
Chapter 512 512 Now Behave

Chapter 512 512 Now Behave

Some of the Witches snorted and sat back down, unwilling to make it easy on Wolfe to take them away, even though they were already bound with their magic restricted.

Wolfe used a [Gust of Wind] spell to pick one up and bring her to him, forcing the obstinate witch to her knees in front of him.

"So, you don\'t feel like walking?" Wolfe asked.

"Never in my life will I bow down to a Demon." She snarled.

The air magic held her firmly in place, while Wolfe reached down and unbuckled her belt, then pulled her trousers down just past her backside.

"You perverted Demon, you won\'t break me like this." She shouted.

Wolfe picked up a long branch from the ground and made a slashing gesture through the air, visually emphasizing for those in the back what fate she was about to suffer.

[Wind Blades] at minimum output left a half dozen raised red welts on the fleshy globes, and the witch howled in agony, but couldn\'t move to try to protect herself.

"That\'s one. Count them for me. We will continue until you apologize for your rudeness." Wolfe insisted.

Again the spell flogged the witch, and again she howled, but kept her teeth tightly clenched together.

At six strikes, her resolve broke, and she began to plead for mercy.

"Please, I swear that I won\'t act out again, just please stop, I beg you."

Wolfe shrugged. "I don\'t hear counting."

"One, please, one. No more." She begged.

Wolfe struck again.

"Two." The tearful witch counted.

"Now we\'re getting somewhere. Do you give your word that you won\'t act up again on the way to our destination? If so, I can do you a favour and stop before we get to ten." Wolfe suggested.

"I swear, I will behave. You have my word."

[Favour activated]

Wolfe released the magic holding her on her knees, then gently returned her uniform pants to their proper position and adjusted her belt and shirt.

"There we go, all straightened up. Now, walking to the truck will be unpleasant, but it will help you remember that I don\'t appreciate obstinacy and I do enjoy giving a good spanking. Now, is there anyone else who doesn\'t want to walk?" Wolfe asked.

All the remaining witches got to their feet, and Wolfe nodded in satisfaction.

"This way, ladies. It\'s only one Kilometre, surely a group of trained soldiers can manage that without any issues."

So, the odd procession of one Magi leading seven terrified soldiers and one tearful young woman made their way though the hills of the Frozen Wastes toward the drop site where the vehicle was supposed to be waiting for them.

Wolfe didn\'t try to press them to more than a walk, so it took some time in the dark, but the Witches couldn\'t see as well as he could with [Detect Hidden]. In fact, they likely couldn\'t even see the monsters in the distance giving them longing glances, but too afraid to come closer to the strong sense of power that Wolfe gave off.

With the straps on their wrists, the Witches felt like humans to the monsters, and humans without visible guns were an easy meal.

"Ah, here we are. Everyone in the truck, please. There won\'t be seatbelts, so be sure not to fall out. I can close the canvas cover at the back if you prefer." He instructed once they found the vehicle, parked in a stand of trees halfway down a ridgeline, where it wouldn\'t get flooded or stuck in the mud when the villagers needed it.

Wolfe climbed into the driver\'s seat and flipped the switch for the ignition, lighting up the dash and showing that the batteries were a bit low, but the fuel tanks were full.

The witches got loaded into the cargo bay, and one of them thumped the top of the cab with bound hands to let them know they were all inside.

Wolfe stuck his head out the side window.

"Send the one with the sore bottom in here, the passenger seat is padded. Once she\'s in place, I will get us moving." He instructed.

She didn\'t have to be asked twice, and the remaining witches crowded close to the front of the truck, where they were safely under the cover of the canvas top on the box. As a precaution against low batteries, Wolfe put the truck in gear and pushed down the clutch, letting it begin to roll down the hill at a slowly increasing speed.

When they got near the bottom, he dumped the clutch and the truck rumbled to life, chugging and puffing black smoke as Wolfe downshifted and began climbing up the other side.

He probably should have let someone else drive, as he had very limited practice with any four wheeled vehicle, much less a manual transmission army truck, but he knew the theory, and he had learned how to drive a manual transmission vehicle back at the courier company, before they decided he was better as a bike courier than a cab driver.

The electric cab with its three speeds was a far cry from this monstrosity, but Wolfe had it moving, and he wasn\'t going to have to learn the extra sticks and other stuff to crawl through the grasslands in the dark anyhow.

"You know a lot about military equipment, did you serve at some point?" The witch beside him asked quietly after a half hour of rolling through the grasslands.

"For one winter against the Monster Tide, on behalf of the Covens. But you pick up plenty of things living out here, where we\'re just an obstacle in the way between the higher population areas. You\'ll see once we get where we\'re going. There are countless things you might be shocked at about how we do things here."

The witch chuckled, then shifted to take some weight off her backside. "You say that like we will be living among your people and not in prison."

Wolfe raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. "You will be. The Curse on the land where I live prevents you from being violent, so you will be able to do nearly anything but leave the area or refuse your assigned tasks. Everyone helps out, it\'s a rule of my people."

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