
Chapter 583 583 Long Night Ahead

Chapter 583 583 Long Night Ahead

"Would you prefer to stay at my residence, or will you be returning to the Priya Family household?" The Coven Leader asked politely as the guests began to filter out of the event.

Wolfe shook his head. "I should be going, I have a lot to get through to prepare the villages for the return of residents. Miss Priya can work on arranging a Witch to set up the underground bunkers and the witch magic portions afterwards."

The elderly witch smiled and nodded her head. "Alright, we appreciate your assistance. I will discuss the rest with Madam Priya later. Tell me, dear, will you be returning home tonight?"

Priya chuckled and looked to the children's area, where Tian was doing her best to remain awake until the party ended, despite failing miserably and falling asleep for minutes at a time in her guard's arms.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but I should return to the Priya Family house. I am quite certain that we have a lot to talk about, and the small ones are eager to see if they're old enough that the new spells will allow them to awaken early." She replied.

The Coven Leader patted her on the shoulder and gestured for guards to come escort her back to the car, while the Elders of Priya's family came to talk to her before they left. 

"Are you really leaving, Mister Wolfe?" The guard who wasn't holding Tian asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. But Priya can catch you up on everything that we've been up to since you returned to the city. There are countless refugees moving through the wastes, and I want to get homes ready for them right away, before they find somewhere else to settle. It will be best for everyone if they move into the empty villages along the border." Wolfe explained.

"Alright, good luck. Hopefully, we will see you again soon." The guard reluctantly agreed.

The last of the guests began to filter out, and Priya realized that Wolfe still needed to leave the city somehow.

"You should have left with the Coven Leader." She remarked, gesturing to the top floors, where the nearest exit was.

"And stay stuck in traffic for the next three hours? No, thanks. I'll just fly over the roads and I will be at the garden in five minutes." Wolfe laughed.

Priya smiled and pulled him into a hug. "I will take care of the dens for the new residents as soon as I finish up here. It will only take me a few days to do most of the ones along the border, and I will send a radio message using the high-powered equipment here in the city first thing in the morning, if you're going to have the spells ready for them to move in."

"That won't be a problem. I will put up the basics tonight. Then I'm going to cast the same spells on the top of the Morgana Fortress City, whether they like it or not."

That would be a rude awakening for everyone inside the city that had significant curse damage to their bodies. But, the benefits outweighed the risks in the long term, so Priya didn't try to stop him, only added one more suggestion.

"Don't forget about Peach. I'm sure she wants all the advantages that she can get at the Academy, and we already know that she's friendly to our people."

"Of course. I will drop her a few extra goodies as well, just to be sure that she is properly safe." He agreed.

The mention of Peach reminded Wolfe that she had a rather powerful Nymph as a Familiar, and she should be able to set up some of the same Fae defences that they had around Forest Grove, as long as he helped her with the extra mana. 

There were likely some there already, as Headmistress Peach wouldn't slack on security, but between him and the Nymph, they should be able to create something that was truly marvellous.

With a final wave to the crowd, Wolfe was off. He walked the short distance to the door, saying goodnight to the last of the guests, and giving Tian one last pulse of mana to help her developing mana system grow strong and healthy.

Then he took to the air and gracefully glided over the top of the traffic, making his way up the ramps and to the garden before increasing his speed and heading west down the border. With hundreds of kilometres of ground left to cover tonight, he didn't waste any time, and prepared the spells even before the villages came into sight. 

That way, he could set them in the town square as he passed over and not slow at all before moving on to the next one.

Each spell was set somewhere that it wouldn't be likely to be disturbed, usually under the large tree or fountain that was set in the central area of each village, but in a few cases he simply put it under the fortified town hall, as the town layout didn't favour his plans.

The villages weren't close, and each of them had a fairly large scouting area, the same as many of the villages in the Frozen Wastes, so Wolfe ended up making two passes along the border to get the first and second rows of defence, but by the time that the sun came up, he was nearly back at the Sylvan Fortress City and turning south toward the Morgana Academy.

Hopefully, Peach would be happy to see him.

If not, this was going to be one very awkward conversation in the yard outside the Academy, and he might not get to set the spells he wanted to.

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