Even so today his condition was good, and therefore believing that the effect was properly achieved, Krische repeated the process of dripping water into the bucket.

Eluga gazed at her lovingly, feeling the magic flowing into him and relaxed his cheeks.

"That\'s why... it\'s enough, Krische-sama. As I mentioned, old trees wither and eventually become fertilizer. That\'s the natural order."

"...Krische, doesn\'t really understand the analogy."

Krische lowered her eyes as if refusing.

“...How troubling.”

Eluga laughed, distorting his face.

He then narrowed his eyes.

"――If one picks up everything, it will eventually become too much for them to handle and they will be crushed by its weight. I also told Krische-sama this in the past."

Krische silently nodded.

“Krische-sama might be able to prolong my life. And for an infinitely long time at that. But then, when Bery-kun, Selene-sama, and Her Majesty the Queen all fell in the same critical situation, Krische-sama had two hands at most. The person Krische-sama needs to save isn\'t an old man like me."


"... Even now, Krische-sama is making dark circles like that for the sake of this old man\'s life. This is a great loss for the kingdom."

‘Humans are not omniscient’, Eluga continued.

"...There is a limit to what one can do. Krische-sama should value your time more."


“I believe that with your help, Cliché-sama, you can help hundreds or thousands of people in the same amount of time and lead them to happiness. It would be a shame to waste that time on this one old man... If Krische-sama says you can\'t accept it based on emotions, please think about it in terms of profit and loss.\'\'

Eluga lifted his trembling right hand and caressed Krische’s cheek.

And he wiped her tears with his thumb.

"...It\'s strange. Before I knew it, Krische-sama always showed her feelings and emotions, even though when we first met Krische-sama were much much stronger... Krische-sama sure has become much weaker."

Wryly, he smiled.

“Krische-sama\'s heart has become rich.…If there is a world after death, I need to proudly tell this to Bogan-dono.”


Krische didn\'t say anything and just let him wipe away her tears.

Eluga watched over her with satisfaction, and wiped away the drops until it ran out.

"...Quinez. You have served as my adjutant for many years, and your experience, ability, and talent are impeccable. You are the perfect man to succeed me....the soldiers and the military academy, I leave it to you."


The chubby adjutant, who had been listening to him in silence, stiffened his face, clicked his heels, and saluted.

"I don\'t know what you thought of me, but as a subordinate and comrade, I trust you more than anyone else. ...In my opinion you might be a little sloppy, but your bad habit of thinking about everything in a leisurely manner will probably turn into an advantage if you work in the rear."

‘Yes,’ Quinez answered again.

His lips were trembling slightly.

"...I entrust everything to you. I feel at ease with that. You\'re an excellent man who has never failed my expectations."

"...I understand, Eluga-sama."

‘Good’, Eluga laughed, and Quinez also wiped his eyes and laughed.

"To be honest, I didn\'t like you. You were strict and unreasonable...but I was also afraid of your smile."

Then he clicked his heels again and saluted again.

"...However, I’m proud of being your adjutant for the rest of my life."

"Kuku, I see."

"Yes, on this name I swore."

Quinez answered, and the sound of a knock rang out.

‘Excuse me’, said a thin lady.

She wore a beautiful red one-piece dress, her golden hair swaying gracefully, looked at Krische and glared at Eluga

"My, to make Krische-sama, who has gone out of her way to take care of you, cry, you’re the worst."

"Ah, this is different..."

"It\'s just nonsense. Don\'t worry about it."

Vanatella smiled, removing Eluga\'s hand from Krische’s cheek, and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief.

Vanatella was the same as always, and she had a bright smile on her face.

"You really have a bad mouth. Just what do you think I am?"

"Say whatever they want about their husband is the wife\'s prerogative. Since you\'re bedridden and turned into a skeleton decoration, even Rafus becomes scared and won\'t come out of the room. Before you complain, please understand my hardship.”

Vanatella said in her anger, then bent her hips and brought her face closer to Krische.

"...Thank you so much for this past week, Krische-sama. Treasuring my husband so much."

She traced the dark circles under Krische’s eyes with a handkerchief, as if looking at something painful.

Vanatella was well aware that Krische only slept and took naps this past week.

"...Anything more will hurt your health. Please rest."


"It’s fine. I\'ve been preparing for it ever since I married my husband, and he\'s also convinced――there\'s nothing happier than being able to laugh so much right before the end."

“Isn\'t that so?” Vanatella asked Eluga, and the old man nodded as if to lift his cheeks.

As usual, with a gentle smile that looked wicked.

"I have lived my life to the fullest. Especially in the past ten years, I owe it to you, Krische-sama. It\'s sad to say goodbye, but if I postpone it, I\'ll have regrets. ...It’s fine.”


"That\'s right. ...Don\'t worry about it and have a good night."

Vanatella smiled, then turned her gaze to Bery.

