
Chapter 11: U.E. C.11: Realisation And The Girl’S Wish

Chapter 11: U.E. C.11: Realisation And The Girl’S Wish

To Krische, the town is full of irresistible riches, especially the various ingredients, spices and cookware.

Krische was satisfied with her life.

After enjoying her meal, Krische sipped her wine. The wine had been diluted with juice such that Krische could drink it too.

Krische is not very good with alcohol and was slightly tipsy as she cleaned the dishes then went to bathe.

Even in the bath, Krische and Bery are together.

The bath is not as large as a public bath, but it is wide enough for them to enter together.

Krische was enjoying the feeling of the warm water while sitting in Bery’s embrace when she had a sudden thought.

“Bery is kind of like Kaa-sama.”

Things changed when Selene told Krische to just call her Selene.

Bery also asked Krische to just call her by name, explaining that ‘Since you are calling ojou-sama by name, you cannot be using -san for me.’

‘Bery-san’ felt too formal and Bery wanted to close the distance between them. So this was mostly Bery’s personal desire, but Krische obediently agreed.

Hearing Krische say her name in that soft voice, Bery smiled in satisfaction as she asked.

“……Krische-sama’s okaa-sama? That is a great honour……but in what way?”


Krische tilted her head, mulling over the words she had unintentionally muttered.

She simply felt that way, she could not really say why.

Grace was bad at cooking. She did her best at cleaning, but there would still be dust in the corners.

Grace was often described as clumsy and messed up a lot, unlike Bery who is skillful and dexterous.

Ah, Krische finally realised the similarity between them.

“You are both good at being liked by people.”

“Err, good at being liked……?”

Bery repeated the words, not understanding. Krische nodded.

“The shopkeepers and town people all look happy to see Bery. Kaa-sama was also liked by everyone in the same way.”

“Oh, fufu. That is an exaggeration……Krische-sama’s okaa-sama must have been a wonderful person.”

“Yes. It is such a waste that she died. Krische wanted to learn more from her about how to leave a good impression on people.”

Krische’s words made Bery stiffen for an instant.

Bery frowned in confusion.

“What do you mean, waste……”

“If Krische was a little more careful, Kaa-sama would not have died. It is such a shame. Krische liked Kaa-sama a lot”

Is it a problem with her wording? thought Bery initially as she felt something off, but now she understood, no, it is something else.

Perhaps it is because Krische was a little drunk.

Her decision-making was affected and she failed to noticed Bery’s reaction or tone.

Bery hesistated a little, then asked.

“Does that mean……er, you must have been very sad. Losing your parents…… was it, very difficult?”

Bery’s voice was a little shrill.

“……no? The neighbouring oba-sama and ojii-sama gave Krischee food, Krische is also living a wonderful life in such a nice house now. There was nothing particularly difficult.”

Krische’s answer was impassive and completely honest.

Bery’s vague suspicion turned into conviction and she cautiously questioned Krische.

“Er……Krische-sama. Can I, ask a few questions?”

“……? Yes.”


Bery asked about Krische’s village.

‘Waste’, ‘shame’――not ‘sad’.

These are the words that Krische used.

They are talking about the mother that took her in, raised Krische like her own daughter but unfortunately, passed away

“There was a lot of blood. It would not stop even when Krische pressed on the wound……thinking back on it, Krische failed.”

But Krische described it like just a simple sequence of events.

She had lost her mother.

But there was not much she could have done about it.

This girl spoke as if she felt nothing about it.

“Krische should have thrown the sword a little earlier and killed Gado-san.”

Her words were regretful, but there was no sadness in her voice.

Asking about the death of a person’s mother is a sensitive topic, but Krische was perfectly calm.

“Krische should have killed him before the others. Krische made the wrong choice.”

“……Krische-sama, are you not afraid of killing people?”

“……? No. After all, it doesn’t hurt Krische.”

“I, see……”

Bery stroked Krische’s head as she continued asking questions.

Bery has finally understood that Krische is not a normal girl.

