
Chapter 379: You have no choice!

  Because Anne Hathaway\'s grandparents were immigrants from the third wave of immigrants in the United States.

  Quality, medium-plus.

   This is not discrimination!

   This is a serious matter!

  In the history of the United States, there have been three immigration waves in total, and the quality of each immigration is actually different.

The first time was from 1820 to 1860, with a total of about 5 million people, including about 2 million in Ireland, about 1.7 million in Germany, and the remaining 1.3 million, not accompanying Black slaves are Asians.

Because of the prevailing selective immigration policy at that time, Washington hoped that the relatively well-to-do middle class could bring their own indentured slaves to America. In this way, the model of self-owned capital plus self-owned labor could accelerate the development of the United States, while Jackson It is hoped that those scientists with high scientific research level can come to America, and regard the University of Virginia as a pilot institution for foreign professors, and welcome the arrival of scholars. Therefore, the quality of this batch of immigrants is very high.

   And when the Civil War ended, the United States ushered in the peak period of industrialization. They were thirsty for labor and passed the "Encouraging Immigration Law". In order to recruit enough skilled workers from Europe, they were even willing to provide travel expenses.

  Because of this, the quality of this group of immigrants who were used as tools was relatively single.

Around 1880, when industrial development reached its peak, the powerful United States also attracted the attention of countless people, but because the United States at that time did not need to accept immigrants as crazy as before, various bills restricting the entry of immigrants were adopted. Rolled out intensively, the Independence Act of 1882 and the Gentlemen\'s Agreement of 1907, both well-known means of restricting population inflows, and by 1911, cultural tests for the exclusion of European immigrants officially launched.

Under such strict restrictions, Anne-Hathaway\'s grandparents can still come in, which has already explained all the problems. Not only that, after they came to the United States, they were able to find jobs at the Philadelphia Radio Station smoothly. The New York law firm has a good meal, the quality, not to mention, and the time is not far away, so there is no big problem in terms of blood, and the most important thing is that in "The Princess Diaries", she played the role of a small European country. The princess, under the circumstances that everyone can accept, other sporadic problems can also be flattened, and the remaining obstacles are the accent and martial arts.

  Anne Hathaway doesn\'t have Keira Knightley\'s British accent, so she has to learn it.

  However, based on the preparation time of about ten months, everything is enough.

   As for martial arts?

  This is actually just a fancy dress.

  The heroines in action movies are actually vases.

  The clean and neat movements are not to explain their coolness, but to show the beauty of their bodies.

  Thinking along this line of thought, the more Roland thought about it, the more he felt that Anne Hathaway was quite suitable.

And when Kate found out that her man was leaning there in a daze after hanging up the phone, she, who had listened to the conversation before, twitched the corners of her lips, leaned over silently, put her chin on the other\'s shoulder, and breathed out the fragrance of orchids. asked: "Steven\'s suggestion said that your heart has gone? Did you want Anne Hathaway to play the heroine of this commercial movie from the beginning?"

The gentle voice drew Roland\'s attention back, and when he looked down and found that his wife was looking at him with her lips pouted, with probing curiosity in her eyes, he knew that this guy was a jealous one. He shook his head decisively.

"How can it be!

  Disney only asked me for help an hour ago, and Steven released me half an hour ago!

   Do you think I am God? Can the personnel be arranged in such a short period of time? "

  Kate did not agree with her straightforward words, and Roland was slapped hard with her bright eyes.

   "Forget it! If you can find the script in such a short period of time, it means that you have understood it before.

   And since you know it, you must have imagined the lineup!

  If you have no idea in your mind, how could you ask Steven if he needs a role? "


   Roland\'s face froze.

  He felt that what his wife said made sense.

  If you have no idea, how can you discuss the distribution of roles at the beginning of project preparation?

  However, this loophole cannot be blamed on him.

  If the old man hadn\'t been urging him on the phone and described his every call time as extremely precious, then he wouldn\'t have discussed actor matters with the other party with the idea of ​​finishing the job in one go.

  Of course, even so, but I can\'t admit it with my mouth.

  Even if he really doesn\'t have this idea, he can\'t linger on this kind of shit. If he shows hesitation, then the stubborn donkey next to him will probably have to find out the old account of his childhood sweetheart, and kill himself!

  So, Roland looked bewildered, and changed the subject, "Huh? You\'re talking about this?

  I just thought about it for a long time, trying to figure out the rationality of Steven\'s proposal.

   After all, series movies are most afraid of substitutions.

   Keira - Knightley you know it?

