
Chapter 15: U.E. C.15: Krische’S Suggestion

Chapter 15: U.E. C.15: Krische’S Suggestion

Gallen had returned to the army a year ago and is serving as Bogan’s adjutant in this war.

“We were just listening to the report, Krische. Sounds like you played a big part.”

The commander of the supply train was also present in the tent.

Bogan and Gallen smiled and stood up upon seeing Krische, giving her light hugs, but the commander looked frightened for an instant when Krische entered.

“Krische only helped a little……thank you for bringing Krische here, commander.”

“You, you are welcome……it is I who should thank you”

He looked bewildered when Krische bowed to him.

“……Krische, what did you do?”

“Ah, that’s right, Krische. You should report to the general too.”

Krische nodded to Gallen.

“Okay, err……”

Krische’s explanation was concise.

There was a bandit attack at the rear, so she repelled it.

According to information from the bandits’ leader, the bandits received money and the information needed to raid the supply train from someone that is most likely an Elsren spy.

Krische summarised the information from the bandits’ leader, reporting the multiply bandit groups in the forest and that the same offer had probably been extended to the other groups.

“The exact numbers are not clear, but at least thirty bandits were sighted. By the time Krische arrived at the rear, we already suffered seven casualties. Krische took down thirteen including the leader and the soldiers took down another seven, so there is around ten remaining.”

That was true? the commander muttered, then quickly covered his mouth.

He had not seen the scene himself and had not completely believed what he had heard.

“Krische could have chased them down, but Krische was worried about further attacks, so Krische prioritised torturing the leader. This information should be accurate.”

“Torture? Krische……?”

“Krische cut off eight fingers. He was a bandit anyway.”

The atmosphere grew heavy with Krische’s casual reply.

The supply train’s commander kept his composure, but the fear was apparent in his eyes.

Monster――he had heard the soldiers at the scene call her that, their voices trembling. He had heard that Krische had slain a dozen men without letting a drop of blood touch her, then ruthlessly sliced off the bandit’s fingers without any qualms.

Hearing Krische report it so casually, he realised that those stories were the unembellished truth and this beautiful girl is not as she seems.

The other three had slightly grim expressions, but also seemed understanding.

Considering Krische’s past, it is no wonder she suffered no pangs of conscience over torturing bandits.

Aside from that, these three are specially close to Krische and has some understanding of Krische’s true nature.

She is soft on those close to her, but completely ruthless to everyone else.

After some thought, Selene petted Krische’s head.

Krische smiled.

“……I see. It must have been tough.”

“Yes. Krische did not expect to be assaulted while travelling, so it was a little startling. Krische was not on duty so Krische thought of letting the soldiers handle it……but Krische did not want to wait until it is too late, like that time in the village.”

“I see……you did well.”

Bogan nodded gravely and thanked her.

“That is all Krische had to report. Krische also has some letters……”

“Ah, yeah, I’ll take them. Come, sit down the two of you.”

Bogan looked towards the commander.

The man came back to his senses and nodded, clicking his heels together as he put the palm of his right hand to his left chest.

――I offer my life to you.

That is the meaning behind this military salute.

“Permission to leave!”

“Yeah, rest well.”

After the man left, Gallen picked up a pot and filled two cups with black liquid.

It is a drink called black soy tea.

Krische handed the letters to Bogan and ran over to Gallen to receive the cups, then sat down and handed one to Selene.

Krische looked around, searching for something.

Selene smiled wryly and retrieved honey and milk from where they were hidden under a cloth on the table. Krische blushed as she added plenty of both to her drink, but relaxed into a smile as she took a sip.

Black soy tea is bitter and Krische cannot drink it without adding plenty of honey and milk.

“Is Bery doing well?”

“……yes, Bery was worried about master. We thought of a lot of dishes together and she wants you to try them.”

“Fufu, it sounds peaceful there. I would like to return soon too, but……”

Bogan finished scanning through a letter and returned it to its envelope as he nodded.

“……indeed. I miss Bery and Krische’s cooking too. This is already quite good, but the battlefield is not a pleasant place. I would like to end it quickly but……”

“That won’t be easy. Especially since they’ve penetrated so far. The only way to stabilise the situation is to retake Wulfenite and set up a line of defense around it.”

Gallen replied to Bogan.

He is currently the general’s adjutant and is Bogan’s subordinate, but when other soldiers are not present, they acted as normal.

Nobles have strong authority in the army and recruitment through personal connections is common, so the rules are quite flexible.

No one had complains about a former centurion becoming the general’s adjutant.