What does Krische think about death? Or murder?

Krische answered that it is bad because of the rules.

What are rules?

Krische answered that it is a system to protect the interests of the community.

Since Krische is under the protection of the community, of society, it is natural for Krische to obey the rules.

So it is also natural to act in the interests of the community and anything that benefits the community is ‘good’.

“Wolves are also killed on sight. Krische thought killing the bandits to protect the village was ‘good’, but breaking the rules must have been bad. It might have also been because Krische was not a village guard…… Krische was hated for some reason, so Krische is not sure about this part.”

Krische covered her face in embarassment.

“Ojii-sama and the friendly oba-sans said Krische was not wrong and Krische was not punished for it. But that makes it even more confusing……”

So Krische still has not learnt what is ‘good’. Grace was a good model to learn from and so is Bery.

Krische is immature and admires both of them, especially since Grace and Bery are kind to Krische.

Krische explained that this is another reason she liked Grace and also why her death was really a shame.

“So that is why……”

Bery finally understood why she had felt something was off while living with Krische and closed her eyes.

A little unusual, but an adorable, hardworking and kind girl.

Bery realised that her impression of Krische was wrong at a fundamental level.

“……you poor girl.”

Bery tightly embraced Krische’s slender body.


Bery sensed that Krische is lacking something fundamental for a person.

She is extremely smart and has a novel and unique way of thinking.

She is definitely a genius.

But conversely, she is lacking something important.

However, Bery felt from their conversation that Krische is only missing a part.

“Was life with okaa-sama fun?”

“Yes. She was very kind, like Bery.”

“That is why Krische-sama feels it is a shame okaa-sama passed away?”

“Nn……yes. It was a shame.”

Bery sighed.

“Krische-sama, that feeling is called being sad……at least, that is what everyone else calls it.”


“Yes. It might be a small difference for Krische-sama, but your choice of words can cause misunderstandings. If you are asked about such things again, please say that you felt sad.”

Krische remembered Gallen’s words and nodded.

Gallen has also said something similar.

“……Krische-sama, have you felt like……when talking to someone, the things you are talking about are different or you could not understand why they said those things, or why people are happy or sad?”


Those are common occurrences for Krische.

People often react differently from how Krische expects and this is one of Krische’s greatest concerns.

――A weird girl. Abnormal. Strange. Creepy.

A different kind of attention then the type being superior attracts, these are negative words.

These are words that Krische have heard used to describe herself.

Unless there is a reason to do so, Krische generally does not talk to people.

Krische is aware that her communication ability is far from ideal. She did her best to avoid leaving such negative impressions through conversations as much as possible.

But she also knows that staying silent leads to similar impressions.

This is a difficult problem that Krische has no idea how to solve.

When there is no need to reply, the other person will make their own assumptions if she stays quiet.

In general, this is the safest method, but it failed in the village and resultingly, her ‘bad reputation’ spread.

What could Krische have done better?

“……does Bery also think that, Krische is weird?”

――Kaa-sama. Is Krische a weird girl? Is Krische creepy? Please tell Krische what is wrong. Krische will fix it.

When Krische was much younger, she had asked that question.

Grace has said that she was not weird, it is just Krische’s trait, everyone has their own traits.

She had hugged Krische and explained that Krische was not weird at all, it was not Krische’s fault.

Grace had cried and asked her to not say such such things again, so Krische has never asked the same question again, but the question still remained within her.

Bery might give a different answer from Grace.

Bery is a lot smarter and better at teaching than Grace.

That is why Krische suddenly remembered that question and asked.

“……did someone say that to you?”

“Yes, a lot of people said Krische is weird or creepy.”

Bery’s arms tightened a little around Krische.

“Krische does not really understand what is weird or creepy about Krische.”

Krische stared blankly at her own reflection in the water as she muttered.

“Just like Bery said, Krische is not good at talking, sometimes Krische cannot understand what other people are talking about and Krische knows that is why people think Krische is weird or creepy……but Krische does not know what to do.”

