
Chapter 438: eavesdropping

  Because of this, the argument of "if you don\'t manage money, money ignores you" is prevalent in the world.

Of course, whether this view is correct, or whether this view is applicable to everyone, no one can say for sure, but one thing is obvious, that is, things that have depreciated faster than currency since ancient times , is a man.

  In the environment of an imbalanced male-to-female ratio, the characteristic that things are rare and expensive is vividly displayed.

  With the awakening of feminism and the improvement of social status, the contradiction between the sexes has intensified.

Under such circumstances, many women have modified their expectations accordingly. They feel that it is very easy to find a man who is two classes above their own to be a boyfriend. In the 1980s, they even believed that if others had already grasped it, they would definitely be able to touch it.

  Although beautiful fantasies are the driving force for human development and progress, when countless businesses and media sell anxiety on this basis, the situation will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Take the dog who photographed a migrant worker who borrowed money to upgrade his cabin. When this ad appeared, people suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the company\'s values, but the problem was that a few years ago , when they release the big data report on Internet consumption to the society, they are actually declaring to the world that they are never ashamed.

   Girls > Children > Young Women > Old People > Dogs > Men

This division of consumption levels makes the argument that "women just need to survive and wait for a man who helps her gain a foothold" become popular all of a sudden, encouraging women to spend hard and encouraging them to spend tomorrow\'s money to pack their present selves , so as to show a better self while realizing the dreamlike class jump in the future, that is what they like to do most.

  Because only in this way can they make a lot of money.

Of course, just like the propaganda of "you don\'t manage money, money ignores you", Roland doesn\'t want to comment too much on the boring argument of "a woman just needs to survive and wait for a man who helps her get a foothold", but even No matter how silent he is, it cannot be denied that his three views have actually been affected by these rhetoric in his previous life.

  The most typical point is to buy a lot of Berkshire Hathaway stocks.

   And this is the investment thinking that best fits the slogan of "If you don\'t manage money, money ignores you".

  Buying Berkshire Hathaway’s stock is not actually chasing its multiple, but to allow money to be reinvested in other areas while outperforming inflation.

For example, if Roland did not spend 300 million to buy Berkshire Hathaway\'s stock, but chose Oracle, the net worth brought to him by this item alone would have actually exceeded 270 million. One billion, because when Berkshire Hathaway\'s stock was worth 7,000 yuan, Oracle\'s stock was only fifty cents, and when Berkshire Hathaway\'s stock rose to 70,000, Oracle Their stocks have soared to forty-five yuan. The difference between ten times and ninety times is a big difference.

   But the problem is that no matter how high the investment price of Oracle is, it is still illusory to Roland.

  Because of Oracle\'s stock, there is no pledge value.

When a bank sees Berkshire Hathaway stock, it doesn\'t matter which one it is, they are willing to lend you money at a 70 percent pledge rate, and with the steady increase in stock value, you still don\'t have The stock fell below the pledge price, and the bank asked you to add more collateral, but what about Oracle\'s stock? If there is any trouble, you will be nagged by the bank, and if you invest with the money borrowed by pledging Oracle\'s stock, then you may live in fear of being called for debt every day.

  So, even if Oracle can raise 27 billion, it is useless!

   Money that cannot be cashed, that is paper.

  And the same, there are Amgen, which has increased by more than 66 times, and Cisco, which has increased by 187 times...

  If Roland didn\'t choose them, he would be pursuing the radical thinking of "you don\'t manage money, money doesn\'t care about you" in his previous life.

Investing in them can certainly achieve a surge in wealth, but the fact of the surge requires patience. The most important thing is that after the surge, you will become their shareholder. If you lower your goals, you only hope that the money in your hand will If you can outperform inflation, the most stable investment will allow you to become a shareholder of a bunch of companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. Not only that, but you can also exaggerately let game companies achieve the same effect of throwing money at major studios Buy, buy, buy, let the film and television companies push the project with their eyes closed.

  Which is worth it?

   This can be calculated with the bottom of the feet!

And just like investing, in terms of the status of men and women, Roland actually accepted the argument put forward by a certain dog that \'women can pack themselves now, and they will be able to cross classes in the future\', or in other words, after his economic strength continued to expand, he used to I think it\'s poisonous to say that \'the husband is responsible for making money and supporting the family, and the wife is responsible for the beauty and beauty\', now looking at...

   Seems to be okay?

  Anyway, he can afford everything his wife wants, and he won\'t bother at all because he can\'t fulfill her wish.

  In this way, his concept of marriage and love is quite material.

   Not to mention, at the beginning, he was combined with the other party because of material improvement.

After that, regardless of whether it is a pre-marital trip after deciding to retire, or wanton wandering when you officially retire after marriage, the behavior of going wherever you go and having a home with you is actually based on financial freedom Poetry and distance.

