
Chapter 609 609 Prying Eyes

Chapter 609 609 Prying Eyes

609 609 Prying Eyes

The warding of the important doors was finished mere minutes before the call for lunch, and even though they had been walking the castle all morning, there was no time to properly freshen up before the call for the noon meal. As they were with the Minister, they would be expected to attend lunch with the King. He preferred everyone around him to gather for meals, to the extent that Wolfe suspected that it was a coping mechanism for the lack of family around him.

He was actually a rather cute kid, with the curling horns in his curly black hair, but with so many sensitive egos around, Wolfe was not about to mention that out loud. The King had to keep his dignity, and there were constant threats to his life as other Demon Clans saw weakness in the Kingdom and got ideas about taking it over for themselves.

That was the last thing that Wolfe needed. He wanted to get home in a reasonable timeframe, and there would be no portals opened to take him back to Forest Grove if the Kingdom was under attack.

Wolfe recalled that the King wanted a sceptre of his own, enchanted for smashing people with. The Royal Armoury surely had many similar weapons in it, but they would all be made for adult Demons, and he was still not even a teenager, far from reaching his full growth.

Going by the throne, he would be a larger Demon once he was through puberty, but for now, something that was made for Rail would be more suitable to his stature. That meant Wolfe would have to search the city for something suitable, as it wouldn\'t be in stock in the armoury.

Not that the smaller species weren\'t great warriors, but the Palace Guard didn\'t include many, if any, of them among its numbers. They liked the big and dangerous, uniform appearance of their guard teams.

Perhaps they could do that after lunch so that he could sneak the weapon to the King tomorrow.

But it wouldn\'t be easy to sneak out of the palace today with the number of requests that he knew were sitting on the Investigation Department supervisor\'s desk right now. None of them had been delivered to him or Rail yesterday, so the boss must still have them all, and he would certainly be hunting them both down after they were free of the Minister.

Rail seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she kept darting furtive glances at the door all through dessert, but when Wolfe got up at the end of the meal for the customary chat before everyone actually left, the boss from the investigation department came in with a stack of papers for them.

"Boss Marcus, good to see you again. Have the others not heeded your warning not to bring our work to you?" Rail greeted her boss with a polite smile.

"Of course they did. If you had shown up for the morning briefing, you would know that." Marcus reminded her.

Rail smirked back at him. "This time it\'s really not my fault. Minister William Robert sent a messenger to bring us to the palace at the crack of dawn, and we\'ve been here working ever since. He\'s still here if you need him to vouch for our hard work."

The head of the investigators frowned across at the imposing form of the Minister of Castle Security, but he already knew that Wolfe and Rail had been called away. They lived in the Investigators\' apartments, after all. Plus, the poor maid had been shouting at Wolfe\'s door for ten minutes before he finally woke up and removed the magical locks that he had placed over his apartment.

There likely wasn\'t anyone in the building that didn\'t know that they had been urgently called away first thing in the morning, or why. In fact, most of them also knew that Rail hadn\'t even bothered to get properly dressed before they left, and the dainty succubus was likely to face a lot of teasing for allowing her usual carefully controlled appearance to slip in public.

"I will forgive it for today because of extenuating circumstances, but some of the requests are getting incredibly repetitive. It appears that some of our more intrepid investigators had managed to cast a scrying spell to take a look at Patriarch Noxus\' personal bedroom last night, and they proceeded to spread the word about all the wonderful things that they saw." Marcus informed them.

Wolfe caught himself as a low growl slipped from his throat. "Kindly inform them that I would love to have an in-depth discussion about what such upstanding gentlemen might have found so interesting in the bedroom that I share with my consorts." He reminded the head investigator in a clipped tone.

Marcus raised his hands in a placating gesture, and a few of the nearby advisors and ministers hid their laughter. Wolfe might not be the strongest one in the room, but he certainly wasn\'t the weakest, and most of the investigators were rank two Demons, with a few Rank Three senior investigators. Anything over that and they would normally go look for a better paying job.

"It was a group of female investigators, if that helps at all, and the room was empty when they scryed it, except for a hellhound and a Nekomata. While the fact that you keep two demonic pets in your room was interesting, they were more interested in the room itself. You see, the spell revealed the enchantments layered on the room to them, and from what I am told, your lair is like that of an Elder Dragon, covered in layer upon layer of magic. The majority of the requests from the investigators are actually for specific items from your room."

Wolfe sighed in relief that it hadn\'t been a pervert looking in on his room. He was definitely going to have to get a defence against that sort of scrying spell, though. Just the thought of random weirdos looking in on his witches was disturbing, and it would be much worse if they actually had the ability to get there.

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