
Chapter 1292: The Defeat of Ouroboros

So straightforward, naked desire, that\'s what Ouroboros is.

By the way, she, who was entwined by the faceless god, even stuck out her own tongue and started licking the faceless god\'s earlobe.

"Um... I don\'t think this is a good idea," Yun Xi said helplessly as he looked at the drunken Ouroboros.

This development feels familiar.

Next, it\'s about not going any further, but engaging in the passionate and intense entanglement that Ouroboros likes.

Oh no, just imagining it gives me an urge of excitement. Stay calm, Yun Xi, if I actually do this, won\'t I just be repeating the same mistake?

"It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s good or not. Big sister will teach you something enjoyable," Ouroboros chattered on, forgetting that this was not Hydera\'s wine cellar, but the stage of the Red Heart Queen\'s Masquerade.

Impulses cannot be stopped.

What\'s wrong with loving to lick pretty girls? It\'s just a small personal preference!

That Hydera has some improper habits of keeping young brides as well!

"Mhm... Mhm..." Ouroboros continued to attack fiercely, daringly and passionately displaying their fetishes.

That long tongue kept licking the ear of the faceless god non-stop, releasing the irresistible allure of Ouroboros.

There are two ways snakes kill their enemies. One is injecting venom into their enemies with their poisonous fangs, causing excruciating pain and paralysis, eventually leading to death by poisoning.

The predecessor of Hydera the Water God, the nine-headed snake, is very skilled in this attack method. Hydera\'s venom is a deadly toxin that even demi-god heroes cannot resist.

The other way is to constrict and strangle their opponents with their own bodies, squeezing the life out of them. These snakes usually have large bodies and extraordinary endurance, and they can even hold onto their enemies for days and nights.

Ouroboros is such a snake, and its body, capable of wrapping around stars, is the best proof.

Well, if we talk about using the method of love as an attack, Hydera the Water God would use the poison wine brewed by itself to conquer the heart of its new bride.

As for Ouroboros, it\'s more straightforward—just wrap around, whether it\'s persistent pursuit or being single-minded, anyway, getting on board first is always the right thing to do.

Without the legendary brewing ability of divine era and Hydera the Water God, one can only rely on their own body!

Thankfully, Yun Xi is already experienced in battles and has developed adaptability to expressions of love from snake-like creatures like Lamias, so he has a lot of insights into the wraps of Ouroboros.

After all, among many Water God brides, Lamia\'s mating time has always been the longest, surpassing other races by several streets.

Ouroboros, when it wraps around, definitely seems to be a little off.

In the past, most of the beautiful girls that she entwined with were shocked and many even fainted, becoming completely weak.

However, the faceless god didn\'t show any signs of discomfort; one could say it was very accustomed to her entwining, as if it had already experienced such intimate acts many times before.

Well, this isn\'t an illusion. Yun Xi has long developed an adaptability trait when being entwined by a Lamia bride.

The always passionate Lamia brides, sometimes one, sometimes two or three, and at one point there were even four entwining with him, engaging in various shameful and bold activities.

Moreover, it lasted for a very long time!

Not just your average long.

They really, really enjoy close physical contact, and when Lamia brides\' tender and pinkish skin touches Yun Xi\'s, it always turns bright red and he involuntarily trembles.

Yun Xi could clearly see how the redness climbed up the beautiful chin, the moist jade neck, the snow-white skin, and reached all the places it could touch. Everything felt warm and smooth, without any roughness.

At this moment, Ouroboros felt the same way.

The daringly exposed chest, pure and flawless like crystal, had already blushed a beautiful shade of pink due to shyness. It was a captivating sight of bashful charm, as if inviting yet rejecting, making people inexplicably excited and restless.

Wet red lips parted, exhaling a hot breath. The body was even hotter, and besides the unconscious moans, the cherry lips paid no attention to anything else.

At times like these, all it took was a subtle twist of Yun Xi\'s body with a certain skilled technique.

"Ah, en!" Ouroboros let out a seductive whimper from the nose. The chaotic mind had already gone completely blank.

Beneath the thin nightwear, the fair skin looked delicate and smooth, seemingly glowing and flowing with a hint of radiance. It had a delightful elasticity, exuding a seductive charm.

Without hands, just the trembling rhythm of the body made Ouroboros incredibly moist.

The heavy breathing, the slightly frowned eyebrows, the alluring murmurs, the weak and tender appearance, all told Yun Xi that she was ready.

Clenching his silver teeth, breathing heavily, facing resistance, a soaring and passionate urge... Lamia\'s murmurs accompanied Yun Xi during those days, ultimately teaching him the special skill of "immunity against large snakes".

This ability had defeated Ouroboros the last time, and this time was no exception. Ouroboros, who had originally initiated the entanglement, was now gasping for breath and on the verge of surrender.

Of course, in the eyes of others, it was completely different. They could only see Ouroboros, who had fiercely charged forward with its serpent tail, skillfully entangling the faceless god, and then executing a terrifying strangling technique.

In a way, this wasn\'t wrong.



"I think it\'s okay."

"This is too shameless, it\'s like bullying!"

"A disgrace among ladies, at least confirm whether the other person agrees or not!"

"Keep going, keep going!"

Hmm, it seems like the judges of the Twelve Nightmare Sovereigns have mixed feelings about Ouroboros\' performance.

"Zero points!"

Just barely four points...

"Seven points!"

"Zero points!"

"Speed, speed, eight points!"

By removing the highest and lowest scores, the final score for the intoxicated monster lady Ouroboros is thirty-nine points.

Without a doubt, she failed. However, surprisingly, she received high scores from certain judges, which just goes to show that not everyone cares about human morals. Some judges just love to see beasts and beautiful girls... Ahem, ahem.

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