   As for the heart?

  It was still empty, lonely, and cold.

  But no one mentioned it.

  Because they know that the current combination is the best arrangement.

   Everyone is enjoying life, and no one has lost anything else.

  At the same time, both of them also understand that this tacit understanding will always dissipate.

  The earth is so big, one day, they will finish where they want to go.

   And after the novelty wears off, what awaits them may be different dreams in the same bed.

   Fortunately, before they fell into deep anxiety, a topic that could bind them deeply appeared.

  When Kate knew that the Sony case was related to her husband, and revealed it face-to-face, at that moment, both parties actually sensed that behind this kind of open heart, it was an eternal topic when freshness receded!

  What should I do when there is nothing to buy and no place to play?

   Everything is going to return to life after all!

   And when the question of supporting a career is unimpeded for both of them?

  The undecorated, unembellished truth allows them to kiss each other\'s soul directly!

   Roland knew that Kate was the one he was looking for!

  Kate knew that Roland was the guy she wanted to marry!

   In this way, there is actually only one problem before them!

   That\'s the kid!

  If when proposing, Roland hoped that Kate would give him a child due to his own wealth growth;

  After marriage, because of the problem of wealth inheritance, the desire for children becomes stronger;

   So now—

  Under the circumstances that the two parties did not hide from each other and communicated freely, he really hoped that Kate would give birth to a child for him.

  Although his expectations for his children are still full of the continued growth of his own wealth and the resolution of future inheritance of wealth and other issues, the real core has changed from these two points to the most important desire to give birth!

  Because he felt he needed to leave something in the world! Keep something that has nothing to do with capital! Stay a little and love! Something to do with happiness! He didn\'t want to look back at his life decades later! All I saw was money! money! money! money! money!

  He didn’t want to be asked why he entered the industry when he was old, and the only real thought in his mind was money!

  He didn\'t want to be asked why he married a wife when he was old, and the real thought in his mind was still money!

  He doesn\'t want to be asked which child he likes the most when he is old, but the real thought in his mind is still money!

  But unfortunately, I have been trying to conceive for more than a year, and my stomach has not moved.

  In this situation, it really hurt Roland.

  If he hadn\'t already checked and knew that both parties were fine, then he believed that he would definitely fall into decadence.

   And now—

  When he was in the dark hallway, looking at the brightly colored TV screen, and listening to the host\'s speech from the speaker, the joy he wanted to share with his wife instantly froze on his face.

  Slowly close the door, take off the leather shoes, step on the carpet with both feet, and move silently.

  When the huge living room appeared in front of his eyes, the guy with ponytail and glasses also appeared in front of him.

  Because of the heating, Kate is wearing a short shirt.

  Although the tight clothes can perfectly interpret her figure, the flat belly cannot allow Roland to capture more information.

  However, Roland saw everything clearly from the way the round table spread the books and took notes seriously.

   Ben was still standing straight, leaning against the wall involuntarily.

  The hands that hung down along the way also instinctively grabbed the pants.

   While slowly tightening, unbelievable surprise also welled up in my heart.

  With the distortion of his face, the excitement generated at the same time made him throw away the recent busyness!

  At this moment, what is like the party\'s shale oil, and the donkey party\'s Ministry of Finance?

  The special code is not important!

  Even if they are associated with MGM and interest rates, there is no temptation for Roland at all!

   All that comes to mind in his mind are the abnormalities that his wife has displayed in the recent period!

  After he discovered that his wife\'s mood changes during drowsiness were caused by going to the hospital, even with the sound transmission of the TV, he could still feel that the heart in the chest was beating crazily!

  Although there is no verification, this is not important anymore.

  Because he only has her in his eyes.


"Because newborns are protected by vernix during birth, their skin will be more oily and less watery. This is normal, and the pH is generally between 5.5-6.5. So, novice parents, you Don\'t think about rubbing it, there is no shortage of such a little oil for cooking at home, and it will disappear naturally after about a month..."

"Because the newborn\'s skin is immature, the function of the immune system is slightly weaker, and it cannot be the first line of defense against pathogenic bacteria like the adult skin. Therefore, during the development of the newborn, it is necessary to prevent the skin from being infected by bacteria. It is what every novice parent should do, otherwise, what you will face is red spots, rashes, and blisters..."

"In addition, since the baby\'s lacrimal glands are not yet fully developed, they cannot secrete enough tears. Therefore, parents must pay attention to reducing the external stimulation of the baby\'s eyes, such as holding the baby and kissing them when they are happy, and then rubbing them to the baby\'s eyes." The left and right eyes can’t really happen, because the self-protection ability of their eyes is really very poor, and if you are really happy, then hug your lover and give birth to a younger brother and sister for them. ..."