  She is indeed beautiful and meets the standard of the script, but her character is not suitable for series.

  Because it is out of control.

  So, for the sake of profit, we must choose someone who is on call.

  From this perspective, Anne Hathaway is indeed suitable! "

It\'s not that Roland looks down on Keira Knightley, nor does he think that Anne Hathaway is better than her. All the thinking he\'s doing now is actually the same as when he rejected Natalie Portman in "X-Men" , in order to maximize the benefits.

  Because in his memory, Keira Knightley is a time bomb. In her previous life, after the success of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", she was only willing to sign two sequels with the crew.

   And in her own words, it is: "I don\'t want to go on."

  Because of this, in order to make the plot more reasonable, the screenwriter and director can only take her character offline. In addition, the character she plays has countless and chaotic relationships with the second male lead, so the Elf Prince is also deeply implicated.

At that time, Orlando Bloom gave the reason that he needed to take care of the family, but everyone knew that his words were bullshit, because before the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World\'s End", he had already married his girlfriend Kate-Bosworth broke up, and the new relationship began after the release of "The End of the World".

   When he is not married, has no girlfriend, and even has no children, how can he take care of a **** family?

   After this period of time passed, people realized that he hadn\'t actually done anything.

   Went to Antarctica for two months, then spent half a year on the British stage, then set up a production company, invested in two autobiographical films, and then participated in the filming of the episodic film "New York, I Love You".

   This kind of life seems very rich, but when the "Hobbit" series called him, even though his wife was expecting to give birth, he still couldn\'t wait to return to the crew, and this behavior also caused Miranda Kerr to divorce him.

To put it bluntly, Orlando Bloom has always yearned for the big screen, but because of Disney\'s publicity requirements, he hasn\'t seen the audience for two full years, because Disney doesn\'t allow the crew to disagree in order to keep the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series The voice appeared, and Orlando Bloom couldn\'t break free from this bondage, he could only endure it.

   But can it be their fault?

Disney was all about money from the beginning, and Orlando Bloom didn\'t cooperate, so the difficult Keira Knightley became the source of everyone\'s compromise. Although she made the right choice, since you are right Commercial films are so disgusting, then we may not choose you from the beginning, after all, pursuing art is your right, and making profits is our freedom.

   To put it bluntly, as far as capital is concerned, when the levels of the two goals are almost the same, the guy who accepts 007 first is more popular. What if someone mentions 996 at this time?

  That\'s embarrassing.

  You can go home and enjoy the rewards by yourself!

   "So, you mean, Anne Hathaway can be a good tool?" Kate asked with a smile.

   She loves the husband analogy.

  In Roland\'s eyes, beautiful actresses are all objects?

  Tut tsk tsk...

   "What else? You see, I\'m casting roles now, aren\'t they all for obedience?" Roland shrugged.

   "That\'s right." Kate thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

  However, before she could continue to respond, Roland became angry again.

   "The only disobedient guy, isn\'t he eating me to death now?

   It is enough to experience this kind of thing once, if you experience it several times, you will die. "


   Such words made Kate froze instantly.

   After taking a closer look at her husband, he found that the other party was pursing his lips and trembling...

  Kate raised her face immediately, and asked \'viciously\', "What do you mean?"

   "It\'s not interesting..." Roland looked innocent.

   "What does it mean that it doesn\'t mean anything?" Kate had already got her hands on it and twisted Roland\'s arm.

   "Isn\'t your current performance what I meant..." Roland clutched his wound with a look of grievance.

   Such an attitude made Kate, who couldn\'t hold back, burst out laughing.

  Raised his hand and patted Roland\'s arm, and then jumped on Roland like a koala.

   Not only that, but the \'warning\' sounded loudly, "It\'s good that you know."

   "Hehehe..." Roland laughed twice, and hugged his sensitive but not irritable daughter-in-law in his arms.

  To be honest, Roland doesn\'t dislike Kate\'s vigilance, but rather likes it.

  Because compared with caring, the feeling of being alone is more terrifying.

  That kind of loneliness will make money and become meaningless.

  Eating, drinking and having fun can only fill the material emptiness, while capital will always only feel the loneliness of the soul.

After getting bored with his wife for a while, Roland called Evelyn Watson and asked the other party to contact Gore Verbinski and others, telling them that he intends to bid for their pirate project, and trouble them next time Come home to find him in the morning.

  Since these people are all in Los Angeles, they got in touch quickly, and with the endorsement of the old man, these guys who had been helped by each other in difficult times would naturally give Roland a lot of face.

