
Chapter 818 818 Introspection

Chapter 818 818 Introspection

Something that they hadn't been the ones to create and curate for the public.

It was both terrifying and exciting, a seemingly impossible change brought about after a year of upheaval and chaos.

But it might have been just that which they needed to put them in the right state of mind to accept this proposal. If it were the old council, with their entrenched corruption, they would have done their best to deny it to the bitter end, when either their people revolted and killed them anyhow, or everyone starved to death.

That was where they were headed. Scarcity had been an issue for more than a decade, even with the purges of the lower levels to keep the total population down. Their magic had been failing, and in fact, it still was for the older generation. It was their successors' children who had gained the most.

But that brought them to a point that Priya had made.

"Miss Priya, did you say that the next heir to the family is already being decided? You are still quite young, aren't you?" One of the council members asked.

"I am still in my twenties, but I never wanted the position. There is another, who is entirely too young to actually be considered for the position, but her potential is as high as mine, if not better. When I convince the Family that she is ready to take over, possibly with a council of advisors as Morgana uses, I will step down and turn over the functional leadership to take a role as a Family Elder.

One can never escape their duties to their kinfolk, but I would be free to return to my usual life instead of being stuck in Sylvan City all day."

The part where they actually convinced her to take over wouldn't be as easy as Priya made it sound. Tian the Tiny had no words that even slightly resembled responsibility or fealty in her vocabulary, nor did she intend to learn them.

He could just imagine the chaos if the Family Head, and possible future Coven Leader of Sylvan, used a Succubi transformation spell to disguise herself and sneak out for ice cream.

"You look like you had an amusing thought on the topic, Mister Wolfe." One of the council members pointed out when she noticed Wolfe smiling.

"I was thinking that when I get back to Sylvan I should get someone to make Ice Cream for Tian, the probable next head of the Priya Family. She would love Ice Cream, and they don't make it there that I've seen." Wolfe replied.

Priya laughed. "If you load her up with sugar, she's yours for the night. She's hyper enough without it."

"You say that like it's a bad thing. She's a lot of fun at a party." Wolfe laughed, just as a maid snuck in from the back entrance to pass Reiko a stack of papers.

"It looks like they expedited the work and made it through your documents before dinner was over. Perhaps we can finish this up tonight?" Reiko suggested.

That shocked Arthur. These were usually week long events, possibly longer, but there was so little haggling today that they were putting an offer forward at the end of the very first day.

Normally, this day was just for posturing and making absurd offers that the other party would counter with something equally ridiculous in order to try to establish the initial bargaining points.

Reiko passed over the stack of papers, and Wolfe began to flip through it.

"Legalese. Of course, it's all been translated into lawyer speak. I'm going to have to call in a specialist." Wolfe sighed.

[Dana, are you free right now?] He asked.

[Yes, just reading with the kids in the library. What do you need?]

[I need an interpreter for legal documents, so that I properly understand what is in this mess of words that they turned my lovely proposal into.] Wolfe replied.

[Alright, don't sign anything and I will be there in a few hours. There should still be a plane at the edge of the forest, right?] Dana asked.

[The twin engine one with the pontoons should be there, I think. If not, go in the box on the table in my room and grab a flight amulet. Those have both air and gravity magic, so you can get here at supersonic speeds. It would be faster than the plane, but more work.] Wolfe suggested.

That was where he left spells that he had made for Cassie and Ella, so they were all good ones, and high-speed flight was one of the more commonly needed ones.

If the rest of the town knew that he left those just lying around, they would probably throttle him for his carelessness. But not many people would dare to just walk into his room. Especially as there was usually someone sleeping in it, or at least in the bed.

There was a short pause, and then Dana was speaking again.

[Stephanie says that she's coming with me, and we're bringing Rail. She's excellent with Demon Realm law, so she has the practical experience to my theoretical.] Dana replied a few minutes later.

[It's a party, then. We will see you soon. The helicopter is still on the landing pad, and I will meet you, or have someone meet you, there.] Wolfe explained.

"Alright, I have a scholar, an Investigator who has a background in contracts and Stephanie coming in the next hour or two." Wolfe informed Reiko with a smile.

"Make them bring Mary." Reiko blurted out, not wanting to miss a chance to reconnect with her friend.

[Reiko, the Coven Leader here, asks that you bring Mary with you as well.] Wolfe informed Dana.

[That could be difficult. It's nearly nine.] Dana replied.

[It's nine o'clock. She's nineteen, not ninety. She can't be asleep yet.] Wolfe replied with a laugh.

[No, the kids go to bed at nine, so she will be occupied for the next hour or two.]

[Then leave her a message to come here in the morning. She will understand when you tell her Reiko wants to see her again.]

[Got it boss. We will see you in a couple of hours.]

"All sorted. They will be here later tonight. If we can send someone to get them and bring them to us, I would appreciate it. Miss Mary will be along in the morning. She's volunteered herself to take care of orphaned beastkin children. You know how she is about fluffy things." Wolfe explained.

"Oh, I know. Thank you, Wolfe." Reiko laughed, while the Council members rolled their eyes.

They all knew Mary, and were part of the reason she was denied a proper rank in the city. But the fact that she still had her link to Wolfe and would be incredibly powerful now hadn't occurred to them yet.

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