
Chapter 339 339 Special Help

Nobody would be able to tell that they were powering the Wand themselves, only that it was a wand with stored magic in a crystal.

"Do any of you have a Mana Crystal on you? It can even be empty for this purpose. There is a pile of sticks here that I can carve to make wands, so if we stick mana crystals in them, they will be proper magical items anyone could use once I finish the arrays.

Nobody would think twice about you using a magical wand to do the work other than where you got it."

One of the cleaners went into her pocket and pulled out a whole handful of empty mana crystals.

"I keep them to decorate with since they're basically worthless until they're recycled and refilled." She explained.

The cook looked at the crystals, then at Wolfe, and held out her hand. "Can I borrow that Amulet you're wearing? I want to really know that I can do this."

Wolfe hadn't used it to get dressed today. He just wore the Armour Amulet out of habit, so he passed it over and let the Magi work out for herself how to channel mana into it.

Seconds later, she was wearing a sharp black business suit under the bathrobe and giving Wolfe a very strange look.

"If this is the backup for your clothing, doesn't that mean you're not wearing anything but a spell?" She asked.

"Did you see me arrive with luggage? I don't even carry clothes anymore. The spell is better in pretty much every way except for the risk of it being dispelled, and that's unlikely here in the Academy." Wolfe shrugged.

"So, what will you make the armour for us look like? Work uniforms?" She asked curiously.

"Well, it can be anything, really. If you wanted, I could make it sexy lingerie, and you could wear a uniform over it." Wolfe joked.

"You know, that's not actually a bad idea. It wouldn't be able to cover everything, since it was under clothes, but it could be good in an emergency to have some protection on. After the incidents with the rebels, everyone is a bit on edge and looking for a bit of security." The woman from the kitchen staff suggested.

"Alright, I can do that. I can also make it fully cover you like that one does. The face and hands use Air Armor, so they're invisible layers tight to the skin, but they're still active." Wolfe explained.

"Oh, that would be amazing. We could wear the armour everywhere. But if that's the case, why not make it all transparent and keep it under your clothes?" She asked.

"And when an attack burns or tears your clothes off, and you're left with perfectly intact armour underneath, but it shows off everything?" Wolfe asked with a smirk.

The ladies giggled but eventually gave in to the logic of it. "You're right. It's better if it at least covers the essential bits so that we don't end up looking like invulnerable exhibitionists if something does happen."

"If you can make them look like sensible lingerie, I think that would be fine. I won't accept a constant wedgie from my armour spell just in the name of fashion, though." The woman wearing Wolfe's armour amulet decided.

Fortunately, the Staff Lounge was well stocked with things that the Professors might need for their classes, and Wolfe managed to appropriate a number of wooden amulet discs as well as the sticks for wands. He would pay for them later, but at least what he needed was cheap and easily accessible.

First up, Wolfe made the lowest mana cost version of Unholy mixed with Air Armour that he could, making it on par with a stronger First Rank Witch's attempt, but at a quarter the mana cost because these staff members were newly awakened. That let him make black bikinis and leave the rest invisible.

It wasn't the most publicly acceptable outfit ever, but it wouldn't be hugely embarrassing to be seen in.

"Alright, we need a volunteer before I finish these amulets. Who wants to try on the first version?" Wolfe asked.

"I will. What's the worst that could happen? Even if you're playing a prank and I end up naked in public, it's just the five of us here." One of the witches agreed.

Wolfe waited, and she just stared at him for a second before it dawned on her that if they were making an armour spell to replace underwear and not one to go over her uniform, she would need to be naked either way.

With a sigh, she stripped out of her clothes, and Wolfe cast the armour on her.

"Oh, it's actually cute. I'm not sure about wearing this all the time under my uniform, but if we were going swimming, I would be totally fine with this as my outfit." The cook agreed.

"It's actually really supportive. You can't tell by looking at it, but the armour holds everything in place like a tight shirt, so there isn't the bouncing and chafing of a bikini." The woman testing the spell informed her.

"Then I think we have a winner. It's simple, versatile, and somewhat publicly acceptable if our clothes should be destroyed. If it were lingerie, it wouldn't go with everything, but as it is, it can be worn under any sort of clothes or just alone at the pool."

Nobody objected, so Wolfe finished the five spells and then looked at the stack of sticks and mana crystals in front of him. Putting arrays on the wands to do complex cleaning tasks wouldn't be easy due to the long and slender shape, but he was pretty sure he could do it after all that practice enchanting staves.

He started with the spell to gather items, a simple air magic spell that was directed by the user's will and just pulled items around with a gust of air. That would let them gather the bedding and such easily, as well as sweep the floors clean and organize any clothing left about.

The spell to make the bed again was a bit more intricate since it had to arrange the bedding properly, but he had plenty of practice making the bed in the morning when he got up last.

The final spell on the multipurpose wand would be [Lightning Whip] so that they could use the wand as a defensive weapon if needed or shock lazy students out of bed.

Once he had that loosely set on the wand, Wolfe carved out the wide end a little and wedged one of the mana crystals into it before realizing that he needed glue.

"I've got some." One of the girls laughed, grabbing it from the drawer beside the couch.

"We stock it in here for repairs, and if you use the shaved wood bits mixed in with the glue, it will look like it was never carved at all." She explained, then took the wand to complete the task.

"Since you're good at it, finish them all up, and I will get you all set up with magical multitools."

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