Words do not mean exactly what they mean, there are hidden nuances behind them.

People do not show everything, their true feelings may differ from their attitude.

Often people that Krische thought were friendly actually disliked Krische.

This always confused Krische, Krische could not understand.

“……is this what you mean by you want to know how to leave a good impression?”

“Yes. Bery and Kaa-sama both seem to be very good at it.”

If Krische could be better at talking to people, then life would be easier.

But Krische does not know how.

“When Krische asked that question when younger, Kaa-sama said that it is a trait and Krische is not weird at all. But Krische knows that a lot of people think that Krishce is weird or creepy, so that seems wrong. Does Bery know the answer?”

Bery fell silent for a while, thinking.

Some time passed before she spoke again.

“……excuse my rudeness, but to be honest, I believe Krische-sama is a little different from most. At the very least, Krische-sama is not normal. Krische-sama’s okaa-sama probably felt the same.”

“……Kaa-sama too.”

“Yes. And I will put this out there first, there is no easy solution to this problem……let’s see, Krische-sama, have you ever thought I am weird?”


Bery smiled wryly.

“Fufu, but people often say that I am weird too. In both good and bad ways.”


“Yes. Just like Krische-sama.”

Bery ran her fingers along the water surface and continued in a gentle voice.

“……when you are different from people, it can be a trait when seen positively, but it can be creepy when seen negatively.”

Bery scooped up water in the palm of her hand and then let it fall.

The splashing of water echoed in the quiet room.

“Traits are both good and bad, it depends on the viewer. I said there is no clear solution and that is because there are parts that you cannot do anything about.”

“I see……”

Krische pouted, then sighed.

Krische had no doubts about Bery’s wisdom.

If Bery said so, then there really is no solution.

Krische had gone through much trial and error, but if there really is nothing she can do about it, she can only give up.

“Krische-sama’s okaa-sama probably knew this too. She must not have wanted to……disappoint Krische-sama, that is likely why she answered that way.”


“Yes. Because she loved Krische-sama…… because she loved you, she was happy to see Krische-sama smile and conversely, would be sad if Krische-sama was disappointed.”

“……because she loved Krische……muu.”

Bery smiled wryly as she watched Krische ponder her words.

“By the way, why does Krische-sama help me with my work?”

“Er……Bery has taught Krische a lot of things and, er, sleeps with Krische……and tea…… and snacks, Krische has received a lot from Bery.”

Krische’s voice grew small when she said snacks, but her answer was clear despite the stuttering.

Bery smiled happily and continued.

“Is that why you do things to make me happy?”


“Fufu, Krische-sama is probably thinking too much.”

Bery caught Krische by the waist and turned Krische around to face her.

Bery held up a finger and smiled.

“……Krische-sama makes me happy. This may be pretentious, but I also love Krische-sama, so I also want to make Krische-sama happy.”

Bery patted Krische on the head and looked into her eyes.

Krische seemed somewhat happy as she stared back at Bery.

“Conversely, I do not want to disappoint Krische-sama. Krische-sama too……this is a little embarassing for me to ask, but you do not want to disappoint me as well right?”

“Yes…… ah.”

Bery hugged Krische tightly and agreed in a strong tone.

“That is the feeling of liking someone. When you like someone a lot, it becomes love. Both are similar, but try to think of it like this…… the feeling of wanting to do something for someone, to make them happy is love, and Krische-sama also has it.”


To Krische, working to benefit others without compensation is goodwill.

That is Krische’s vague definition.

Grace had died protecting Krische.

The small doubt that Krische had felt in that conversation with Galla.

These felt like they were taking shape, becoming a little clearer in Krische’s mind.

“Yes. When you love someone, you will not feel like that person’s unusual parts are creepy. That is why Krische-sama’s okaa-sama knew that Krische-sama is different but said that it is Krische-sama’s trait…… that is why she said Krische-sama is not weird at all.”

Krische was once again impressed by Bery’s wisdom.

