
Chapter 734 734 Loaded

Chapter 734 734 Loaded

Then he began on the ammunition, as the weapons moved down the conveyor belt to be crated up for shipment, and again the crowd was stunned by the amount of power that he could wield while borrowing mana from a handful of others.

He could do much more on his own, even without emptying his mana reserves, but the flow was a considerable draw for the Rank Six bodyguards, who weren't the most mana adept Demons in existence.

They were strong, but spell casting was not at the top of their list of priorities as they were growing up.

"Wow, we need you here for every shift. We could just let you work for ten minutes and call it a day while we put everything in boxes and ship it out." One of the bunnies on duty at the airbase laughed.

"As tempting as that sounds, I think people expect me to do more than ten minutes a day worth of work. Let me know when it's loaded, and we will go with the plane to Myrrh Coven and begin the drops there before heading to the border of the Free Covens.

We don't really know any of them, and from what I understand, they're all city states, each village is independently operated. That's been working out well for the Fae who have taken charge, but without the organization of a larger group, it could be challenging to defend against an actual Monster Tide."

The bunny nodded. "I am going to pretend that I understood more than half of that, but the part about needing to work more than ten minutes a day, that part is definitely right."

Chloe laughed from her position by the tunnel entrance to the bunker. "She's got a point. Politics are boring, and even if you don't have an agreement with them, you're a Saint, and you probably met their leader at the Fall Festival. Not many of the leaders missed it, especially among the Fae who were eager for dating opportunities that they wouldn't get at home."

"Fine. Let's give them a hand loading so we can get underway faster. I would hate to know that we were standing around laughing while someone was actually under attack."

With the help of Wind Magic from the Fae in the group, the boxes were quickly loaded onto carts, and the carts were pushed up the gentle incline to the surface.

"I like your defensive formations. A simple spiral ramp is so often overlooked when people consider how to hinder an enemy's advance." Risa noted as the convoy of carts made its way across the tarmac to the closest waiting cargo plane.

It was one of the massive ones, modelled after the transports of the Mundane Armies, and they could hold fifty carts worth of gear without even beginning to stack it.

The only downfall was that if they didn't have someone who was at least Rank Three with a good affinity for Wind Magic, the takeoff and landing distances were horrendous.

The plane was capable of taking off nearly vertically with the right motivation, but large-scale winds over two hundred kilometres an hour combined with enough force to lift a quarter million kilos of loaded airplane off the ground like a helicopter was pushing the limits of what a Rank Two witch could do.

"We've got it from here, The carts are designed to unload smoothly onto the floor. See the rollers? We just slide the metal sheets off the cart and onto the floor, then lock them in place. It's an ingenious system that the humans thought of, and we've copied it in all our big planes." The leader of the loading team explained.

They were fast, skilled with months of repetitive daily practice sending out the supplies, and they were pushing the trays off the carts three at a time, nearly jogging down the length of the plane.

The witches on the flight team waved at Wolfe and Ella, then did a double take as they saw the rest of the group that was with them.

"When did we get so many powerful people in town?" The Emerald-eyed witch in the copilot's seat asked.

"They're actually visitors. They were in town for the Festival, and now that there is an emergency in their home territories, it's faster to come back this way than to fly on their own." Wolfe explained, then turned to the others.

"You are all in for a treat. This thing can travel at over seven hundred kilometres an hour if we keep the mana flowing, so we will be back to your homes in no time at all." He explained.

There were a few stops to be made once they found the invading force and determined where the initial battle sites would be, but it still shouldn't take too long to drop everyone off with the aid of wind magic and their own wings.

"We're loaded, Mister Wolfe. Once you're in and the doors are closed, we will push the plane back with the vehicle there, and you will be ready to take off in just a few minutes." The loading team leader explained, while the bunny from earlier gave them a thumbs up signal from the pushback truck that was attached to the plane's landing gear with a long bar.

It was all pilfered human technology, adapted to run on magic, but the airfield was starting to look like a proper military airport with all the new equipment they had been adding. He would have to get a chance to talk to the design team once he got back from battle.

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