
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

「It fits right into my hand, I guess.」

After parting ways with Kohaku and resting to recover my body, I went to the weapon shop in Tria.

There was a one-handed mace that was leaning on the wall. Holding onto the rough-looking metal club-type weapon, I somehow felt that it really fit my grip.

「Ooh, that’s rare, for such a girlie to look at it like that.」

「Nn~, really?」

「Well, usually they’re drawn to either swords or spears, and after those, people tend to buy staves. Those are the most commonly sold products. I kinda understand why, and those things sell a lot, but even among the maces, they’re not really that popular.

「Well, because this is how it looks after all. It’s way too far from being fashionable.」

「Yer totally right.」

“Gahaha.” While chatting to the laughing weapon shop clerk, I checked out the metal club’s specs.

The attack power was over 40, and the durability was quite a bit lower than my other club, at 300. With the damage increase conditions of Finisher it might feel lacking, but using it as a normal weapon, it’s durability was just too high.

The required strength was 30, which felt rather low. Calmly thinking about it though, it was more that weapons made of heavy metal were just too heavy.

Though, I still felt like this was, without a doubt, a light weapon.

「But still, the one on the girlie’s back, that is a heavy metal hammer, right? And moreover the purity is damn high. I couldn’t really tell from how ya look, but you sure are quite a strong gal, ain’t ya.」

「I’m a kijin, after all.」

「That may be true, but with the level of the fellas that come to this town, even the kijin can’t carry something like that.」

Fumu, certainly, Haruru who made this weapon also said that there weren’t many people who could carry it. I guess that’s just how it was.

「By the way, the name of that weapon is 《Metal Club -Strike (Ugachi)-》. How about a discount?」

「Yeah, I like it. I don’t have enough money so, can I also use some of my materials?」

「Yeah, I don’t mind at all.」

And just like that, taking into account the items I sold, the metal club that was originally going for 40,000 Iris was sold to me for half the price, 20,000 Iris.

According to that uncle, it was made with an alloy of normal iron and a metal called light steel (karuhagane). Apparently, light steel had characteristics opposite to those of heavy metal, and that was why the club was a bit light and had lower durability.

By the way, the color was a bright silver, leaning closer to looking white. Considering the jet-black 《Meteor Impact -Zero Type-》on my back right now, I was guessing that, in contrast to heavy metal, light steel’s ore was white-colored.

Removing the Meteor Impact -Zero Type- from my back and putting it into my inventory for now, I tried putting the metal club I had just bought onto my back.

「How is it?」

『I think it’s good』

『love it』

『Suits you』

『Revival of the brutal oni girl』

『She beat them to death after all....』

「Fufufu....wait, are you praising me? Hey, are you guys really praising me?!」

Pulling out the good comments, was it fine to say that I was being praised? No, wait a sec, having a metal club suit me, was that even a trait that was good for a girl...?

「I’d like to do some level grinding, but....since Tria is a lake fortress, there aren’t that many monsters around it, right?」

『You can’t swim?』

『A wet Sukuna』

『Its water dragon hunting!!』

『Are you gonna travel far?』

「Water dragon hunting is a crime, you know. By the way, I can swim, but it seems that if you don’t equip the 《Diving》 skill , you will run out of SP in just a minute.」

It seemed that SP was used in exchange for breathing underwater. I wasn’t really super sure about that, though.

According to the buzz, slumbering within the depths of the lake that surrounded Tria, there were ruins.

It seemed that even players with diving skills on the higher side could just take a peek at it, so for now, it was just another sightseeing spot.

「For now, it seemed that there was just one gate aside from the entrance gate we got here through. Let’s go that way. Since it’s a fortress town, I guess it’s designed that way to make it easier to protect.」

『don’t get it』

『Are there no one here who is good at wars?』

Since I had procured a weapon for myself, after a hunt, let’s go to the dungeon.

Ending our conference by saying that, I went toward the gate leading to Fias.

Right before my eyes was a single gorilla-type monster, roaring.

《Powered Gorilla》. Despite having that name, it didn’t look all that strong. I swung my metal club at it.

If I had to describe them in a word, they were tough. But although they were tough, I supposed they weren’t really that strong.

I mean, having faced Kohaku’s attack power once before and moreover, having been punched in the stomach with it, I felt most attacks were lukewarm in comparison.

It’s punch was quite fast and boastful despite its wide swing. I warded it off with my club then slipped in close, hitting it on its flank.

Was it because it was light, or perhaps because I didn’t use the heavy metal weapon?

As I thought, it was great, this ease of handling. Its reach could also stretch and you could also throw it. Metal clubs sure were easy to use.

「There ya go!」

“Gogya.” With a noise like that, I drove the metal club into the chin of the powered gorilla. Not missing the fact that it had been concussed and it was becoming unsteady, I activated a new art from the blunt weapon skill.

