
Chapter 71

Volume 3 Chapter 71 part1

The next day.

I went outside when I woke up, but it was still dark.

Did I sleep too much yesterday? It’s still too early to go to town.

As such, I went ahead and used the time to add a kitchen and a storehouse to the abandoned mines. I also arranged the contents of my Item Box. I stored most of my herb-related stuff in the lab [1], but I left the unsold pelt behind.

Pelt, pelt, pelt, pelt, black tea… The black tea goes to the kitchen.

Pelt, pelt, pelt, pelt, pelt, pelt, money… Ah, these are the bandits’ possession… weapon, armor, armor, weapon, weapon… Come to think of it, I completely forgot about that bandit, Melzel’s, spear. Let’s mess with it later. Next is… more pelt.

“Pelt again. I have way too many of these things. Honestly, why did I have to go and take everything? I should’ve just let the slimes eat them. At least that way they wouldn’t have gone to waste.” [Ryouma]

As I continued arranging the contents of my Item Box, I found something strange.

“What is this?” [Ryouma]

It was a goblet.

Everything I’ve made is either made with stone through earth magic or with shaved wood, but this goblet is made out of silver. Moreover, it’s also adorned with gold and jewels.

Why is something so luxurious inside my Item Box?

I doubt this belonged to the bandits. I checked my possessions when I left the forest, and this wasn’t on me then. I do recall seeing this once, though…

I used Identify on the goblet.

Divine Vessel. The Goblet of the God of Wine, Tekun.

A divine vessel created by the god of wine, Tekun.

It is imbued with the power of the god of wine and can produce an endless supply of liquor in exchange for aman.

Owner: Ryouma Takebayashi

!?!?!? Wait a minute! What is this? Why would I have something crazy like a divine vessel with me!?


“Oh, wait! This is that goblet Tekun gave me when we met! I brought that back with me!?” [Ryouma]

Thinking back on it, I just stuffed everything back into my Item Box, so it seems I accidentally brought it back with me.

“Isn’t this like really bad? …I need to go to the church!” [Ryouma]

I stuffed the goblet back into my Item Box and put my slimes into my Dimension Home, then I left the abandoned mine and hurried to town. I went as fast as I could.

I went straight to the church as soon as I got to the town. When I reached the entrance of the churce, a girl opened the door.

“Oh, are you here to visit the chapel?” [Nun]

“Yes, can I?” [Ryouma]

“Yes, of course. It sure is rare to see someone come so early…” [Nun]

I don’t really have time to chat, but…

“I’ve been quite busy with work, so I didn’t have any other time to come than now.” [Ryouma]

“I see.” [Nun]

The nun brought me to the chapel.

Honestly, I remember the way already, so I actually wanted to refuse her and just run straight to the chapel, but I had to keep up appearances, so I just thanked the girl and then took took a seat and prayed.

Taken! Please take me to the divine realm!!

A few seconds after I prayed that, a white light filled my vision and brought me to the divine realm.

My prayer worked!

When the light stopped, I turned around and Tekun was there.

At that, I heaved a sigh of relief.

“You called, Ryouma? Actually, how did you call me? I definitely heard your voice just now.” [Tekun]

“I prayed at church.” [Ryouma]

“Oh, come on! As if just that would be able to call me a god so easily. If that were true we gods would be getting calls everyday.” [Tekun]

“Even if you say that… Ah, but forget that, I have something I need to talk to you about.” [Ryouma]

“What happened?” [Tekun]

Instead of words, I decided to just show him the goblet.

When Tekun saw it, he opened his eyes wide and looked alternatively between the goblet and the hole made by my Item Box.

[1] – Medical concocting room changed to lab.

?Volume 3 Chapter 71 part2

“Last time you left it behind when you ran off, remember?” [Ryouma]

“Ah, yeah…” [Tekun]

“After you left I opened my Item Box to look for some snacks to eat while drinking, but because of that I ran out of time and stuffed all my belongings back in. Unfortunately, the goblet got mixed in. I only noticed it this morning when I opened my Item Box to arrange everything, so… Umm… Sorry. I didn’t mean to take it with me.” [Ryouma]

“I don’t really mind. So, you brought that with you to the other side?” [Tekun]

“Yes. I stuffed it into my Item Box along with my other belongings and was able to bring it out in the other side.” [Ryouma]

“You were able to bring it out? But in the first place, magic is… No. What’s necessary for magic is spirit and mana… So I guess he can use it?” [Tekun]

As Tekun said that, he scratched his head and said this.

“Show me that for a bit.” [Tekun]

I gave him the goblet just as he said, then he caressed it and stared at it as if he were confirming something.

“…Ryouma, I don’t mind if you take this with you. Among humans it might be considered a sacred treasure [1], but we gods can make something on this level anytime. And besides, this already belongs to you.” [Tekun]

“It belongs to me? Come to think of it, when I used Identify on it, the information said that its owner was Ryouma Takebayashi.” [Ryouma]

“It’s probably because I gave you the goblet and left you behind, so it was probably assumed that I was giving the goblet to you. Either way this is completely yours already, so enough of that. Have a drink.” [Tekun]

As Tekun said that, he took a bottle of liquor out of thin air and poured it into the goblet, then he handed the goblet back to me.

