
Chapter 92 Camping

The next day in the morning, after a satisfying breakfast in the dining area, Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili returned to their rented room at the Wildflower Inn. They changed their clothes and packed their belongings, preparing for their departure.

Yuan turned to the group and asked, "Are you all ready to head out? Did anyone forget to store anything important?"

Anna reassured him, "Don\'t worry, dear. We\'ve already stored everything back into our storage rings. We\'re ready to leave whenever you are."

Grace chimed in, emphasizing the urgency of their journey, "We have a long journey ahead of us, with mostly forest and jungle ahead. There won\'t be any villages before we reach the closest city. We shouldn\'t waste any more time here."

Lily added, her tone grave, "Mom Grace is right. The area ahead is covered in mountain ranges and thick jungles. It\'s teeming with dangerous magical beasts, and it becomes even more treacherous at night."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Yuan nodded in agreement. "If that\'s the case, then let\'s hurry and head out now. We shouldn\'t delay any longer."

As they exited their room, they noticed Martha sitting at the reception desk. She greeted them with a warm smile and remarked, "Oh, you guys are ready to leave, huh?"

Yuan and the others nodded, and Anna explained, "Yes, we have a long journey ahead, and it wouldn\'t be wise for us to stay any longer. The road ahead is quite dangerous."

Martha nodded in understanding, fully aware of the circumstances. She mentioned, "Indeed, there are no villages ahead until you reach the closest city. By the way, I\'ve kept your horses in the stable. They\'re all prepared and ready for your journey."

A sense of gratitude filled Yuan\'s heart as he expressed his appreciation, "Thank you, Martha. We truly appreciate your hospitality and for taking care of our horses. You\'ve been a wonderful host during our stay."

Martha smiled warmly, her eyes filled with sincerity, "It has been my pleasure. I\'m glad to have been able to assist you in any way. I wish you all a safe and successful journey ahead." 

"If you ever pass by this way again, know that you\'ll always be welcome here."

With heartfelt farewells exchanged, Yuan and his companions made their way to the stable to retrieve their horses.

After reaching the horse stable, they retrieved their horses, each one carefully selecting their trusted companion. 

Yuan, ever the gentleman, assisted Xi Meili in mounting her horse. He extended his hand to her and said, "Allow me to help you, my dear."

Xi Meili graciously accepted his help, placing her hand in his and allowing him to lift her onto the horse\'s back.

Yuan continued, "Martha has done an excellent job. Not only was the inn impeccably clean and the service exceptional, but she also took great care of our horses without even being asked. She didn\'t charge us for it either."

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma wholeheartedly agreed, echoing Yuan\'s sentiments. "Yes, Martha\'s dedication and attention to detail were truly remarkable," Anna remarked. "She made our stay here so pleasant, and her hospitality extended to our beloved horses as well."

Grace added, "It\'s not easy to find such genuine care and service nowadays. Martha went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and satisfaction. We are truly grateful."

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma all expressed their agreement, praising Martha\'s efforts. 

Anna added, "Indeed, the food that Martha prepared was incredibly delicious. We were truly fortunate to have stayed at the Wildflower Inn."

Xi Meili, with a smile on her face, nodded in agreement. "Yes, the flavors and aroma of the dishes were outstanding. Martha\'s culinary skills are truly remarkable."

With their horses ready and their gratitude expressed, they formed a united front, prepared to embark on their journey.

After mounting their horses, Yuan took the lead and spoke with determination, "Let\'s set off then." 

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with anticipation and readiness for the journey that lay ahead.

They guided their horses towards the opposite side of the village\'s entrance, choosing a different path from the one they had taken when they arrived. 

The village gradually disappeared behind them as they ventured into unfamiliar territory. The sound of their horses\' hooves echoed through the air, blending with the natural melody of the surrounding wilderness.

As they rode, the landscape transformed before their eyes. The familiar sights of the village were replaced by dense forests, towering trees stretching towards the sky. 

Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The scent of earth and foliage filled their nostrils, invigorating their senses.

Yuan cast a glance over his shoulder, ensuring that his two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his beloved, Emma, were riding closely behind him.

"The forest is dense and vast," Yuan stated, his voice projecting confidence and caution. "I can\'t sense any nearby monsters yet, but we should remain alert. There may be strong creatures lurking in the deepest parts of the forest."

Grace nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surrounding trees. "You\'re right, Darling. It\'s fortunate that the road runs alongside the forest, close to the river. It provides us with some natural protection and a potential water source."

Lily chimed in, her voice is serious and resolute. "We won\'t reach the closest city today. We\'ll need to find an open area near the river to set up camp for the night. It\'s important to choose a spot that provides both security and access to water."

