
Chapter 142

Chapter 142

“I guess you could say that.

<Do your best to put it into words.>

<You can do it, Sukuna.>

<Don’t give up.>

“Okay, I’ll do my best for everyone.”

However, I really only use a feeling when doing it.

Hmm, how to put this into words?

“When I think about it, I’ve never even shown the movement properly.”

“You’re right. I’ve never really looked at it because Sukuna always does it so swiftly.”

“I need a good target. Oh, right, Himiko.”


“My target, will you h–“

“I don’t want to!!”

When Himiko heard my proposal, she was so exaggeratedly surprised that she made a sound effect like a cartoon character.

<Too cruel. lol>


<She’s become merciless….>

“I’m sorry, I misspoke. Can you hold the target for me?”

“Oh, that’s okay. …No, it’s not okay. If it misses, it’ll stab me.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t miss.”

“I like your confidence, Sukuna… Okay, I’ll hold it, but don’t hit me.”

“Leave it to me.”

I opened the menu after Himiko gave her permission, and I pulled an object that would be used to target.

“By the way, what will you use as a target?”

“I have some items I use for throwing practice, so I thought I’d use them.”

“Where did you get that?”

“At the Item exchange for the event. You see, I collected 240,000 shards, right? When the event ended, I exchanged it for items that I thought I could use. Even so, I still have more than half of the shards left.”

I really did exchange a lot of items, the amount easily filling up half of my storage.

One of the most unusual items was some kind of [skill tutorial] item.

As the name implies, these are practice items used in the skill tutorials available in the city of beginnings, and they can all be exchanged for a relatively small number of shards.

For example, there were straw scrolls for slashing skills, scarecrows for magic, and one of them was a target for throwing.

I don’t know if there was a demand for them, but they could be exchanged for about 30 shards. I guess the number of people using the throwing skill is still low as ever.

“Hee ….they said that you could exchange a whole lot of items with 30,000 shards. I couldn’t attend the event, so I just heard about it.”

“That right. this time it was an event limited to capital towns.”

Himiko has been coming to oni village before the event started and has not left this village since then.

The gate leading to that other space was only open to the six cities from the city of beginnings to the sixth city, so of course, Himiko couldn’t have participated in the event.

It’s hard to tell her because she’s so friendly and honest, but to tell the truth, she would have loved it to participate in the event.

I don’t know why Himiko wanted to come to the oni village that early, which is far above her appropriate level.

I also don’t know why she is still stuck in this village.

As she did when she came here, she could always ask a strong player to help her get back to the third town.

I don’t think that all the players who came here would turn down such a request, and in fact, I know someone who was willing to send her back to Griffith if Himiko asked him.

Maybe there’s a reason why Himiko didn’t leave this village, and it’s not because of their strength or anything, but because of the game-like reason.

For example, maybe she’s receiving a special quest that can only be accomplished if she’s in this village, or she can’t leave the village as long as she’s under that quest.

Well, there’s no point in thinking about it now.

Himiko is playing this game the way she wants to play it.

If she asks for help, I will gladly accept it. For now, I will let her be.

“Hold this for me, will you?”

“It’s pretty big. It feels more like I’m supporting it than holding it.”

“That’s certainly true.”

The target I took was the size of a man with a height of about 170 centimeters.

I’m not sure if it’s right to say that it is being hold since that thing was much taller than Himiko and myself.

After carrying the heavy object 20 meters away, Himiko set the target on the ground.

“It’s ready!”

“Thank you! So let’s get started. I’m going to start with a quick and easy one.”

<What will she target first?>

<The crotch… please spare the crotch, …….>

<↑Please no(Brutal).>

<Take a good look at her hand.>

<I don’t mind your master-style comments.>

I took out about twenty throwing knives from my inventory and laid them on the ground to get ready.

It’s a hassle to take it out whenever you want to use it, and the instantaneous equipment swap is currently sealed, so I can’t use it.

“For now, here’s how I’d shoot it in the groin.”

I picked up about five knives that had laid in the ground and lightly threw one of them.

Compared to the spherical ball, throwing knives are less susceptible to air resistance, so they can fly straight and true at 20 meters.

The knife I threw made a light sound and pierced the crotch of the model.

“And this is how it’s done. “

<Too cruuuuel.>

<I told you to spare that spot!>



<She’s shooting right in the middle of it, you heartless demon.>

“Hahahaha, well, that just a joke…”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the screaming comments.

Well, that position is not a place you want to get stabbed, regardless of gender.

But when someone says something like that at that time, it makes you want to aim at it, right? I just felt like I was being told to aim for it.

“So, if you want to pull out the eyeballs, you can do it like this, for the throat and the carotid artery do this, the heart like this, the uterus like this, the bladder like this, the back of the elbow you need to aim it at the arm connection, the wrist is good to stab in this spot, in the legs like this, the thighs this way, and the shins like this. After that, target the tips of the limbs quickly and easily, and you’re done.”

