
Chapter 55: Photos and Newsletters

   "He even came? It\\\'s real surprise!"

   "Ohmygod! He\'s very handsome!"

   "Hey, who is the little boy next to him?"

   "I don\'t know! Whatever it is, it won\'t be his son anyway!"

  From the moment he stepped out of the car door, the screams were accompanied by flashing lights, like monstrous waves, surging.

  The sudden increase in decibels of cheers is like a sharp silver needle, enough to pierce people\'s eardrums.

Facing the bright lights that can blind people, and the yells that can\'t be heard clearly even if you hold your breath, the little guy on the red carpet did not lose any color, and he did not force himself—although he was simply caught by Schwarzenegger Ge held hands and walked through the red carpet, but the smile that was always on his face infected the media reporters who were shooting at the spot. Looking at the big and small figures walking slowly, while contributing to the film, they were invited to come forward The reporting team who came here also had countless questions in their hearts.

"Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger come to the premiere of Martin Scorsese\'s movie?" The ABC photographer who was in charge of taking the photo also asked his colleagues beside him while he was frantically pressing the shutter: "This is Tell me about your family\'s project."

"I do not know either!"

The CNN reporter who was in charge of filming the red carpet scene was stunned. Although "Goodfellas" is a movie produced and distributed by Warner Bros., he had seen the list of invitees before arriving, but the name of the governor was not on the list. ah!

"you do not know?"

   "Are you kidding me!"

  After hearing CNN\'s puzzled words, voices of distrust have already appeared.

  The reporter affiliated with the "Hollywood Report" was like a slippery loach. While holding up the camera to capture close-ups, he didn\'t stop talking, "Don\'t hide it, what is going on? Who is that little boy?"

   "What\'s the relationship with Arnold?"

   "Didn\'t you see that group of movie fans opposite also looked puzzled? This is big news!"


Different from what the outside world imagines, the premieres of major movies are not the same as the two-sided red carpet of idol support clubs. Here, only one side of the red carpet can accommodate fans. In order to make the photos more beautiful, the other side of the red carpet , is the frontier for photographers to capture Reuters photos, because from their direction, whether it is a panorama or a close-up, there will be a background full of human flesh, so it looks like the scene is very lively.

Of course, while shooting routines, they will also change their moves and angles according to the different reactions of fans on the scene. Because of this, most of the time, they who are in charge of taking pictures are even clearer than the stars walking the red carpet. , those movie fans, which star are they discussing; just like now, with the appearance of the governor, they who were still discussing the last star, directly shifted the topic to the two people on the red carpet, although they didn\'t know Shi Why did Wasinger appear here, but the shutter in his hand didn\'t stop until the FOX reporter slapped his head.

   "I remember, wasn\'t he the kid who worked with Joe Pesci on Home Alone?"

   "It seems to be called... Roland Allen?!"

  Roland Allen?

  When the reporters of ABC and "Hollywood Reporter" got together and wanted to join forces to extract information from their CNN counterparts, the sudden words stunned them for half a second.

Although it seems that there are a lot of practitioners in Hollywood, the circle is only that big, and there are news channels and rules in the circle. In this case, the guys who can be remembered by their real names are actually only one Within a thousand.

In the eyes of the movie fans on the opposite side, Roland is simply a tool man brought by Schwarzenegger-their views are not wrong, after all, it is the 1990s, and the Internet has not spread to thousands of households like it will be in later generations. However, the only channel for movie fans to obtain artist information is the traditional media controlled by Hollywood companies. In the era when IMDb, the largest movie database on the Internet, was not born, people can discuss Tom Hanks and Jack Nicholson, but absolutely Don\'t know about Roland Allen. Even movie enthusiasts are the same. Before those capitalists revealed the news, no one would notice that "Terminator 2", a movie that has been approved and is about to start shooting, has chosen a male second named Roland Allen .

However, this kind of information occlusion is only for outsiders. If insiders don\'t know that there is an extra actor named Roland Allen in this year\'s A-level production "Terminator 2", then it will be true. It is impossible to get mixed up in this industry. Although some people may not remember Roland\'s appearance in the information, his name and information can still be recalled. After all, the project "Captain Hook" is not decoration.

"He is Roland Allen?" The ABC reporter raised his eyebrows, and he picked up the camera that had been put down, and took two more shots of Roland\'s profile—yes, because he didn\'t know who Roland was, So when he rushed to shoot earlier, he only took a close-up of Schwarzenegger. Even if there was a panoramic photo, he couldn\'t recall what Roland in the photo looked like.

   "Home Alone? Is the movie coming out in two months?"

  CNN reporters certainly knew about this work, and while he was speaking, he copied the actions of ABC reporters.

"So it was him?" Hearing what his colleague said, the reporter of "Hollywood Report" suddenly realized, and the shutter in his hand rang several times in succession, "It was reported before that he was spotted by James Cameron, To cooperate with Arnold to film "Terminator 2", I didn\'t expect that the crew of "Terminator 2" has not made an official announcement, but they will make a public appearance first?"

   "Yeah, they made it public before the official announcement of the crew... What? They made their public appearance?"

When the FOX reporter wanted to continue following the words of the three colleagues, he, who was about to turn into a repeater, suddenly felt something was wrong, and stared at the two figures on the red carpet with his wide eyes. After confirming that the child walking slowly was Roland, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched.


  Like a bolt from the blue, the photographer who has worked at FOX for so many years yelled. He naturally knew what he missed when he didn’t take a photo of the two of them—is it a photo for tomorrow’s publicity report?


  It is an opportunity for promotion and salary increase, becoming the general manager, becoming the CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life.


