
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

In, WLO, to go unlock the route to the next town, you need to complete the dungeon that is connected to the field around the town.

And then there is a boss in that dungeon, obstructing the challenger’s path.

Though it’s name is dungeon, it does not mean that they are all caves.

For example a forest, ruins, swamplands and then if there’s that then a sea of trees.

But at least to go to the next town from the Town of beginning, you need to pass through the 《Caves of Trials》at the north plains.

And then, I knew about this after this though.

As there is always a boss in a dungeon, there is also a strong boss monster in the field.

They are 《Named Boss Monster》.

in short, Named.

And the way they are, the names that were given to them became the proof of their peerless strength as a warrior.

From the beta test and up until today, there are mostly no records of a named being defeated.

The condition of their spawn, the current moment you meet them, and furthermore the strength that is overwhelmingly different from the field’s level.

Purely strong, and how rare it is, seems like the reason why they are hardly any records of them being defeated.

However, the rewards for defeating them are so big, and also if you are the one that defeated them for the first time then there would be a bonus.

Just to get that reward, an uncountable number of players continue to chase the named.

By the way the named are, if you defeat them they will have a fixed spawn. The only time the reward is a bit better is only when you are the one that defeated it first, and if you defeat it, everyone also would also be able to participate.

If you meet them it’s mostly a death penalty but in exchange, it equally gives you a chance.

And to the existence of the named boss monsters, that’s how the players at the front line think about them it seems.

For example, regarding the red wolf of isolation -Aria- right before my eyes, the spawn conditions are vague that there was no record of it being defeated.

And it’s rare for the battle to get long, that’s why no one really understands what kind of monster this is.

The only known info is that it only appears before 「Solo Players」.

That means that, the Red wolf of isolation only wish is that, is nothing but a one-on-one deathmatch.

☆ (9: star)

There was a will on those glaring eyes, It was clear that it was not just an edited virtual image by the system.

From that moon colored beautiful eyes was a pure fighting spirit with the intent to kill.

You could even feel an illusion that if you are careless for even a moment, your head will fall, that precise thirst of blood makes my chest tremble.

「This is nice, I’m getting excited」

To prepare for any kind of attack, I lightly dropped my back down, relaxingly taking up a stance.

My cheeks can’t stop breaking into a smile. There is no need to.

Not holding back my excited emotion, I shouted.

「There’s no holding back alright!」


In the next instant, a spark from the Iron club and a claw attack scattered.

(So heavy!)

Even if I consider it’s status is twice as mine from it’s level, I couldn’t think it’s just that as it took my all just to repel the claws from a perfect stance.

As I avoided the bite by distancing with a back step, he rushed into me as fast as a bullet.

Though, it was an obvious rush.

When I showed off a relaxed side step, he did a sudden break and it’s huge mowing tail came from it’s huge body aimed at me.

As I warded this off with the iron club, we both took a big distance from each other.

「haha, are you kidding me?」

Losing in power, losing in speed, and also losing in size.

However, I’m better in tight turns, and moreover this is a one on one. There is no need to worry about interruptions.

As if feeling my consciousness sink, my field of vision widened up.

Focus, focus, just focus.

We can still dive in more. until we reach the deep.

As the wolf just finished watching the situation, it came jumping without any preparation.

Its aim is the neck. The jaws of the wolf turned sideways to bite off my neck, I finished my aim and then hit it with a 《strike》.

I shook his brain.

Even if I made the red wolf falter it’s momentum didn’t die so, using the backlash of the strike, I jumped to the other side and avoided the bite.

The skills stun time is risky but, there might have been some force left but he should still be faltered.

The one who got off from their stun, I was a little faster.

Me who loses in speed and more over having no projectile, gaining distance is more disadvantageous than going melee where I can’t perfectly protect myself.

Closing the distance, when I tried to hit the side of the wolf that was exposing a huge opening, as if turning around its body, like a surprise attack, I avoided the tail coming at me by crouching.

That being a sudden surprise attack, the fact that I was able to dodge that made him stop thinking for an instant.


As he was about to face this way I put in a blow in its face.

Another attack to its face that was thrown back. Being a bit irritated he came slashing at me with its front legs which I knocked down with my iron club and at the same time using the force of rotation I once again put in another blow.

A slash where you don’t put any preparations will be knocked away.

Did he understand that, he came slashing at me seriously but I easily evaded that too, and then his glaring moonlight pupils met mine.

4 hit’s total. Everything hit the head which is the weak point, however all that did was still less than 10 percent of its HP bar.

From that toughness, I unintentionally smiled.

The red wolf of Isolation. An opponent that I can’t go against right now?

Sure why not?

Isn’t that just the best?

My body quivers from the shivering excitement that went through my spine.

「Let’s have a match whoever dies first okay」

While seeing the red wolf’s muscle swell up, I also strongly held the iron club in my hands.

I wonder how much time has passed. We have been fighting each other that much, I felt that much.

fighting an overwhelmingly stronger being which is the red wolf, I have been burdened with the biggest handicap.

