
Chapter 219 How did she appear here with them!?

Chapter 219 How did she appear here with them!?

In the Septiz country, Souta met Lumilia’s group. They stayed there for a night before they left quickly towards the Eternal Empire.

When Souta arrived in that country, he quickly went to the Adventurers Guild to find a quest. His escort quest was only up to this country so he completed it the moment he arrived in the Septiz country.

After he finished picking a quest, he went out to restocked the mana potion in the carriage.

In the next morning, they departed out at six o’clock. The people from Lanny corp didn’t have a problem with this.

After two days of traveling, the group finally arrived in the Forest of Eternal Light. The same thing happened in these two days. They fought monsters and bandits on their way.

Souta already earned enough skill points to promote his class to battlemage class but he stopped himself from doing so. He didn’t have a lot of free time in the Septic country so he decided to postpone his promotion until they reached their destination.

’This is still the same as the game.’ Souta thought while looking at his surroundings.

Towering forty to fifty meters trees were all over the whole place. The sun rays couldn’t even reach the ground as it was blocked by the thick and dense leaves of the trees. Different types of plants were growing on moist soil. Some were harmful and some weren’t. Various sounds were echoing in the whole area and the reason for this was the small monsters. Sometimes, a roar could be heard from the area.

"This is my first time coming to this place," Jagret muttered while looking around in wonder.

"So pretty..." Charise exclaimed with stars in her eyes. She had shoulder-length chestnut-colored hair. She was wearing a black tight shirt and on top of it was a glossy black leather armor. In her lower body, she was wearing simple black shorts and knee-length boots. Two daggers were hanging on the side of her waist and she had a black tail sticking out from behind.

This was still a beautiful place if one was to ignore the danger of this place.

’I just hope that we don’t encounter trouble.’ Souta thought as he squinted his eyes. He took out a map of this place from his bag. He opened it and swept his eyes across the map.

He commanded the one who’s driving this carriage. He told the shortcuts towards the Eternal Empire. Of course, he picked the safest route.

"Captain, did you come in this place before?" Jagret asked Souta when he saw him telling the driver the paths towards the Eternal Empire. Just from listening to Souta’s words, he felt that Souta lived in this place for a year or two to know this place that well.

"Nope, I just did some research about this place for a while," Souta replied to him.

"I see..." Jagret nodded and he looked at Souta with a deep gaze. The map was not perfect. No matter how much Souta study it, he would never know the ins and outs of it without personally experiencing it.

He turned his head and looked at his comrades. All of them have the same thoughts about Souta. They didn’t understand how Souta knew this place like the back of his hands if this was his first time in this place.

They didn’t know that Souta came to this place many times in the game to finish his quest. At that time in the game, this place was very chaotic. The monster lords were active and they helped in fighting back the demons army. That’s the same when the bringers of calamity were rampaging throughout the continent.

They continued their journey as they followed Souta’s instructions. Even though it was the safest route that Souta knew, the group still faced monsters. Yes, they only faced monsters. They didn’t encounter any bandits in the Forest of Eternal Light. Well, it’s understandable as this place was full of powerful monsters. First, second, third, and fourth evolution monsters were walking around this place. If the bandits encountered third or fourth evolution monster then there’s no doubt that they will die, except if they have the strength of a B-rank or A-rank.

Fifth evolution monsters were very rare. If the bandits were lucky enough they would encounter this level of monster. Even A-rank wasn’t enough to fight a fifth evolution monster. An A-rank would only be served as cannon fodder against it.

’Ah, I should’ve given Lumilia a transmission talisman so that I could communicate with her easily.’ Souta thought as he recalled that Lumilia and the rest didn’t know the shortcut towards the Eternal Empire.

He decided to give her the transmission talisman in the Eternal Empire.

After traveling for two days, the group finally arrived at the famed Eternal Empire, the country of elves. The Eternal Empire was smaller than Hebrei Kingdom but unlike Hebrei Kingdom who’s cities were far from each other, the Eternal Empire was one huge city that houses more than five million people.

Souta’s group entered the huge gate after they waited for a while. All the guards were elves. The Eternal Empire didn’t employ other races. They wouldn’t leave the task to protect their country from other races. That’s why all the guards and army were elves, unlike the Hebrei Kingdom that will welcome anyone as long as they have talent.

