
Chapter 69: Morale

Chapter 69: Morale

The central invasion from the east began as planned.

Nozan Verreich left 10,000 troops in Wolfeit and advanced south of the Kurail Mountain Range with 15,000.

Four more days later, he clashed with Clare Marcellus, a central General who was wary of Nozen.

On the first day, Clare Marcellus’ force was already 20,000 strong, and Nozen had the upper hand in spite of their numerical inferiority, but on the following day, another 10,000 reinforcements joined Marcellus’ army.

Verreich\'s army was then on the defensive.

Today was the night of the third day since the start of the battle――There a handsome young man with red copper hair was in the tent.

The man, over forty and still youthful, sat in the general\'s seat.

Nozan sharp eyes stared at the map and the pieces placed there.

He sipped his black soybean tea and listened to his corps commanders.

"...However, what are Krische-sama and Corps Commander Faren doing? It\'s different from the original plan. They didn\'t even send a messenger."

The corps commander said irritably, and several people also agreed with him.

Another corps commander reprimanded him.

"Don\'t make a fuss. It\'s those two we’re talking about, there will be no mistake (error). They must have something on their mind."

He looked to be about 30 years old.

His hair was combed toward the back and his face was masculine.

The only thing that stands out is the deep scar on his cheek.

He was a member of the First Corps, one that was said as the strongest in Christand.

Among them, the former commander of the First Battalion of the First Corps, Granmeld Varkus, was feared as a Wolf and was called the strongest of them all.

The voices in the tent were silenced by his deep voice as if it echoed through the earth.

There is no clear numerical hierarchy order for corps commanders.

In terms of status, they were the same――However, the oldest soldier has a status that transcends those rules.

Among them, the bravery of Granmeld, who continued to fight on the front lines under Nozan’s command and raised took heads, was outstanding, and his words carried the same weight as Nozan’s.

‘After the battle started, we will conduct a pincer attack.’

That was all the Krische and the other told them.

On the first day, the enemy was wary of a pincer attack, so they turned their forces to the mountain side and left a lot of reserves, so the Nozan were outnumbered but still had the upper hand.

On the second day, the enemy\'s reinforcements gave the other side more leeway to maneuver――the enemy attacked them while also being wary of a pincer attack. Nozan took it in stride and waited to see what would happen.

Today, the third day, the enemy\'s offensive was stronger than the second day, perhaps because their guard against the pincer attack has weakened.

Nozan pretended to be outnumbered and fend it off.

――But what about tomorrow?

Will they come or not?

Nozan raised his gaze from the map and turned his eyes to outside the tent――to the enemy camp.

"The enemy camp, which has successfully pushed us, is quiet. It should be a good time to have a banquet, but... it seems that Krishce-sama and Corps Commander Faren have cut off the enemy\'s rear."

He then pointed to a point on the map, to a street depicted there.

It was the place indicated by Krische and Eluga.

There was a forest nearby, connected to the mountain range.

"They probably went to rob the supply line that followed the reinforcements. They should have finished on the first day we clashed."

If it was just a pincer attack, they would definitely come on the first day.

Because it was the most effective.

Nozan didn’t doubt Eluga Faren, with whom he had shared the battlefield for many years and who had taught him a great many things.

And he knew well Krische’s abilities.

The girl who Bogan, whom he respected, called a genius――even Nozan could not beat her in a military chess (go) exercise. After that, he also saw her brilliant skill when she was with Serene in the mountain breakthrough.

Naturally, Nozan thought very highly of her ability, as he did with Eluga.

Those two did not show up on the first day. And on the second and third day, too.

Reading the position suitable for blocking the enemy’s rear, calculating the distance from there to here, and looking at the enemy\'s position——Nozan concluded that he could see through the fog of darkness.

"Then... General, you’re saying they won’t come?"

"... No, that’s not it."

Shaking his head at the frowning man, Nozan denied it with a smile.

It was Granmeld who answered instead.

"The cutoff is probably temporary. After robbing the supply line, along the forest and mountain range——"

Granmeld pointed to the outside the tent——the forest.

"They’re probably already there."

Nozan smiled wryly and drank the black soybean tea.

"Really, what a bad personality. They’re probably going to wait and see for today... Krische-sama and Corps Commander Faren seem to be telling me to get in shape. ――Grammeled, we’re going with the diagonal formation (oblique formation) tomorrow. You take the left wing, you’re free to do as you please."

"Haha, that\'s nice. I have to thank the two of them."

"The center is as usual. On the right wing, keep the column in disorder, so that the enemy will be tempted to bite. General Marcellus seems to be a simple person as expected. Even if we don’t bother aiming for his throat the two of them will certainly tear through it.”

With that, Nozan looked at the men in the room.

Inside his eyes was a chilling——quiet rage swirling around.

"... This battle also serves as a memorial service for the General. The General, who was a hero of great honor and who was our lord――Don\'t show your unslightly form and disgracing Bogan-sama\'s name."

