
Chapter 54 54 Truth Hurts

"I knew they were trouble," Ella whispered as the two men looked around the room, trying to determine who they had been assigned to.

"The decree I have in my hands gives permission for Noble Families' daughters to receive an assistant. I am afraid that the Coven forgot to gain permission for the two of you." Professor Ashcroft informed them.

The second man, an effeminate-looking fellow with short dirty blonde curls, handed the Professor a decree sealed with the Coven's signature black wax.

Professor Ashcroft read it through, then read it again, her frown increasing with every line.

"It seems that you two rated an additional decree. Might I introduce you to Gerry and Stephen Isabel? The Coven feels that they would be ideal grooms for such a talented pair of Witches and will serve as trained bodyguards until such time as you can defend yourselves."

The blonde man stepped forward with a pleasant smile. "According to the Council's conversation with the Mariel family, they determined that our personalities should be highly compatible, Miss Ella.

I am Stephen Isabel, and though the situation is unorthodox, I do hope you will give me a chance."

"The Coven contacted my family directly? I'm surprised that they didn't give anyone at the shop a heart attack." Ella snorted in amusement.

"We were at least a bit discrete. I brought a letter from your father as well." Stephen told her politely.

Wolfe just knew this guy was going to be an ongoing pain in his ass. He was way too nice and looked like the sort that was willing to have his dignity trampled as a hobby if it fulfilled his mission.

And perhaps just as a fetish as well.

"Did you read the letter before delivering it?" Ella asked once she had read it through.

"No, Miss. As a personal correspondence, it wouldn't be right." Stephen replied.

Ella handed the letter to Wolfe with a shake of her head.

[My baby Ella,

I don't know what sort of people you have been meeting at that academy, but the Coven sent this strange man by today, claiming to be your betrothed.

They seem very adamant about it, so just try not to say anything that could get us all killed.


"Going by this letter, I would guess the Coven sent someone by the Noxus Family as well?" Wolfe asked, handing it back to Ella.

"Indeed, no fewer than five times in the last week." Gerry agreed.

"And how did that go for you?" Wolfe asked, knowing that the main house was already full of Coven investigators looking for a criminal loose on their floor.

"They sent us to a different branch family each time, and none of them had any idea who we were looking for," Gerry explained, which made both Cassie and Wolfe laugh.

"It's a big family. Totally understandable that they wouldn't know every child from every branch." Wolfe consoled him.

"Do you always let your Familiar speak for you? Though I must say, you had marvellous luck with the Summoning, he looks quite powerful, and I wouldn't be surprised if you have already overtaken every other student in the class in terms of raw power." Gerry commented with a dry tone that didn't quite hide the hint of disdain, though for what, Wolfe couldn't quite tell yet.

"Actually, she was the one who scored highest, and we share the same Familiar," Ella explained.

"Is that even possible? That shouldn't be possible. I need to inform the Coven." Gerry muttered.

"So, your first duty is to report back about the Academy Girls, is it? What an unfortunate fate for Miss Cassie to have a fiance like that." Wolfe chuckled.

"High-Class talents like these two deserve the best the Coven can provide. Hindering them with a shared Familiar is a travesty. She won't be a Commoner much longer, and an arrogant Demon is unbecoming of a proper noble Witch." Gerry countered.

"Gerry, please stop taking his bait. You are not getting off to a good start." Stephen sighed, stopping the dark-haired man from arguing, then turned to Wolfe.

"I know you're having fun, but you can't just keep taunting him like that. Believe it or not, he is the oldest son of a council member, and they will soon be your Mistress's new family."

Wolfe considered that for a moment. "I suppose I could stop taunting him for the day as a favour to you both since I'm such a nice guy."

Stephen shook his head. "Nice try, but I'm not that gullible."

"Then I will take that as permission to do as I please." Wolfe smiled back.

Cassie rolled her eyes in exasperation. "A pair of overgrown children, both of you. Wolfe, behave. Gerry, it was nice to meet you, but if the Coven thinks I'll just marry whoever they send, they've greatly misjudged my ambitions in life."

Gerry's face showed something between confusion and frustration, and it was rapidly evolving into an unbridled rage. "Do you not see the incredible honour that the Coven is bestowing upon you? Under what other circumstances would a nobody from a crime family ever get a chance to enter a noble family like ours?"

Wolfe could tell he genuinely didn't understand the issue here and spared a sympathetic look for Stephen.

"How much would you be willing to pay to erase the memory of today and not let anyone know you two are in any way related?" Wolfe asked the more effeminate brother.

Stephen had given up on his brother and was sitting in a chair off to one side. "I am afraid that might not be possible. The question is, who was it that bewitched him to make a fool of himself, and how."

That was a good question. Wolfe had assumed the guy was just a douchebag, but this was a Magic Academy, and it was only logical that there would be enchantments in the classrooms. The thought of classroom enchantments brought Wolfe a sudden revelation. There were a number of things that you couldn't do in a classroom, and one of them was lying to your Professor. Maybe the guy really was just like this, and the spell prevented him from hiding it by forcing him to speak the truth.

Gerry was already lost to reason and beginning to rant. "What is this nonsense anyhow? How dare she refuse an order from the Coven? That fat pig in the Noxus house told me she would be a quiet and agreeable little doll, or I wouldn't have agreed to come all the way here for a Commoner in the first place, even if she has a pretty face.

Who turns down the money, power and respect of becoming a High Noble in a Councilors family anyhow? Once Mother hears of this and deals with that abominable Demon, she will put you back in your place."

The few students left in class stared on in horror as Stephen made frantic gestures through the second half of Gerry's rant, alternating between motioning for his brother to shut up and for someone to spell him into silence.

"Gentleman, I suggest you either retire back to the city or see human resources for a room assignment if you plan to try to salvage this situation. You are excused." Professor Ashcroft informed them abruptly, stopping Gerry's tirade.

Stephen dragged his brother out of the room, berating him for his actions, while the older brother simply told him off and called him a great number of derogatory names.

Then suddenly, only five steps outside the room, he stopped and turned back with a look of horror on his face. But Stephen wasn't going to let him stop and dragged him down the hallway while the big man protested that he had been enchanted.

"Enchanted? At this point in the first year, we haven't even begun working on mental magic." Ella laughed, but Professor Ashcroft looked just a tiny bit guilty.

"My theory is that the lovely and kind Professor here has a truth spell active in her classroom. Once Gerry got mad, he couldn't stop himself from blurting out his real thoughts when he should have told a pretty lie." Wolfe suggested.

"I'm glad to know you think so highly of me to immediately assume that I used a truth spell and not something nefarious. I activated the talisman when I first came into the classroom to begin today's lesson, and it will last for half an hour. But even without the spell making a fool of him, this level of interference is too much. Forced marriages haven't been a thing in centuries." Professor Ashcroft agreed, then shook her head as she realized that she had been caught in her own spell.

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