
Chapter 74: Sharing (1)

Chapter 74: Sharing (1)

Time has passed since the end of March when Cecil’s brother Mihai returned, and now it is early July.

Allen is alone right now and more than a day’s walk away from the city.

(Okay, I am pretty far away from the city, so let’s do some tests today. I have full mana too.)

Allen was finally able to get his <Summon> to Level 5. So, he didn’t spend his mana for the skill experience this morning and decided to spend the day examining his newly acquired skills and summons.

He checked the notes on the Grimoire. The level-up indicator on the cover of the Grimoire disappears after a certain period of time, so he transcribed it to his notes.

The skill experience of <Synthesis> is now 1000000/1000000. Synthesis is now Level 5. <Summon> is now Level 5. Grimoire Expansion is now Level 4. New skill <Sharing> acquired.

Allen checked his status.

(Do I unlock any new skills at <Summon> level 5?)

[Name] Allen.

[Age] 9

[Talent] Summoner

[Level] 30

[Strength] 688 (765) + 140

[Mana] 1062 (1180) + 200

[Attack] 374 (416) + 140

[Endurance] 374 (416) +20

[Agility] 701 (779) +60

[Intelligence] 1071 (1190) +40

[Luck] 609 (779) + 200

[Skills] <Summon> <5>, Create <5>, Synthesis <5>, Strengthening <5>, Grimoire Expansion <4>, Inventory, Sharing, Delete, Swordsmanship <3>, Throwing <3>

[Experience] 2,516,810 / 3,000,000

Skill Level

[Summon] 5

[Create] 5

[Synthesis] 5

[Strengthening] 5

Skill experience

[Summon] 10/10,000,000

[Synthesis] 0 / 10,000,000

[Strengthening] 680/10,000,000

<Summon> available:

[Insect] DEFGH

[Beast] DEFGH

[Bird] DEFG

[Grass] DEF

[Stone] DE

[-] D


[Insects] 2 E-rank

[Beast] 14 E-rank

[Bird] 4 E-rank

[Grass] 20 E-rank


[- ]

(It took me over two years to raise <Summon> from 4 to 5? I need 30 million Experience to raise <Summon> to Level 6? It’s getting pretty endless.)

-1 year old, acquired Grimoire, <Summon> level 1, can summon H-ranks

-1 year and 10 months old, <Summon> level 2, acquired <Synthesis> skill

-3 years old, summoned G-rank (after having enough mana)

-5 years and 11 months old, <Summon> level 3, acquired <Strengthening> skill, can summon F-ranks

-7 years, 09 months, <Summon> level 4, <Inventory> skill acquired, can summon E-ranks

-<Summon> level 5, <Sharing> skill acquired, can summon D-ranks

Whenever I raise my <Summon> level, I record it in my Grimoire. It’s like an album of my progress in this world.

(Okay, let’s check the Holder first. If it expands as well, then that means I will be able to hold 50…)

Each time the Grimoire Expansion level increases, the number of summon cards I own increases by 10. Since it increased to 40 cards last time, I expect it to be 50 this time.

(After all, 50 cards? That’s a lot of blessings.)

As I can see, the <Grimoire Expansion> is not very good since it’s level is tied to <Summon> level. But now that I have D-rank summons, and can hold 50 of them at once, I expect to see an increase in status from the additions.

(The analysis of the D-rank summons is going to take some time. Let’s check the new <Sharing> skill first.)

I can now summon six new types of summons. Rather than taking the time to check out the six summons, I decided to check it after seeing what the new skill <Sharing> does.

(Then again, it’s not a skill that makes my summon stronger, like <Strengthening>.)

The rank of the magical beast I hunt is increasing. Right now, I’m mainly hunting C-rank magical beasts. However, I want to be able to hunt B-rank magical beasts as soon as possible.

This is because my Level has gone up a lot, and with that the experience requirements have gone up a lot as well. It took 3 million Experience to reach level 30, and I need to hunt 2,000 Orcs to gain one level, and I can only hunt 40 to 50 Orcs a day. In order to earn more experience, I need to hunt high ranking magical beasts. Also, the number of Orcs roaming around this area has recently started to decrease and is on the verge of extinction.

