
Chapter 171 171 Inheritance Upgrade

Wolfe activated the stone, and a beam of pure white light flowed from it to the inheritance spell on his arm, expanding it until it spread all across his arm, then down his back and across his chest.

Wolfe dispelled the upper part of his armour so he could see it and Ella gasped.

"What is that? Is that all a spell inscription? Did all magi look like that?" She asked in shock.

"Yes, Miss. When it is finished, only the bearer can see it, but it contains a basic spell book, protective enchantments, and a link to the soul pool.

Bioelectricity is part of our innate magic, so enhancing the body and convincing it to enhance itself are quite simple matters. We just have to stimulate the appropriate glands and organs, and the body itself will do the work.

A Magi looks precisely as they wish to, given a bit of time and enough nutrition. Even if he ages, there are ways to restore the damage done beyond what healing spells will accomplish, so a Magi like myself can look the same at two hundred as they did at twenty if they wish, though few would choose to.

The rest of the spells are just useful life skills, like the ones in this room, and a collection of essential combat magic that was added during the war.

If it were his own Family's Heritage Stone, it would contain much more. Every spell that a family member ever learned and recorded to the Family Heritage would be in the spell book waiting to be learned.

But in this case, the Lumix Family's secret skills will only pass to a member of our direct bloodline."

He had somewhat missed the point of her question since she was actually wondering if all magi had been heavily tattooed, but the rest of his little speech was also useful information.

While they talked, Wolfe revelled in the newfound knowledge. This was so much more than he could have ever hoped for, and according to their magical helper, it was only a fraction of what a young Magi was intended to receive.

If he could find a relic of the Noxus Family, was it possible that he could gain even more?

[Element Unlocked] Air

[Corruption Detected] Cannot purge curse until all corrupted bloodline is purified.

[Demonic Bloodline] -2%

[Magi Bloodline] +1%

While that was amazing news, there was so much new information that Wolfe couldn't take it all in. The inheritance was as good as having every library book at his disposal, but it came with a notification system that seemed happy to inform him of every area in which he was lacking.

[Age] 18

[Minimum Standards]

[Basic Body Augmentations] Unlearned

[Basic Defensive Magic] Incomplete

[Basic Attack Magic] Incomplete

[Basic Utility Magic] Unlearned

[Basic Array Creation] Incomplete

Wolfe frowned as he looked at the list. Apparently, he didn't really know much of anything at all. Not even the basics.

"How did the humans even fight back against this knowledge?" Wolfe muttered as he looked at the list of things he was supposed to know at his age.

"According to the records, they resorted to Anti-magic materials and nuclear weapons that made the mana flows unstable. But also, most of the Magi refused to fight back because of the damage it would do to the world.

The recorded analysis is that if more than one in a hundred Magi had not been pacifists who willingly allowed themselves to be captured, the witches' combined effort at magical restrictions could have been overcome, and the war would have only lasted a few days."

"Was the power gap really that large?" Ella asked suspiciously.

The helper displayed a list of figures on the wall with a simple gesture that Wolfe recognized as an activation of the spells imbued into the enamel paint.

"On the left are the estimated outcomes with increased participation. On the right is the expected duration of hostilities if the Fae had abandoned their position of non-intervention. Please ask if you would like to see another page."

Ella read the listed data in awe. A witch needed an aura strength of two hundred to pass their second-year exams. The Saints, whoever they were, had been listed by name with an individual strength of over one hundred sixty thousand units each.

"Does this translate to the witches' aura strength measurement?" She asked in awe.

"Indeed. A Magi increases in power exponentially as they progress, instead of in a roughly linear manner as a Witch does. By my estimate, you should be at just over four hundred units of aura strength. By contrast, Master Noxus is working on his third Mana Focus and was at two thousand units of maximum mana flow capacity when he completed the second."

"And what is this symbol in the data set on the right?" She asked.

"That is our symbol for extinction. If the Fae Queens had intervened, the witches and humans would have been extinct within seven seconds. There are far more scary things than the Magi in the universe."

"Could I ask you something about the war? According to your records as a Magi, why did the Magi attack, and how did the witches get the humans to help them?" Ella asked.

"In my days, it was recorded as being the other way around. The Magi Clans refused to accept human authority or assist in their wars, so they declared the Magi an enemy of society. At the time, the witches were well integrated into human society as gardeners, farmers, and medicine makers.

Since you asked, I assume that is no longer the case with the Coven-produced history books. My records do not record them as two forces, just as the World Government army. They didn't represent the whole world, of course. The People's Republic stood against them, along with the whole Divan Continent.

I don't know what you call it now, but you should be aware that the Lumix Family sunk it to the ocean floor so the army couldn't desecrate the ancient graves on it. The People's Republic of Lumix was where you are standing right now.

It wasn't large, but we took in anyone who refused to submit right until my records stop."

"Your family ran a country?" Ella questioned, trying to grasp what the world looked like at that point in history.

"No, both the country and my family were named after the mountain range. We didn't involve ourselves in human affairs until the war."

Ella breathed a sigh of relief, glad she wasn't talking to the image of some long-dead prince.

"I will go get you some tea. Master Noxus looks completely lost in his newly acquired inheritance data, and it's not uncommon for such a state to last for days after first receiving the blessing. Please, make yourself comfortable."

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