
Chapter 1349: Dealing with Master Kang

Chapter 1349: Dealing with Master Kang

"Die! Die! Die!" He screamed in a high-pitched feminine voice causing Kang Jiu to scream. She turned on her feet and tried to run up the stairs however as soon as she arrived at the foot of the stairs, Kang Jiu felt something push her back.

Startled, she raised her hands and placed them in front of her. Her hands instead of falling over, ended up touching something hard and firm. The wall in front of her was invisible but it was there, making it impossible for Kang Jiu to run past it.

Her complexion turned pale as she turned to look at the man behind her, his smile had turned even more eerie and cruel. His lips were parted and his tongue which seemed to be getting bigger and bigger with each second, was lolling out of his mouth.

Kang Jiu's eyes turned wide, as she knew what was going to happen. She had seen it happen to her aunt and was scared that it was going to happen to her as well.

She turned on her heels and tried to run towards the door of the house. It was a pity that as soon as she got to the door, the evil spirit that possessed her uncle shot out its tongue and wrapped it around her neck.

"Don't ...Don't kill me.. don't.... Uncle, I am your niece!" Kang Jiu was out of her mind with fear as the tongue choked her while dragging her back. She struggled trying to get away from the evil spirit but no matter how much she tried to pull away, the slimy tongue was like a giant restraint.

Kang Jiu pulled wildly at the tongue that was suffocating her, at that moment, she did not care about her disgust or anything. The grip of the tongue around her neck was getting tighter and tighter as if it were steel. Kang Jiu's neck was squeezed even more, and she couldn't breathe anymore.

It got to the point that her neck was squeezed until it turned inhuman, and her face turned the colour of pig liver. Slowly, the tongue dragged Kang Jiu towards the evil spirit who smiled smugly at the girl whose eyes were on the verge of rolling back.

Kang Jiu shivered, she was certain that she was going to die and when she was dragged in front of the evil spirit like a sacrifice ready to be killed at any moment, her heart started to thud in her chest.

Master Kang raised the knife in his hands and brought it down. He was about to stab Kang Jiu in the head and just as Kang Jiu thought that she was dead for sure, a red array appeared behind Master Kang.

"Suppress!" Song Yan calmly spelt as she clenched her fingers. The array glowed eerily before blasting off the evil spirit. The knife in his hands was thrown to the side while the evil spirit itself was flung on the wall on the other side, a mournful scream echoed in the room. The entire house shook causing Second Madam Kang and Father Kang to rush out of their room. Earlier they did not hear anything as the evil spirit had created a ghost wall making it impossible for Kang Jiu's voice to be heard by anyone. But when Song Yan broke the ghost wall, Second Madam Kang and Father Kang heard the noises from the living room.

"Jiu Jiu! Jiu Jiu are you okay? What happened to you? Why are you here? Did I not tell you to go out of your room in the night?" Second Madam Kang said to her daughter feeling annoyed. She had indeed told her daughter not to come out of the room at night. Thus, Second Madam Kang was rather angry rather than distressed when she saw the condition of her daughter.

Fortunately, Song Yan was here with them or else!

Song Yan did not glance at Second Madam Kang and Kang Jiu. She turned her attention to the evil spirit that was trying to get up from the floor. She did not expect the evil spirit to regain its vitality so soon and her eyes narrowed as she realized something.

"Yuan! Yanli!" Song Yan summoned the two spirits who appeared from the spirit ring. The two of them looked at the evil spirit and turned to look at Song Yan who ordered them, "It's a Grudge Explosion. Suppress it."

The grudge explosion was very similar to an evil entity possessing human beings but at the same time, it was rather different as it did not harm the main body of the ghost.

This was most likely the case of Master Kang's grudge entangling with the grudge of the ghost which unleashed a part of the evil spirit to take over his body. It was the grudge that was controlling him and not the spirit! Like a human puppet which shared the same essence with the evil spirit.

Master Kang let out an angry roar, and the evil spirit's grudge field that was scattered around the house, suddenly strengthened which gave power to Master Kang.

"I will break the grudge field," Song Yan said to the two spirits. "You two suppress that man and stop him from exploding."

That was right. If that man failed in getting his grudge satisfied, he would end up exploding causing the grudge field to spread even more while his soul would become one with the evil spirit.

Who knows how many lives that evil spirit had gobbled with the same tactic?

Song Yan turned her attention to the grudge field while Fang Yanli summoned her dual lion claws. Her hands were covered with large blue flaming lion-faced claws while Zhou Yuan summoned a bow and arrow, each arrow had a blunt edge but when he notched the arrows on the bow, the edges started burning with a small golden orb.

While Fang Yanli attacked the spirit with her claws, Zhou Yuan distracted it with his arrow.

As soon as the arrow hit the body of Master Kang, it spread small fibrous golden threads which covered the body of Master Kang, if it was some other spirit, it would have been dragged out of the body of Master Kang.

But this was a grudge explosion, without breaking the grudge field, there was nothing that they could do.

Master Kang sneered at the two spirits as he sneered and attacked them while screaming, "DIE!"

However, as soon as he jumped on the two spirits, Song Yan broke half of the grudge field by sending a stack of talismans that burned and glowed as soon as she threw them at the spots where the grudge field was strongest.

Master Kang felt a sudden onslaught of pain followed by the two spirits attacking him. He howled in pain and glared at Song Yan with his red eyes while coughing out black, miasma- like stuff out of his mouth.

Song Yan keenly sensed the blood thirst from the evil grudge. She frowned and immediately broke the rest of the grudge field by injecting more spiritual energy inside the grudge field. She was worried that if she was not fast enough then the evil spirit was going to harm her

after recovering.

Master Kang who was originally glaring and howling at Song Yan was scared stiff when he realized what was happening. He turned on his feet and wanted to run but how could Song Yan

allow it?

Once she broke the grudge field, she summoned another set of arrays which surrounded Master Kang. They then turned into smaller balls of glowing orbs and stuck to his seven


A second later the entire room was filled with howls and mournful screams. The screams were so heart-wrenching that M Second Madam Kang and Father Kang were scared stiff. They took a step away from Master Kang who was on the ground and flailing around while screaming in pain.

Soon, his skin started to smoke and black liquid that was tinged with blood started pouring out of his seven orifices. It dirtied the ground causing Song Yan to furrow her brows. She took out another set of talismans and threw them at the grudge which was then burned into

nothing but ashes.

Once she was done, everything turned quiet.

Second Madam Kang and Father Kang were hugging their daughter while staring at Master Kang who was lying on the floor. They were stupefied by the endless tricks that Song Yan

showed them just now!


[Please check out my new work: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched by His Rival. I will be

grateful if you do, it's a wonderful story if only you give it a try.]

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