“Are you sure it’s okay to decide it just like that? Also, it’s still morning, so…” [Ryouma]

“You’re a soul right now, so you won’t get drunk. Besides, if we’re going to be talking, then liquor should come first, right?

As for the goblet, as I said just now, I can make as many of that as I want, so I don’t really care.

There are also people who’ve received a sacred treasure from me in the past .

Abilities of stuff created according to the wishes of the otherworlders can go from good to bad,

There are all sorts of blessings given to otherworlders, but the most common type is a sacred treasure.

There’s nothing wrong with a human receiving a sacred treasure.

So enough of that and let’s get to the important stuff: drinking!” [Tekun]

Is it really okay to make that decision on a whim!?

“Well, it would cause a commotion if word were to get out that you’re in possession of a sacred treasure, so make sure to hide it and just use it when you’re by yourself.” [Tekun]

“I understand. I’m glad there’s no problem. I didn’t do it on purpose, but I was still really scared when I realized I’d taken something from this side.” [Ryouma]

I drank from the goblet Tekun gave me. Today’s sake tastes good too. It feels like there’s less alcohol in today’s drink than last time’s. Is Tekun being considerate?

“GAHAHA, there are certainly things that would be troublesome if brought to the other side, but those are carefully watched, so you don’t have to worry about that. In fact you won’t even get a chance to see it, so you don’t have to worry about that.

And besides, that’s just a goblet that produces wine.

It’s a lot safer compared to something that increases its wielders abilities or a sword that allows one to cut castle walls like paper. If anything, I’mmore concerned of the fact that you were actually able to take a sacred treasure with you, but… Eh, whatever.” [Tekun]

“Am I not supposed to be able to?” [Ryouma]

“Of course not! There’s no way an item from the divine realm could be taken just like that, right? …In fact, a human being able to come here is already plenty strange.” [Tekun]

Oh, yeah…

“I’ve come here so many times, I’d already forgotten.” [Ryouma]

“It’s partly because you came here, but it seems Gayn and the others repeatedly calling you here is also having an effect.” [Tekun]

“I get told that a lot. Is it alright?” [Ryouma]

“Who knows? I’m the god of wine and craftsmen, so even if you ask me that, I can’t answer. You should ask Fernoberia [2] instead. He might know something.” [Tekun]

Fernoberia? Who’s that?

“Who’s that?” [Ryouma]

“Ahh, you don’t know him, huh? He’s the god of magic. Fernoberia, the God of Magic. He’s always shutting himself inside his domain, so I don’t really know him well, but he should be the most knowledgeable when it comes to magic. Unfortunately, it’s really rare to see that guy, so I don’t know if you’ll ever get to meet him.” [Tekun]

“I see… Well, I haven’t noticed any problems, and Gayn and the others said it’s nothing bad, so it’s probably fine. It would’ve bee nice to know the reason, though.” [Ryouma]

“It’s only natural to think that way when strange things happen around you.” [Teku]

“As Tekun said that, the surrounding area started to dazzle. Huh? Isn’t it quicker than usual?

“Oh, it’s time.’ [Ryouma]

I quickly emptied my drink and stored the goblet back into my Item Box.

“Ho~ so this is what happens you’re about to go back.” [Tekun]

“By the way, were you able to meet Gayn and the others?” [Ryouma]

“Yeah, managed to catch them when they were on the way home. They really did go to your world.

I managed to make them agree to let me go next time and have a taste of Earth wine.” [Tekun]

As Tekun said that, he heartily laughed.

“I see. Take care not to drink too— Oh, but you’re the god of wine, so you probably don’t get drunk, huh?” [Ryouma]

“Of course I can’t! I’ll drink a shower’s worth of alcohol!” [Tekun]

“By the way, what will happen when you go around drinking? Will Earth’s liquor just disappear all of the sudden?” [Tekun]

“That won’t happen. Whether it’s there or here, the liquor will be created by the power of a god. It’s like how your goblet makes liquor with mana. No matter how much I drink, other people won’t run out of liquor.” [Tekun]

“I see, I guess I won’t hold back with this goblet then.” [Ryouma]

“That’s how it should be. Enjoy liquor! Liquor should be enjoyed!” [Tekun]

When Tekun said that, I tried to answer back, but the world had already been dyed in white, and before I knew it, I was back at the chapel.

“…Couldn’t make it in time. I wonder if he’ll be able to hear it if I pray?” [Ryouma]

Thank you. I will also enjoy liquor here. I hope you have fun in your alcohol tour too.

As I prayed that, I left a donation and left the church.

Now then, let’s go to the store. It’s a little late, though, as it’s already past opening time,

When I walked to the store, I heard a big crowd laughing near the store.

Sounds like they’re having fun. Where are the voices coming from? …Huh? My store?

The store was coming from my store. The people outside the store were all laughing. What are they doing?

I took a peek and it turns out Leelin-san had knocked out two men.