  This has to start with "The Blair Witch".

"The Blair Witch", which was released in 1999, is widely regarded as the source of successful Internet marketing cases. The low-cost work with a cost of only 35,000 US dollars, through the Internet + offline posters, weekly magazines, missing person notices, etc., successfully It made the vast majority of movie fans have an illusion that this is a murder documentary related to witches; it is precisely because of the brainwashing marketing like locusts that made this movie harvest two at the time. 400 million worldwide box office.

  However, before the millennium came, or before the Internet showed its power, Xuanfa did not play like this.

  In other words, when excluding small-cost independent films, other films have already set a template for publicity and release when the project is established.

  This template is generally divided into three stages: warm-up period, formal period and follow-up period.

From the exposure of the opening ceremony, to the exposure of the cast, to the exposure of the styling, to the news of the cutting-edge tour, all of these are actually controlled by the publicity party in charge of marketing. Everything that fans see is the crew themselves. revealed.

   To put it bluntly, in an era without the Internet, before the crew releases the news, even if the media knows the inside information, no one will release it foolishly, because your random revelations will affect your own job.

  Some people will think, how is this possible?

   As an entertainment reporter, will reporting entertainment news be boycotted?

Yes, as an entertainment reporter, you can be the first to report gossip news related to actors, inspiration ideas related to directors, and insider scandals related to production. In the hands of the capital, you can make a fortune, but you just can\'t report on the project related to it before the capital nods.

  Because of your revelation, it may affect the announcement progress of the film project team and the final income related to capital.

  Different from the fixed box office share in the Mainland, the box office share of North American movies can fluctuate a lot.

Before the turn of the millennium, the first-week distribution ratio that major film companies could get from North American theaters was as high as more than 70 points. Even in the second week, there were 60 points, and in the third week, 50 points. It took four weeks before it dropped to forty to thirty points.

  Faced with such a terrifying box office share ratio, any revelations by entertainment reporters may affect the final announcement result, and once these reporters cause capital losses, then—

  You reporters, losing your skirt is still a trivial matter. If it really causes a major impact, changing careers will not save you.

  Because of this, no one knew Roland before the official announcement of "Terminator 2".

  Because the movie hasn\'t been launched yet, how could the official release such news?

  Under such circumstances, even if Fox wanted to borrow the fame of Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron to announce their own movies by overdrafting in advance, they couldn’t do it!

  If they do this, they are breaking the rules!

   At that time, when others deal with them, they will not show mercy.

  Of course, this world is full of accidents everywhere.

  No one can guarantee that all projects will proceed smoothly as capital expected.

  If the capital can achieve what it wants, then there will be no movies that hit the street in this world.

  So, after certain actors made their public appearances and were discovered by the public.

   At this time, Yu Ji chooses to report, so he won\'t get burned.

after all-

  \'The actors in your group have all walked on the red carpet together, and they have all been seen and exposed by the masses. It is not us who are causing trouble when the news is revealed at this time! We are just pushing the boat along the way and taking advantage of the situation to promote it...\'

When these two words appeared in the brain of the FOX reporter, he did not continue to hesitate. The guy who wanted to stand still and wait for the arrival of the next group of guests seemed to be crazy. He said that he directly changed his body shape, while leaving behind his peers, he also rushed towards the front of the red carpet.

  He wants to make up for his mistakes.

  He wants a promotion and a raise.

   "Leave a way! Make a way!"

  Accompanied by his yelling, various reporters beside the red carpet immediately gave way to a passage.

  Seeing the crazily running figure, everyone present felt envious.

  What a great opportunity, it just fell in front of him.

   While these guys were sighing in their hearts, the FOX reporter who had already rushed to the front had no time to stop, panting, he yelled at Roland Allen who was about to step into the news interview area—

   "Roland Allen!"

   "Roland Allen!"

   "I\'m a reporter from FOX!"

   "Could you please turn around and take a picture of me?"

  Among the strong light, two figures, one big and one small, shone brightly.

   In the eyes of the FOX reporter, the two figures on the steps are his hopes for promotion and salary increase.

  He didn\'t know if Roland Allen could hear his own words—although they were very close, the two of them walking in the spotlight were not in the same world as him.

   But, as he roared, Roland stopped.

  After getting out of the car, Roland, who had been smiling all the time, turned around and scanned the direction of the sound.

  In such a situation, the excited FOX reporter yelled \'Yes! \'.

  The next second, he waved his hand towards Roland again, and shouted: "Can you make Arnold beside you turn around too?"

   It seems to have discovered Roland\'s anomaly, but it is more like hearing what the reporter said.

  The governor glanced down at Roland, and then looked around in the direction he turned his head.

When the governor raised his eyebrows and appeared in the sight of the FOX reporter with a gesture of slowly raising his head and looking around, the guy holding the camera up quickly pressed the shutter, and the two people standing in front of the huge poster of "Goodfellas" , incorporated into the camera.



  With the appearance of high-exposure flashlights, the governor also spotted the reporter and saw the raised thumb.

   "Your goal has been achieved." The governor whispered to the little guy beside him.

  Roland, who was showing a formulaic smile, grinned, "Yes, I thought I would be forgotten."

   "How is it possible, if he misses you, he will definitely be fired by FOX."

  Looking at the OK gesture made by the reporter, the governor turned around and continued to pull Roland forward.

   As for the governor\'s well-known words, Roland shrugged and did not give a positive response.

  Because he saw the Fox reporter clenched his fist, waved it out of thin air, and then turned and left.

  What is he going to do?

   Of course Roland knew.

he goes-


  (end of this chapter)

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