(<Inventory> was an awesome skill too, so we can only hope for the best. <Sharing>, does the name mean sharing something with a summon? Eagle, come out.)


I summoned Eagle in front of me to verify my guess.

“All right. Activate <Sharing>!”

I tried activating the skill.

“What? Is that me?”

Then Allen appeared in my vision.

There are several mirrors in the Granvelle family mansion. There are also large mirrors in the servants’ dining room for personal grooming, and Allen has gotten into the habit of looking at his own face since becoming a manservant.

(Whoa! Whoa! I can see Eagle’s vision! <Sharing> of vision?)

It seems that I can share Eagle’s vision.

(What the hell is this? I can see both mine and Eagle’s vision without any discomfort at all. Eagle, turn around for a second.)

Just because Allen could now see the Eagle’s vision didn’t mean that he didn’t see what his eyes were seeing. Allen was uncomfortable with the lack of discomfort. Eagle moves his head and looks around at Allen’s direction.

(Hmm, I can easily see what Eagle is seeing while at the same time seeing what my eyes are seeing.)

There is no burden or even discomfort with the increased vision. I can see mine and the other vision at the same time and understand them at the same time.

(Okay, Eagle. Fly!)

Eagle took off into the sky. Allen went up in the sky as well, sharing Eagle’s vision, so he could look down on the world from the sky. He could see the horizon, which he couldn’t see before because of the trees in the way.

(Wow! I’m kind of impressed. Good, now move a bit slower.)

At Allen’s direction, the Eagle flew slowly forward in the sky. Allen was enjoying his view.

(What? Using this special skill!? Seriously, we can even share the feeling when Eagle is using [Eagle’s Eye] skill.)

Eagle activated the special skill [Eagle’s Eye]. This expanded its vision even further. Allen could now see several kilometers ahead. The Eagle’s senses were directly conveyed to Allen, as he could see what was in the circular area of several kilometers. It was not only the sight that could be shared, but also the effects of special skills.

(TN: This part was so confusing.)

(It’s like I’m on Eagle. Could I give it instructions from 50 meters away?)

As one ponders, a new question arises.

Allen instructed the Eagle to go farther. It then flew to a place more than 50 meters away from Allen.

(Okay, I think I’ve left the maximum area I can instruct you in.)

Until now, the summons could only be instructed when they were within a range of 50 meters with Allen at the center. This time, he checked to see how far he could give instructions in a shared situation.

Then, Eagle stopped using [Eagle’s Eye], which was Allen’s instruction to the Eagle. It seems now he is able to instruct it even when he is 50 meters away. And the shared vision remained intact.

Allen was astonished. Even though he was 50 meters away, his instructions were transmitted to the Eagle, and the Eagle was following them, including circling the sky.

While sharing the view, the instructions were directly transmitted.

“This is like multiple activation! Could it be more than that?”

He was so excited that he strained his voice. For Allen, who was a gamer, there is a familiarity in this situation of shared specialties.

When Allen was Kenichi in a previous life, he would sometimes play a game where he controlled two characters. This was called multiple activation. Some game distributors recommend it because this encourages players to pay a monthly subscription fee for the more accounts you control.

Why pay more monthly subscription fees and buy multiple game consoles and TVs to run multiple games? It is because all the items you get from farming are yours if you farm alone. Since you don’t farm with others, you don’t have to spend time recruiting friends and splitting rewards which is more time efficient.

In order to get such an environment, I prepared multiple game consoles and TVs for video games. I remember frantically operating two controllers while alternately watching two characters moving on different screens.

But this situation now is far beyond that.

It was as if I could see with my right eye and my left eye, and I could instantly understand Eagle’s and my own vision. There is no sense of discomfort at all, even though the view I am looking at is completely different from the one in the sky and the one on the ground.

“I see. So this is the effect of <Sharing>. Hmm? Isn’t this ridiculous?”

Realizing one possibility, Allen had a premonition that his activities as a Summoner would change drastically.

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