
Chapter 288: Btog 288 Birthday Livestream Part 2

Chapter 288: Btog 288 Birthday Livestream Part 2

After changing clothes, Nana, along with Touka and Suupa—who had both finished a rather enthusiastic warm-up—heard Rinne speak what was, to her, a matter of course.

“Well, yeah.”

“Pure strength aside, Rinne does have a decent physique…”

“Rin-chan just has zero athletic ability, so it’s only useful for basic movements.”

< Ouch, that’s harsh >

< Getting destroyed, LOL >

< Rinne and Nana really dig into each other’s weaknesses, huh >

< That’s what makes their relationship so strong >

< True that >

< Rinne’s athletic ability is a joke, seriously >

< When she throws a ball, it flies backward, like she’s defying the laws of physics or something >

“That’s why I’m telling you, Suupa, don’t try to compete with these two. You’re stronger than me, so just give it your best when it’s your turn.”

“Understood, but what about Touka?”

“You’ll see.”


Suupa wondered, “Is this something to specifically warn me about?” but decided to go along with Rinne, figuring there must be some reason.

“So first up is grip strength, huh? I haven’t measured mine since I started college. Has it increased, I wonder?”

“Oh, I’ll go last.”

“Um, so I just have to squeeze this, right?”

“That’s right. Squeeze as hard as you can.”

Suupa, who had devoted most of her life to becoming strong in games, had never used a grip strength meter. She’d skipped school so much, even in elementary school, that she’d missed the days they did physical tests.

“…Here goes!”

“42 kg. That’s more than 10 kg above the average.”

< That’s pretty good >

< I’d definitely lose to her >

< Not bad >

< Well, she’s big, so she’d naturally have more muscle, right? >

< Nice >

“Is that pretty good?”

“For your first time, I’d say it’s fine. It matches your physique.”

Suupa’s strength was decent, proportional to her size. She might not be ripped, but she was a 14-year-old girl with a larger frame, and that came with its own power. For the record, Rinne’s grip strength was 35 kg. She looked weak but was decently strong, yet even then, she was outperformed by Suupa at this point.

“Next up is Touka-chan.”

“Alright! Watch me, Nana-nee-sama, and witness my growth!”

Touka, with a big smile, received the grip meter from Suupa and gave a thumbs-up to Nana.

“Huu… HA!” (the sfx of inhaling and exhaling)

With unusual seriousness, Touka exerted all her might into the grip meter.

“81 kg. That’s a significant improvement, isn’t it?”

“Wow, you’ve gotten so strong!”

“Hehe, it makes me happy to hear that.”

< What the— >

< No way >

< Hold up >

< Scary, scary, scary >

< WHAT!? >

< That’s insane! >

< Touka-chan…? >

< You’re kidding >

“Touka…? that’s incredible!”

“It’s nothing, Suupa-san. You’re great too! With training, you’ll become even stronger.”

“Uh, umm?”

Suupa had sensed Touka’s athletic prowess when they were warming up by playing around on a makeshift athletic course. However, seeing a grip strength score that was twice as high as her own, despite a similar physique, was beyond her imagination.

From Suupa’s perspective, Touka may not be as outstanding in abilities as Nana or Rinne, but that makes her feel more approachable, like a big sister. Having a woman larger than himself also provides Suupa, who thinks he’s grown unnecessarily big, with a sense of comfort. He’d always thought of her as flawless, except for her excessive love for Nana.

(Except that she’s far from lacking…)

“See? She’s a physical monster too, she’s just been overshadowed by Nana.”

Touka is like a little sister to two anomalies: Nana and Rinne. Suupa feels like he’s come to understand that meaning anew.

“Are you two done measuring? Can I go ahead?”

While Suupa was surprised by Touka’s grip strength, it seemed she’d finished measuring with her other hand. Nana, who received the grip strength device, nodded at Rinne who signaled her approval.

“Go ahead.”


CRUNCH. The spring of the grip strength device burst in Nana’s hand, crushed as easily as if it were tofu. Even after witnessing this shocking scene, all Suupa felt was a calm sense of acceptance.

(Ah, so that’s why Nana said she would go last.)

“Aww, it broke.”

“It’s fine. No device this size could withstand Nana’s grip anyway.”

<Oh I see>




<I thought I knew, but…>

<I can’t believe my eyes>

<SUS lol>

<That was metal, right?>


<Clearing out old stock, huh?>

“So that’s basically how it’ll go. Looking forward to working with you.”

<What does “looking forward to working with you” mean?>

<I’ll spread the word…>

<I understand (I don’t)>

<I’m prepared to accept it all>

<Poor Suu-chan>

<Touka looks so happy>

<Listener acceptance being tested>

1> Sit and Reach Test.

