
Chapter 102 Lenny Vs Potty (Death Is The Only Solution)


<Name> Potty



<Rank: Lesser demon Rank 2>

<Strength: 1500>


<Magic: 170/200 (Basic 1)

<HP 1200/1500>

<Exp. 1100/1500>


(need magic points to view abilities>

As lenny loaded Potty with punches from the bottom of his heart, he used Surveyor on him.

Unfortunately, he could not see the abilities that the frog looking demon had. According to the system, he needed to spend Magic points on this.

This was the first time something like this was happening.

Lenny contemplated whether to use magic points or not.

If he did, he could see all of potty\'s abilities. But then gain, there was only so much magic points he had.

It total, he could only carry about a hundred magic points, and he had already used 10 points.

Meanwhile, Potty still had over a hundred magic points to use.

Also, he did not know the amount of magic points that was needed to see the abilities that Potty possessed.

He really wanted to, but the risk was too expensive to take.

Without magic, he would not be able to defeat Potty.

All he could do, was grind through it the hard way.

Lenny rushed at potty, loading him with punches like a hive of bees on an intruder.

Each punch was precis and accurate in the hits.

However, something was not right.

lenny was an assassin. This meant that he was not the kind to give fancy attacks for show.

Every attack he landed, was on a weak spot. Every attack was aimed to kill, and a combination of them was for total destruction.

However, his attacks only did no much on Potty\'s skin.

Even when lenny\'s punches went for the groin, it was the same thing.

It only did so much.

It was almost as if the demon\'s skin was impenetrable by hits.

lenny felt as if he was hitting a bed of fur.

also, his white flames barely did anything on the demon\'s skin.


lenny gave a finally punch and took a leap back. He needed to re-strategize.

The force of his punch made potty screech against the ground.

"Hahaha!!!" Potty chuckled lowly, a strong praise in his voice, "not bad! Only a few months ago, you were a weak F class scum, and now look at you. You can even make me feel the effect of your punches. That is such a terrifying growth rate. i\'ll take that you have also done something to the Chimera queen. So tell me, before I skin your meat and suck on your bones, how did you do it?"

lenny did not answer. Instead, Pincers appeared in his hands.

He could see it clearly.

Potty\'s body was steaming.

His body produced a kind of secretion that quenched Lenny\'s fire on his skin.

Till this moment, steam oozed out of the demon\'s body.

There was still the fact that the demon\'s skin so happens to negate all of his attacks.

"Since you don\'t want to tell me, I\'ll know the moment I eat that brain of yours!"


The attack was so fast that Lenny had barely only dodged it by reflex that had brushed touch with death again and again.

His head moved slightly to the side. The attack had brushed past his cheeks and even cut some of his hair.

From the burning sensation on his face, Lenny knew he was bleeding.

The attack had come the moment Potty opened his mouth.

Lenny knew that it came from the demon\'s mouth, but it was like a bullet.

he did not see what it was. But moved the moment the attack entered his perception range.


It destroyed the ground and walls around him.

The hit was so hard that Lenny knew he would be to toast if it go him.

He jumped round the place in quick succession like a frog, dodging the attacks.

In the process, Lenny focused on seeing what was causing him so much trouble.

Surprisingly, it was Potty\'s tongue.

"HAHAHAH!" Potty Giggled, "this is my technique. I have killed many with it, and  I will so enjoy putting holes in your pretty body."


The shots suddenly became fiercer and fiercer.

And Lenny was forced to back off once more into the shadows.

Potty rushed after him, sending his tongue into the place Lenny went to hide.


Like a machine gun vomiting bullets, he showered the place with his attacks.

Unfortunately, he did not hit Lenny.

"Come out you coward! Come out and fight." potty looked around him.


He would feel someone pass behind him, but by the time he would send his attack in that direction, he would only hit the cave wall.

Lenny was an assassin.

For him, the shadows was his home.

Lenny observed Potty closely.

He still had surveyor on and could see that Potty\'s magic points were actually coming down.

However, it was a very slow process.

Coming close to Potty was no longer a reality. The demons defense was tight and so was his attack.

There were both in perfect blend of support of one another.

Lenny suspected that Potty\'s defense also took magic points.

Lenny suddenly had an idea.

If he could make Potty use up his magic points, then the fight was as good as his.

After all, potty was stronger and faster than him.

The only advantages that Lenny had was firstly the fact that he had special skills from his former life, and that this was his home field.

In other words, if this place was not dark and in an open space, he would have run out of strength a while ago.

Lenny resigned himself for a different strategy.

Then again, Assassins were not warriors that fought head on battles.

The battles they fought was more of precison and opportunity.

One might say that it was a cowards way of fighting.

But if it got the job done, then why not?

Suddenly, there was the buzzing sound of wings flapping in all directions.

Giant Praying Mantis rushed at Potty from all directions.

"Attacks from such pests can do me no harm!" Potty gloated.

The Giant Preying Mantis attacked from all angles. It was just like Potty had said. They really did him no harm.

No matter the force used by their Pincers. They could not even interrupt his hearty laughter.

Even Lenny in the shadows, threw his attacks, but it just bounced off potty\'s skin.

However, something unexpected happened.


A pincer raced through the air, and got Potty right in the arm.

"AHHAH!" Pointy screamed as he looked at the Pincer.

This pincer was surrounded with white flames.

"HAhAhA! got you!" Lenny in the shadows chuckled.

lenny had finally found a way through Potty\'s skin.

The secret was actually very simple and in his face all this while, but he had not explored that option until now.

Just like he had killed the Chimera Queen, the secret was in his blood.

Lenny made cuts on his skin and bath the Pincers in them.

Afterwards, he activated his white flame ability on it.

His blood acted as fuel for the white flames.

It was like a fire touch that explorers in books used to explore caves.

The sent it like a spear for Potty and the effects were satisfying.

With this method, he was able to break through potty\'s defense.

Lenny was starting to believe that he had underestimated his blood a little too much.

Then again, he had merged a drop of Lucifer\'s blood with his own.

His blood was not normal. It was an incredible life source capable of destruction.

The pincer he threw had made its way right into the body of Potty.

Potty looked in the direction the attack had come from, but he did not see anybody, and the Giant Insects made for better cover for Lenny.

Potty sent his Bullet tongue in that particular direction, destroying the giant Praying Mantis in its path, but the attack only hit rocks.


Another Pincer flew in. This time around, it got one of his legs, pining it to the ground.


Lenny sent Pincers one after the other.

Some made it to Potty and some others did not.

By now, Potty had riddled holes all over his body. potty had also sent many attacks, but not even one touched Lenny in the dark. Lenny was just never in one place.

Lenny sent in attacks again and again.

However, potty did not fall.

lenny checked his magic points.


He was terribly low on magic points. Also, his HP had gone down because of his bad loss of blood that he caused himself.

<HP 400/1000>

But there was some hope.

Potty had both knees on the ground. he was almost out.

With one more attack, lenny could most likely do it.

Lenny put ten magic points into this attack.

This attack had to be clean. His aim, was Potty\'s head.

Demons were a tenacious bunch, but if he could get the head, then it was definitely going to be over.

He waited patiently in the dark for the right opportunity.

Potty coughed up a lot of blood, and he was certainly done for.

The moment the opportunity presented itself, Lenny rushed in for the kill, "die demon!"

However, as his Pincer was about to reach the demon\'s head, Potty\'s head suddenly turned an abnormal 260 degrees in his direction, "got you!"

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