
Chapter 481 481 Global Law

Chapter 481 481 Global Law

"In charge of the Demon? You are misunderstanding something. The Demon is the one in charge here. He is the most powerful one among us, and he is the one that defends our village from attacks." Priya explained with an evil smile.

Team Leader Sylvana silenced her subordinate with a spell before she could go on a rant and then sipped her coffee to mentally prepare herself.

"This is good. Magically grown, I take it? That's such a rare thing these days." She sighed, then sipped again on the coffee.

"You're a Rank Three Witch. You shouldn't have any trouble casting a Garden Charm that would grow coffee just as good if you had a single raw bean." Wolfe reminded her.

The Witch shook her head. "No foliage is allowed to be grown by magical means inside the city. It attracts monsters. So, what we have is naturally grown." 

Wolfe frowned. That was one of the stupidest things that he had heard in a while. Monsters that cared about vegetation were the least aggressive out of them all. Even if their monsters were more powerful, a few herbivores weren't the end of the world.

"I would explain more, but as you are from the quarantined Continent, the secrecy laws don't allow me to say much. But we need to sort out what is going on with the War Memorial. If there continues to be construction and magical modification here, the government will take action to stop it and preserve the sanctity of the region." She added.

"You don't think that they will care that we have been here since before the war?" Wolfe asked.

"Not at all. The decision was made by the global government, and they are not known to overturn their decisions. I recommend that you move toward the coast, outside these marked areas."

She took out a map and placed it on the table between them. The marked areas clearly covered all of the Frozen Wastes and the mountains, but they also covered a large portion of the Grand Dutchies and the southeastern portion of the Myrrh Coven.

"This region here belongs to the Myrrh Coven and isn't under the effects of the curses that affect the Frozen Wastes," Wolfe informed her.

"There are more Covens active on the Continent?" Team Leader Sylvana asked curiously.

"Well, yeah. There are three large ones in the south, and then another dozen or so along the northern coast, and the Free Territories, with smaller village-sized Covens, and then the eastern side of the continent, past the mountains, is almost entirely human-occupied." Priya explained.

"Could you locate the larger cities for us?" The quietest of the three Witches asked, but Wolfe didn't trust the tone in her voice, so he cut Priya off before she could elaborate.

"I think it might be best if you go see them for yourselves. Your United World Military doesn't seem all that friendly to me, and it goes against our code of conduct to send a hostile military force against foreign nations." He explained.

The Soldiers looked insulted at the comment and a little embarrassed, which Wolfe took as an admission that they would have used the information against anyone they got information on.

"I must know, are there still Saints on the other Continents?" Cassie asked curiously.

"There are two at the moment. Both in administrative positions in the government." The Team Leader agreed.

"The Bloodline Curse that the Magi inflicted on the world isn't as strong off this continent, but it still limits our power. There are a fair number of Rank Five witches in the military, but Rank Six is nearly unattainable, and none have reached that level since the first generation after the war." Team Leader Sylvana explained.

"Fortunately for us, we have found a way to break the curse entirely. Perhaps in one more generation, we will be able to rejoin the rest of the world from this centuries-long quarantine." Cassie suggested.

The team leader sighed and rubbed her face as she finished her coffee and poured another.

"Look, you seem like a good bunch, so it pains me to say this, but there will be no next generation here. The cursed remnants were supposed to have died out. When the rest of the world learns that there are still millions of people here carrying the Bloodline Curse at full strength, it is going to cause mass hysteria among the other Continents.

Everything that we have seen and said so far will have been relayed back to our Commander by the spells placed on us, so there is no point in killing us to hide it. They already know that there are powerful survivors and active Curses, even if they are breaking.

All that I can say is that if you leave the War Memorial and return to the quarantine zones near the coasts, their actions likely won't kill you. But if you continue to try to break the curses here and change the Sacred Graves War Memorial, there will be no hope for your people." 

Wolfe frowned. "So, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. How long do you think that they would give us to relocate the villagers of the Frozen Wastes? I have a plan that might work out for them, but I'm afraid that the changes to the Frozen Wastes themselves will be irreversible. 

The curses are failing, and the area is returning to its natural state whether the government of the other Continents likes it or not."

The Team Leader considered his words carefully and appeared to be listening to directions given to her through a spell.

"One week. That is when they plan to begin the action to purge the illegal residents of the War Memorial and reinstate the curses that should keep them uninhabited."

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