  Of course, this is actually related to what they want to do.

After all, the old man has too many good projects, even if they are willing to wait, they can\'t afford to spend that time. Now, since Roland, who wears a pair of pants with the old man, is willing to bid, of course they hope to transfer their ideas as soon as possible. It\'s on screen.

Ever since, at around nine o\'clock the next morning, the few people who met at Roland\'s house started chatting happily, and when Dick Cook, the chairman of Disney Pictures, read the script he had prepared, he learned that Industrial Light & Magic, Victoria Tower Digital and the digital field will participate in cooperation, and strive to make the whole movie a masterpiece of visual effects, and a satisfied smile will also appear on the face.

   "I am amazed by your efficiency."

   "Time is money!" Roland said the famous quote of Benjamin Franklin.

   "Yes, yes, time is money, time is money." Dick Cook repeated two sentences with a laugh.

  He likes Roland\'s current style very much, because Disney is currently in a state of hanging by a thread.

  If the paradise industry collapses, then this century-old group will be wiped out.

  So, if you don’t follow the process now, that’s the result Disney needs.

  If Roland said that the script can be submitted to the Disney Green Light Committee for review first, then Dick Cook can guarantee that the big boss Michael Eisner will make the Green Light Committee, a cumbersome organization, disappear directly.

   "There is no problem with the script, and there is no problem with the production team, so the next step is to choose actors?"

   "In fact, two main actors have been finalized, all recommended by Steven.

  The blacksmith in the male second, that is, the son of a pirate who can unravel the curse, we want Orlando Bloom to play.

   Coincidentally, at the end of this year, "The Lord of the Rings" will be released, and if nothing else, his fame will soar.

  As for the heroine, the only daughter of the Governor of Port Royal, we want Anne Hathaway to try.

  Her "Princess Diaries" will hit the public this summer, and I\'m confident it will be a hit. "

  Although Roland\'s tone was full of determination, Dick Cook didn\'t care.

  They were originally here to ask people to do things. After they have determined that only these advertising geniuses can help them, they will not question these people\'s decisions.

   Besides, to put it bluntly, even if you want to question it, you still have a chance.

Now that the candidates are finalized, it does not mean that the filming will start immediately. During the film preparation process, "The Princess Diaries" and "Lord of the Rings" will be released one after another. It exploded, of course it was a great thing, if it didn\'t explode, or if it pounced, it would be beeping by then, and there was still time.

   "Yes, I\'m fine." Dick Cook nodded first.

   "I\'m fine." Gore Verbinski, who decided to direct, also shook his head in affirmation.

   "We just write the script." Ted - Elliott and Terry - Rossio know.

   "So, who are you going to cast as the protagonist pirate?"

  Now that everyone agrees, Dick Cook, who has tasted the taste of efficiency, wants to get things done at once.

  He believed that if the project could be completed within twenty-four hours, the tyrant Michael Eisner would be very happy.

   At that time, not to mention promotion and salary increase, becoming general manager, becoming CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, even becoming a candidate for the chairman of the Disney Group and reaching the pinnacle of life, these things may happen to him!

  However, when he was dreaming, imagining that the authoritarian and tyrannical Michael Eisner would accept himself as the successor of the Disney Group, Roland\'s choice made him stunned on the spot.

   "The protagonist?"

   "I would like to invite Johnny Depp for the main character."

   "What?" Dick Cook screamed.

   "Are you kidding me?" The puzzled gaze was like a sharp sword, as if it wanted to poke a hole in Roland\'s brain.

   "No." Roland shook his head unexpectedly, and asked puzzledly, "What\'s wrong."

   "What\'s wrong? There\'s a big problem!" Dick Cook repeated Roland\'s words, and after confirming that he heard correctly, he said emotionally: "Johnny Depp doesn\'t fit Disney\'s image at all!

  He is a rotten person!

  He has been arrested many times for breaking the law!

  In 1989, he held a party in a hotel in Vancouver. Because the noise was too loud, it disturbed the surrounding customers, so the hotel security personnel went up to negotiate with him, but he beat them up! Then entered the game!

In 1994, when he was in love with supermodel Kate Moss, he got into an argument because of emotional issues, so after being drunk, he was upset at the Mark Hotel in New York, destroying all the hotel facilities, and then because of the fight again. Into the game!

  In 1999, when he went to London, he was followed by paparazzi. At first, it was just a quarrel, but later it turned into a fight. Finally, he got into a big fight, injured someone, and was arrested by the British police!

