
Chapter 571 571 High Hopes

Chapter 571 571 High Hopes

Wolfe looked over his handiwork with pride. He had just finished with the older witches, and he was about to start awakening the younger ones. This was always his favourite part, seeing the reactions of the Elders when the teenaged witches started to gain auras after only a few moments of work.

So, when he started on the gentle cleansing and awakening of the barefoot group of potential successors and prodigies, Wolfe put in a little extra effort to nudge them along the way without putting in enough mana to cause an inappropriate physical response.

A slow infusion for witches whose aura hadn't started to form was enough, and they would barely feel it until the dam broke, and the mana stored in their body started to form their aura, at which point it would only feel like an explosion of power from within them, an intensified version of the natural awakening process.

When the process on the first batch completed, everyone waited in anticipation, eager to see if the wild stories that they had heard about young witches gaining their powers were true, and if Wolfe could really force the process.

The ones he had worked on could feel the change, but they had no way of independently verifying that their own Bloodline Curse was gone. They didn't have that knowledge, and they hadn't reached the Second Rank, which could sense it without any real effort.

All at once, the ten auras of the newly cleansed young witches flickered to life, then began to steadily grow until they were as bright as any of the advanced class students when they entered the Academy in previous years.

It really was too sad, the standard that the Academy had been working with, but Wolfe had promised to have someone come every year to cleanse and help their students. It was a matter that he would have to deal with later, as the fall semester should be starting soon, and unless Ella was back soon with someone talented from the Noxus Family, he would have to do it himself.

"What do you think? Is that an acceptable enough start for them? Their potential should be far superior to the generation before them, now that they have the curse removed from their systems, and the next generation won't be as heavily affected, but the men are unable to be cleansed with this method, so they will have to wait until the barrier does it for them.

You will let me set up the [Mana Purification] array to encompass the entire city and surrounding area, right?" Wolfe asked.

Even the most hesitant among them couldn't argue with Wolfe after that performance, and he was already started on the next batch as he talked, letting the sludge of the Bloodline Curse pour out of their feet and onto the stones of the garden.

The first few young Witches were still being closely scrutinized by the Coven Council, who were checking them for damage and any sign of Demonic interference in their bodies when the second group was finished and Wolfe moved on to the last few young witches that they had brought.

The second group was snapped up by the freshly healed soldiers, who were even more excited about an improved younger generation than anyone else. Sylvan Fortress City was right by the border of the Frozen Wastes, and though they were technically outside the zone where the United World Army had demanded everyone leave, it was only by a few kilometres, and that meant that whether it was a direct attack, or just a monster tide that had been forced out by the fighting, they were doomed to be on the front lines of any conflict that spilled over from the Frozen Wastes.

"This is incredible, they have more potential than any other Witch in the Coven, and they're still so young. By the time they're thirty, they will likely be Rank Two already." The youngest of the Coven Council members cheered.

The elderly Coven Leader smiled and patted her on the head. "I think some of them might be more than that. They're still pure-blooded Witches, and without the Curse, many of our Coven members would have reached Rank Four during their lives before the war. I think that it might be possible for these youngsters to start that tradition again."

Wolfe smiled at the old woman, and her look turned suspicious again.

"You've been holding out, haven't you? There is still something else that you can offer us that you didn't think we would fully appreciate until we had seen what came before." She announced.

"Oh, you're good. Do you have a Demon as your own Familiar?" Wolfe asked.

"An Imp." She agreed with a sentimental smile.

"In that case, I will get right to it. I can create a Mana Gathering Array for the whole city. It will at least double the mana density inside, and the witches will progress significantly faster. The mana here is even thinner than it is in Morgana Coven Academy, and their Fortress City, so the difference should be pretty staggering when I bring you up to the standard of the Fae Forest." Wolfe informed her.

"Is that even possible?" One of the healed soldiers asked.

"Of course. I actually set the mana density in my room much higher than that so that I don't have to struggle to bring it in at an appropriate density for my Mana Cores while I'm meditating. The difference in growth rates is absolutely ridiculous, and it's becoming fairly normal for those with the highest potential to reach their first natural bottleneck within half a year.

For some that is the entry to Rank Two, but for others, they've surpassed that, and they're still moving up smoothly, so they likely won't reach their natural limit until Rank Three.

Only from that point will they actually have to work hard to increase their aura. Until that point, the mana will just flow into them naturally. Here, I will show you, to help you understand. These youngsters have just awakened their aura, so they're the furthest thing possible from their limits, and as you promised, these should be the most talented of their generation in your entire Coven."

Wolfe cast a temporary Mana Gathering Array on a coin in his backpack and let the mana flood into the area.

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