Even those seated at the table stood up and saluted.

This man is undoutly the first person to be mentioned as a loyal subject of Christand.

Nozan Verreich remained calm, but his anger was boiling deeper than the depths of the earth.

At the foot of the mountain where Granmeld pointed——in the forest.

As they had imagined, Krische and the other were already there.

“Skeletons, will General Verreich notice it properly?”

"Undoubtedly. He is an excellent person. He excels in martial prowess and is good at tactics, in terms of overall strength, he is the best general in the Kingdom. He was under the General because of his loyalty but considering his talent. Originally, it was a pity for him to be in the position of a corps commander.”

He had given up on the nickname and was letting in and out the other.

In the process of passing through his ears and reaching his brain, the name Skeleton was converted to Corps Commander Faren.

It was his adjutant who was the most fearful.

His adjutant, Quinez was shivering whenever Krische said Skeleton, Skeleton.

“Is that so? ……Krische hasn’t practiced the military chess exercise too much with him, and the only time Krische really talked to him was at the ceremony the other day.”

"Haha, well, at least he’s smarter than this old man."

"Then it’s a relief."

While rolling the candy in her mouth, she talked to divert her hunger.

Most of the stolen supply was also conspicuous, so most of it was hidden in the forest near the attack site.

If they cooked, it would give off smoke. If they couldn\'t cook, the only things they could eat were hard-baked bread, potatoes, fruits, and dried meat.

Krische had no choice but to restraint herself on the meal, by borrowing a few days\' worth of candy in advance.

Bery had made a lot of candy this time, so there was some leeway.

“About Verreich-dono. He will understand that we are here and will act accordingly. It will probably a diagonal formation..."

“…Diagonal formation. But General Verreich has only been in the East for a short time, so Krische think it would be unlikely.”

At least with the current First Corps, she doesn\'t feel like she’s able to use it.

The diagonal formation was a formation in which the drills were more important than anything else.

The diagonal line formation was a formation in which the troops were advanced in order from one wing to the other, and the troops were placed against the enemy at the front in a diagonal line——staircase formation.

By concentrating troops on the leading wing, which becomes the main attack, it creates breakthrough power, and the opposing wing, where the strength is thin, delays its advance to gain unti time physical contact with the enemy and prevent collapse that way.

Spear in one hand, shield in the other. Pierces the opponent and kills them before you’re pierced by the opponent\'s spear.

It was an aggressive formation.

On the other hand, the risk of failure is high.

Concentration of forces on one side and the disordered formations make it difficult to regroup after a collapse, and since the forces are pushed forward in a stair formation, even the slightest disturbance in marching pace will create a gap.

Therefore, the quality of the army through the military drill became very important, and although she recognized the usefulness of the formation, she was not inclined to use it very much.

Krische has absolute confidence in her own abilities, but not in those she commands.

And Nozan had not been in the East for a long time.

It seemed unlikely that he would choose to do so.

"The former officers of the First Corps are all excellent. With them, some lack of training can be filled up. The probability is big. Besides, even if it\'s a little reckless, if you take us into consideration as the backup, it\'s the best choice.”

"... I see. Skeleton know him well."

"Yes. We\'ve been fighting together for a long time. We\'ve been saved and saved each other many times...though there\'s an age difference, we\'re what you would call comrades-in-arms."

He recalled and closed his eyes.

"The General――Bogan-dono... he looked up to him like a real brother. He had been asked to become a general several times, but he refused each time. He was proud of himself as a corps commander. ...and just when he finally left the General, relieved that Selene-sama and Krische-sama was by the General’s side. He must have regretted this more deeply than anyone else."

“…I see.”

Eluga shook his head as if flustered when Krische said that.

"Oh no, I\'m sorry. I can\'t help talking about this kind of thing to Krische-sama. When it comes to things like this, I always lack consideration. …That was the only thing I couldn’t do anything about.”


To Krische, there werea lots of things she’s reflection on and regretted.

Bogan\'s rescue would have been impossible.

At the very least it was a condition where she could have noticed it.

But after that——

"It\'s not over. No one makes choices without regrets. There are things that can\'t be undone. But as long as you\'re alive, there are many things you can fix and redo. ――There are many tragedies in life, but there are also a lot of time to get over them. Don\'t be too hard on yourself."

Krische nodded at Eluga\'s words.

Then she stared at Eruga and said,

“…Skeleton is a kind person.

"Kukuku, my my, this too... it\'s the first time someone said that to me. Though people often say I’m scary."

"Is that so?"


The reason was his appearance, but he didn’t want her to pursue it deeper.

To the little girl who didn’t care about it, he will only be rubbing salt on his own wound.

To change the subject, he asked her.

"Is that a candy that Krische-sama have been eating sincea while ago?"

"Yes. Bery... Ah, Christand’s servant――"

"Oh, it\'s okay, I know. I\'ve met her several times."

"Is that so. Ehehe... Bery said to Krische to take it, so many..."

The majority of the items that Cliché packed in her bag were small bags of candy.