Its name was 《Consecutive Strike》. Striking only two times, it was a rather normal art.

It was an art that would leave you feeling quite disappointed by its simple name, but striking itself had no restriction regarding your stance which was a rather rare effect for an art to have. For Consecutive Strike, as long as you held it with both hands, you could freely strike at your enemies, which was an advantage.

Making use of that, I slapped its cheeks as I beat it up. The powered gorilla lost its strength and disappeared as it ran out of HP.

By the way, I had already hunted ten of them. Since they were tough, their EXP drop was quite good.

「I really wonder why this plains is just full of gorillas.」

I looked around as far as I could...although the plains weren’t that wide, they were quite expansive and had mostly gorillas wandering around.

Although I said plains, there were slopes here and there, but you mostly had a wide, clear range of vision.

And the weather was good, with clear blue skies and a warm wind brushing against my skin. Just walking around felt good, it was a really calm area.

Though, no matter where you looked, there were just a bunch of powered gorillas that obstructed the scenery...

And also, since they weren’t attacking me, I had been ignoring them, but there was also a rhino-like monster,《Red Rhina》.

Compared to the gorillas, their levels were higher and they looked tougher, but it seemed they were non-aggressive monsters.

It felt calming to see them carefreely munching on grass, but sometimes they would get caught up in fights against the gorillas. Seeing various players and some gorillas getting blown away by them, I thought that they were on the stronger side of monsters in these plains.

I would let sleeping dogs lie. Since blunt weapons obviously didn’t really work well on them, and since gorillas gave good XP anyway, I would just stick to hunting gorillas.

「Go~rilla, gorilla, go~rilla.」

Using the metal club and sometimes Meteor Impact -Zero Type-, I hunted gorillas as I hummed.

Since you could use the《Blunt Weapon》skill’s arts with a two-handed mace and I naturally also had arts available to use with the 《Two-Handed Mace》skill, I properly used them as necessary.

I had explained it a bit before, but one hit from a two-handed mace would be quite strong. It had a high base attack power, it’s heavy weight converted to additional damage, and the damage magnification it received from arts was high as well.

In exchange, your movement would become noticeably slower, and additionally, its handling was rather hard.

Basically, it’s a weapon that paired well and showed its best results when used by a tank or a buffer.

Earlier, I talked about Consecutive Strike being able to be used from any position as long as the weapon was being held with two hands, but basically, due to the characteristics of blunt-type weapons, your arts tended to not be shackled by form.

For example, when using a slashing weapon, you just needed to be able to slice through the opponent. As a result, you were given an advantage of being able to easily connect multiple attacks to form a continuous attack.

On the other hand, blunt-type weapons’ moves basically had three outcomes: they were warded off, they were deflected, or they crushed the opponent.

With a sword, slashing diagonally, you could easily continue attacking with a second strike. However, if you did that with a blunt weapon, your attack would just stop on their shoulder, so you wouldn’t be able to quickly change position to do an overhead strike.

Arts basically followed fixed trajectories, but if you did that with a blunt weapon, it would end up producing a ridiculously long stun time.

For that reason, blunt-type skills’ arts were allowed relatively free positioning, and fixed form techniques were more focused on simple strong attacks.

By the way, the basic art for the two-handed mace was 《Smash》.

Swinging in a fixed manner, it multiplied the damage by two. It was an extremely simple smashing technique.

Reducing the HP of the tough gorilla with this kind of firepower felt rather good.




『Does she hate gorillas or something?!』

『Tension too high』

『I wonder if her stress has been piling up』

『The sounds are too visceral』

Gorillas must die, I would show no mercy.

The designers shouldn’t have made their XP so good.


While I was massacring the gorillas with my metal club, suddenly, I faintly heard a voice that seemed like it was calling for something.

「Nn? Did someone hear something?」

『not at all』

『not at all』

『totally nothing』

『maybe you’re imagining it?』

『uwu.....so Sukuna-tan too, has finally...』

「Finally you say, just what do you mean -finally-. Well yea, I can hear players’ voices everywhere around the plains, though. But this one feels like it’s directed at me....」

While I was looking around, I searched for someone that might match the voice.

And then, looking behind where I had been standing before, perhaps around two hundred meters away from me, I could see a player running toward me alone.

「Aah~...I see.」

Something like two hundred meters was, with the bodies of this world, a distance that could be closed in just a few seconds.

The person was someone familiar...no, rather they were someone I had just played together with recently.

Now that I thought about it, she had also been around Tria.


「Long time no see, Touka-chan.」

It has been two days in this world.

The one who appeared, a little out of breath, was Rin-chan’s cousin and someone I treated as my little sister, Touka-chan.

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