Berry nodded, patted Krische on the head, and said ‘shall we go’.

After a moment of hesitation, Krische nodded and took her hand.

"Skeleton, um..."

"...I\'m glad I met you. From the bottom of my heart, Krische-sama."

She lowered her eyes, wondering if she should say ‘see you tomorrow again’.

"Yes. ...Krische too, glad to have met Skeleton."

Saying that, she walked out of the door.

Quinez also saluted and followed the two.

Two people were left in the room.

Vanatella stroked Eluga\'s cheek and laughed.

"Fufu, it looks even more like a bone now. I\'m starting to wonder if it\'s undercooked even after it\'s cooked."

"Really...your rudeness hasn\'t changed since we met.”

"My, I was a little more reserved in the past, you know."

Vanatella asked if he would like some tea, and Eluga nodded silently.

Contrary to her words, Vanatella carefully brewed the tea and prepared the tea utensils.

"Funerals are a hassle. If only I had chosen a younger husband."

"I recommended that at first, but you’re the one who ignored it."

"...Did I?"

Vanatella smiled bitterly, lifted Eluga\'s body, and brought the teacup to his lips.

Slowly so as not to spill anything, she gives Eluga the tea.

"I wish you were twenty years younger. No matter how you look at it, you were born too early. If so, then..."

She started to speak, but she stopped.

She then giggled and smiled.

“Forget that. ...I wish I had been born 20 years earlier."

Vanatella set down the teacup and narrowed her eyes.

She slowly put her lips on her husband\'s.

"...I\'ll always love you. Even if you\'re gone, forever."

Eluga accepted that and laughed.

"Me too. That\'s why I want you, who is still young, to find a new partner though."

"No way. Hehe, I\'ve gotten so used to your face that I can\'t think of anyone else...It\'s all your fault."

She kissed him again and sat down in the bedside chair.

She then leaned back against Eluga and closed her eyes.

"There\'s no one better than you, Eluga. At least for me."

"I did something sinful huh."

"Yeah, you’re the worst. ...Please take responsibility until the end."

After that, she stopped speaking.

Eluga lifted his trembling hand and stroked his wife\'s even more trembling back.

They didn\'t need words anymore.

The funeral was held four days later.

Vanatera smiled at those in attendance and consoled her tearful child.

Some people say it was admirable because she never showed a tear from beginning to end, while others who didn\'t know the circumstances said it was a loveless marriage.

Considering the age difference, such opinions were formed.

Despite being looked at in such a way, Vanatella did not change her attitude and remained resolute.

Even as she personally set fire to the body and placed the ashes in an urn, her expression did not change.

"...Thank you, Your Majesty. Margrave Christand."

Royalty and those close to them――or those who have made great contributions to the kingdom.

Burying the urn in the tomb of where kings were buried, Vanatella, along with her son and servants, paid their respect.

"You need not worry, Vanatella-sama. Faren-sama was a loyal subject to the kingdom, it’s only natural he should be given a state funeral and be laid to rest here. ... May he rest in peace in the midst of the mingling blood."

Kreschenta, wearing a blood-red dress, clasped her hands together and briefly offered her prayers.

Serene, dressed in military uniform, looked at her and said

"...I\'m sorry. I know you didn’t such a big funeral"

"No. ... It\'s the result of what my husband has accomplished, and that has been recognized. As a wife, I\'m most proud of it."

Even if the bereaved family wishes to hold a quiet funeral, there are certain circumstances.

It was a problem that Selene couldn\'t do anything about.

She could say that a state funeral was appropriate, but considering Vanatella and the others’ feelings.

"...Also, Krische-sama and Berry-sama. It\'s thanks to them that I was able to spend time with my husband in the end, even if it was only for a little while....I\'m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart for helping me in so many ways."


Clad in an unfamiliar military uniform, Krische shook her head.

Vanatella smiled bitterly and bent her waist, bringing her face closer to Krische’s.

"Hehe, that kind of face doesn\'t suit you, Krische-sama. My husband always says that he loves Krische-sama\'s smiling face... He also gets sad when he sees you like that."


Krische nodded, and Bery called out to her, saying it\'s time to go.

"Yes....Excuse me, Vanatella-san."

“Yes, I hope to see you again with a smile next time.”

When Vanatella bowed gracefully, Krische did the same.

Kreschenta and Selene walk ahead while keeping an eye on Krische, and Bery follows with her arm around Krische’s waist.

They walked in silence for a while, and just before getting into the carriage, Krische suddenly looked behind.

In front of the grave, she could see Vanatella with her face downcast and her hands covering her face, and her son Rayfus hugging her.

Krische was captivated by it and lowered her eyes.

Without saying a word, Bery took her hand and invited her into the carriage.

The carriage headed to the royal territory.

Kreschenta tried to say something, but seeing her sister\'s condition, she gave up.

