
Chapter 520 520 Family Members

Chapter 520 520 Family Members

[I can do it from here if you want to find out now.] Wolfe suggested. 

It wasn't like she was going to be letting very many people ever see her human body, and most of them thought that she was an actual Familiar Cat, who wouldn't be eligible for recruitment anyhow.

[Do it. She's asleep, so I have a moment.]

[Family Member added] Stephanie Isabel Noxus

That was new. While Cassie was already a Noxus, Ella's last name hadn't changed when he added her to the Family. Wolfe wondered if it was something to do with the fact that she disowned her family as a Witch, or if it was a matter of personal preference.

There wasn't a solid answer forthcoming from the Inheritance, so he just waited to see what she said about the Inheritance Runes.

[Oh, this is spectacular, it split all around the existing inscriptions on my body, and kind of filled in the gaps. I think it changed some of them too, like fixed them where there were errors. No, it definitely did, I can work some of the ones that didn't work before. Plus, it looks pretty cool, like scrollwork between the crude ink that I already had.] Stephanie responded after a few minutes.

[That's excellent news. I will get back to you after we finish with Kira's, but if you'd like, you can make it invisible, except when you focus on it. That's what Cassie and Ella do.] Wolfe suggested.

[No, I look better like this. Thanks, and I'll come bother fluffy ears in the morning.]

Wolfe wondered when the two of them got so close that Stephanie started calling Kira by a nickname, but he put that aside when Cassie and Ella informed him that they would be waiting for him and Kira in their room so that they could throw a small celebration for joining the Family.

Ella seemed more excited about fluffing the tails than anything else, but both of them felt certain that bringing her into the group was the right call, not because she was powerful, but because they liked her as a person.

That was the sort of reassurance that Kira needed to know that she wasn't going to be considered some sort of homewrecker for joining the Noxus Family, though Wolfe thought that he should likely clarify that joining the Family didn't necessarily mean as his bride. 

It was a Magi Family, there were more options available. At least in theory.

"Welcome, set the goods down on the table, so I can welcome you properly." Cassie greeted them as Wolfe opened the door for Kira to enter with the tray full of snacks.

The Kitsune set the tray down and laughed as she wrapped Cassie in her tails, already knowing what the witch was after. Then she stuck her tongue out at Ella, who had lost the first chance due to Cassie's rapid reaction time.

Wolfe pulled Ella into an embrace, then traded witches with Kira and moved to take one of the small cups of cappuccino.

"How could you have thought that you wouldn't fit into this group? You already get along so well." Wolfe joked.

"I thought that they might feel I was trying to steal their man, you know, since I'm a Demon and Kitsune do have a bit of a reputation for it." Kira mumbled.

Ella snorted in amusement. "Have you not met him? Wolfe Noxus is not a man you can steal by being intimate with him, he thrives off teasing and taunting women with pleasure. Or maybe we've just gotten used to how he is. What do they call that again?"

"Stockholm Syndrome?" Cassie suggested.

"Yes, that. We've gotten too used to his penchant for going after every woman around. Plus, you're soft and fluffy. Even if he takes you as a third Consort, I won't object." Ella added.

Kira placed a hand over her heart and faked an outraged expression. "Oh, my word. Is that what I'm taken for, just a source of fluff and cuddles?"

Cassie laughed and popped a small cookie in her mouth. 

"You had better watch Ella, or she'll do more than cuddle you. But don't ask that question around Mary because she won't deny it."

While they were busy bantering, Wolfe prepared the spell again, and added another member to the Noxus Family.

[Welcome to the Noxus Family, Kira]

She looked startled as the spell took effect and the knowledge of the Inheritance became available, flooding her mind with the first round of what it deemed essential knowledge. What that was, Wolfe had no idea, but the girls were all sharing knowing looks and smiling, so it must be something that the spell only shared with them, but wouldn't show him.

[You know that's not fair, am I not the Patriarch of the Family? Why am I left out of the joke?] Wolfe thought, directing his annoyance at the inanimate spell on his arm.

There was no response from it, but Wolfe could sense that the spell had the knowledge that he wanted, and it simply wasn't going to show it to him until he found the right way to look for it. But if all three of them thought that it was so amusing, it might be better that he didn't look for it right now. It would almost certainly lead to answers that he didn't want to know.

"Welcome to the Noxus Family, Kira. I do hope that you gained something worthwhile out of the Inheritance. There is a wealth of knowledge in there, and while I don't know how much of it will transfer to you, compared to what is in the version that I have, it contained a lot of information for the Witches as well."

Kira suddenly turned and hopped up on Wolfe, wrapping her legs around him and peppering his face with kisses. 

"Yes, it is perfect. Thank you very much, Patriarch." She laughed.

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