This explanation is easy for Krische to understand.

“……I also do not think that Krische-sama’s differences are weird or creepy. In fact, I think those are Krische-sama’s unique charmpoints.”

Bery hugged Krische to her chest, whispering into her ear.

Krische relaxed into Bery’s comfortable embrace and hugged back.

“……that does not resolve your problem. But at the very least, that is how I feel and this feeling will not change. So if anything worries you, please consult me.”


Bery is kind, smart, good at cooking and can do everything.

And now she is offering to be Krische’s teacher.

This made Krische really happy.

But what can Krische return?

Krische pondered over this.

“Unlike me, or other people, Krische-sama is very strong. Because of Krische-sama’s mental strength, sometimes it might be difficult to understand what other people are feeling.”

“Mental, strength?”

“Yes. For me……if master, ojou-sama or Krische-sama passed away in an unfortunate accident, I would be very sad. It would be so painful that I cannot even cook despite how much I love cooking. Many people would be like that if they lost someone they love.”

Bery ‘s voice was slightly somber.

Krische recalled how Galla was like when her son died and nodded in understanding.

“Those who are mentally weaker empathise with such feelings, they comfort each other, slowly recover from the sadness together and move on. But because Krische-sama is strong, it might be hard for Krischee-sama to understand that feeling…… to me, that is very lonely.”


“Yes, Krische-sama……do you like cooking with me?”

“Yes, a lot……Bery knows a lot of dishes and it is amazing how Bery keeps thinking of new things to try. It is very fun to cook together.”

“Fufu, when Krische-sama says it like that it makes me happy but is also kind of embarassing.”

Smiling wryly, Bery continued.

“Both Krische-sama and I are fascinated by the same thing, cooking. That is why I also enjoy cooking with Krische-sama and Krische-sama feels the same.”

Bery took Krische’s hand, putting her index finger to Krische’s.

“……that is because we are working together with the same feelings.”

Bery pulled her finger away as she continued.

“If for example, I did not have any interest in cooking, would you feel the same way?”


“If Krische-sama finds it more fun to cook with me than by yourself, that is because my enjoyment is added onto Krische-sama’s.”

Bery said that in a light tone as she entwined her fingers with Krische’s.

“……that is the principle behind empathy, happiness can be multiplied manifold while sadness can be eased. That is why I feel that not being able to emphathise with others is lonely.”

“……I see.”

Krische nodded obediently.

If things that are already fun can be even more fun, then it is certainly a waste.

Krische does enjoy cooking with Bery a lot more than by herself.

“Most people are not as mentally strong as Krische-sama. That is why they want to share it when things are tough or when they enjoy something. But that is difficult for Krische-sama to understand and is probably why people think Krische-sama is weird.”

Bery put a finger to her lips and thought for a while before nodding.

She caught Krische’s waist again, adjusting Krische’s position as she smiled and said.

“……this is not a fundamental solution, but for now, let’s start with sharing fun things.”

“Sharing fun things……”

“Yes. By doing that, you might slowly get a better understanding of empathy……and there is no time like the present, let us try something right after we finish bathing.”

Bery rose with a splash as she said that.

Unable to follow, Krische tilted her head, watching the movements of Bery’s full breasts.

“Er, Bery, what are we doing?”

“Something Krische-sama enjoys……which is cooking, we are making sweets.”

Bery said that with a wide smile.

“Hey. I’m quite busy……why do I have to make sweets, and at this hour of the day……”

Selene glared at Bery, disgruntled. She had been doing self-revision in her room when Bery dragged her out.

“Because ojou-sama is busy in the day.”

“But still……”

“Krische-sama, please help ojou-sama put on an apron.”


Krische did as she was told, holding out an apron to Selene, who is dressed in her sleepwear, a negligee.

Making sweets.

This is part of Krische’s education, under this pretext they can have tea and enjoy cookies after they are done.

Naturally Krische is delighted. Krische stared at Selene with glittering eyes.