Normally, it would take seven to eight days to travel to the Eternal Empire from the Hebrei Kingdom. That’s if they used a normal Lion Horse but the carriage Souta was in was different. It was using a different and faster monster than a normal carriage.

The monster that they were using was the Hyper Silver Jaguar. It could easily run at the speed of 600-800 mph. Its top speed could reach 900 mph and the fastest recorded Hyper Silver Jaguar run 957 mph. Of course, the Hyper Silver Jaguar wouldn’t reach that speed while pulling a heavy carriage. That’s why it could only run for 500 mph while carrying a heavy carriage. Also counting the bumpy road, they wouldn’t be able to drove that fast even though the Hyper Silver Jaguar could pull the carriage at the speed of 500 mph. It also needed to rest for thirty minutes every three hours of nonstop run. Then, it needed to sleep for seven hours at night.

"We’re finally here! I’m tired and I wanted to rest! Captain, what’s your plan?" Ginvi said with a tired expression as he glanced at Souta.

"This place is amazing..." Charise muttered while looking at her surrounding.

Treehouses were all over the place. She could see many beautiful structures that she couldn’t find in the Hebrei Kingdom.

At the center of the empire was a huge two hundred meters tall tree. It was an ancient tree and the elves treated it as a sacred object. It’s branches covered a part of the empire. Below the ancient tree was a castle where the royal family lives.

"Yeah, you couldn’t find this many people at once in Hebrei Kingdom," Evren said to Charise. He’s an elf so he was proud that his comrades find this place amazing. Despite being an elf, it was still his first time coming to Eternal Empire. Some people said that this place was a haven for an elf like him so he was looking forward to seeing this place with his own eyes.

"We’ll find an inn first. I’ll introduce all of you later to my party members after they arrived here." Souta replied to him while looking around. This place was full of different people.

"What about the quest?" Jagret asked.

"I’ll submit it to the Adventurers Guild later," Souta answered his question.

The group went out and find an inn. They rented four rooms. One for the three girls and one for the three boys. The two remaining rooms were reserved for the members of the Dark Oculus.

After that, Souta went to the nearest Adventurers Guild. He didn’t bring the members of the Lanny corp with him. He was here to submit the quest and meet his party members.

This place has dozens of Adventurers Guild branch. One branch couldn’t handle all the adventurers in the Eternal Empire. That’s the reason why there’s a lot of guild building in this place.

The Eternal Empire was divided into five districts. The east, west, north, south, and central district. Each district has someone to manage it with the exception of the central district. These people were called district leaders. They were the ones that the emperor assigned to handle the affairs of their respective district.

Souta arrived in the nearest Adventurers Guild. He knew that Lumilia and the rest will come here after they finished their quest. Based on the path that they were taking, they will enter the Eternal Empire at the same gate that Souta used.

He submitted the quest to the receptionist and he received the rewards from the guild and the system for completing the quest.

After that, he exited the guild and waited for his party members outside the guild with Yuko.

Souta was sitting outside the guild with Yuko’s head resting on his lap with his eyes closed. He was checking the system while waiting for the members of Dark Oculus.

His skill points were enough for him to promote his class. He advanced it later at night after he finished the things that he needed to do.

’Another power boost.’

This maybe the reason why Souta could wait for Lumilia and the rest without getting bored at all.

Some of the people looked at Souta and Yuko. They just looked at him and didn’t bother him. A tamer wasn’t unusual in the Eternal Empire after all Ambrosie country was just in the north of the Forest of Eternal Light. Ambrosie was a country of tamers.

After waiting for a few dozen minutes, Souta heard someone called his name.

"Brother Souta! Yuko!"

Souta slowly opened his eyes and looked over. He saw Cluster running towards him while waving her small hands. Behind her were the members of Dark Oculus.


He saw someone familiar with him beside Bryan and Lumilia. That person was an elf and she was a girl. Her height was the same as Souta. The elf girl has long blonde hair and bangs that covered a part of her forehead. She was wearing a tight green outfit that featured the curves of her body. On her back was a bow with an ordinary appearance.

Following the elf girl was another elf that looked like a middle-aged man. His presence was weak and he was wearing a butler outfit.

’How did she appear her with them!?’ Souta wanted to shout this question. He could only look at them with a blank expression while trying to hide his shock.

He was familiar with this elf girl when he was still playing the Battle Worlds Online.

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