As they rode further into the forest, the trees towered above them, their thick foliage casting shadows on the path. The sound of their horses\' hooves resonated through the tranquil air, intermingling with the soft rustling of leaves.

Yuan scanned the surroundings using Divine sense, constantly on the lookout for any signs of danger. The forest seemed both mysterious and captivating, filled with unseen secrets waiting to be discovered. 

Yet, he understood the need for caution. They were venturing into untamed territory, where danger could lurk around any corner.

After several hours of traversing through the dense forest, the group found themselves on the cusp of its edge. 

Despite the treacherous reputation of the forest, they had been fortunate enough to encounter only C-Ranked monsters during their journey. 

Each encounter was swiftly dispatched with a few precise sword strikes, displaying their formidable skills and rendering the monsters helpless against their might.

As they neared the edge, Lily, riding beside Yuan, announced their imminent exit from the forest. Her voice carried a sense of relief and anticipation. 

"We\'re almost out of this damn forest, Yuan. Just a little further ahead, and we\'ll be greeted by a clear, wide-open area."

Anna, who had been listening attentively, voiced her agreement. "Indeed, Lily. It\'s a comforting thought that we\'re finally leaving the dense forest behind."

However, Lily\'s expression turned serious, her voice tinged with concern. "But there\'s something we need to be wary of, something far more dangerous than the forest itself."

Curiosity sparked in the eyes of the others as they turned their attention to Lily, eager to understand the potential threat she was referring to.

"What is it, Lily?" Grace inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and caution.

Lily shook her head, her tone grave. "Bandits. This area is notorious for being frequented by bandit groups. They often set up traps to ambush and loot passing merchant caravans." 

"Some of these bandits are particularly vicious, killing any men they come across and abducting the women. They are then subjected to a life of misery as sex slaves, eventually being sold in the illegal slave market."

A collective silence fell over the group, their expressions turning grim. The realization of the impending danger weighed heavily upon them. 

As Lily finished expressing her concern about the bandits, Yuan couldn\'t help but let out a light chuckle. His amusement was evident on his face as he turned to address his mothers and Lily directly.

Chuckling, Yuan continued, his smile unwavering. "Mom, Lily, you both are overthinking things. We are not ordinary individuals. We are cultivators, our bodies honed to be as strong as the toughest steel. Mere lowly bandits are no match for us. Their swords and low-ranking magic spells are nothing compared to our skills and abilities."

Anna and Grace exchanged glances, a mixture of concern and amusement evident on their faces. Anna spoke up, her tone gentle but cautious. "Yuan, while it\'s true that we possess formidable strength, we mustn\'t underestimate the potential danger. Bandits can be unpredictable, and we need to be prepared."

Yuan\'s smile widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, I am prepared, Mom. You see, I\'ve been using my divine sense this whole time. I can sense them from a far enough distance to prepare for their attack and turn the tables on them."

Emma\'s eyes widened in surprise. "You\'ve been using your divine sense all along? That\'s incredible, Yuan. It gives us a significant advantage over any potential threat."

Xi Meili nodded in agreement. "With your divine sense guiding us, we can take the initiative and ensure our safety. It\'s a powerful tool at our disposal."

Yuan nodded confidently, his playful demeanor giving way to a more focused expression. "Exactly. We won\'t be caught off guard. We\'ll be able to sense their presence and prepare to defend ourselves. Those bandits won\'t know what hit them."

Lily\'s eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and excitement. "That\'s amazing, Yuan. With your divine sense and our combined strength, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

Grace placed a hand on Yuan\'s arm as she rides closer to him, her eyes filled with pride. "You\'ve grown into a remarkable young man and the best husband, Darling. Your abilities and quick thinking will be invaluable on this journey."

Yuan\'s smile softened, grateful for the support and trust of his family. "Thank you, Mom. And you are also the best wife one could possibly ask for." 

Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili rode their horses across the open field, following Yuan\'s lead. As they continued, they noticed a relatively large tree standing proudly near the river. Its branches spread wide, providing ample shade and shelter.

Yuan\'s eyes lit up with excitement as he turned to his two mothers. "Look, this place looks really good. It\'s an ideal spot for setting up our camp."

The girls followed Yuan\'s gaze, their eyes landing on the inviting tree. Anna nodded in agreement, her voice filled with assurance. "You\'re right, Dear. This place is away from the dense forest, and it has a safe distance from the river. It\'s indeed a perfect spot for us to set up camp for the night."

Grace smiled warmly and nodded. "Alright, that settles it then. Let\'s stop here and set up our camp. We can make ourselves comfortable under the shade of this magnificent tree."

Emma, Lily, and Xi Meili eagerly joined in, their anticipation evident in their expressions. They halted their horses and secured them to the tree trunk using ropes, ensuring they wouldn\'t wander off.


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