
Chapter 400 Who Are You Calling Sister In Law?

" Y..yeah," Dai Deli didn't dare to make fun of Fu Yu Shen at this moment, he too could sense that Song Yan was a bit upset with what happened to Fei Gui and Mo Shan, so he answered her question honestly and nodded his head. " Third master Fu is speaking the truth, we did warn Mo Shan and Jiang Mingjin to not open the door but they didn't listen and let that thing inside the room and then…" Jiang Mingjin died.

Dai Deli didn't finish his sentence but the others understood, a heavy and uncomfortable silence fell on top of them as they looked at each other before lowering their gazes. If only they had listened to Song Yan and Fu Yu Shen then Jiang Mingjin would be alive as for  Mo Shan and Fei Gui, the two of them wouldn't be lying on the floor fighting for their lives.

Song Yan didn't need them to tell her that someone in their group died, she could feel the heady resentment and grudge lingering in the room, it was clear from the Qi of death that someone died here and his death wasn't pretty at all.

" We...We should call an ambulance," Dai Deli was the first to snap out of his grief, he was indeed sorry that Jiang Mingjin died but he couldn't do anything about it, the one who died cannot come back but the ones who were still alive were waiting for them to save their lives.

However, as he took his phone out and was preparing to call the hospital, he was interrupted by Song Yan who coldly looked at him and said, " There is no need for calling an ambulance, the police and medics are already here, if you don't want to be caught in the same room where three murders took place then you better follow me out and escape, if not then you might as well be taking your mugshot at this time tomorrow."

Her words immediately caused the four men to jump into action, they were indeed upset with what happened with Fei Gui and Mo Shan… no, not as much as for Mo Shan, after all, he got what he was asking for but they were all from prestigious families, if they were caught and taken to the police station under the notion that they killed three men, then surely their families' company stocks will start falling as early as the morning!

Fu Yu Shen was the first one to cross the room as he rushed to Song Yan, he was already kicked out of his house by his second brother. If he was caught in a murder case causing the shares of their companies to drop then his second brother might as well kick him out of the family genealogy. If that happens where will he go?

After him, Dai Deli and the others too ran out of the room one after another, and none of them took another look at the bleeding Fei Gui and Mo Shan. They knew they were being selfish but that was how the world worked, at this moment they couldn't let their emotions rule them.

They were indeed good friends with Fei Gui but before their friends, their family came first!

Moonlight was shining outside the bar and fortunately for them because of the ghost wall as explained by Song Yan, the surveillance cameras were not working anymore. Thus, no one either entering or leaving the room was captured—— Lin Deming and Han Jianyu were surprised when they found out that Sheng Yan was actually Fu Yu Shen's second sister-in-law and that she came here, especially because she knew that something like this was going to happen to them.

When Fu Yu Shen told them that they all were destined to die tonight, Lin Deming and Han Jianyu were so scared that they wanted to cry for their parents. Even the ever-calm Dai Deli shivered, as he patted the pendant that he was wearing…fortunately, he listened to Fu Yu Shen and bought this or else he would have been lying in the VIP lounge together with Mo Shan and Fei Gui.

Song Yan took one last look at the four men, sighing in relief when she saw that the black cadaveric has vanished from their forehead, only then did she turn around to walk where she saw Wu Jin a moment ago.

But no sooner did she try to take a step forward, she was stunned to realise that she couldn't even take a step forward. She looked down and saw two extra pieces of baggage sticking to her legs and her lips twitched in amusement, she turned Fu Yu Shen and Dai Deli before pointing at Han Jianyu and Lin Deming as she said bossily, " Take these two off me, I have something to do."

Fu Yu Shen dropped his gaze to the arrogant playboy Lin Deming and the ever-smiling Han Jianyu sticking to his sister-in-law like two kids who were afraid of getting lost in the market.

He looked at Dai Deli with dismay and received the same gaze in return before the two of them went to pry Han Jianyu and Lin Deming off Song Yan's legs.


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