
Chapter 264 264 The Good Beds

The Captain's mother stepped forward with a proposal almost as soon as the deal was sealed. "Is there anything that the Den needs right now? Because I am quite certain that the witches here in town will have more than a few requests for the ones under your purview. They are Rank Two witches, after all, and the sorts of gardening and healing talismans that they can make would be the envy of any home here in Myrrh Coven.

I'm sure you already know that, but what I'm trying to say is that it takes us a few days to get things in, because of the distance from the city where most of it is made, so it's better if you know what they want right now."

There were a lot of possible answers to that. There was so much that they didn't have available in the Den, but so few things that anyone actually missed. The only real complaints that he had heard were about the lack of books. So entertainment and education.

"We are mostly soldiers who retired after the gas attacks and refugees, so we're desperately short on books. Entertainment, education, technical, trade skill books, we need them all." Wolfe explained.

The witch smiled at Wolfe's simple request. Books were easy to get, and they had plenty of money to buy them. They also had a lot of them around town already. So, if she put out a request for the locals to make copies or trade in all their gently used books, she could likely get a few hundred in the next day or two.

"We will work on that. How long would it take you to fill an order if you brought it back with you?" She replied.

"That depends on what it is. Fancy foodstuffs, talismans and such can usually be done within a day though. They are pretty good at that stuff. If it's an Elemental Array or something that I can do, like the beds and interior decorations, I can do them before I go."

Most of the people in the room didn't understand the reference, but the Captain got really excited when she was reminded of it.

"You will never believe the beds that they have. They're enchanted to look like you're sleeping in a palace, but that's not the important part. They're so fluffy and soft. They hold perfect temperature, and it's like you're sleeping on a cloud." She gushed.

"They have Gravity and Air Elemental Arrays on them to make you lighter and to make you float, without pressure points on your body, so you aren't actually touching anything but the sheets that are put over them. They're pretty comfortable." Wolfe elaborated.

The old woman sighed. "That sounds amazing. How about I trade you for it? One enchanted bed for a book of Kitchen Magic."

"That sounds like something they would like. You have a deal. What bed am I enchanting, and what do you want it to look like?" Wolfe asked.

"The one in my bedroom. These old bones can use all the help they can get." She chuckled, but she was surprisingly agile as she led the way out of the room while the others stared in shock, still not quite sure what the three of them were talking about.

The bedroom that she led Wolfe to was large but simple. It had the same basic hardwood floor as the rest of the house, painted plaster walls, and a plain white ceiling, but the curtains over the lone window were high quality, and the four post bed matched the light wood dresser and armoire.

There was a picture of a room in what seemed to be the Myrrh Coven's Palace, a guest room from what Wolfe could tell since it was set up like a hotel suite and didn't seem to be regularly lived in.

"Can you make my bed look like that one? It was the best one I've slept in so far in my life." The old woman asked.I think you should take a look at

"That's not a problem. They even look similar in size. Changing the entire size of the bed is more problematic, but if they're similar, the spell can be just a reskin.

Give me just a second to get ready, and I will recreate your favourite bed for you, but hopefully more comfortable. Knowing the Coven Councils, they've likely got theirs enchanted as well, and I have never been to one to find out what sort of enchantments they would put on their furniture."

She shook her head. "You forget that we're witches. We can't make an array like that activate. It's just a really good bed, nothing magical at all about it. I tried to get the same mattress here, but it's not quite as good as the one that they made for the Coven. I think it's an exclusive deal they have with the manufacturer to use some expensive material for their personal use."

"In that case, this will be an easy victory." Wolfe joked as he began to set the Array over the bed.

He had done it so many times now that it was little more than a thought to make all of the layers activate again, so he decided to have a bit of fun with the Array. One extra layer to slightly increase the oxygen level in the room would lead to better sleep, and another air spell to purify smells, with an exception for bacon and coffee, just for a bit of a laugh.

That was enough to finish up the perfect bed, he would just have to explain how to adjust the temperature if the old woman didn't understand it right away, and his job would be done.

"Go ahead and lay down under the blanket. It's self-cleaning, so there is no worry about the blankets getting dirty or putting magical items in the wash. I will set it up to your liking, and then you can tweak it later if you want." He offered.

The old witch kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed, then pulled the blanket up to her chin and smiled at the ceiling.

"Where did the blankets come from, anyhow? They're so soft." She sighed.

"They're actually your blankets, I just included them in the Array, so there is a layer of magic over the outside of them, changing the texture, weight and temperature, as well as the appearance," Wolfe explained.

"How much mana will this take to keep active?" The Captain asked curiously as the old woman snuggled herself into the blankets.

"None. It's got a layer for a minor mana-gathering array, enough to keep the spell active on its own until you choose to deactivate it. With the new item active, there shouldn't be any problem with supply even if we do the whole house."

The Captain shook her head. "That really is cheating. But did you put a sleeping spell on the bed? She's out like a light already, and she's still fully dressed."

"That's Witch Magic. I can't do sleeping spells. I just made her a really comfortable bed. How long did you last once you were in bed in the Den?" Wolfe asked with a smirk.

He already knew the answer. All of the visiting witches had been so worn out from the excitement of the day that they had been out in minutes.

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