“Ah, erm, I, er……”

“You don’t, want to……?”

It is decided that they have tea in Selene’s room.

Bery had told Krische that if Selene said that she absolutely did not want to, they would have to cancel for today.

Bery had known Selene since she was young and knew there is no chance that Selene would refuse. But Krische does not know that, she looked genuinely sad as she asked that question.

Sad puppy eyes.

Pressured by Krische, Selene looked awat, then finally gave up and said, “fine” in a small voice.

Krische’s face brightened as she enthusiastically pulled the apron over Selene’s head and tied the strings around her narrow waist.

“Krische-sama, ojou-sama has never made cookies, so please teach her properly.”


“……Bery, what are you doing.”

“I am watching the two of you with a smile.”


Selene glared at Bery, but Bery was unaffected.

“Come on, we will be together for a long time, so it is important to get to know each other through activities like making sweets. This is a good opportunity.”

“You look like you are just enjoying yourself……”

“Of course not. First, let’s start from breaking eggs. Come, Krische-sama, please teach her.”

“Okay! Selene, over here.”

“No need to pull, I’m coming……”

Dragged over by Krische, Selene reluctantly joined them in making cookies.

Selene is proficient in swordsmanship, but is not really suited for delicate work――simply put, she is a clumsy girl with no attention to detail.

She dropped the eggshell and added the wrong amount of flour.

Each time Selene made a mistake, Krische calmly pointed it out and explained how to do it with a demonstration.

The eggshells just needed to be scooped out and they could simply increase the other ingredients to match the amount of flour.

They ended up making a lot more cookies than originally planned, but that is a welcome result for Krische, putting her in a very good mood.

Selene seemed to be affected by Krische’s mood and despite complaining at the start, started to enjoy herself.

Selene’s tongue has been refined by Bery’s dishes.

Her sense of taste is excellent and she made many suggestions about extracts or mixtures to use to enchance the flavour of the cookies.

Some of the combinations they tried failed, but Krische had never tried many of them and enjoyed sampling the various cookies.

Fortunately, they had plenty of batter thanks to Selene, so they could easily bake a large variety of cookies.

After baking, they visited Bogan.

Bogan was clearing paperwork and was surprised by their sudden visit, but quickly grasped the situation when Bery emphasised that these are the first cookies Selene has made. He happily accepted the cookies and started eating.

Selene looked very embarassed, but could not completely hide her happiness as she watched Bogan eat her cookies. Meanwhile, Krische was starting at Selene curiously.

After that, they had their nightly tea in Selene’s room.

Selene was sulking from Bery’s teasing, but rejoined the conversation as they moved on to discuss the extracts and mixtures they used.

This was nice, this one was a little too sour, that was too sweet, this was bitter and not very nice but smelled nice.

Krische preferred the sweet ones while Bery liked the slightly salty combinations.

Selene liked those with a slightly sharp, sour taste.

Doing this turned out better. No, but that method――their preferences differed and their opinions varied, but it was a fruitful discussion for Krische.

The sweet ones are nice, but a little salt does help to bring out the flavour.

Those with a sharp, sour taste can be nice occasionally to wash away the sweetness.

What is tasty changes with each cookie eaten

That is why Krische made many discoveries from their varied opinions.

It was a lot more ‘fun’ then if she had baked and sampled the cookies by herself.

Thinking back on it, it has always been like that for Krische.

Krische liked having others taste her food.

How was today’s cooking? Is it better than yesterdays?

She had asked Grace, Gorka, Gallen, Galla.

――ah, so that was fun, Krische realised.

What would Grace have said about these cookies?

What about Gorka?

Krische imagined it, but they are not around anymore. She cannot ask them.

Krische recalled how happy Bogan and Selene had looked earlier.

Something felt fuzzy in her chest, making Krische frown and tilt her head.

“Krische? What’s wrong?”

“……nothing. Just, my chest feels fuzzy……”

“……did you eat too much?”

