
Chapter 143

Xiao Ma looked at Xu Handan and continued, “He told me that he didn’t go see you that night because his parents locked him up . When he heard that you died, he also never came here . His parents feared that you would go and find him . That’s why they hired a sorcerer to put a talisman paper on their house to prevent you from getting close .

“He said that he did really like you back then, but he also said that because you passed away it was impossible for him not to marry . Thus, he slowly began to like the girl who his parents introduced him to . You were dead for only three months when they got married . If it weren’t for the fact that his wife was pregnant, I would have slapped him!”

Xu Handan’s face turned cold as she sat on the bed . She looked at the mirror with a sad smile, “At least now I don’t have to worry about my appearance when I see him . ”

Xie Yuqing tried to console her, “You’ve already passed away . Even though he got married to someone a bit too soon, it is somewhat understandable . ”

Then Xiao Ma continued, “If that was it, I wouldn’t be this furious . After I have told him everything and he believed me, I told him that you wanted to see him again and he told me that there was no point . He said since you are already dead and he has a wife that there was no point for him to see you . He even said that everything was in the past and that he didn’t want to revisit old memories . Pah! You died for him and even waited for here for him for so long, yet he does not want to meet you…”

Xu Handan could not hold it together anymore and finally let out a heart-wrenching cry .

“What a piece of sh*t!” Xie Yuqing complained after hearing what he said . As a woman Xie Yuqing was also angry, “Too bad he hasn’t committed any crimes, or else I would go after him! Oh, that’s right-- little trickster, maybe I can get you his Ba Zi and you can summon his soul here so we can beat him up?”

Xiao Ma added, “That’s a good idea . Just like when we got Cheng Yu, we’ll get him here and we can give him a good whipping!”

Before Ye Shaoyang could open his mouth to say something, Xu Handan stopped crying . She calmed down and said, “Actually I knew from very early on Xiaofei had feelings for that girl . That’s why I suggested that we move away and start over in a new environment . Now I know that wouldn’t have worked . It’s useless to tie someone down if their heart is not yours . ”

She let out a sigh, looked at the three of them with a forced smile, “The three of you don’t need to get angry for me . I’ve waited half a year, and now, I have my answer . No matter what the result is, I have no more regrets . I can’t make him like me . Thank you all for helping me get my answers . Mister, I have no more regrets now . Please send me to the underworld . ”

Ye Shaoyang nodded, said some words of comfort and drew a talisman paper for her . Xu Handan waved goodbye, went into the talisman paper and flew off .

Xie Yuqing’s eyes grew red and watery, she paused for a while and said, “What a sad life she had . Little trickster, will she get punished for lingering so long in the mortal realm?”

“The law is the law, but I did write some words on her behalf so that her punishment will be lessened when she is judged . ”

Xiao Ma was still pissed, “Why would it only lessen her punishment? She did nothing wrong . ”

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, “How did she not do wrong? Was she held back in the mortal realm by someone? No . It was because she regretted so much that she chose to linger . ”

Xiao Ma let out a humph and said, “How unfair . Xu Handan was only stupidly in love, but that Wang Xiaofei won’t be punished at all!”

Ye Shaoyang replied, “Who said that he won’t be punished? He had too quick of a change of heart and indirectly caused her death . Even though it is not illegal in the mortal realm, he will be punished when he gets to the underworld . ”

Both Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing felt better when they heard this .

“Hmm, what is love in a--” Xiao Ma still wanted to continue, but Ye Shaoyang kicked his butt and said,

“Stop being sad and get to work . ”

“Oh yeah, I’ll go ask if the owner has transferred the money yet!” Xiao Ma’s mood changed and he went off joyfully .

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing packed up, went to the lobby, and saw that Xiao Ma was helping the owner on his computer to transfer the money through internet banking . When it was done, the owner ‘happily’ sent them off .

After they had their breakfast, Ye Shaoyang instructed Xiao Ma to take thirty thousand yuan to Xu Handan’s parents, and because Xiao Ma got to keep ten thousand, he happily went to deliver .

Ye Shaoyang got into Xie Yuqing’s car, took out his Yin Yang Compass and asked her to drive on the main road through the town .

“Is this how you’ll find the formation?” Xie Yuqing asked curiously, as she peeked at the strange thing he held . It had different symbols and confusing points .

Ye Shaoyang answered, “It’s simple . The mechanism of the Five Spirit Moving Mountain Formation is to utilize the Evil Qi of an area to change Fengshui . Because the formation has to be put in places that have strong Evil Qi, it is easy for the Yin Yang Compass to pick up . ”

Xie Yuqing let out an ‘Oh’ then asked, “What’s Evil Qi?”

“Spirit Qi, Corpse Qi, Demon Qi, Yin Qi, and Hateful Qi are all Evil Qis . Turn left right here!”

Xie Yuqing turned into a small alley . She drove a few hundred meters and stopped in front of a hospital . She looked left and right and then asked, “Where to now?”

“We’ve arrived . It is this hospital!” Ye Shaoyang said in a grave tone .

“Here?” Xie Yuqing looked at the hospital for quite some time and said, “Seems fine to me…”

Ye Shaoyang got out the bottle of Qixing grass juice and sprayed it on her eyes, “Take a look again!”

Xie Yuqing rubbed her eyes and looked at the hospital again . She was shocked by the red layer of mist covering the whole building .

“This is…”

“Spirit Qi that has a strong correlation with blood,” Ye Shaoyang shook his head in despair and said, “This place has such dense Spirit Qi . Looks like this time we’re facing an evil spirit and it is not going to be as easy to deal with as the corpse-eating spirit . ”

The two of them got out of the car and walked toward the main gate . Upon closer examination, they noticed that the hospital had a very big yard and was a large complex made up of three five to six storey high buildings . Xie Yuqing explained that even though this was a small town, this hospital had to be big enough to service it and thus had to be this large .

Ye Shaoyang frowned as he said, “The bigger the complex, the harder it will be to search . Looks like we might need to stay here for a while . Do you think you can get the hospital staff’s cooperation?”

“I’ll try to use my identity as an officer to get them to help . ”

As they spoke, they went through the main gates of the hospital . Then out of nowhere a clear voice from behind them said, “Heavenly Master Ye?”

Ye Shaoyang turned around and saw a nurse smiling at him . . .

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