
Chapter 241 Monster Worse Than Demon

Most probably, the person behind the vanishing of the girl heard the girl's mother approach and fled from the scene without taking proper precautions like before.

" I don't know what's wrong with the Wu family and who is behind it but I will tell you one thing that is for sure —— either the Wu brothers chose to disregard their beliefs and got in touch with a warlock to summon a demon for them and if it's not them then it is their sister Wu Genji, compared to everyone else, she has more than enough reason to contact a warlock. She knew that she was going to die, I wouldn't put it past her if she wanted to save her puny life. Maybe it was just a one-time thing, or maybe she is simply that ruthless beneath that gentle surface of hers."

Fu Yu Sheng stomped his feet on the break as he turned to look at his wife. " D...Demon? Are you talking about the very same demon that resides in the afterlife? The one that has no feelings and wants  humans to sacrifice every other day if summoned?"

"Are there any other categories of Demons?" asked Song Yan slowly drawling each syllable. " Of course, I am talking about that people find in hell, in the afterlife. What else is there to ask about a demon?"

" is that possible? I mean how do you know that someone in the Wu family is raising a demon?"

Song Yan raised a brow and smiled at Fu Yu Sheng but her smile was something that made Fu Yu Sheng immediately lower his head and apologise at once. " I wasn't questioning your abilities, I was genuinely curious and nothing more."

Call him a coward if you want to but after seeing how ruthless his wife was towards the eldest brother of the Wu family and her own brother-in-law, he didn't want to take his chances.

" Humph," snorted Song Yan. "It's better if you aren't questioning my ability, or else it will be such a shame to see the CEO of the Fu corporation acting like a chicken in the middle of the streets." Her words sent a shiver up Fu Yu Sheng's spine. " Anyway, if you want to know how I got to know about the demon being raised in the Wu family then it's simple —— Wu Genji's soul is out of equilibrium with the body that it is in currently, the soul was supposed to escape the world and reincarnate into a better life but Wu Genji might not see death as a new beginning. That is why she or anyone possible has trapped the soul inside Genji's body, the soul however cannot be trapped by celestial masters even ghosts of high cultivation cannot trap a soul in a body … to a particular space yes but not inside a body. Something inhuman like this can only be done by something that isn't human itself."

Fu Yu Sheng said nothing, he stared at Song Yan for a while and then turned to look at the road in front of him. " So, Wu Genji is living her life on the sacrifices of others?"

" She is," answered Song Yan without taking a pause she continued, " That's the law of the hell for every special case that shouldn't be alive a life would be lost. Demons never work for free and they are hard to get rid of, I am afraid that this mess that the precious daughter of the Wu family has invited to herself will not be solved so easily, you know why?" She asked as she turned her head to look at Fu Yu Sheng who shook his head.

" Because a demon's appetite is hard to please, you might give it a sacrifice today and the next day it will start asking for more—— right now, that demon is limited to the Wu Mansion and cannot harm anyone other than the kids around the vicinity. It's possible that it is a low-grade demon but a demon is a demon nonetheless, no matter how weak it is, it will still be stronger than a human. Inviting a troublesome thing like that to come and live together in the house, is something that someone should never do, no matter what," Song Yan's face was a mask of calm but Fu Yu Sheng could hear the hint of fury in it. " Anyone inviting a demon in their house is either a fool or," she smiled solemnly. " A monster worse than demons who cares nothing about the loss of lives to get what they want."

" That's——" Just as Fu Yu Sheng was going to say something his cellphone rang causing his brows to scrunch up before he pulled it out and took a look at the callers' name,  letting out a tired groan. Song Yan raised a brow before peeking at the caller's name and snorted, sure enough, it was Fu Yu Shen. " You might want to pick that one, who knows what your baby brother wants maybe he stubbed his toe on a desk and wants his big brother to blow on it."

Fu Yu Sheng rolled his eyes before looking at Song Yan and shot her a fake smile. " Very funny, I never knew that my wife was this much of a comedian."

" Spend eight years away and there will be a lot more for you to learn every day." came the reply causing another groan to escape from Fu Yu Sheng's lips before he tapped on the accept button and answered the call, " What is it, Yu Shen? If there is nothing important then I——"

" I want to get married! Tomorrow! Right away!" shouted Fu Yu Shen before Fu Yu Sheng could say anything more, the latter interrupted him with his loud shout causing Fu Yu Sheng to pause midway and put his phone down before he poked his pinky out and cleaned his ear twice only then did he put the phone back on his ear and said. " Can you repeat that? Slowly this time, I didn't quite catch it correctly."

Fu Yu Shen of course complied given that he needed the permission of his elder brother to get married. " I, that is to say, your younger brother with the name Fu Yu Shen wants to marry, please give me your permission big brother."

Pursing his lips, Fu Yu Sheng sucked in a deep breath before saying, " You wait for me there and do not move until I come back, got it?" Then before Fu Yu Shen could say anything, he cancelled the call and placed the phone on the dashboard with a stunned expression.

" Is there going to be a wedding? Should I prepare something for our dear brother?" asked Song Yan with an innocent expression as if she had no idea what was going on and Fu Yu Sheng of course knew that she was having fun. So, he turned to look at her with a 'don't joke right now' expression and said, " Do you think that I am not troubled enough?"

Song Yan shrugged as she said, " I don't know. Anyway, drop me at the complex before heading to the Fu mansion."

For two seconds Fu Yu Sheng didn't say anything before licking the front of his teeth and said, " Of course right away, is there anything else that you want?"

" If you have the time maybe we can pack something for dinner, I didn't eat anything at the banquet I was busy looking around what was wrong and missed the chance to eat something."

"Sure, why not, I will get you a large drink as well," said Fu Yu Sheng feeling forlorn and tired. His siblings troubled him every day and then there was his wife who wouldn't care about him even if he was dying in front of her——No, she will indeed save him but that was after she was done watching him suffer in agony for a good deal of time.

P.s:Still sick but I am trying to get back up.

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