“Eh, uu……”

Now that Selene mentioned it, that might be the case. Krische blushed, her eyes wandering.

Even though they already had dinner, she ate a lot of cookies.

Her stomach does feel a little bloated.

“Sorry for the wait.”

That was when Bery returned.

She was carrying a plate with something red and transluscent.

“……was that what you were secretly making?”

“Fufu, this is a small surprise. I thought it would be nice to have something refreshing after the cookies. Here, Krische-sama.”

The translucent something wobbled as Bery placed it in front of Krische.

It was pretty, like a gem, but Krische has never seen it before.

“This is jelly. Fufu, seems like this is the first time Krische-sama has seen it……here, say aaahn.”

Bery scooped some with a spoon and brought it to Krische’s mouth.

The jelly danced on Krische’s tongue, tasting familiar.


“Correct! How is it? Krische-sama loves sweet things, but after enjoying sweets something refreshing like this is nice right?”


“Fufu, here’s more. I was not sure if Krischee-sama would like this, so I am glad. say aaahn.”


Selene watched them with an exasperated expression as she ate her own jelly.

“……she’s not at an age to be spoon-fed.”

“Krische-sama is cute when she is fed so this is fine. Fufu, are you jealous? Then Selene-sama too.”

“Haa, no need……”

“Bery, how, how……how do you make this?”

Already captivated by the texture of jelly, Krische questioned Bery with glittering eyes.

Bery laughed softly as she petted Krische’s head, promising to teach her tomorrow.

Their tea time came to an end as it grew late.

Krische was still full of excitement and bliss as she laid in bed――with Bery sitting at her side, stroking her head.

Next time, let’s make cookies this way, that way.

Krischee made some suggestions and Bery nodded with a smile.

“……how was it? Was tea time fun?”

“Yes, very……”

“That is good. This is what I mean by sharing fun things. It is a lot more fun to share fun things with someone else……cooking is a simple example.”

Bery put a finger to Krische’s lips as she spoke.

“Everyone has different preferences. Everyone has different opinions. But Krische-sama and I, even ojou-sama are all the same.”

“……the same?”


Bery smiled cheerfully.

“Krische-sama, ojou-sama and I all want to eat something nice, make something delicious. Could you feel that we shared the same feelings?”


“That is empathy. Through cooking, Krische-sama was able to understand our feelings. You were able to discover the parts which matched Krische-sama’s feelings, that is why you could accept the differences in opinion and have fun.”

Bery took Krische’s hand and entwined her fingers with Krische’s.

“At the root of it all, everything is intrinsically connected.”

“……at the root.”

“Yes. Both Krische-sama and I are like fruits from the same tree.”

Laughing softly, Bery planted a gentle kiss on Krische’s hand.

“Just like cooking, everyone has their own likes and dislikes, there are things they enjoy or find boring. Everyone likes or dislikes different things……but the feeling of having fun, liking something, happiness or embarrassment, these feelings are the same for everyone.”

“……for Krische too?”

“Yes. Krische-sama is certainly different from others. But when it comes down to it, Krische-sama is the same as other people. Krische-sama is no different from ojou-sama, master, Gallen-sama or even me.”

Releasing Krische’s hand, Bery brushed Krische’s hair away from her face.

The feeling of Bery’s hand is similar to Grace’s.

Kind and gentle.

The feeling Krische likes.

“You can only see the surface of people’s hearts. So in a sense, it is natural that you cannot understand others. Just like how you cannot see the bottom of a soup, you also cannot see the deepest corners of someone else’s heart. Can you tell how a soup tastes based on its appearance?”

“……Krische has to taste-test first.”

Krische answered honestly, blushing as she used the words taste-test.

Bery nodded.

“Yes. But you know how onions, tomato and meat taste. If you know how each ingredient of the soup tastes like, could you imagine how the soup would taste?”


Bery pressed her forehead to Krische’s and smiled.

“Fufu, it is the same……for example, I know how it feels to have fun, but I also know how it feels to be sad or go through difficult times, so I can imagine how other people would feel to some extent. This is the only thing Krische-sama is lacking.”