And that is, not really the status difference which is easy to understand.

The most problematic point, the same with everyone else was 「SP」.

My body right now is clearly that of a low level player, if i attack, evade or jump, it’s important that I manage my SP that reduces whatever I do.

However, it seems that the red wolf before me seems like it has no concept of SP, making me think that from the never ending action of his.

If I fought normally then my SP would have been used up, If I won’t be able to move, it’s obvious that I would be cut down.

Though, If I don’t attack I won’t be able to defeat him.

The fighting style I chose in this fight, a rather simple style that I can’t help but settle with it.

Basically it’s, it’s nothing but counter.

Seeing through all movements, in the most little opening, putting in the least damage.

So that my SP won’t run out, so that I won’t be hit.

Just thinking of only that, a conventional method of hunting stronger opponents.


Giin(sfx), a sound of a hard object hitting something hard resounded as sparks appeared as I ward of the claw attacks, I can’t help it but a smile appeared on me.

My SP was enough thanks to me changing my strategy. The regeneration exceeded the consumption.

And the wolf before me has no choice but to take a hit and away tactics, a rather thirsty situation.

With the wolf having the nature of living with 4 legs, it’s not that they are good in melee combat.

The fact that they could produce a 「speed」that 2 legs couldn’t produce and combined with their fangs and claws make them dangerous, they could exhibit absolute strength with it.

That’s why Aria the red wolf is, can’t choose being melee with me right now which is the worst possible choice for me.

Consecutive attacks with no intervals that I can’t keep on warding off, that choice that could shave continue shaving off my SP.

The only melee attacks that Aria the red wolf can do is, slash with its front legs, bite, tackle, and tail whip. He can only do those at most.

One of the reasons that I could keep warding off the attacks from stronger opponents, is because of that simple reason.

Though if you are saying that you could easily take him down like that, then the answer is no.

For example, a charge with enough momentum will have enough power to instantly kill you, and he can ignore the inertia from suddenly stopping from moving fast, and then after that is a consecutive rush attack and tails whips that are a big threat.

It seems like the burden is big so he can’t keep on using it all the time but it greatly reduces my SP, If my focus breaks then I can’t escape from certain death.


Faking a rush by suddenly stopping right before me and biting two times.


Evading by bending my body, and bending my knees to avoid the 2nd attack.

The Jaw from the bit it forced it to, forcibly using the iron club as the axis of the somersault, I kicked it’s chin.

gachin While hearing a rather painful sound of the fangs hitting each other resounded I repaired my posture.

The wolf that recovered from the shock when I kicked it’s chin slashed at me as I repelled it away with my iron club.

「So much fun.....」

The strategy I have that uses counters has a big flaw in which it won’t work as long as the opponent doesn’t attack.

Of course it’s not like I can’t attack but, just as I said there is a huge difference in SP that I can’t cover up.

When I was trying him out in the beginning, a huge amount of SP was used and then all it could do was at most do 10% damage, If I do that all I could is 30% damage and then I would run out of stamina and die.

But if the red wolf decided to wait for me to attack, it’s not difficult to imagine that it would repeat in a draw.

But this fight is not like that. That’s why Aria decided to put up with it.

Not a massacre but a strong one’s composure.

Just to have a fair fight.

「Then, let’s keep it up!」

Catching the claws that were swung down by attacking it with my all, I once again furthermore sank into my senses.

No stagnation in the accelerated thoughts, vividly seeing the colorless world.


This exchange was just like a stinging death match with a sword on your throat.

The emotions of joy that I unintentionally let out rules over my brain.

But, chill up, my mind. Don’t mistake me for someone else.

Stopping the desire of my rampaging violence inside my chest, I just focused on receiving.

This is a fun and enjoyable fight but, the end is not that long.

His remaining HP is less than half, the red wolf having his HP bar turn yellow took a big distance.

The wolf shook its body, and the moonlight pupil turned red.

The glaring eyes captured me, and the red wolf took a step forward with it’s foot.


Feeling a chill, In reflex, I raised my iron club, and I ward away the red wolf’s claw that reached me way faster than I had expected.

It’s not that his strength increased, with the increase of his speed the power probably also increased.

The claws that I couldn’t perfectly ward off scratch my cheek, and I confirmed that it shaved off around 10 percent of my HP, making me feel a shivering chill on my back.

「You’re the best! Aria!!」


Going with the tension, I unintentionally swung my iron club but it was repelled by the wolf’s tail when it rotated.

The same timing as I landed the red wolf rushed at me like a bullet, with the repelled iron club, I swung it down.

GOH with a terrible sound and the direct hit I did as I swung it down greatly shaved off the red wolf’s HP, but the backlash gave me an unimaginable numbness on my hand.


Agonizing from the numbness, the wolf aimed to bit at my neck, as I shamefully crouched to avoid it.

「Looks like I don’t even have time to falter!」

The blood dyed eyes glared at me.

Our fight was reaching the climax.

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