
Chapter 341 341 Calling For Extraction

[I found five Magi-descended women here in the Academy, and the Headmistress thinks that it's safest if I bring them back to the Forest with me. But I came on a motorcycle, following the APC, which has returned to the city.] He explained.

[Why not call me and Ella there to you? We can make a new plane and fly them home, no problem. Plus, we would get to say hello to everyone who is still at the Academy.] Cassie suggested.

[Ella, are you on board with a field trip to the Academy?] Wolfe asked, shifting his attention to the other Witch.

[Sure. Oh, Cassie is filling me in on the details. That sounds good, I'll grab the plans for the plane now, and we can make a larger one in the morning to fit the extra people. Are you still going to gather stuff on the way back?] Ella asked.

[Yeah, I will take the long way home. There are a couple of leads on more captured Witches, as well as some rare herbs. I should get them before I return back to the village.] Wolfe replied.

[Alright, give me fifteen minutes, and I will be ready for you to summon us to you. You can do it from that distance, right?] Ella asked.

[I think it should be fine. It's not that much further than when I brought myself to you for the recovery after you fled the treatment camp. I don't think that the weight matters, but the two of you weigh less than me and all that firepower I brought. Just hold hands when I call so that you end up in a predictable spot as one unit.]

Wolfe looked to Peach with a smile. "We've got more visitors coming tonight. No need for extra rooms. They can stay in mine."

Peach gestured for him to keep explaining.

"I am going to call Cassie and Ella here in fifteen minutes, and then they will make an airplane powered by magic to fly them and these five back home. Trust me, it will be great, and it will be so much faster than taking a truck. If you didn't have so much gear and so many people, I would have done it that way the first time."

The five Magi girls looked at him in shock. "You can make airplanes with magic, just like that, and nobody thought that we might want them here in the Covens at some point in the past?"

Wolfe shrugged. "The Renegade Witches use them on occasion, but we made really good ones. Mostly, nobody flies because they're afraid to attract the attention of flying monsters. You're really easy to spot in the sky, so if you can't take on a huge Gryphon or a Drake, it's probably best to keep yourself on the ground."

Everyone in the room, Peach included, shuddered at the mention of Gryphons and Drakes, two of the most terrifying flying monsters in the region.

The Swamp Drakes, in particular, were terrifying forces of nature in Morgana Coven. They had more in common with a winged crocodile than any elegant bird, but they had a poisonous magical breath which would overcome entire companies of soldiers in an instant.

But a pair of Rank Two witches shouldn't have any trouble taking care of that level of threat, even if there was a small group of them. As long as they followed the road, which had its vicinity cleared on a regular basis, they shouldn't run into any major trouble.

Peach looked at the staff members in a way that suggested they were dismissed, but nobody was moving.

"If he's going to summon a pair of Witches from halfway across the continent, we're definitely staying to see it." One of the witches told the Headmistress with a smile.

"I thought that might be the case. I would caution you to keep quiet about it, but I'm sure you already know. So, now I guess we wait for the Witches to arrive. I'm sure that a lot of students will be eager to see Cassie and Ella at dinner." Peach agreed.

"They're definitely going to freak out when they see Cassie and Ella here. If they're with Wolfe, they must be strong, right?" One of the cleaners asked.

Peach nodded in agreement. "They're both Second Rank Witches, and they were long before I advanced. As far as power goes, they're certainly not lacking.

But I think that the most shocking thing should be seeing them appear. Even for a regular Familiar Bond, where you call your Familiar, it's impressive to be able to call it from this far away.

Most Witches whose Familiars gained the ability struggle to call them from across the Academy, much less across the country." 

"Oh yeah, I have seen your Familiar and Ashcroft's Poltergeist appearing out of nowhere so often that I forgot that there was a range limit on the skill." The cleaner laughed.

The Nymph was still mad at the Headmistress for leaving her behind when she went to see the Fae Forest, so either the range limit was much less than that, or she had been ordered to remain behind and look after the Academy.

Wolfe had never met Professor Ashcroft's Familiar, but he hadn't expected it to be a type of ghost. Those were pretty rare, and a powerful malevolent ghost was impressive in its own right as a Familiar. That might explain how the Professor had gotten so powerful herself, even with the curse in full effect.

[Alright, we're ready and holding hands.] Ella informed Wolfe.

[That was quick. Prepare for the transfer.] Wolfe replied, then focused his energy on calling them.

Each summoning took more than a full Mana Core to accomplish, far different than when he had sent himself. But then, this was an ability of the Familiar Bond, and he didn't have any affinity for Spatial Magic of his own, so it made some sense that it wouldn't be all that efficient.

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