
Chapter 890 Sacrifice

As Su Qingzhao spoke, he thought of how he allowed Huo Lan to play him fool like this. She only had to wag her tongue a little and like a fool, he followed him to this stupid place. He lifted his hand and then slapped himself harshly as he said, " Fck, why was I a fool to listen to Huo Lan? That b*tch brought me death instead of harm! Now what am I supposed to do?" 

The one who was even more regretful was Qin Lu, in fact, he did not wish to come to this island but he was teased by others. They called him gutless which was why he deliberately came with them to the island and especially engrossed himself in joking and teasing Lou Shan who was the first in line to call him a coward along with Huo Lan and the rest. 

He thought about how Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen taunted him and then propped himself on his feet and kicked the two of them harshly on the back of their legs as she spoke harshly, " I am here because of you two, who asked you to call me a coward along with Luo Shan! If you had not done that then I would have never been provoked to the point where I would come to this rotten place." 

Though Qin Lu was speaking harshly, he was speaking the truth. He wanted to kick the two men to death but he had run too much tonight and did not have enough strength to kick Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen to death, he could only glare at them furiously as he huffed and then turned to look away. 

Zou Shen gritted his teeth with regret as well, even Su Qingzhao did not dare to contradict Qin Lu since the latter though reckless was rather scared of his father. Though he did many things which were against school rules, Qin Lu only did a few things such as that smoking and bunking classes, he had never specially targeted death which was why Su Qingzhao knew that Qin Lu was in the right, even though he was charmed by Huo Lan it was not to the point where he would listen to everything that b*tch told him. 

Qin Lu now firmly believed his father's words when the latter told him that if he was to die young then it must be because he went ahead and courted death. 

Seeing that the kids were getting antsy, Su Qian held them back and tried to calm them down as she said, " There is no need for you to get angry like this all right? Do not waste your breath like this since we all need to keep our energy." 

Su Qian also felt regretful, why did she have to come to this rotten place just because of a man? So what if he had a mistress? So what if that mistress was staying in the back house after threatening them with her son's identity? She could have at least lived a long life if she had stayed home and done nothing. 

Even if that Madam Bai threw taunts at her, What of it? It wasn't as if she was going to die right?

" We need to get out of this place," Yang Yiling looked at the sky which was only darkening even further and then turned to look at the rest. " If we stay here something will come chasing after us and we will not be able to dodge it at all." 

She was not exaggerating, those things seemed to be chasing them like they were carrying some big bloody piece of meat with them. No matter where they went those things would come sniffing, even though they did not have a nose, their sense of smell was rather sharp! 

They were currently inside a cave, if those things came to look for them then they will have nowhere to run! 

Thus, they all agreed and stepped out of the cave. 

But who would have thought that just as they rushed out of the cave, they will be surrounded by those ghost things at once? They were all grinning sinisterly and growling at them as if they were gloating at their ill fate. 

The first to run out was Qin Lu, because he was way ahead of the group, he did not have enough chance to do a turnaround which was why he ended up facing the ghost thing first and that too much more closely than the rest. 

Seeing this everyone's face changed and Su Qingzhao shouted, " Qin Lu come back!" 

Qin Lu wanted to come back as well but he could not even move as the thing which was standing in front of him attacked him out of nowhere. Seeing this Master Wang who was the closest pulled Qin Lu back, even though he was much faster than the rest, the thing was even faster. 

Before anyone knew it, Qin Lu was missing three fingers blood dripped on the ground and Qin Li screamed in pain.

" Ah Lu!" 

" Brother Lu!"  I think you should take a look at

  Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen shouted in unison as they looked at Qin Lu who was almost rolling on the ground with pain. 

He was in so much pain that a bead of sweat was forming on his head but he still managed to climb onto his feet and then shouted, " Run! Throw those talismans and run! Make way!" 

Right now he only lost three fingers, these can easily be amputated but if he lost his head no amount of amputation will help him. 

When the others heard his voice they all snapped out of their daze and then threw talismans at those things causing those ghost things to step back which gave them enough chance to get away from the ghost things and run away. 

The group headed down the forest but suddenly they were stopped by the skeletal figure. 

The skeletal figure was taller than the rest, his back was arched forward and his feet were scratching the ground but unlike the rest of the ghost things. It had two heads which were conjoined together and to their horror, they realised that the heads belonged to none other than Luo Shan and Ma Jiu. 

Each half of the face belonged to Ma Jiu and Luo Shan. In between their faces, there was an ugly-looking scar which seemed like those heads were sewn together by a needle. If they did not know who these two people were, they probably would not have known that they were Ma Jiu and Luo Shan. 

To make matter worse when the thing looked at them, it smiled gloatingly causing the faces to smile as well which looked extremely ghastly. 

When Su Qingzhao and the rest looked at the thing, they realised that this place was probably not simple, getting out of this place was not as simple as they thought. 

Just as they were thinking of something, the thing smiled eerily and then looked at them with a smile before opening its crooked mouth and chanting, " Three lives, three lives, three lives. Give three lives and be happy all your life." 

One could see that the thing was actually egging them to hand him three sacrifices in exchange for one life. 

" So that's how it is?" Qin Lu spoke in horror as he looked at the thing and cried. " We have to kill three people only then one of us will be able to survive?" 

For the first time, they were truly understanding the cruelty of life. 

Seeing how they could not get out of this place, they knew that it was most probably because of the fact that they hadn't given up on three people and let these things leave them. 

Thinking about how they will not be able to get out of this place, Su Qingzhao 's eyes turned red. He extremely regretted coming to this place for a stupid wish, so what if he failed his exams was it more important than staying alive?

He was so upset that he wanted to cry, in the city every time he shed a tear his mother would save him no matter what. But now that he was in this place even if he was to cry until he goes blind no one will save him. 

This reality made him choke as he started to regret coming to this place and courting death. 

At that moment, Su Qian who was standing silently spoke up, " Su Qingzhao, you can offer me as a sacrifice." She was already old there was no point in staying here and fighting, since she was going to die anyway, she might as well use her old life to save her nephew who was still young. " You offer me as a sacrifice and then get out of here, tell your older brother that he should never listen to that Madam Bai and kick her out to avenge me and nothing more… I want to see him becoming the heir … and also ..a.nd also tell him to stay healthy." 

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