This is also partly because Gallen had been quite famous as a fearless and skilled centurion in his time and many that knew him then have become high ranking officers in the Christand army.

A centurion is an officer in charge of a hundred men, but is also a soldier.

They are exposed to danger but because of this risk, they can earn great fame and honour.

Soldiers respect familiar, accomplished centurions more than the distant general.

Gallen had quickly climbed the ranks from a private to a centurion through his achievements and was a hero among the soldiers.

Many had been infuriated with his treatment when Gallen resigned from the army and there were also many that rejoiced when he returned as Bogan’s adjutant.

There is also the fact that nobles, who have mana, tend to live beyond a hundred, but the lifespans of normal humans are much shorter.

It helps that Gallen is already old and will not be a competitor for promotions.

Selene is also an adjutant, but it is quite common for the general to be succeeded by their child and there is nothing wrong with their child serving as an adjutant to learn about the army.

Since Selene is Bogan’s successor, no one openly objected to her position as adjutant and Selene’s ample social skills helped her blend into the army.

She became well-known as the ‘sword maiden’ for her beautiful appearance and skill with the sword.

The problem is Krische.

Her official position is still ambiguous.

Everyone knows about her skill, but there is no clear reason for her to become an adjutant, then again giving her any rank would have problems.

A corporal is the leader of a squad of five men.

A captain is in charge of ten corporals.

A centurion is in charge of two captains and commands a hundred men.

These ranks are in a sense exclusively for common soldiers and have a high casualty rate. Throwing the general’s daughter in here would be bad publicity.

Bogan started out as a captain because he was a powerless noble, but now that he is a general, making his daughter a captain would be problematic and Bogan himself was not willing to send her there because of her talents.

Considering her skills, she should be granted a higher rank, but a higher rank would be the battalion commander in charge of ten centurions.

Even higher would be the corps commander directly under the general, in charge of five battalion commanders.

Alternatively there is the supply commander in charge of the army’s logistics.

But all these posts are filled.

The post of battalion commander is just right for Krische, but they could not create a new posting just for her so she is currently just the ‘general’s daughter’.

They had come to the conclusion that it is best for her to join the ‘strategic command’ that Bogan had been trying to set up, so Krische is currently going through officer training――studying tactics and strategy while only technically part of the army.

This is why nobody in the army knows how to treat her. Krische also acts like a proper young lady, so the common soldiers settled on treating her as the ‘general’s daughter’.

This is also the reason why she was not reprimanded for acting independently. Her current position is quite convenient, allowing her to act as a soldier or the general’s daughter as the need arises.

Krische herself does not care about hierarchy and talks to everybody politely, so her current vague position does not particularly bother her.

“Krische, what do you think about the current situation?”

They are in a difficult and troubling position.

Bogan is thankful for Krische’s presence in this situation.

Her way of thinking is novel and there is much to gain from it.

Bogan was against dragging Selene and Krische onto the battlefield because they are still young, but at the same time he understands their usefulness.

That’s why he asked Krische this question and watched her with high expectations.

Krische thought over Bogan’s question a little, staring at the map on the table.

“Were there other attacks on supply trains?”

“Yeah, there has been multiple reports of such attacks. Casualties are minimal but the soldiers are growing uneasy……seems to be simple harassment.”

“Yes, Krische thinks so too. They are probably aiming to make the soldiers uneasy and lower morale. For now it is probably better to increase the guards for the supply trains……we can only take countermeasures. Searching the forest would take too much effort.”

Krische pointed at the pieces representing the enemy.

“With the advantage in numbers, the enemy has a lot of options. In comparison, we do not have the numbers to attack, so we can only react. In that sense, they have the initiative……in their position, Krische would target the south first.”

“You think so too? Why?”

Krische nodded and took a sip of the black soy tea which has turned brown with the amount of milk added.

With a small satisfied smile, she answered Bogan.

“We have the large forest to our backs, so Krische would not aim here. If we escape into the forest, it would be impossible to wipe us out and it is impossible to monitor or blockade the entire forest. Since they cannot bottle us up, they cannot stop us from reassembling. Master set up headquarters here with that in mind right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Our plans are just as you said.”

“The enemy supreme commander is able to lead a hundred thousand men, so he should also understand that. In that case, he would never send the main force here. He would leave thirty thousand to keep us here and send ten thousand to the south.”

Krische moved a piece representing ten thousand to the south.

