
Chapter 796 796 Spread The Wealth

Chapter 796 796 Spread The Wealth

The Demon smiled at her. "I hate to prevail upon you, but I am grateful for your hospitality. I don't suppose that room comes with room service?"

The pale Demon smiled at the woman in her arms and nodded. "Indeed it does, though it is a bit different than you might be used to. We don't have phones installed in the rooms yet, so if you want room service you put a bit of mana into the spell on the wall, and someone will come to check on you.

But don't worry about that this time, I will bring your order to the kitchen and make sure that someone delivers it for you. What would you like to eat?"

The feather haired Demon smiled. "Noodles. I want noodles with meat sauce."

That made Wolfe chuckle. Spaghetti was one of the staple comfort foods of every place he had ever visited, and even the Fae ate it, though they skipped on the meat in the sauce and preferred an entirely vegan meal, unless they came from the Dark Fae faction. Even then, most of the species still couldn't eat any form of meat.

It seemed strange to most of the other species, though the Witches often ate entirely vegetable dishes, since they could so easily grow them on their own.

"I will bring them to you. Millie, bring her to her room and I will be right there. Cook will definitely have an order of spaghetti ready." Wolfe informed them.

It was quickly prepared when he arrived in the kitchen, reheated from the prepared stock in the fridge, but the staff caught Wolfe before he could escape again.

"Is it true that there is new money coming out, that we will be trading in the Mana Crystals for coins?" One of the witches asked.

"It is. They will be distributing them all night and all day tomorrow, but the actual use of Mana Crystals won't end for at least a few days." Wolfe explained.

"Alright. As long as there is time to switch over properly." The witch agreed.

"We will give everyone proper time. There are numerous villages that need to get their orders, so at the very minimum, it will take us a week to get the orders sorted, and then at least one or two more weeks before things are settled after that and everyone is used to the new system."

"That makes sense. It's never quick to switch payment methods, even if the two are incompatible. I take it there is a plan to give credit for the mana crystals that are already in circulation?" She asked.

"Yes. Though because there are so many in the city, I would prefer to phase them out naturally by using them up instead of turning them in and creating a mana crystal stockpile somewhere."

"Oh, that is a good idea. We've just been creating them as we need them, so it might be a bit of a mess if you started to just trade money for something that we've all just been making. We didn't really have a stable economy here, did we?" She laughed.

"I will make sure that there is a baseline of mana available for everyone in town to replace the free mana crystals that everyone has been passing around." Wolfe replied with a laugh.

"Alright, best to get going, someone will be waiting for their dinner." She agreed with a wave, understanding that this wasn't the time for a long explanation.

That would come in the morning, when everyone was actually awake, and the new currency was ready to be put into use. If they got everyone to switch at once, they could save a lot of time and effort explaining things one person at a time.

The other towns would be doing the same thing over the next week as the currency arrived with their shipments or with the merchants who visited them next, but Forest Grove was the largest town in the Frozen Wastes right now, and possibly the most chaotic.

Wolfe delivered the spaghetti and then returned to his room, only to find that everyone, except for Stephanie, was out for the evening.

[You caused too much chaos. They're in a meeting with all the other city leaders who are in town today, and they're preparing for the rollout of the currency system that you completely forgot to warn them about until they heard about it from Priya.

I suggest that you find another place to sleep if you don't want to face their rage head on when they return from the meeting with the Fae Forest town leaders. They called them here with an emergency summons this morning as you were finishing the roadway that most of the towns also didn't know about.] She explained.

"If I thought that running away would actually improve things, I would. But delaying the inevitable is only going to allow them more time to plot their revenge." Wolfe sighed.

[You have a good point. I think that I will find a comfortable spot to watch the show. Under the bed seems a bit dangerous, maybe I will move a pillow up on top of the dresser.] Stephanie agreed.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. But the coins and cards are already made, and there are enough cards for everyone. That should at least allow their meeting to end on a good note, not some vague promise of it happening sometime soon." Wolfe suggested.

Stephanie considered that for a moment, then shook her head. He had done far too much without so much as asking for input on whether it was a good idea. The fact that nobody actually disagreed was irrelevant to the fact that he had forgotten to even ask for input from those around him. Even if he was treating the world like he was a Monarch, he wouldn't get away without asking his 'Queens'.

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