
Chapter 627 Thanks William

Chapter 627 Thanks William

"Screw you, I'm not walking all the way over there. Now, let's go before these sour old Demons have more reasons to complain." Rail retorted.

Wolfe chuckled and flew out the door with her on his hip, headed for the main gate. She was back in her usual skirt suit again today, While Wolfe had opted for his "Demon Lord" look, the black suit with the red shirt he normally wore at home, but without the fake horns because that would just be weird here in the Demon Realms.

The guards waved them through the gates, and Wolfe headed straight toward where he was hearing the loudest noises, which seemed to be one of the gardens on the west side of the compound.

What looked like most of the Palace staff were outside, standing about in a group, facing off with a group of the Royal Guards and Minister William, who was trying to calm them down over the shouting, but being drowned out by the multitude of voices.

The crowd calmed a little when Wolfe arrived and landed next to William. He set Rail down, then raised his hands to silence the crowd.

"Thank you all for listening. I know that many of you have concerns about the wellbeing of your family members, and I will be taking that into consideration, just like I did with the other requests for services. I think that most of you have had at least some part of your room upgraded since I arrived, and I won't let you down with the requests for mana system repair, if it's within my power to help. But the Palace staff aren't the only ones who have injured loved ones, so there might be some delay before I can get to everyone." Wolfe explained.

"But you will help, right? Not just the wealthy nobles?" One of the cleaners asked.

"Of course. I thought that there would be a bit more trust between us by now. I helped with your situation before, and I will again. Unfortunately, I've got hundreds of pages of requests left to get through, all of which are urgently important to the one who sent them, and while I would love to get them all settled in a day, that's just not practical."

"We need a schedule. I have to know when Mother can recover." One of the Demons pleaded.

Wolfe considered it for a moment, then smiled and passed the problem off to someone else.

"Minister William here would be glad to take a record of everyone who needs a family member looked at. He will prioritize the staff who need the service first, and then we will move on to family when there is time. I will provide him with my schedule, and he can work out the details for you." Wolfe insisted.

Minister William nodded along happily at the news that Wolfe was willing to help and that there was no mention of him putting excessive restrictions on such a valuable service, then did a double take as he realized that he had been volunteered to do all the scheduling and paperwork.

"What are you doing?" He whispered as Wolfe finished his speech.

"You have a staff and I don't. There are hundreds of them, all clamouring for someone to get healed, and I hope that you know which ones need to go first, because I have no idea." Wolfe whispered back.

"Fine, but I'm not happy about it." William retorted, then raised his voice.

"If everyone present who needs assistance from the Magi can come forward to put your names in now, we will get started. Once those who need direct assistance are recorded, we will move on to those who need assistance for family members.

I will also be sending a staff member to the other Ministers and the Kitchen staff who are not here at the moment, so nobody will be missed. If you believe someone has been, please have them find me or one of my staff."

His orders got everyone lining up in two columns, and it was obvious that one of them was made entirely of the weaker Rank One Demons.

"Minister, do we have a private room? I can get started right now, since we ran away from the Chief before he could give us other orders for the day." Wolfe suggested.

"Just take the room right behind you. It's a garden sitting room, for days that guests want to look at the garden but not sit outside." William instructed.

Wolfe didn't even have an opportunity to get settled in the room before the first row of applicants had shifted from in front of William to in front of the door to the sitting room.

"Alright, one at a time, please. Kindly allow your coworkers a bit of privacy, Miss Rail will call you in when it is your turn." Wolfe instructed.

The first up was a young boy from the kitchens, a cleaner, according to his uniform, and Wolfe could see a deep scar across his chest that extended up his neck.

"Let me guess, magical beast attack left your mana flow damaged?" Wolfe asked.

The boy nodded and opened up his shirt and coat to show that the scar on his neck was just the tip of a trio of scars that extended from his waist all the way up to his collarbone.

"Well, I am no witch to heal the scars, but I can deal with the mana issue." Wolfe assured him as he began to work.

It was a fairly simple process, as it had only actually damaged a few spots where the beast's mana hadn't dissipated before the flesh had mended.

That had left the mana flow underneath disturbed, but with a few seconds effort, Wolfe had it flowing normally again.

"There you go, right as rain. Now, back to your duties, and be sure to meditate every evening, you've got a lot of catching up to do."

"Next." Rail gently informed the line, and an older man stepped forward.

This one, Wolfe knew that he didn't actually have to heal. The man had been cursed, all he needed to do was cast a [Mana Purification] spell and let it do its thing for a few days.

"How much mana can you still use?" He asked the older butler.

"Enough to lock and unlock doors, but not much more than that."

"Alright, then I will have to do the work on the spot, you don't have enough mana flow to keep the cleansing spell active. Take a seat, this is going to hurt a bit."

And hurt it did, but the butler took it with a Stoic determination that said having cursed flesh disintegrated by magic was not the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

"There you go. Your mana flow should begin to recover as soon as you rest tonight. Miss Rail, we're ready for the next guest."

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