The Candies that has been dusted with wheat flour can be stored for a long time, making it convenient as a carry-on meal.

"...I see, is that so."

He met Bery at the Christand’s estate, it was before Krische came.

She was calm, but also seems to have steeled herself, and he was a little worried about her.

However, when he saw her walking with Krische from the distance in the fortress. She was a smiling happily.

And when he sees Krische now, he thought in his heart that it must have been a good meeting.

"Mu, my, what a delightful thing”

"Yes, um..."

Krische’s eyes swam around, hesitating, and she pondered for a moment.

Her brow wrinkled slightly in a contemplative posture.

When Eluga asked if something was wrong, she took out a piece of candy with a solemn expression.

"S-Skeleton too... can, have one."

Selene told her to get along with Eluga.

He protected Selene during the retreat battle and acted as the rear.

Giving away a sweet that was very important to her――was heavy and painful decision for her.

However, her conscience tells her that she should return the favor given, and after careful consideration, she made the decision to offer her precious sweets to Eluga.

Bewildered by Krische’s actions, Eluga froze.

"Um...Skeleton, don’t like it?"

Krische tilted her head, and Eluga shook his head frantically.

"No, no... it\'s the first time I\'ve been given something like this so..."

Squinting his narrow eyes, Eluga\'s bony face broke into a broad smile.

The cheeks were lifted up as if the mouth was torn, and countless wrinkles were wriggling――a wicked smile that any who looked would be fearful of.

Even his adjutant backed away slightly, but Krische remained unconcerned.


Krische put the candy on Eluga\'s wrinkled palm while hesitating a little.

――What was inside the 4th Corps Commander, Eluga Faren, was a deep emotion.

His wicked appearance.

The way he plunged countless enemies with his wiles and killed them miserably.

His smile was that of the Grim Reaper, and everyone in the army feared him.

Even his son, whom he adored dearly, began to cry when he saw him, and everyone around him avoided him when they strolled through the city.

He may show his ruthlessness in battle, but by nature he is a gentle man.

He loves peace, flowers, and watching the children in the city grow up are his greatest joy in life, but his appearance keeps people away from him.

People feared him, that he thirsted for flesh and blood and despair, when he touched flower it withered, and when he smiled at children, they fear that he sucked their life span away.

In his long and painful life, it was the first time he had ever received candy.

He gazed at the deep honey-colored candy wrapped in wheat flour for a moment and wiped the corner of his eyes.

Then, he slowly puts the candy in his mouth.

What emerged from beneath the flour was a simple, yet infinitely gentle honey flavor.

It’s not like he liked sweet or ate them often.

But the taste of the candy rolled on his tongue was irresistibly delicious.

The taste of honey, full of love (affection) and tenderness.

Eluga closed his eyes and savored it.

"Ehehe, is it delicious?"

"Yes... very much. It\'s the first time in my life that I\'ve eaten something this delicious."

"Krische really like Bery’s candy very much. Bery, no matter what she makes, it’s really delicious."

Krische proudly said.

Nodding to her, Eluga stretched out his bone-like hand.

Smooth silver hair.

Thinking back on it, his wife had always stopped him from stroking his son\'s head.

But Krische didn\'t resist and let Eluga stroke her head.

"Y-you can\'t do that, Skeleton...even though Krische had just paid you back..."

She looked troubled and happy.

Krische was a sweet child, to begin with, and to Eluga, she was a very lovely child.

With his wicked smile――or at least that’s what it looked like, Eluga stroked her head.

One candy.

With that alone, Eluga was ensnared by Krische.

――Eluga was just starved of kindness.

"Haha, children are meant to be petted. … My, only Selene-sama, but also Krische-sama, the General sure raised gentle daughters. Seems I can\'t afford to die just yet."

"It\'s no good if you don\'t live long. Skeleton still need to do your best, so please wait a little longer before becoming a real skeleton."

It was truly an abuse

The people who were watching around stiffened, but Eluga himself seemed to be amused.

“If you say so, then I can’t grow old just yet, huh. Kukuku, I must do my best.”

"yes. Hmm... It\'s almost time for Krische to go back and take a rest. Krische also needs to talk with the battalion commanders.”

‘――Then see you tomorrow.’

Krische returned to the First Corps while swinging her silver hair that was tied in two.

Eluga saw it off with the grim reaper-like smile and called out to his adjutant, Quenez.

"Quenez, reconsider tomorrow\'s movements. Call the battalion commander."

“Y-yes sir!”

"Krische-sama is a person who will go to any lengths if necessary. No matter what, she will surely bring back results... but we must not settle for that. Tomorrow is the time to show our power. That\'s what I\'m going to do."

“Yes sir.”

With a stern face, Eluga changed to the face of an intelligent general.

It’s not like Adjutant Quinez, who had been watching the exchange up until a little while ago, didn\'t have anything to say about Eluga\'s words that were full of motivation, but whatever the case.

The morale of the Christand army was very high.

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