
Chapter 386 Huo Feng’s Scream In The Middle Of The Night

" Was there a song like that?" Huo Feng couldn't help but ask as he heard Wu Genji sing the blood-chilling song, he looked confused but Ning Yu had a terrible and uneasy expression on her face. These people could simply not understand what was wrong with Wu Genji.

She on the other hand felt more and more terrible, the others were only paying attention to the music no one heard a word about what Wu Genji was singing, but she did. She could also feel that the song had a sort of weirdness to it because, with each passing minute, she could feel her eyes getting heavier.

" Eh, why am I getting sleepy?" Ning Ying suddenly asked while rubbing his eyes as he looked at Wu Genji. " And what is that smell?"

The others too seemed to have noticed the putrid smell that was filling up the entire lounge, some of the young misses couldn't even control themselves and gagged as they covered their noses. One of them looked around the entire lounge and said, " God, what died? It smells so disgusting! Eww!"

The young lady who has spoken didn't see it but Ning Yu who was trying her best to fight off the sleepiness that was suddenly overwhelming her saw Wu Genji turn her head while singing the song to look at the young miss who has spoken and her eyes flickered horizontally.

Wait? Horizontally? Ning Yu was stunned after seeing what she has just seen, she opened her eyes but the thing was that she couldn't keep her eyes open! In fact, her eyelids were so heavy that she could no longer open them!

Ning Yu tried her best to struggle against the sleepiness and stay awake but she couldn't keep herself awake no matter how much she tried. She clenched her hand and tightened her hold on her brother's hand just as Huo Feng's head dropped on her shoulder.

Fortunately,  because of the pendant that she was wearing around twelve at the midnight, Ning Yu was woken up when she felt something scalding hot right against her chest but she was still a bit sleepy which was why she pushed the pendant away from her chest. However, no sooner did she do than Huo Feng's scream broke through the silence, in the middle of the night, his scream was exceptionally shrill and ghastly.

His scream immediately woke her and Ning Ying who was slumped on her shoulder awake, both of them jumped up to look at what was happening, for a second Ning Yu thought that Huo Feng was getting murdered but then she felt someone tug her skirt and she almost yelped out loud but then she saw that it was none other than Huo Feng who was clutching her skirt as he looked at something horrifying.

She followed his gaze to see what he was looking at and then yelled out loud as she scampered behind jumping on the couch and taking both Huo Feng and Ning Ying who was wide awake with her. In front of them stood Wu Genji, whose chest was elongated to the point where it was even bigger than the trunk of an elephant, and what was even scarier was that the end of the long tube of flesh was a blotting head that was similar to that of half woman and half snake, maggots and worms seemed to be climbing up and down the still rotting flesh, currently it was chewing on the limbs of the young miss who called Wu Genji 'stinky' earlier.

Huo Feng was so scared that his teeth were chattering as he clung to Ning Yu's calves and hugged her tight, he felt Ning Yu trying to take her leg away from him but he simply clung on to her even tighter and said, " Ning Yu, please, please let me hang on to you, that thing tried to kill you at first but somehow it was rebounded back, fortunately, I was sleeping next to you and I was able to get away with my puny life, I swear that I will wipe the floor of your bar but don't …don't kick me away, if I let go of you… she will kill me, it's only because of you that I am being able to stay alive till now."

It was only then did Ning Yu realise that everyone else including the young kids and their siblings was dead, all except Wu Qinfan who was peacefully slumped on the couch next to theirs, Wu Genji has clearly not harmed him at all.

Ning Yu looked at the mess of internal organs that were scattered all over the floor, from thumping hearts to coiled intestines and pieces of skin and her gagged reflexed work. What was even worse was that the blood seemed to have seeped thoroughly into the carpet that covered the floor yet even after turning the beige carpet red, the blood of these unfortunate people was floating over the surface.

" What's going on? What's going on?" Ning Ying was clutching his sister's hand as he looked at the bloody scene in front of him, his legs trembled as a yellow liquid trickled down his pants. He has pissed himself, his face turned pale as he looked at the sight in front of him. " What is that thing, how did it come here? What's happening?"

" You fool!" Even though Ning Yu was mentally prepared to see something as soon as she woke up, she still couldn't help but loathe her brother for being stupid. " I told you, I told you that we need to leave but you didn't listen to me!" Seeing Wu Genji's monstrous appearance and her brutality scared her so much that she wished that she could have been half as ruthless as her brother and dragged him away even if it meant throwing her face away!

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