  If it’s just these, then forget it!

  The point is that he has been smoking weeds since he was twelve years old!

  Although after River Phoenix passed away, he started to quit smoking and weeds, but alcoholism has become his new vice!

  The most deadly thing is that in 1997, he publicly stated to the media that he would never be free from alcohol in his life!

   This guy has a lot of bad records! It doesn\'t fit our Disney brand image at all!

  The reason why I agree with Orlando Bloom and Anne Hathaway\'s choice is because they are good boys!

   But what about Johnny Depp?

   How many parents will bring their children to play the projects he endorsed? "

  Roland was taken aback when he heard the righteous words.

  He really didn\'t expect that Dick Cook would have so much hostility towards Johnny Depp.

  However, after careful analysis of his words, Roland thinks it makes sense.

   After all, children are Disney\'s base. As long as these guys are not out of their minds, it is impossible for them to struggle with money.

   But the problem is—

   "What you want to create now is not a children\'s project!

   If you only want to bring children into the show, after the release of "Princess Diaries", wouldn\'t you want to be a princess dress-up paradise? I can name it for you, but how about calling it \'Princess Around the World\'?

   It is impossible for a movie like "Pirates of the Caribbean" to be rated G!

  PG-13, that\'s the bottom line!

  If you can’t even meet this standard, teenagers will think it’s naive, and adults won’t be interested!

   So, if you really want to appeal to adults, you need to drop the \'only for kids\' idea!

  There are only two roads before you.

  Article 1, admit your mistake to the public, close Disney Adventure Park, and express that you will not do adult projects.

In this way, the influence of public opinion can be reduced as much as possible, but I believe that you may not be able to collect the money for building Disney Adventure Park. In this case, Michael Eisner will definitely be kicked out by angry shareholders .

  The second rule is to bite the bullet and make a movie with the lowest PG-13, and try to get involved in a wider field of live-action movies.

  This approach may arouse dissatisfaction among parents and affect your business, but as long as it is done, it will not only open up a new paradise market, but also open up a new film field!

  Of course, although there are two paths, you have no choice at all now!

  Because you are not willing to bear the wrath of shareholders! "

   That\'s right!

  In Roland\'s view, Dick Cook\'s reluctance to choose Johnny Depp\'s explanation is actually bullshit.

  Why would the presence of Johnny Depp damage Disney\'s brand value?

  Aren’t you farting!

  When Michael Eisner was under pressure and wanted to be a Disney Adventure Park, and grandiosely moved those park products that were only suitable for adults into Disney’s operating field, Disney’s brand value had already been damaged!

  The fairy tale kingdom drawn by Walt Disney no longer exists!

  You can’t wait to create a park advertisement now, that’s to pay for your rough mistakes!

  Under such circumstances, Johnny Depp cannot be blamed for affecting the brand image, right?

  You can argue that his dark history may accelerate people\'s dislike of Disney after the movie fails.

   But you can’t say that once he participates in the show, the Disney brand will be discredited!

  So, now Disney actually has no choice.

   If you don\'t shoot, you will die directly!

   Shoot, there is still a chance to save!

   In this case, they have no right to beep!

Note: ① Keira Knightley is only willing to accept the trilogy film contract is true, and in order to cooperate with the promotion of "Pirates of the Caribbean" at that time, and did not want to spread the news of discord within the crew, Disney asked Orlando Brown, the elf prince Loum declared to the public that he wants to take a break and return to his family, so he will not appear in the fourth part. The funniest thing is that he didn\'t have a family and didn\'t have a girlfriend, so he was slapped in the face, and then he went to Antarctica with his cousin to investigate. ②Keira Knightley is very stubborn. Because of the problem of eye color, the crew needs her to wear color contact lenses, but because of her poor experience, she lost it after using it once, and all the rest are later picked. ③ It is also true that "Pirates of the Caribbean" was rushing to work. In order to save the park, the crew revised the script according to Disney\'s needs while building a team to find actors to choose scenes. According to Johnny Depp, in order to rush work, they did not rent in Baja California. State tank (where "Titanic" was filmed), so during the typhoon season to shoot on a small Caribbean island, it\'s not that they want to take a real scene, but that there is no bigger tank for them to set up the interior. ④The problem of Johnny Depp is also true. He told the media in 1997 that he could not do without alcohol all his life. ⑤Because of the poor form, Disney was forced to go to Liangshan, so Jerry Bruckheimer got half of the copyright of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Unless Disney bought his company, otherwise the copyright cannot be returned.



  (end of this chapter)

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