
Chapter 415 I.. I Saw…A Monster

She didn't stop the four boys when they were planning how they were going to take care of the Wu family, instead, she waited for them until they were done and then said, " All right, that will be enough ..the hours of ghost will be starting soon if you don't want to be entangled with something you don't want to, stop mentioning about such things. It will attract evil energies to you and what's more, I am afraid that things will come looking for you after she is done with your friend who is lying in the hospital wards…once she is done recovering its strength. "

" Come loo…looking for us?" Han Jianyu was lying on his bed when he heard Song Yan say those words, he was so stunned that he sat up straight and looked at her in shock. " Why? For what?"

It was fine that it attacked them once but why again? What did that thing take them as for?  Were they lying on all-you-can-eat and dash platters or what?

Dai Deli and Fu Yu Shen will be fine given that they have Song Yan's protection but what about them? If that thing comes looking for them then they will have to permanently book two hospital beds for themselves!

Lin Deming and Han Jianyu swallowed hard, they weren't gutsy enough to imagine that sight, the both of them looked at Song Yan in a flustered manner.

"I want to go home!" Han Jianyu suddenly slid down the bed and then he was heading towards the door in long strides but then he was stopped by Song Yan who caught hold of his wrist and said, " There is no point in leaving now, the ghost hours have started if you were to leave now then you will attract many other ghosts." She pointed at the clock that was past two in the morning before continuing, " By the time you go back home it will be three in the morning and the time between three and four in the morning is when the Yang energy is the weakest while the Yin energy is the most powerful, if you head out now then a ghost will surely latch onto you."

Han Jianyu shivered before he dropped his hand from the knob of the door as quickly as he has been scalded and then he rushed back to the bed where he lied down and covered his face with the blanket. It was as if he was a child coaxing himself to sleep by telling himself that as long as the monster under his bed cannot see him, it will not harm him.

The others were amused by his antics, Song Yan on the other hand glanced at the clock that was moving and then turned around to leave the room, it was soon going to be three in the morning, she should go and stand guard near Mo Shan and Fei GUI's room.


Wu Jin left his mother alone with Wu Genji, though he was a bit uncomfortable about leaving his mother with Wu Genji, he hoped that his sister would have at least a bit of humanity left in her heart. Compared to everyone in the family, Mother Wu treated Wu Genji the best, at least Wu Genji will leave their mother alone right? Around two fifty in the morning, he took out the bead that Song Yan has given him before, he placed it against the small mirror when he heard  Wu Qinfan moving in the bed.

He raised his head and looked at Wu Qinfan who was moving on his bed and got up from the couch to check whether or not his brother was up or not.

" Eldest brother?" Wu Jin called out to Wu Qinfan when the latter suddenly gasped and then caught hold of his wrist, Wu Qinfan's eyes were popping out of his sockets as he looked around the hospital ward and then he turned to look at Wu Jin with terror in his eyes. " W...Where is Genji?"

Wu Jin thought that Wu Qinfan was worried about Wu Genji so he patted the back of his brother's hand and said, "It's all right, she is fine——-"

" No!" Wu Qinfan suddenly shouted as he reached forward and caught hold of Wu Jin's arm as if he was a man drowning in a river and Wu Jin was his only straw. " I saw… I saw … a monster!"

Just as he shouted in distress, the clock struck three and the mirror glimmered with a bright light as Wu Jin watched it melt like a puddle before a horrifying sight appeared inside it.

He immediately tried to reach for his smartphone as he texted Song Yan but no sooner did he hit send, Wu Qinfan quivered violently as he clutched Wu Jin's arms desperately leaning forward causing the mirror to fall on the floor and crack while he pointed at the window behind him.

Wu Jin turned his head and his eyes widened when he saw Wu Genji standing on the other side of the window with an eerie smile. " Third brother what are you doing?"


dedicating todays chapter to diavla, elorinczy, neotheo82, Nadia_Deb, Empress_Lan. Extra chapter so can you all spoil me with some inspiration capsules or any other gifts?

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