I threw the knife crisply as I explained the spot to be targeted,

All of the knives were thrust into the targeted areas or were passed through it.

“Hehe, what do you think?”

relieved that it went well, I ask for their opinion. Himiko’s face turned pale when she saw the knife sticking out from behind the target.



<You’re hitting every target as you said it…>

<she just threw the knife without aiming.>

<How can it hit?>

<The knives are really flying exactly where she said they would.>

<At least it’s fun to watch.>

<Why are you so skilled at breaking the vital points?>

“It’s not that you have to aim for the vital point, you know. But if you can accurately shoot to vital point, you can use it as bait for the protected area and gouge another part of the body while you’re at it. And if it hit, it will hit where it’s most efficient.”

<I see…>

<You’re thinking pretty far ahead.>

<Don’t be fooled. It’s definitely unconscious action.>

<She specializes in aiming at the vital points, so it cannot be helped.>

“By the way, in FPS, the concept of weak point is often only in the head, right? but if you want to get to the bottom of reality, one of the vital points is where you can aim for death by blood loss or by poison.”

The point is that there are many ways to get to the final kill.

In reality, aiming for the vital point is harder than anything.

So, you can rarely get a blow to the vital, and they won’t let you anyway.

However, as I just showed you, there are countless vital points on the human body, and it is impossible to protect all of them.

It is very easy to hurt someone who is trying hard to protect his vital points. If you try to aim at their vital point a little, they will desperately protect that one.

In the meantime, you can stab the knife at their thigh.

All animals with a sense of pain can’t move properly with one knife in their leg.

In this game, where there is almost no pain, you can’t use pain to inhibit actions, but if you break the part properly, you can restrict actions by missing parts or destroying parts.

It seems that bleeding is calculated differently, though, so it’s hard to aim for bleeding damage with a single throwing knife.

“And for the success rate, I guess it will be hard for anyone to mimic what I did.”

<That’s true.>

< I’m not looking for doing that much, so no worries.>

<At least give me some tips!>

“Oh right. The throwing skill has a useful art called shooting. It’s an art that allows you to throw things unaffected by wind or gravity and just fly straight up. It’s probably the best throwing skill to practice with.”

The throwing skill, [Shoot]. As I explained earlier, your projectile won’t be affected by the wind, and its trajectory won’t be altered by gravity. Also, the power is slightly increased.

The range is proportional to the strength of the throw, so if you’re not strong enough, it won’t have much merit, but I personally think this effect of flying straight in a straight line is very powerful.

The most important thing to remember is that this art has offered almost no skill delay after the move. Using this, there is almost no projectile you can’t fire continuously.

“Basically, throwing is an endless series of repetitive motions that are ingrained in your body. For example, you need to know [For a distance of 1,000 meters, you can reach it by throwing at this angle, with this much strength, and with this kind of form.] You have to repeat it over and over again so that it becomes muscle memory.”

<I see, I see.>


“If you use the [Shoot], you can completely nullify the effects of gravity and wind. You may need to use some SP, but I think it’s a good idea to use the [Shoot] during practice.”

<It’s easy to say, but it’s difficult to do.>

<I do appreciate the fact that it flies straight.>

<I didn’t know that because I didn’t pay attention to throwing skills at all.>

<But [Shoot] is the initial art. I thought we could conclude that it was useless after implementing what Sukuna is saying.>

In all honesty, even if I were to teach them how to use projectiles, I don’t think the viewers would do it.

If you don’t have at least one hit assist function, I think it will remain an unfortunate skill that depends on Player Skill.

But I’m sure there are people who like to use these unfortunate skills, and I’m sure those people are making an effort to improve their skills.

I have presented my own effort. The only thing that remains is whether or not the person who hears this will do.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t very helpful, yeah?”

<It’s okay.>

< I’ll give it a try for now.>

<I never take throwing seriously.>

“Well, try it in moderation. It’s fun when you can hit it.”

“I come back because I was lonely.”

“Oh, thanks for the help. By the way, where’s the target?”

“It’s gone, and it’s probably a disposable item with a durability setting. The knife fell to the ground, so I retrieved it.

“Thank you again.”

Himiko came back with throwing knives while saying she was sad because I only talked to my viewers.

But is the target really a consumable item? … Oh, she’s right, the item description said it was a consumable item.

“We don’t have much time left. Maybe we’ll go around the oni village for a bit.”

“I’ll take you to a little teahouse then! They have good tea there.”

“Okay, please do.”

In the end, I’m not really suited to teach people anything.

After that, I had a little tea with Himiko and logged out.


A note:

In addition to the senses of sight, hearing, and touch, Sukuna will use all her sense to precisely measure the wind’s sound, the air’s fluctuation, the temperature, and the distance, and then launch her projectile in the most ideal way.

This is why she is fundamentally unable to teach her method.

By the way, shooting is an art that must be practiced because, if the release timing is wrong, the shot will fly in a random direction.

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