Selene looked worriedly at Krische, thinking about something.

The same goes for Anne, Elvena, the two servants――the air was too heavy for them to open their mouths.

Only the sound of wheels rolling on the cobblestones could be heard, and after a while they arrived in front of the estate. Kreschenta said to Selene,

“Selene-sama, I would like to talk a little about the future.”

"Yes. Would you like to stay in my room?"

Selene responded.

The two then looked at Bery, who nodded silently.

Selene then looked at Anne and Elvena, and they both nodded.

‘I\'ll get off first’, Selene said, and the three of them followed.

After a pause, Bery picked up Krische and said quietly.

"...Shall we take a little break?"

Krische nodded and went to her room, still being held.

Changed her military uniform into a nightgown.

"...Why do people die?"

Krische sat down on the bed and muttered that.

Bery thought for a moment and smiled.

"That\'s a very difficult question. If you ask me why humans die, I don\'t know any other answer than because humans were born that way."

When she sat down next to her, she stroked her silky silver hair and narrowed her eyes.

“Everything has a beginning and an end, no matter what it is, from tasks like cooking, washing, and cooking to thoughts and stories. The question of why we die will lead directly to the question of why we were born."

Then she looked up at the ceiling.

“Regardless of the logic of living beings, if I were to define it...I would say that death is a result.”


“It\'s fun to cook, but the ultimate goal is to put it on the table and have people eat it. And whether you\'re satisfied with the finished product or not――that\'s the result, right?”

She spun her words as she searched for the words, and like that Bery moved behind her.

And sank back onto the bed.

“Death is the fate of those who are born. Or maybe we were born to die. ...No matter what, if the person can accept their death as a result, no matter what anyone says, I think it can be called a happy ending.\'\'

Looking at the canopy of the bed,

“Everything we had accumulated in our life up until now was packed into it, and we were satisfied with the result.”

Then she took her red hair in her hands and played with it, smiling.

"...Fallen-sama, Gallen-sama, Gotoushu-sama, Nee-sama, too. They were laughing in the face of their own death. They said it was a good life."

Krische remained silent for a while, looking down.

She turned to Bery and nuzzled her face into her chest as if falling down to it.

“Berry, too?”

"Hehe, that\'s right. I will too someday...aah."

Then, as she was about to speak, Krische sealed her lips with hers.

She stared at the jewel-like purple eyes,

"...Krische absolutely hates it."

Saying that one-sidedly

Bery chuckled and hugged Krische’s head, saying don\'t worry.

“It will be a long time from now. After I turn into a wrinkly old woman... Hehe, by then, Krische-sama may have changed so much that we won’t recognize it. Krische-sama might even not give me kisses anymore.”

"That\'s impossible."

Bery smiled bitterly and patted Krische on the head.

Her silver hair tickled between her fingers.

"...Bery said that Bery would always be by Krische’s side."

"...This is troubling."

Bery said happily, thinking.

Just like that, she rolled Krische to the side and pushed her down.

Krische looks up at Berry and said

"Berry never breaks a promise."

Bery\'s eyes widened and narrowed.

She kissed her lovingly and smiled.

"Then I\'ll have to work hard for decades, becoming so clingy that Krische-sama gets fed up with me."

"...not just for decades."

“Hehe, unlike Ojou-sama, it seems like it would be difficult to deceive Krische-sama.”

Once again, gently pressing her lips against hers.

She then sat up, picked up Krische and put her in bed.

She then stroked her forehead and said,

"Don\'t worry. I hate seeing Krische-sama\'s sad face, so I won\'t do anything to make Krische-sama sad."


"Yes. Hehe, I\'m not the kind of honest person that I myself can be proud of, but I won\'t lie to Krische-sama."

‘I swear by this name’, Bery continued, and Krische nodded silently.

"For now, take a little break. It\'s the best thing to do in times of hardship. Just like Vanatella-sama said, Faren-sama would be sad to see Krische-sama acting like this. Next time we visit the grave, we need to make sure Krische can show up with a smile on her face."

Krische asked absentmindedly as her forehead was stroked.

"...Does Bery also believes in souls?"

“As Gaara-sama said, I think it\'s much happier to think that something exists than to think that it doesn\'t exist. ...I\'m sure that Faren-sama is still watching over Vanatella-sama, Rayfus-sama, and Krische-sama.\'\'

Bery smiled and replied ‘me too’.

"Even if I die someday, I\'m sure that I\'ll be with Krisc――"

"...Bery shouldn\'t say things like that."

"Fufu, my apologies."

Berry smiles bitterly and covered Krische’s eyes.

“It\'s a promise”, Krische said and Bery replied, “Yes, it’s a promise”.

Krische closed her eyes, probably tired.

After a while, she began to breathe softly, indicating that she had fallen asleep.

Bery just gazed at her sleeping face, lovingly.

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