I don’t know where Kate got the parenting information. When the middle-aged woman in a white coat is on the TV, it’s like a stand-up comedy, talking about the skin care of the newborn bit by bit, and she is listening Kate, who was highlighting the key points, was laughing again and again, and the sound of goose goose goose showed her inner joy, undisguised happiness, and it was a symbol of real hammer.

   And while she was covering her stomach with one hand and writing with the other, she muttered along with the trend, which had the potential to be a queen of fire.

   "Babe, did you hear what the aunt on the TV said? New parents ~ mom and dad~ This information is obviously for two people to read! And your dad~ I don\'t know where he died now!"

It seemed that this sentence was not enough, but it was more like she was a little impatient, so after the voice fell, she paused for two seconds, and then continued to fire, "You can\'t be like your dad in the future. Come on!

  Your dad promised me yesterday that he would come back to celebrate with me today, what happened? So far, no one can be seen!

   Except for coming back in the early morning, there is no news at any other time!

   I don’t know what I want to do to earn so much money all day long?

   Obviously, your grandson is already spending enough, but he is still busy! "

  The speed of speech like a machine gun makes complaints full of lethality.

   And when Balabala\'s dissatisfaction blurted out, the guy who was entertaining himself there seemed to be aware of something wrong.

  So, before the words finished, this guy patted his lower abdomen lightly again, and said, "Uh... Babe, I think you didn\'t hear what mom said, right?

  Mom means that talking doesn’t count, that’s bad, but making money, that’s okay.

   If you are disobedient in the future, your mother will reason with you, but if you don’t want to earn money and only spend it, then your mother will beat you!

  It is not easy for your dad to earn money, I forbid you to spend it recklessly!

   Besides, your dad\'s money is my mom\'s money!

and you?

It doesn\'t matter! "


  The silly words make the guy with glasses chattering cute.

And when she was talking to the child in her belly about the good and bad of her father one second, and the next second she was holding the fruit juice and sipping there, her behavior as if she was mentally alert made Roland who was hiding in the entrance Eyes are red.

   Blowing his nose, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he smiled instinctively, but the next second, tears poured out from the corners of his eyes.

Feeling that something was wrong, he quickly raised his hand, trying to wipe away the blurred vision, but the moment his five fingers touched his face, his elbow also hit the clothes hanger beside him, and when the clattering sound appeared, the guy who was still talking , raised his head immediately.

   "Who?" An alert voice suddenly appeared.

  \'Boom! \'

  The movement of moving the small table resounded throughout the room.

   At the same time as she got up, the clacking sound of wooden clothes racks colliding with each other made her frown to speed up her pace.

   When she crossed the sofa and was at the same level as the entrance, the sight that stretched across her head made her raise her eyebrows.

   "Rolland?" Kate exclaimed.

   "Yeah~Yeah~Yeah~" Roland raised his hand to hold the clothes hanger and nodded tremblingly.

   "When did you come back?" Kate tilted her head and asked.

   "Just now? Just now! Yes! Just now!" Roland was a little speechless.

   And Kate, having noticed the anomaly, "Why did you take your shoes off?"

   "Uh..." Roland didn\'t know how to explain.

   "Why are you holding on to such a large number of drying racks? You didn\'t take off your coat?" Kate continued to ask.

   "Ah..." Roland could only make some simple sounds.

  Her husband\'s strange behavior made Kate a little puzzled, and as she approached, after she clearly captured the red eyes and wet cheeks, clear emotions also flooded her heart.

   "You came back a long time ago?" She looked at Roland in surprise.

   "..." Roland was silent.

   "You already know?" She pursed her lips and blinked her eyes quickly.

   "..." Roland was still silent, but his hands spread out.

   "How much have you heard?" Bei Zi bit her lip, her face full of expectation.

  Kate\'s successive inquiries were undoubtedly a heavy hammer to Roland.

   Not knowing how to answer, he opened his mouth.

  After finding that he couldn\'t speak, he stepped forward, which became the only thing he could do.

  If there is a beep at this moment, then he will definitely send a message asking, how should the husband celebrate when the wife is pregnant?

   But alas, he didn\'t.

  So, when he didn\'t know how to respond, it was his instinct to open his arms to embrace him.

   And when Kate was clumsily hugged by Roland, the doubts in her mind disappeared.

   Hit her forehead on her husband\'s shoulder. Half a minute ago, she was still there complaining that her husband didn\'t come home, and she cried out.

   Note: ①I don’t know why many people think that Goudong’s values ​​are problematic now. The consumption report released three years ago was very popular for a while. Wasn’t it all sought after at that time? ②Amgen is a biopharmaceutical company. Its targeted drug for migraine is super awesome. The most amazing thing is that since it went public, it has paid dividends to shareholders of more than 68 billion. It is accelerating R&D and continuous acquisitions. Under such circumstances, their money still cannot be spent.



  (end of this chapter)

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