“This ten thousand will be used to defend the south while the army of forty thousand attacks. If the central army goes to help them, they will be flanked by the army in Wulfenite and it would take time if the central army goes around. The terrain in the south is mainly open fields so the enemy can advance quickly and the southern forces will be pushed back quite far. The approximate number of soldiers in Wulfenite is twenty thousand right?”

“Yeah, that’s what I heard.”

“Then it will be difficult to take Wulfenite while they attack the south. Elsren could stabilise their lines and take over the whole southeast. They could also coordinate with the Galshan Republic and take over the whole southern area in one shot.”

The three of them frowned as they listened to Krische.

The Kingdom has large, treacherous mountain ranges in the northwest and northeast.

These mountains are inhabited, but they are more of tribes than a country, they will not do anything as long as their territory is not invaded.

The Kingdom is in an alliance with the Arna Empire to the north and on very good terms. They can be considered an ally and there is no need to worry about the north. In fact, they have offered reinforcements, they would also like to avoid the collapse of the Alberan Kingdom, their buffer.

That leaves the south and west.

The Kingdom has warred with the Galshan Republic in the south multiple times. Although their current relations is good, it is quite plausible that they would take this chance to attack.

That is the same for the Elderant Kingdom in the west, but they are currently at war with the Galshan Republic.

Elderant is the weaker of the two and would not fight two fronts at the same time, so only the Galshan Republic in the south might make a move.

“In that case it would be difficult for the Alberan Kingdom to mount a counterattack. We would be forced to sign a peace treaty with the southeastern area of the Alberan Kingdom occupied.”

Krische quietly stated that with no change in expression.

Either way, this will not directly affect Krische’s life in the north of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom is the buffer for the Arna Empire in the north.

Even if Galshan and Elsren aimed for more, they would have to face two countries.

Simply put, destroying the kingdom would require enormous effort from them.

That means unless something unexpected happens, Krische’s peace is safe.

“I see, I understand your assessment. It makes sense as a possible course of action for the empire……can you think of any countermeasure we can take?”

Bogan asked that with a serious light in his eyes.

Gallen and Selene also watched Krische with similar eyes.

In their many meetings, they have come to a similar conclusion as Krische about the enemy’s possible movements.

Krische had easily and confidently arrived at that conclusion from the many possibilities and surprised them a little with the threat of the empire cooperating with the south.

A single mistake could result in enormous casualties.

The weight of this responsibility stretches the nerves, creates fear of the countless possibilities and leads one astray from the correct answer.

Krische’s relaxed confidence surprised them more than her intelligence. Her confidence and ability to easily find a single tree in the forest of possibility and choosing it with no apprehension still surprised them even though they knew her.

They still had no answer for this question.

Thus their expectations grew after seeing how easily Krische answered the previous question.

Bogan’s question. A countermeasure.

Krische stared at the map, imagining the movements of the army.

“The most likely possibility is what Krische said before. The enemy definitely expects us to play for time. They just need to keep us from moving, so that would play into their hands and they would just stay there. Krische believes the first priority is to take back the initiative.”

“……but how?”

Kriche pointed at a spot right in the middle of the Christand and Elsren army.

An area east-southeast of the forest――where the Arzlen river flows from the mountains to Wulfenite.

“The current planned battlefield should be here. The armies will face off across the Arzlen river.”


“The enemy is also expecting this. Crossing the river would lead to many casualties and if they deploy here, we will not be able to make a move. The state of the river is also not good for us.”


Krische nodded.

“First we shift the headquarters to the east and hire workers from the surrounding villages and towns to dam the river. At this spot here, where it flows to Wulfenite.”

Krische pointed to the eastern part of the map.

She placed her finger on a small lake――the point the river splits into two.

The northern Arzlen river flows to Wulfenite and the other river, the Bezlen river flows a little further south of that.

“Naturally, the enemy army will also move east. But not the entire army. The enemy would see this dam as support for an attack on Wuelfenite by the central army……so they should leave about ten thousand.”

“That……makes sense. But you intend to dam the river for a different objective?”


“I understand what you are saying. We can find a good timing to break the dam and release the water, causing a flood and washing away the enemy deployed on the opposite bank. But the chances of the enemy destroying the dam before that looks high. They will not let us build the dam so easily. Won’t it also be difficult to only cause casualties for the enemy?”

“Yes, that is right.”

The other three looked puzzled when Krische nodded.

“But Krische’s objective is simply to create a battlefield, so that is fine.”


Made a mistake in chap 12, the commander (Salva) that played the war game with Krische was a corps commander in charge of five hundred thousand men. Yes that makes more sense considering the scale of their army in the game. Past me is dumb. Not that present me is much different.

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