“This is the one where I can beat Nana-nee-sama!”

“There’s a limit due to the height difference, after all.”

“I, um, am stiff, so it’s not looking good for me.”

<Ah, I see>

<The reach difference also matters>

<Relieved hands don’t stretch>

“You could dislocate your joints to extend a bit, you know?”

<Stop, please>

<Don’t want to see that>

<Don’t do it>

<I’ve seen that in fighting manga>

<That’s not the point here>

2> Standing Long Jump.

“On your mark, go!”

“…Exactly 10 meters. You held back, didn’t you?”

“Hehe, I wanted a round number.”

<She jumped!>

<Didn’t she float unnaturally?>

<Even Nana jumps with proper force>

<The long jump is pale in comparison>

<The floor is dented where she landed>

<I heard a ‘thud’ sound>

<The landing was so smooth>

<It’s all core strength>

“I’ll try to imitate that, go!”

“275 cm. Yeah, sounds about right.”

“I managed 102 cm. Jumping is difficult.”

<Touka is awesome, but overshadowed>

<Standing long jump is tricky>

<Suu-chan’s record is cute>

<It’s comforting>

<You can tell she’s doing his best>

<I want to cheer for him>

3> Handball Throw.

“…It’s canceled. Because the ball won’t be falling within the range where we can go and get it.”




<Would’ve been the same deal with the grip strength meter, huh?>

“Shall we just do the ‘Suupa’ test?”

“Nah, either way… What is handball, anyway?”

“Well, to put it simply, it’s a ball game.”

“Isn’t that a bit too vague, Rin-nee?”

“It’s like soccer, but you use your hands.”

“Soccer… that’s the one where you kick the ball, right?”

<Doesn’t know about soccer!?>

<Suu-chan is so out of touch.>

<Just how far was Nana planning to kick it?>

4> Long-distance run, 1500 meters.

“Huh, wasn’t it 1000 meters for girls?”

“That’s too short for Nana.”

“Fair point.”

<They have a competition ground too?>

<Why’d they even prepare this?>

<Long-distance run?>

<My place only did a shuttle run.>

<It’s up to the school to decide.>

<If you’ve been through elementary, junior high, and high school, you’ve probably done both.>

<I hate long-distance runs because you can’t quit halfway.>

<Why is it a long-distance run?>

“Nana’s shuttle run wouldn’t give any useful data.”


<I guess so.>

<I thought there was an upper limit.>

“What’s the point of having an upper limit that even a middle schooler can reach? You also don’t want to see us doing tedious things right?”



<You’re absolutely right.>

“So what pace should we run at?”

“The world record is around 3 minutes and 20 seconds.”

“So, dividing 200 seconds by 15… it’s about 13 seconds and change for every 100 meters? So around 6 seconds flat for the halfway point?”

“I’ll leave it to you. Just be careful, there are corners here too.”

“We should go last to avoid collisions.”

“I’m not even sure if I can finish 1500 meters, to be honest.”

<Deeply relatable.>

<It’s the event that kills off the cultural clubs.>

<Even the go-home club will die!>

<Suu-chan looks pale, LOL.>

<Looks like Touka is at ease.>

<Nobody’s gonna comment on the 100-meter 6-second flat??>

<The current world record for 100 meters is in the 9-second range. ^^>

Suupa, as always unaware of what a fitness test entails, pales at the prospect of having to run 1500 meters. Touka is carefully warming up, while Nana is already nonchalantly at the starting line.

“We’re using a voice command for ‘Ready, set, go,’ okay?”

“Sure thing~”

<On your mark. SET. GO!!>

<Gone… not really.>

<Those strides are way too long.>

<She’s basically flying at this point.>

<That form is absurdly beautiful, LOL!>

<It’s been a while since I heard that sound effect.>

<How is she not flying off at those corners?>

<She is using her absurd core strength to resist wind pressure.>

<Her footfalls are like thuds…>

<She’s going as fast as a car, isn’t she?>

<Coming back in one lap at 24 seconds, LOL.>

<This isn’t sped-up footage, right?>

<Yet her chest doesn’t bounce.>

<Simply unbelievable.>

“…Huff, huff, there we go! How was that, Rin-chan?”

“1 minute, 30 seconds, .02.”

“Gah, off by .2 seconds.”

“Getting sloppy on your lap management?”

“Seems like it… I thought I had better control.”

<Finished within the span of an anime OP.>

<Not even out of breath?>

<Where’s all this stamina coming from?>

<Is the reason you said your avatar was hard to move because of this?>

<Bummed about .2 seconds, really?>

<I can’t believe this isn’t animated or CGI, lol.>

<At least she sweats… that’s reassuring.>

<Please tell me this is actually a movie.>

“Actually, it was a movie.”

