Chapter 108: Reward

Chapter 108: Reward

“I intended to reward you for discovering a dungeon, but...... you have participated in arresting an illegal merchant in the Gaya Forest. And now you have apprehended spies. We have to increase the rewards, don’t we......”

“That seems to be the case.”

“Money won’t be enough for this...... fumu, what do we do?”


As Count Tugal said, the discovery of spies has become my meritorious deed. They, therefore, intend to add to the reward they planned to give me, but...... they really don’t have to~ I mean, I pointed those fellows out because their gazes annoyed me.

But, because it’s not like I can speak honestly here, I decided to wait in silence for the things to take its own course.

“Takumi-dono, how about it? Is there something you desire?”

“...... No, nothing in particular.”

Just when I was going to carry through the indifference, His Majesty addressed me.

Something I desire, huh...... nothing that I would require from the country floats on my mind...... or does it?

“...... Ah!”

No, it’s not limited to “things”!

“It appears you came up with something. Speak.”

“Is that all right?”

“I don’t mind. I won’t know if I can grant it to you until I hear what you have to say. However, I will remind you that impossible things are impossible.”

Well, that is just reasoning. I’m not trusted enough to the extent where they would immediately agree to my reckless demands. It would be better if you have said that from the beginning, that would be easier for me as well. Let’s give it a try and ask since there’s nothing to lose~

“In that case, would it be possible for me to request an authorization to decline an employment invitation from the nobility and answer to those with forcible measures in the same way?”

It would be bothersome if I was told “What do you think you are to decline a nobility’s request!” or “Disrespectful!” when declining an invitation. If possible, I would like definite permission to counterattack if the opponent starts a fight too, but...... if the counterattack would be considered legitimate self-defense, it will be easier to settle the matter afterward.

If this request gets accepted, avoiding trouble in the future would be slightly easier.

“Fumu...... I see. That is indeed a necessary thing. Let’s see...... first of all, let’s make both the Risner and Ruven families your guardianship. Both sides don’t mind, do you?”

“Matthias Ruven complies.”

“Risner Household as well.”

“...... Eh?”

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“N, No! Not at all.”

...... Huhh? Why did it turn into such a serious matter?

I thought he would tell me “Approved” or “Aye, alright” if he accepted my request, but he made the Ruven House and Risner House officially our guardianship for some reason. Well~ we get along with both families, but you see...... mmm~...... that was really unexpected.

“The two might be only of a count rank, but it’s better than entrusting you to a stranger, right? Also, let’s see...... Ruven House and Risner House, I give you the authority of the rank next to the Royal Family for Takumi-dono related matters. I don’t want to think that those above the rank of count would cause trouble, but just in case. With Count Risner being currently in his fief, I will entrust the full rights to Count Ruven for now. Keep that in mind.”


The authority of the rank next to the Royal Family means that even the opponents from the Ducal and Marquis houses would be silenced.

Still...... I can’t keep up with this dizzyingly advancing talk. While feeling a bit shook up, Isaac-san patted my shoulder.

“It will be fine, Takumi-san.”


“Nothing much will change.”


“It’s only that what my Elder brother did for you in Bailey, he now can do throughout the entire country.”

“...... Haha.”

Is this a good thing...... I wonder? No, it’s a good thing?

Yeah, I’m at loss just by minding it. Let’s just obediently accept it as if the annoying things in Guardia decreased.

“However...... that’s still not enough...... right, I will let you take one thing of your liking from the treasury. Well, except the objects we consider national treasures.”

The surroundings became noisy with His Majesty’s words.

Next seems to be an item from the treasury. Ermm...... it should have ended with my request, though~

I mean, the authority next to the Royal Family, there was some noise because of those words, but a noise that can’t even be compared to that is happening. That means the treasury might have some considerably incredible items. Wow~ it seems like receiving something from there would cause a backlash.

“There are many armors, jewels and magic tools in the treasury. There should be something that would be to Takumi-dono’s liking.”

“Eh, Your Majesty! Isn’t it a bit too much to give a reward from the treasury just for a dungeon discovery and the meritorious deed from a little while ago?”

Even if I don’t take anything, I would like to check what magic tools they have~ while carefreely thinking such, one of the noblemen raised his voice in objection. Then, other voices rose to follow after the first one.

Hmm~ as I thought, would it be better not to receive it?

“Did you not hear my words? His achievements are not only that.”

“We heard. However!”

“A compensation for A-rank Evil Viper subjugation, isn’t one or two items from the treasury cheap?”

“Wha! Evil Viper!!”

I could hear “Town of Shirin” or “The origin of the Evil Viper material flowing through the market” whispers from the surroundings. Apparently, even though they were able to grasp the information of Evil Viper material flowing through the market, they weren’t able to track it back to me.

“Even though the place of the encounter was the Gaya Forest, it’s next by our country’s side. If not for Takumi-dono subjugating the Evil Viper, the knights who were sent on the expedition to the Gaya Forest would be annihilated. That would cause serious damage to our country.”

“T, that’s......”

Not being able to argue against His Majesty’s explanation, the noble raised a groaning voice.

“Well then, it’s decided. ――Prime Minister.”

“Yes. I will prepare a list later on and Takumi-dono will choose from among that, would that be all right with you?”

“Takumi-dono, you don’t mind, do you?”

“N, no.”

...... I lost the timing to refuse.

Well, since the opposition from the surroundings decreased, would it be safe to accept?

“Takumi-dono, I have troubled you on this occasion. You will be receiving your reward in another room after this.”

“Thank you very much.”

When I lowered my head to express gratitude, His Majesty left the hall.

With this, the audience came to an end. I’m glad it ended safely(?).

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