
Chapter 880 880 Tunnels

Chapter 880 880 Tunnels

This time, it was Molly who hit them first with the small stream of Unholy Fire that she could manage.

But the size was no hindrance, and when the first target tried to swat the flames out, they found that they just spread to the hand, and didn't go out at all.

Again, dirt was used in large quantities to snuff the fire, but the creature was still heavily burned, and the group was becoming wary, unwilling to approach these deadly interlopers.

Wolfe could hear the excited chatter of the announcers in the distance, and he briefly wondered if he had enough range to hit them with a spell. It might not end well for them, though. The creature that brought them here was incomprehensibly powerful, and it would not take kindly to Wolfe interfering with its game show.

Cassie and Ella focused on using Earth Magic to create obstacles and attack the creatures, as it seemed to take the least effort here. Water Magic, such as the swamp, had been unusually difficult, but fire and earth were much easier.

That was likely due to the balance of the elements in this world being off, so they would have to work with what they had, and hope for the best. If it was easiest for them, it was also likely to be the easiest for their enemies to defend against, and the witches couldn't use Unholy Fire well, even with an amulet.

The group was forcing the enemies back toward the open wastelands when Stephanie got a great idea. She had been studying all sorts of Nature Magic with the Fae, since she had plenty of extra time on her hands, and one of the first things that they learned was [Guardian Trees], the precursor spell to the Fae Forest.

With as much mana as she could draw through Wolfe, she created a stand of trees, with undergrowth and bushes at the mouth of the cave, then activated them all with the Guardian spell.

It took a tremendous amount of magic to create living plants here, but the creatures seemed to be terrified of them, and they hadn't even moved yet.

Wolfe smirked as he saw that the presence of plant life was a deterrent to them, and cast an [Unholy Fire] barrier over the whole stand of trees.

That should keep anything from following them down into the tunnels once they had finished with this group, and guard their retreat if they found something that they couldn't handle.

The few remaining targets outside the tunnels were fleeing into the distance, no longer interested in finding out what Wolfe and the Witches could do to them. That gave Stephanie the chance to lead them all into the trees, and past them into the tunnels, where she had extended the roots and vines of the spell outside to cover the first few metres, just in case something tried to bypass the obstacle.

"Alright, everyone, take a quick breather here. They definitely have more trials for us ahead, and I only have a general idea where the portal is, my Earth Magic isn't strong enough to tell me the full layout of the tunnels." Wolfe explained.

Cassie shook her head. "I think that it is being hidden from us. I should be able to sense the layout of the nearby tunnels, but I can't. Either because of the difference in the worlds, or because there is magic in use to hide them from us, so we can't just walk the most direct route."

Ella chuckled softly. "That sounds like something that they would do. They can't have this being too easy on us, even if it is the first trial that they have posed for us to face. If we just walked around all the traps and threats, where would they get their entertainment?

The forest outside will hold them for a while until they find a way in, but that's not fun to watch if we're not there."

Cassie and Stephanie both nodded in agreement. They had brought the group here to make a spectacle of them, so watching the creatures try to smash down a forest was not what they were after.

"Alright, we need to pick an order. Having Molly take up the rear would be a bad idea, in case something comes from a side tunnel or the entrance. But I will let you pick your walking order." Wolfe informed them.

Ella hugged Stephanie from behind and moved her to the front of the line, right behind Wolfe, while Cassie laughed.

"Alright, then Molly is in front of me, and we will take up the back."

Stephanie turned back to face Ella. "You know this isn't my real body, right? This is not what I normally look like in human form."

Ella just shrugged. "You're adorable, though, and I don't want to let you out of my sight. To think, you've been sleeping next to Wolfe in fur all this time, when you could have done it as an adorable human."

Stephanie was slowly realizing that while Mary was more open about her love of fluffy things and children, especially if they were fluffy beastkin, Ella was actually quite fond of children as well. It shouldn't have been a surprise. While Ella rarely wore cute outfits herself, she often helped the students dress up for parties.

Stephanie was somewhat relieved that she hadn't appeared in her own body. Ella was as interested in girls as she was in Wolfe, and the witch would have taunted her relentlessly to stop sleeping in cat form at home. She had no intentions of remaining a human after this event, and as soon as she was able, she was going to shift back into cat form.

She had already tried a dozen times, but either the spell was broken, or it was restricted here, to keep her in human form for the duration of the event.

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