
Chapter 431: The battle on northern Patlanta

Chapter 431: The battle on northern Patlanta

While Allen\'s group was busy fighting atop the crystal flower\'s style, another battle was starting.

That was 30 kilometers north from Patlanta\'s northern exit.

Or 80 kilometers away from the center of the crystal flower where Allen was.

There were crystal flowers glowing on the seabed there as well, but not as brightly as the capital\'s.

In preparation to fight the Demon King\'s Army, they raised walls on the seabed.

They were 100 kilometers below the surface.

The sea was not always this deep in this world, Patlanta was a bit of a special case.

But that was also why they had to build the walls from the ground up.

Allen\'s Army and the Hero\'s Army came together, transformed into mermen with the Fish A summon\'s Awakened Skill [Mimic]. They all built the walls together.

Looking at the enemy with a Bird E summon revealed a line of monsters heading to the city.

"Wait, isn\'t this a bit extreme for a first battle? I think I mentioned I prefer lighter missions?"

One of the Hero\'s Army\'s main members, Rosetta, was fighting alongside Allen\'s Army.

She wanted to be under the orders of Allen, who had conquered the S Rank Dungeon.

But she had not expected that her first mission would involve turning into a mermaid and having to fight 100\'000 A Rank monsters.

"Hmm, so what\'s the plan?"

Doberg had also been turned into a merman, his sharp gaze still strong. He ignored Rosetta\'s complaints and asked Helmios what their mission was.

Usually those with a higher social ranking had commanding roles in this world.

But while Doberg was a marquis, he always fought as a common soldier.

He refused to take any commanding roles simply because his life gave him a strong reason to fight the Demon King\'s Army directly.

Helmios told them their objectives, as relayed by Merus and Merle, who had higher positions.

"Our formation is to have golems in the front as shields, and we need to defeat as many enemies as possible. Us with the most power will also be in the frontlines to avoid casualties."

"I see, got it. So we just kill whatever comes our way."

Allen had also told Doberg through Merus that if Sinorom appeared, to capture him without killing him if possible.

In all honesty, Allen did not believe that there was much hope for Doberg\'s wife Classis to still be alive after more than five decades.

But Doberg had helped him a lot.

So Allen wanted to assist with finding out whether she was still alive.

Doberg only gave a short acknowledgement when Merus relayed the message.

He was still part of Helmios\' party, and would focus on fighting.

"Also, me and Doberg shouldn\'t use our Extra Skills. It might get tricky to fight Demon Great Generals without them."

"Hm? Alright."

Merus had also relayed Allen\'s message that Helmios and Doberg should not use their Extra Skills [Phoenix Sword] and [Guard Break] since they were better used to fight Demon Great Generals.

Though Helmios had already told Allen that his Extra Skill [Phoenix Sword] had not worked on Kyubel in the past.

Still, Allen wanted to keep it in reserve.

"Wait, seriously? He expects us to do that in this situation?! That\'s a bit…uh? Isn\'t this..?!"

Rosetta\'s voice kept going higher in pitch.

This was clearly going to be a far harsher fight than any she had been in before.

She really was getting fed up with everything, when light began to rain around them.

"Incredible, this is divine power. We should be grateful to the Spirit God Rosen."

Rosen was 80 kilometers away, atop the crystal flower\'s style.

Still, Rosen\'s [Spirit God\'s Blessing] reached all the way there, which Helmios thanked him for.

\'This is the Spirit God Rosen\'s blessing. Please focus on the battle.\'

The moment it reached them, Allen made his Bird F use [Transmission] to stop everyone from being confused.

The Sacred Fish Makris\' [Royal Guard] did not quite reach all the way there though.

"The enemy is getting closer, tighten the formation!!"

The general of the golem troops, Zaurele, announced from within his golem.

It was possible for 5 golems to combine into 1 giant one, but they would not have enough units that way.

So they were all separated, 100 mythril golems, and 1 hihiirokane golem.

They were all powerful enough to crush A Rank monsters.

The golem troops were organized like this:

-The hihiirokane golem with the Stone Slabs for [Dolphin] Mode, and 20 mythril golems

-80 mythril golems with goliath size Stone Slabs.

They were split into golems that had high mobility and power, and those that were mostly for defenses.

Zaurele\'s hihiirokane golem was in [Dolphin] Mode to make it easier to give out orders.

The defensive wall was only wide enough to protect Allen\'s Army and the Hero\'s Army, while being a manageable size to repair any breaches.

Merus was also controlling Stone A and B summons, which served to alleviate the burden on the armies.

There were also Insect A and B summons around, to defend from swimming monsters.

They also could use [Spawn], exponentially expanding their numbers and covering a larger area.

There was also a giant Dragon A summon under Kingship in the front lines.

A Grown Dragon A also had powerful Breath Skills, but they did not work underwater.

Still, Allen felt this would be enough to keep the enemy at bay.