Seriously, what are they doing?

“Good morning, Leelin-san.” [Ryouma]

“Ah, Boss. Good morning. I’ve just finished tying these men up. Please wait a moment.” [Leelin]

Leelin-san quickly bound the two guys. While she was doing that, I asked Carm-san, who was currently tending to the store, what was going on.

“What happened?” [Ryouma]

“It’s been a while since the last time, but they came to cause trouble.” [Carm]

“Huh? So, what’s with all the laughing? I’d understand if they were screaming, so why are they laughing?” [Ryouma]

“Actually…” [Carm]

Apparently, the ruffians wanted to complain about the laundry quality to pull down our reputation, so they’d intentionally stained their clothes with something hard to remove, but it didn’t work on the cleaner slimes. Unfortunately, they didn’t bother checking their clothes after getting them washed as they boldly called out to the crowd of customers and said, “Look! They failed to clean my clothes!” Only, to then reveal a perfectly clean piece of clothing.

The people started laughing one after another, until eventually, everyone was laughing. When the men tried to get violent, Leelin-san apprehended them, and that’s when I came in.

Moreover, it also so happens that some guards were passing by when they caused a disturbance. One of the customers called them, and they took the ruffians away for obstructing business.

“I don’t know if this is lucky or unlucky…” [Ryouma]

“We didn’t have time to hear them out.” [Leelin]

[1] – Divine vessel to sacred treasure. Saw the characters for god and vessel and just literally translated it. Apparently, it has a proper translation. My bad.

[2] – Decided to just go with Fernoberia since people think the alternatives sound like a book title.

Volume 3 Chapter 71 part3

I called Carla-san and Fei-san inside the store and talked to them.

For the meantime, we decided to just maintain the status quo. We also decided to just wait for the results of the guards’ investigation and do what we could for now.

Oh, speaking of which, why don’t I leave the antidote here?

“I made some antidotes yesterday, so just in case, I’ll leave some here.” [Ryouma]

“Understood.” [Carla]

As I said that, I handed enough vials for everyone to Carla-san and Fei-san.

Now, what? Isn’t there anything I could do to toughen up the store’s security?

Hmm… The store’s windows don’t seem to be very strong. How about I use that?

I went back home to the mines to test out my idea.

I drew three magic formations in a wide-open tunnel, then I asked the sticky slimes to fill a box with hardening liquid.

After that I placed the box on a Magic Formation of Separation and extracted half the water content.

“Fill her up again.” [Ryouma]

I ordered the slimes to fill up the box with hardening liquid, then I extracted the water content again.

I repeated that same process several times until the hardening liquid had become concentrated.

Back in the forest, I once tested what would happen if I used alchemy to concentrate the sticky slime’s liquid.

The result then was a product harder than normal. Normally, if you let the hardening liquid dry, it would start cracking with just a little force. But after concentrating the hardening liquid, even a spell would only be able to leave a crack on it.

There were two squares on the circular alchemical formation, shifted by 45 degrees and conjoined together to form the Magic Formation of Transformation. The baseball-sized lump of concentrated hardening liquid inside was so hard that not even my full strength could easily crush it.

I’m going to use this to make a glass window.

“Why didn’t I think of this sooner?” [Ryouma]

This concentrated hardening liquid is highly transparent. It’s not completely transparent, but its yellow tint is just barely noticeable, so it’s more than good enough to serve as a glass window.

At the very least it’s more durable than the wooden windows of this country, and there won’t be any need to open the windows just to let light in. Since the windows don’t need to be opened, cold wind won’t enter either.

If it’s just for light, glass is also a thing here, but while blow glass for vials can be purchased for cheap due to your average craftsman being able to make them, unfortunately, glass meant for windows are produced with magic and are a luxury.

It’s also possible to make a sheet with blown glass to make them suitable for windows, but only skilled craftsmen could make it happen, so the yield rates are really low.

I wanted to get some glass windows when making the store, but even with my knowledge on construction cutting down on costs, the lowest I could go to make the glass windows a reality was still 1 medium gold coin. As such, I had no choice but to give u pon them.

But that changes today! Because I can use this concentrated hardening liquid in place of glass! Moreover, it’s also geared toward increasing the security of the store and is also very strong against fire and heat.

Also, I’m digressing, but as for concentrated sticky liquid it doesn’t solidify that much and is brittle. It has a muddy color, so it’s not transparent, but on top of that it also burns.

The usual dried sticky liquid is less combustible than cloth, but after concentrating the sticky liquid, it becomes highly combustible. It was quite shocking to see it act like the exact opposite to the hardneing liquid.

Hardening liquid is too hard, while sticky liquid is brittle and combustible. Because of that I’ve ignored them until now. Honestly, who would’ve thought concentrated hardening liquid would actually have a use like this?

“Well, with earth and barrier magic, I could endure the cold, so… I didn’t notice it at all.” [Ryouma]

I would sometimes mumble to myself like this while working.

I kept working until it was evening.

By the time I was done. I’d already finished about 50 concentrated hardening liquid planks for use with windows.

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