
Chapter 854:-Dreams Come-True

It\'s a-legend about-a cabin-with incredible-power.

It is-said that-this cabin-will quietly-appear in-a corner-of the-White Lotus-Sword Palace,-and only-girls who-are troubled-by love-can see-it.

The name-of the-cabin is-"Heart Asking".

Walking-into the-cabin, you-can meet-a mysterious-man with-a mask.

This-mysterious person-will listen-to your-story and-give answers.

It-is not-divination or-prophecy, but-as long-as you-can walk-into the-Heart Asking-Cabin and-tell your-troubles, you-will be-lucky.

The Heart-Asking Cabin-is the-cabin representing-luck.

This legend,-which only-spreads among-girls, is-passed down-from one-girl to-another, and-soon the-secret will-no longer-be a-secret.

The next-day, when-Yun Xi-opened the-door, he was-shocked to-find that-there were-several young-girls waiting-outside the-cabin.

They even-lined up-with good-manners and-came in-one after-another.

"Hello, Master."

When-did I-become a-master? Yun-Xi looked-at the-girl who-was being-very respectful-to her.-She was-one of-the Starwins-Knights. If-nothing happens,-her problem-will also-be "breast-fetishism".

Eh, no,-she... Yun-Xi looked-at the-familiar figure-in front-of him-and felt-something was-wrong.

It is-a very-special talent-that other-members of-the Starwing-Knights don\'t-realize.

The talent-is similar-to little-witch Rose\'s.

Her-petite figure-was undergoing-some special-changes. There-were some-troubles between-the girl\'s-eyes and-eyebrows, but-there was-also excitement.

It\'s-her. Her-name is -Xiao Ye,-a member-of the-civilian fiction-of the-Starwing Knights,-and her-friend is-Xiao Mi.-Both of-them had-contact with-him as-a prince-in the-world of-the Dragon-War.

At that-time, he-realized that-there was-a clear-gap between-her chest-and the-size of-other civilian-faction girls-of the-Starwing Knights.

Now,-after experiencing-the world-of the-Dragon War,-her development-seems to-be getting-better.

Although most-of the-girls of-the Starwing-Knights are-still developing,-her growth-rate is-ten times-faster than-others!

It is-like a-small seed-sprouting. After-countless hard-efforts, it-finally sees-the sun-and absorbs-rain and-dew to-grow.

"I... I-have a-secret that-I cannot-tell you."-Xiao Ye,-who didn\'t-know that-Yun Xi-had known-everything about-her, blushed-and looked-at Yun-Xi\'s six-eyed demon-mask:

"I may-be ill."

Ah,-if you-tie up-your developing-chest like-that, you-will surely-get sick.

"Don\'t-worry, everyone-will forgive-you." Yun-Xi smiled-and comforted-the nervous-Xiao Ye,-and then-looked at-her chest-with tender-eyes.

"Eh, master,-did you-know?" In-front of-Yun Xi,-Xiao Ye-felt that-everything had-been seen-through.

Sure enough,-the legend-is true.-The mysterious-master has-the power-to listen-to people\'s-troubles. As-long as-you hear-the voice-of the-master, you-can have-luck.

Girls have-a special-attachment to-"luck", especially-girls who-are in-love, they-will do-whatever it-takes to-obtain "luck".

"Keep-your head-up and-don\'t hide-it. Everyone-will be-happy for-you." Knowing-the source-of Xiao-Ye\'s troubles,-Yun Xi\'s-suggestion is-to tell-the secret.

"But,-in this-case, I-feel like-I am-betraying everyone."

"I-don\'t know-what happened.-It seems-that my-chest started-to get-bigger overnight."

"Obviously,-I didn\'t-use the-demon dragon-blood." Xiao-Ye shyly-put her-hand into-her clothes-and untied-the bandage-that made-her chest-tight.

"Poof!" The-elastic mountain-peaks released-from the-bondage made-lovely sounds,-and immediately-filled up-the seemingly-ordinary parts.

Among-the civilian-fiction girls-of the-Starwing Knights,-the size-of her-chest was-too detached.

Sometimes,-talent is-really important.

This-talent of-magic source-proves that-Xiao Ye-is very-suitable to-become a-witch, and-even has-the potential-to become-a great-witch.

After all,-the total-magic power-of a-witch is-the size-of her-chest.

"Goo..." Yun-Xi\'s throat-shrugged as-he looked-at the-tips that-had swelled-after she-untied the-bandage.

He knows-the size,-but seeing-it personally-is totally-different from-the cold-data.

Xiao Ye\'s-chest is-really developing-well.

"I\'m afraid-that other-girls will-reject me-when they-know this-secret."

"In the-village where-I lived,-something terrible-happened when-someone suddenly-got a-treasure that-everyone didn\'t-have."

"Everyone started-to envy-that person-and repel-that person.-Finally, that-person could-no longer-stay in-his village-and had-to leave-the village."-Xiao Ye\'s-eyes were-dim, as-if she-remembered something-bad.

That person,-in fact,-is herself.-Yun Xi-can understand-that feeling.-This kind-of thing-often happens-in closed-and backward-areas.

Because the-vision is-too narrow,-because everyone-is poor,-people can\'t-accept that-someone suddenly-becomes rich,-so they-can\'t regard-the rich-as the-same kind,-even if-that person-was once-poor.

However, this-kind of-thing will-not happen-in the-Starwing Knights.

Because-they are-connected with-Yun Xi-by seeds,-they are-an unusual-special group.

Because-of this,-Xiao Ye-can awaken-the talent-of the-witch in-her body,-which is-the most-suitable talent-for her.

"Believe-it, trust-the people-you trust."

"You-value them-so much,-and they-will certainly-value you-so much."

"You-don\'t need-to feel-inferior because-your chest-is getting-bigger. It\'s-a beautiful-thing, isn\'t-it?"

Xiao Ye-looked at-Yun Xi-with a-flushed face-and nodded.

"Well,-I like-the enlarged-chest, which-is my-dream."

Ah, girls\'-dreams are-always picturesque,-but why-are the-dreams of-the Starwings-Knights girls-almost all-"breast fetishism"?

Yun-Xi looked-into the-distance with-confused eyes.

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