
Chapter 445 Pet

Once the door was pushed open two screams of sudden surprise came from outside followed by loud thumps as the two thugs fell on the ground one after another and stared up at her in horror like she was she-devil and they were her poor sacrifices.

" What are you looking at me like that for?" She asked the two men who had their mouths agape and eyes popping wildly. " Did you two not hear when I called you just now? Do you want me to activate the curse or what? When I told you two that you need to listen to what I say then it means that you have to listen to what I have to say to you, no excuses allowed!"

" We were just coming, madam," said Lu Peng with a greasy smile as he swallowed hard, he was just thinking of how to get away from this woman who has locked him and his brother on her side but looks like there was no way left for the two of them other than listening to her orders.

" That's better," said Song Yan as she looked at the two thugs with a blank expression on her face. " You two have enough yin energy on your body for me to kill you off nicely, if you dare to go against me, I will have your heads, got it?"

" Got it, we got it, madam." The two men nodded as they simultaneously chimed together, they knew that the woman wasn't joking, if they dared to go against her then she would really finish them off nicely.

" Now one of you go inside and bring that woman out," she ordered while pointing to Song Lan who was slumped on the floor in a pool of urine. " As for the other one, come with me."

When the two men realise that one of them has to follow Song Yan, they immediately exchanged a look with each other and immediately shouted that they will go and bring Song Lan out of the warehouse.

" What are you saying huh?" Lu Peng who was the older one of the two brothers immediately glared at his younger brother as he jumped up to his feet and then pointed at his brother with a trembling finger. " I am the older one, I should be the one to pick that woman up because I am stronger!"

" What do you mean you are the stronger one?" Lu Cheng shouted as he jumped to his feet too and then glared at his brother right back. " Whenever we are entangled in a fight, you will always fall back and I have to do the fighting, that woman looks like she weights at least two bags of rice, how will you pick her up? You start panting every time you climb stairs!"

" I am the older one, so I will carry her, you go and help madam to take care of the other thing."

" Look at your tummy and speak then! You look like a freaking walrus. Leave the matter of carrying someone to me and take care of the other one with madam."

" You!" Lu Peng choked as he glared at Lu Cheng furiously, can't he see that he was trying to stay away from the demon woman?

Of course, Lu Cheng could see what his brother was trying to do but he too had no courage to follow Song Yan, so he could only push the dirty work to his brother.

After all, he was the younger one, he should be protected by his brother!

" I want someone strong," said Su Wan as she blinked her eyes and then looked at the two men calmly. " Lu Cheng is right, that woman is heavy and would need someone strong to take care of her but the other half of the other work requires even more strength, I need someone strong to do it."

Lu Cheng choked on air, he was the one who just said that he was the stronger one among the two of them, it seems like he just smashed his feet on the axe, did he not?

On the other hand, Lu Peng was the happier one. He immediately patted his chest with his two hands and said at once, " I am not at all strong like you heard my younger brother … I can't even climb three stairs without panting like a bull. Leave the woman to me, madam and you can take Lu Cheng with you——"

" I lied," said Song Yan before Lu Cheng could finish what he was saying and then rolled up the sleeves of her black jacket. " You two were taking so much of my time that I got annoyed, now you come with me, Lu Cheng."

" But madam——" Lu Cheng was shocked by the sudden change, he just thought that he will be able to escape being in the same presence as this woman but now she was telling him that he will have to follow her. No, he didn't want to!

" Lu Cheng," Song Yan turned her head over her shoulder and then smiled at the man brightly. But the glint in her eyes was colder than ice as she looked at him.  " I am not your gang member, I am your boss…no given that your life is in my hands I am your God. If I am your God then you are more or less of my pet, so when I order you, your only responses should be 'yes madam' or 'woof' because I have no use for a disobedient pet, you got it? The same goes for your brother of course, so what should be your response right now?"

She asked with a little hum causing Lu Cheng's body to stiffen as he lowered his head and replied, " Yes madam."


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