<She really said that!!>


<Switching to enjoyment mode, I guess (deadpan)>

<Was that serious just now?>

“Somewhat. I ran at a speed where I could comfortably complete 1500m. I think I did try hard enough, about as much as you all are walking.”

“That level means you used to be a bit slower, and your physical capabilities are still growing.”

“I haven’t seen you enjoying yourself so freely in a while, Nana-nee-sama. It’s wonderful.”

“Touka that’s… Well, yes. Nana is incredible.”

<Is that what you call trying hard?>

<After about an hour of walking, my feet start to hurt.>

<Considering she wasn’t out of breath but did break a sweat, that might be the effort level.>

<The speed difference is like 15 times…>

<And she is still growing?>

<Touka-chan is really—>

<Is Touka-chan the real deal?>

<Suu-chan feels so normal and it’s comforting.>

“Alright, you two should get ready now.”


“Uhm, okay…”

“Both of you, give it your best~”


“Off I go~”

<On your mark. SET. GO!!>

<Sukuna seems so relaxed.>

<Go Suu-chan…>

<There’s a heavy sense of despair floating around.>

<She should just jog leisurely.>

<Touka’s physique is surprisingly muscular, isn’t it?>

<She’s quite flashy.>

<She’s genuinely a physical powerhouse.>

<Because of Nana’s speed, I didn’t notice, but isn’t Touka also incredibly fast?>

<She’s nearing the Japanese record pace.>

<Such an exceptional talent.>

<Suu-chan has a surprisingly good running form.>

<Compared to Touka, Nana is just too skinny.>

<Too skinny to even have a chest.>

<How pitiful.>

“Leave me alone!”

“The fact that Nana’s body has optimized itself for the surroundings means it decided you don’t need those.”

“That’s might be true, but it’s still annoying!”

“I’ve got enough for the both of us.”

“Ah, I suppose that makes sense.”

<Don’t suck it up.>

<Flat is justice.>

<Is that okay?>

<What’s the reason she stopped growing at 155 cm?>

“Ha—ha—ha—ha—ah… How did I do?”

“Welcome back. Your time was 4 minutes and 12 seconds.”

“You did great. You were so fast~”

“I was able to—ha—update my—ha—best time.”

“You’ve shaved about 10 seconds off since high school, huh? You’re always diligent, Touka.”

“You’re amazing~ Well done.”

“Hehehe, eh-he.”

<She’s completely drenched in sweat.>

<Well done~>

<She’s incredibly fast, but clearly tired.>

<Even though I’ve become numb to it because of Nana, she’s only about 5 seconds off the Japanese record, isn’t she?>

<Physical monster…>


<Without thinking much, it’s clear that she’s the younger sister of Nana and Rinne.>

<I want to be praised by these two as well.>


“Ah, Suu-chan is back too.”

“Ha—ha—ha—thank you—ha—ha—”

“No need to force yourself to talk. Let me pat your back.”

“7 minutes and 10 seconds. Considering you haven’t exercised much, that’s really fast.”

<That’s fast enough.>

<Well, I lost.>

<Good job.>

<Well done.>



<Most relatable.>

<Keep building your stamina.>

“Our viewers are so kind.”

“In terms of effort, you did much better than Nana. Touka was the best, of course.”

“I’m—ha—ha—going to die—”

“Stay alive~”

“You won’t die that easily. Here, have some water.”

“Tha—thank you.”

“Phew, I’m finally starting to relax.”

Touka, who had been suffering after the run, was also gradually regaining her cheerful expression five minutes later. On the other hand, Suupa looked like she might collapse at any moment, the difference in their basic stamina blatantly evident.

“Suu-chan didn’t cut corners. Her pace distribution was a mess, but she really did give it her all.”

“It’s not about aiming for a time, but as a fitness test, that’s the right attitude.”

“It’s better to not know how to cut corners. She’s genuinely diligent.”

<Cut corners, like crab mentality you mean?>

<This hits close to home for someone who quit after 10 rounds of the shuttle run.>

<It really strikes a chord with adults who tend to take shortcuts.>

If you think about quitting, you can quit anytime; if you think about slacking off, you can drop the pace anytime. Being able to maintain maximum speed in such a situation is a form of talent in its own way. To help the diligent Suupa recover as soon as possible, Nana took care of her while she was in a groggy state.


Author note:

We’ll do the 50m dash and the lateral jumps later.

Just so you know, when Nana seriously does a fitness test, she goes all out in a proper specialized facility. So today was really just a light fitness test. It’s more of a test for Suu-chan and Touka.

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