Ignomas\' armies were the last line of defense before Patlanta.

The marine reptiles, monster sharks, and krakens were slowly coming into view.

They looked so enormous that their sharp teeth could easily split boats in two with a single bite.

The monsters seemed to move faster now that they were in view.

The armies\' formation kept broadening as the fight started.


A 100 meter long sea dragon clashed against the golems in the front.

A powerful shockwave spread through the water, pressuring the soldiers.

\'Keep strong. Don\'t let them pass!!\'

Zaurele announced with a confident and loud voice as the golems held the enemy back.

It was like a fight between giant robots and enormous sea monsters.

A Rank monsters usually had stats around 3000~6000.

Goliath size mythril golems, which were around 100 meters tall, overpowered A Rank monsters.

-Goliath size mythril golem stats:

[Strength] 15000 + 900

[Mana] 15000 + 900

[Attack] 15000

[Endurance] 15000 + 900

[Agility] 15000

[Intelligence] 15000 + 900

[Luck] 15000

The +900 were added effects from the drivers\' Skills.

In both Allen\'s Army and the Hero\'s Army, the Talent Skill Levels were all between 4 and 5.

The Talent Change Dungeon had become available in April, now it was November.

They had all been training every day, but they had not reached their Talent Skill Level 6 that granted them two buffing Skills yet.

The Demon King\'s Army continued attacking, engaging the golems in combat.

There were many golems next to each other, but there were so many enemies they quickly had their hands full.

\'Everyone sync up and use your Extra Skills, push the enemy back.\'

Allen communicated with them through the Bird F summon, giving them their first order.

The Demon King\'s Army was starting to crowd against the golems.

There were 100\'000 monsters in the Demon King\'s Army, so they just kept arriving one after another.


While the golems restrained the crowd of monsters, a hundred elves used their Extra Skill.

100 Large Water Spirits manifested and pushed the enemy back.

The elves were originally 2 Star Spirit Sorcerers, but had undergone Talent Changes to become Spirit Masters.

Since that was an Extra Skill, and they wore rings and necklaces that enhanced their Mana by 10000, the large spirits were incredibly powerful.

The monsters were clinging and crowding against the golems, but the spirits blew them all hundreds of meters back.

Another hundred Spirit Masters used their Extra Skill, this time manifesting wind spirits that threw the monsters into a tornado.

\'Judgement Thunder!\'

Merus aimed at the center of the nearly ten thousand enormous monsters trapped in the tornado, using his Awakened Skill [Judgement Thunder] on them.

The monsters were mainly marine beings, meaning they were weak to lightning.

The nearly ten thousand monsters were defeated almost instantly.

\'Ohh, amazing!!\'

Zaurele exclaimed, his voice full of excitement.

\'Don\'t get careless now. They\'re the enemy\'s main forces!\'

Allen continued communicating through the Bird F summon.

While the charred remains drifted in the water, a different but smaller group emerged from the Demon King\'s Army.

\'We\'re Bildiga\'s minions. It seems we\'re needed here.\'

Demon Generals that looked like bugs got closer.

\'And don\'t forget about us, we\'re here under General Ramonhamon\'s orders.\'

Demon Generals under Ramonhamon also appeared.

The Demon Generals made their appearance, some of them already hurt from Merus\' attack.

There were also S Rank sea dragons that measured multiple hundreds of meters.

They seemed to be the main forces of the Demon King\'s Army.

\'Are you the ones leading this army?\'

(Hmhm, there\'s 13 in total. This is a good chance though, approach them slowly Merus.)

Allen spoke to the enemy through Merus.

Merus obeyed Allen\'s commands, slowly but confidently approaching the enemy.

\'Yes. We\'re here to turn the mermen of Patlanta into a sea of blood. Don\'t think you can stop us with such puny numbers. We\'re Bildiga\'s-\'

Seeing Merus\' lack of care, the Demon Generals became far more boastful.

They seemed miffed that Merus did not appear to fear them in the slightest.

"""Extra Attack!!!"""


While the enemy was busy boasting, 100 soldiers with throwing weapons used their Extra Skills at the same time.

Allen gave them the signal through the Bird F\'s Awakened Skill [Transmission], making sure to tell them to aim at the already injured Demon Generals.

The Demon Generals quickly diminished in number, turning to ashes one after another.

\'D-damn you!!\'

The surviving Demon Generals were enraged by that act.

\'Commence the fight then! I\'ll be in the front, so just keep your formation!!\'


Helmios also would mobilize his own army.

So far around a tenth of the soldiers had used their Extra Skills, and Merus had used his Awakened Skill too.

The first move had been theirs, but even so they had only taken out around a tenth of the enemy.

Helmios knew that keeping morale high was key in this moment.

The surviving Demon Generals were enraged seeing their fallen comrades\' speech interrupted like that.

The battle in northern Patlanta had only started.

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