
Chapter 839 839 Helping Hands

Chapter 839 839 Helping Hands

"Alright, have your fun, but I don't want to hear that there are problems with the route or the tunnels. I made them all the same so that drivers know what to expect, no matter where they go, so don't go messing with the design once you get started. Make them all the same, and you can make the whole Morgana Territory's network look the same if you like." Wolfe agreed.

That would be a big change for everyone. The first few villages that were going to be linked were the ones with the strongest ties to both Forest Grove and Gormana, but once they got word that there were readily available foreign goods, everyone else would be clamouring for more tunnels coming to their town, or even a small runway, as the smaller villages could be very remote and not really worth sending a dedicated tunnel to.

But if the Fae were taking care of it, that left Wolfe free to take care of the issues that lingered where the Grand Dutchies army had settled after the invasion.

He had heard that they started to behave a little after he had smashed his way out of that one town with a bus load of witches, but the witches still complained of issues.

Part of that would be that the Rebels in those towns held a grudge against Morgana Coven, and they still viewed themselves as being at war.

Getting them to give up that notion would not be an easy task, and simply showing up with a powerful group of followers was unlikely to change their minds.

If they had encountered humans from the other world, it could be even more difficult, as they would have access to more magic users, and more powerful ones.

While they were doing the physical work, they certainly hadn't left the best jobs to Wolfe. They had just picked the less annoying task for themselves.

"So, what do you think will be the most effective way to get the remaining rebels to step in line? Shock and Awe, or just kill everyone who looks too stupid to live?" Wolfe joked.

The Fae blinked slowly as she considered his question. She got that it was rhetorical, and didn't need an answer, but she had some questions.

"If you're dealing with angry witches and humans who would stand against you, even after knowing who you are, how would you determine that? Wouldn't they all look too stupid to live?"

Wolfe laughed. "So, that option is out. I will have to take you on tour one day and show you the wonder that is false bravado. Their ego can't accept that the person they're facing could eliminate their city with a snap of their fingers, so they puff up their chests and try to intimidate you into doing what they want.

It's really quite amusing, but in human culture, political power and wealth are the metrics of superiority. They're both nebulous concepts, and you can pretend that you have them. It is one of the unique factors in dealing with nonmagical humans."

The Fae were all openly laughing now, and the Advisor waved Wolfe away.

"If we keep joking, we will never get our work done. Go, talk to the village leaders, maybe put on some nice gold armour and a sword, I hear that they're easily impressed by shiny objects." She suggested.

"I just might do that."

Wolfe headed back toward the city to gather the witches and go on tour, mentally prepared to make this as short as possible, but unsure if he should try to use kindness and forgiveness to bring them on board with the plan.

It would be easy enough to appoint protectors from among the Wrath Demons who would happily keep the towns in line, but that didn't lead to a productive culture, and it might spread the problem through even more villages, as the troublemakers fled from the consequences of their past actions.

He was still distracted when he made it back into the city, and found that the witches were waiting for him.

"They have things under control here, but the radio reported that there has been another off world attack, one of the villages in the forest is under attack. They have a protector, and their barriers are holding, but if you hadn't been on your way back, we would have gone to get you." Ella informed Wolfe the moment that he arrived.

Wolfe frowned in annoyance. "Then I guess we can do both ways at once. Alright, I will go take care of that, will the rest of you be alright to start taking care of the Grand Dutchies controlled towns while I go there?

It might be better for the locals to know that there are witches still looking out for them."

Cassie and Ella nodded, but Reiko gestured for someone to come forward.

A young witch, who looked vaguely familiar to Wolfe, stepped forward with Headmistress Peach, who had been silently absent from the meetings all week. The Headmistress looked terrible, and Wolfe noticed that there was a disturbance in her aura.

She had been hit with some sort of Antimagic, and the efforts to clear it had been ineffective. But there was no sign of null stone, just damage to the body, which didn't seem to be able to support an aura in a portion of her shoulder.

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