Bery’s large, gentle brown eyes stared into Krische’s purple eyes.

“By exploring how Krische-sama feels and thinks about different things, by exploring deeper and deeper into yourself and finding out more and more――”

It was a strange feeling, like Krische was being sucked into Bery’s eyes.

Krische could only stare at Bery and listen to her voice.

Krische narrowed her eyes, enjoying the warmth on her forehead.

“Eventually Krische-sama will also be able to understand the feelings of other people……of course, this is not a simple solution and may take a long time to show tangible results. But by doing this, I believe that Krische-sama can obtain what Krische-sama wishes for.”

“Wish, for?”

“Yes……something Krische-sama has not noticed, but something very precious to Krische-sama.”

Krische frowned in confusion, making Bery laugh out loud.

“Well, no need to think so hard. Even I am not perfect, I am in no position to tell Krische-sama what it is……I also try to understand people when I can only see the surface, so there are times I misunderstand someone without realising. This happens now and then.”


“Yes. Everyone is like this. It is not only Krische-sama.”

After a moment of thought, Bery told Krische.

“Let’s try this. Do not hold back with me. If there is anything Krische-sama wants me to do, please speak out and tell me.”

Bery held up a finger and smiled teasingly.

“Please tell me what Krische-sama enjoys, what makes Krische-sama happy. Similarly for what makes Krische-sama unhappy……I believe it is best to understand your own heart first.”

“……err, that……”

“For example, it is about time for Krische-sama to be sleepy. And I believe that Krische-sama likes hugging someone to sleep, am I right?”


Krische blushed.

Seeing that, Bery smiled.

“This is what I mean, please ask for what you want. Come on, please say it.”

Krische’s eyes wandered, but still nodded.

“Er, err……pl, please, sleep with Krische.”

“Fufu. Okay, my pleasure.”

Bery kissed Krische’s brow and laid down next to her.

She then hugged Krische and gently brushed Krische’s hair away from her face.

Bery’s body was soft and warm.

“It is the same for me, I also like hugging someone and sleeping with that warmth, so this is mutual……lately, ojou-sama is too shy to sleep with me, so please let me join you from now on, Krische-sama.”


“Being honest is good. Just like this, please tell me about yourself. Leave other people aside for now, I want to be able to understand Krische-sama. If we can understand each other, then a lot of things will be even more fun and it will be blissful……for both me, and Krische-sama.”

Bery planted another kiss on Krische’s brow. Krische twitched because it was ticklish, but did not resist.

It was not unpleasant, it felt reassuring.

Krische has always found it comfortable and reassuring to be hugged and petted like this.

This is a sensation Krische likes.

“No matter how much we wish to be perfect, everyone has flaws, nobody is perfect. That is why we need to understand and accept each other’s embarrassing desires and fulfill them. This is how we can build a wonderful relationship and find happiness.”


“Yes, wonderful. By sleeping together like this, both me and Krische-sama……in this instant, we are both happy. This is because we can fulfill each other’s wishes.”

Bery whispered those words in Krische’s ear.

If you try to understand someone and that someone tries to understand you, then you two can make each other happy and that is happiness, Krische. Just by being together, it is happiness.

Krische recalled what Grace had said a long time ago.

Krische had did her best to understand other people. It was relatively successful and Krische was able to do okay in the village thanks to Grace.

But Grace must have been referring to someone like Bery.

They really are similar.

“……Bery really is just like Kaa-sama.”

“Oh my. I am very honoured.”

Bery laughed silently, then said affectionately.

“……bit by bit, let’s find out more about Krische-sama.”

“More about, Krische?”

“Yes……the Krische-sama that Krische-sama does not know, the Krische-sama that Krische-sama wishes for.”

One day, you will understand, with that, Bery hugged Krische to her chest.

Krische nodded and enjoyed the sensation as she closed her eyes.


……Bery is so……proactive.

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