
Chapter 613 613 Foreign Visitors

Chapter 613 613 Foreign Visitors

613 613 Foreign Visitors

It had been two weeks since Wolfe had arrived in the Demon Realms, and things around the castle were finally starting to normalize. The influx of early requests had slowed to a trickle as those making the requests either ran out of money or things that were worth asking the Magi to do for them, and the improved castle security had the level of crime and physical aggression down to the bare minimum.

They had hit one small snag, though.

They had just received an envoy from a neighbouring Kingdom, and the security spells wouldn't let half of the guards and staff that had accompanied them into the Palace.

Wolfe had been called to the Palace to see if there was some way to work around it, or what might need to be done to placate a now irate dignitary. Since Wolfe had cast the [Kind Intentions] spell, he was the resident expert on it, and both the Royal Council and their invited guest had demanded his presence.

"Alright, Rail, what are we dressing you in today? It's a big formal thing for the Council, but it's in the street, since the other party can't enter the Palace. I'm thinking a ballgown with a parasol. There aren't enough reasons to use a parasol in daily life." Wolfe suggested to the Succubus who had accompanied him everywhere since he arrived in the Demon Realm.

"You're right. We need a parasol. You know, this whole dressing up for work thing is a lot of fun. Everyone totally forgets that I'm a succubus lately, and their shocked faces when they remember are priceless." Rail laughed, then extended her arms for the spell.

Wolfe created an elegant bubblegum pink ballgown and parasol as a fire armour spell, and Rail tossed her coat on the bed in his room.

"Alright, we should likely fly again, or they'll get upset.

You know, you never used to see people flying over town, despite the fact that two thirds of them have functional wings, and now everyone flies unless they're going to a busy street where the crowds would make landing difficult. I think we set a trend." She added.

"Yeah, by being either late for work or answering an urgent summons every single day." Wolfe joked.

Wolfe adjusted his formal robes and extended an arm for Rail to sit on with her arm draped over his neck for stability, then launched them out the window of his apartment. He was getting much better at that, the smooth takeoff that didn't ruffle her hair, as well as closing the window behind them.

They could already see the commotion, four carriages at the gates, surrounded by dozens of guards on black horses with flaming hooves. Nightmares, Wolfe believed that they were called, a powerful magical beast that the nobles bred and tamed as steeds.

Wolfe landed between the carriages and the guards from the palace, next to Minister William, who was doing his best to placate the irate foreign dignitary whose convoy couldn't enter.

"Greetings Gentlemen. I am Wolfe Noxus, Patriarch of the Noxus Magi Family, and the creator of the most recent barriers over the Palace grounds. What precisely is the problem?" Wolfe asked as he set Rail on the ground beside him with a gentle gust of wind to blow the cobblestone street clean.

"Your barrier is defective. It will not allow my escort to enter." The lithe four-armed demon in front of Minister William informed him.

Wolfe checked the barrier and shook his head.

"I'm afraid that the barrier is working exactly as intended. Those who intend to harm another cannot enter this place. Either your people are planning violence inside the Palace, or you have traitors in your midst. You see, the spell does not discriminate. Even if they intend to harm you, they will be prohibited entry. It has caused some issues for our more hotheaded workers, who have occasionally had to go home and calm down, which has made them late for work, but the spell is functioning as intended.

I am quite sorry if this has inconvenienced you, and I will be sure to request that the Palace staff issue additional guidance on the proper vetting of visitors in the future."

"That is your solution? Don't bring hidden traitors in the entourage?" The Demon asked incredulously.

"Is that an issue? I know politics are a troublesome thing, and I try not to get too involved with them, but surely leaving the assassins, traitors, double agents and wife beaters outside the Palace walls shouldn't be an impossible task."

The demons in the visiting group all gave him the same blank stare, then one of the guards spoke up.

"Wife beaters? Are you saying that ALL violence is forbidden in the Palace?" He asked.

Wolfe nodded happily. "Precisely. Even bullying the domestic staff is prohibited, and the spell will attempt to interfere should you try. It does not discriminate, it will attempt to prevent violence by the Royal Court as much as their visitors, so you can rest assured that it will be highly unlikely that anyone could attack you in your sleep."

The dignitary didn't seem to know what to say to that, but his aging Butler had a long-suffering look on his face that let everyone know that this was nothing new to him. He leaned forward to whisper something into his master's ear, and the dignitary sighed, then glared at Wolfe.

"Might I ask why exactly is a Magi making random changes to the Palace security?" He demanded.

"The Fae Royal Guard tossed me here after I inadvertently ended up there. So, I was charged with trespassing, and I've been working quite diligently to pay off my debt to society." Wolfe replied with a pious bow that made Minister William snort in amusement.

At that point, the butler couldn't resist anymore, and decided to join the conversation.

"You know, I was familiar with your ancestor, known as the Eternal Saint. Perhaps you share some of his world views still." The butler suggested.

"Quite a few of them, actually. But I suspect that you aren't intending to idly chatter while there are so many worked up people here." Wolfe replied.

"Indeed. What I would like to ask is for you to cast a similar protective spell over the palace in our homeland. Your predecessor was quite egalitarian, and I do hope that you might have that same level of open mindedness." The Butler requested.

Wolfe considered it. "I can do that. The spell requires the assistance of some of those who will be protected, so if the senior members of your group can lend me some mana and a core for the spell, I can create one for your Palace as well."

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