
Chapter 208 Why Did You Call Me Sister In Law?

" I can't," said Song Yan as she dropped her hand and looked up from the floor, her eyes flickered once again and then she was back to looking at the souls again.

A boy and a girl passed by her table and her eyes swept past the exterior of the boy and was staring right at the ugly soul that inhibited his body. Unlike the girl whose soul was as pure as shining light, his soul was darker than mud and from the looks of it he seemed to be pretty pleased with himself about something—— his soul rippling with ecstasy, most probably from the shy look on the face of the girl he might have cajoled the girl to do his bidding.

Another thing that she didn't want to know about, she pinched the space between her eyes and tried to return her vision to normal. Though it might be looking rather cool, she has seen enough souls to last for another ten centuries, there was no need for her to stare at the souls of humans around her.

" Maybe try to suppress it as you do to your yin energy," suggested Fang Yanli helpfully. " I mean you can try that right? As long as you rein it in the same way as the Yin energy maybe you will be able to have some sort of control over this new power that you gained."

" I am trying," hissed Song Yan sounding annoyed. " But can you see me concentrating with all this noise here?"

Fang Yanli looked at the crowd that was bustling in the fast food area that was on the third floor of the mall—— kids crying, adults yapping nonstop and most importantly the annoying bustle that wouldn't calm down no matter what. " You should have chosen another place than the super mall then, it would have been fine then."

" After what we decided do you think I can afford to waste any more money?" asked Song Yan raising her head and blinking her eyes again, this time she didn't see the undercurrents of the soul.

" Yeah but spending a thousand yuan would have bought you the peace you are missing," said Fang Yanli before coming to sit down on the plastic table, with her elbow on her knees she cupped her cheek, surveying the area with distaste. " Sometimes I am glad I am dead at least, I don't have to worry about being bothered by these pesky kids."

Just as she said that a bunch of kids ran past them shouting and screaming with glee their toys brushing against Fang Yanli's arm except they went past her without a hitch. " Boy, this is why I like being a ghost."

" You…"

" Second sister-in-law!" A voice interrupted whatever Song Yan was going to say and both her and Fang Yanli turned to look at the source voice. Fu Rong was rushing toward them with a happy smile on her face and from the looks of it she seemed to be pretty eager to jump on Song Yan, who timely raised her hand and said, " Don't you dare to jump on me if you don't want to dance like a monkey here."

Only then did Fu Rong skid to a halt and looked at Song Yan with an aggrieved pout and said, " Jeez, second sister-in-law, I was just trying to give you a hug, nothing else."

"I don't need it," deadpanned Song Yan as she motioned Fu Rong to sit down on the chair opposite to her. " I just wanted to discuss something with you, so take a seat."

" All right," Fu Rong did as Song Yan said and what was more she did it with a creepy smile causing Song Yan's brows to twitch and twist.

" Woah, she seems to have turned into your fan girl or something," commented Fang Yanli from the side with her mouth shaped in an 'O'.

" I think I preferred the previous version of her, she is giving me creeps," muttered Song Yan under her breath.

" Did you say something second sister-in-law?" asked Fu Rong as she looked at Song Yan who was moving her lips but nothing seemed to be coming out of her mouth.

" Nothing," said Song Yan with a smile, and pushed the tray of French fries, fried chicken and coke towards Fu Rong. " You like eating them right, I ordered them for you, go ahead and have a bite."

Fu Rong's eyes lit up at the sight of the fried food and she hurriedly pulled it towards her. " Second sister-in-law, thank you very much! You have no idea ever since my second brother returned he has been keeping a very strict eye on the house as well as my cards, I couldn't order anything if I did, he would have given me a  big lecture."

" I know, even though I haven't lived with him for long, I know what kind of character your second brother is," said Song Yan as she slurped on her milkshake. " But eating them once in a while is okay."

" Exactly, I tried to tell my second brother the same thing but he didn't listen," taking a bit of the chicken leg, Fu Rong looked at Song Yan and asked, " So why did you call me here, sister-in-law?"

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